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關於plan toys的評價, 李心潔 Sinje Lee

行动管制令第…… 孩子已经20多天足不出户。 他们每天早睡早醒,吃,喝,玩,乐,坏蛋一下,在屋子里从大门窜到后院,一楼二楼跑上跑下….除了偶尔抢东西哭闹,其余时候尽都是欢乐声。 孩子的世界没有昨天...


🎀 7月團購行事曆 #請簽到 每一次都趁著寫團購行事曆的時候跟大家說說心裡話💕 也是我思考還能再多做些什麼,來幫助需要的爸鼻媽咪的重要時刻。 我總努力的想讓生活變得更美好~ 『好』是指心裡的富足、...

Video - Playing Doctors . I have this dream that I wanted all my kids to become Doctors . Just like us parents ... So I started planning the day they were born hoping they would immerse themselves into the world of Medicine . Doctors Toys & Stethoscope , playing Doctor & Patient , writing their dreams on the wall ‘ I want to become a Doctor’ and say it out loud each time they wake up ... bring them to our workplace , sharing the joy of being one , etc . This is called the Power Of Visualisation Technique ... Bella - Paediatrician Tasha - Ophthalmologist Adam - Cardiothoracic Surgeon Noah - Orthopaedic Surgeon Will it work .. ? Will let you know 20 years from now ... Haha Good Morning Everyone . Love As Always ... PS - We plan what’s best but Allah is the best planner . InsyaAllah - Amiinn Just sharing ...

Video - Playing Doctors . I have this dream that I...