關於sony cd player的評價, mrbrown
I am rather surprised and happy my old but pristine Panasonic SL-CT800 Discman still works. This ver...
I am rather surprised and happy my old but pristine Panasonic SL-CT800 Discman still works. This ver...
I am rather surprised and happy my old but pristine Panasonic SL-CT800 Discman still works. This ver...
必睇必買2017香港影音博覽暨流動音響展 短片最好當然係 1 分鐘內完成最好,但係 HKAVPE...
嘔電傳真機:MD 另一曇花一現的九十年代科技當然不能不說MD(Minidisc). MD初出現...
【#009 WALKMAN IN THE PARK】-9.1 銀座Sony Building拆除...
老骨灰拆機分享SONY CD-101世界首部量產CD Player http://www.mobil...
40年前的今天 我大索尼發表了一個劃時代的新產品 自此改變了人們對音樂的渴求 從錄音帶→CD...