關於exhibitions的評價, Dior
The House of Dior told its story though two exhibitions devoted to its Haute Couture and its perfum...
The House of Dior told its story though two exhibitions devoted to its Haute Couture and its perfum...
北溝傳奇-故宮文物遷臺後早期歲月 臺中北溝時期係國立故宮博物院發展進程中一重要階段,具承先啟後意義。去(2020)年為院藏文物遷存北溝七十週年,本院特以「北溝傳奇」為題,舉辦展覽,呈現故宮發展進程中...
【 #臺灣日 全美接力 #接地氣‼️】 Party time 🥳~ To commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the #Taiwan Relations Ac...
อิชิตัน โกอินเตอร์ ไปอีกขั้น รอบนี้ บินลัดฟ้ามาญี่...
Thử thách chính là “bình thường mới", nên chúng ta...
估唔到 AngelaMammy 楊穎都有啲藝術細胞。 近日佢係慈善拍賣會,以18萬人仔賣出自己...
我夢想著繪畫,我畫著我的夢想。—梵谷 梵谷影音3D、360度展覽終於來台了! 《再見梵谷-...
Thử thách chính là “bình thường mới", nên chúng tô...
Here are highlights from my visit to the National ...