We told you guys a longer video was in the works! We kept up our end of the deal now you have to subscribe! Mwahaha! ... <看更多>
We told you guys a longer video was in the works! We kept up our end of the deal now you have to subscribe! Mwahaha! ... <看更多>
Change the playing speed of the video to slow or fast by slow motion video app so that you can see people walking with stunt. It creates a slow effect on your ... ... <看更多>
1. To get started, open the YouTube video that you'd like to view in slow motion. It doesn't matter how you get to it — you can use the search bar, the video ... 2. Once the video loads and any ads have finished, look in the bottom right corner of the video. You may see a small button that looks like a gear or cog. If ... 3. Clicking the settings button will cause a small menu to pop up from the corner of the video. Click the menu next to "Speed" to choose the speed you'd like ... ... <看更多>
Rick's answer: Yes Gayle, there's a setting you can change to force a YouTube video to slow down and play at either 1/4 speed or 1/2 speed. You ... ... <看更多>