關於molds的評價, Vikrom วิกรม
The seamless body of Gollum was first clay sculpted, and scanned into computer for breaking down the...
[Pastry shop France / 法國甜點店] 果醬女王 Christine Ferber, Niedermorschwihr 的糖果屋 / Maison Ferber, a real-li...
[短片] 應節賀年甜點杞子桂花糕, 香氣柔和, 味道可口彈牙! 把它切成喜歡的形狀或者用各色各樣的矽膠模也可! This is super easy to make and is perfect fo...
Peak into the world of artist Billie Achilleos as...
"A leader does not impose a decision, he molds on...
【♡ 自己動手做好好玩的樂高造型果凍軟糖! 】 之前在網路上看到樂高造型的積木果凍軟糖, 就...
[News] ร่วมมือกับเพื่อน 4 คน ช่วยกันอบขนมปัง สังเ...
Naomi Ginsberg: Love that is hoarded molds at la...