關於annihilate的評價, Joseph Prince
Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy yo...
Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy yo...
這波疫情宅在家 我像是讓自己放了假 剛才早安新聞還跟小路說感覺好像在過年 因為通常我只有春節假期會通...
-- 刀劍神域 Underworld篇 朝田詩乃 武器 烈滅陽炎(アニヒレート・レイ,Annihil...
Yeh, she is a badass, tough one to fight with. KAT...
"The reason I came today was to make clear our po...
I turned vegetarian a year and a half ago:) Again...
Day 10 progress Good to catch up with my buddy Su...
...“Please believe in THE POWER OF ONE. One pers...