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家中の日常。I have a few points to make here: 1. My mom is really smart 2. My sister may be the complete opposite 😂 3. Our ironing board is REALLY useful - Seriously though, I’m counting my blessings that I have a roof over my head, warm food for all three meals, not to mention hand sanitisers at my disposal. But the hard truth is, not many people have it as easy as we do. - What does $25 mean to you? One grab ride, your bubble tea fix for an entire week, or a pair of movie tickets for a date night out? - Since we can’t be doing all of these right now… do you suppose we could use this money to help the vulnerable? Because here’s what $25 can mean to others with less means: providing them with items to increase hygiene and protect themselves from the virus. - Every $25 make up a care pack filled with sanitisation essentials (masks, sanitisers, wipes, vitamins etc) that will be sent right to the recipient’s doorstep. We are hoping to hit 100,000 care packs! I’ve contributed 4 care packs myself, and I’m forwarding this movement to anyhow who’d like to pitch in and join forces with other Singaporeans and homegrown companies for #SGPAYSITFORWARD! - Here’s to the team of people who’ve been putting this together: www.sgpaysitforward.com! Props to you guys 🤙🏼

家中の日常。I have a few points to make here: 1. My mom ...