God’s Unquenchable Love
“Many waters can’t quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man would give all the wealth of his house for love, he would be utterly scorned.” (Song of Solomon 8:7 WEB)
Your sins were like many waters, but it cannot quench God’s love for you.
When the children of Israel were about to cross from the wilderness to the land of Canaan, they stood before the river Jordan. The ark of the covenant entered the river first, and the waters parted, gathering up as a heap far away over the city of Adam. This is a picture of Jesus removing our sins, even all the way back to Adam’s original sin, by taking God’s judgment for sin in His own body at the cross.
Jesus stripped Himself of His divine glory, became a man, was humiliated like a criminal, suffered excruciatingly and died a bloody death.
Jesus gave all the wealth of His house for love. He did that because He loves you.
It does not make any sense. You might call such a love ‘foolish’. That is just how much God loves you.
“A certain ruler asked him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus asked him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good, except one—God. You know the commandments: ‘Don’t commit adultery,’ ‘Don’t murder,’ ‘Don’t steal,’ ‘Don’t give false testimony,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” He said, “I have observed all these things from my youth up.” When Jesus heard these things, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have, and distribute it to the poor. You will have treasure in heaven. Come, follow me.” But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was very rich.” (Luke 18:18-23 WEB)
When Jesus tested the rich young ruler by asking him to sell all his possessions and give the proceeds to the poor, the man could not do it.
Jesus is the true rich forever-young ruler from Heaven who has all the best treasures. At the cross, He sold everything and gave it all to you.
He was made poor so that we might become rich. He was treated like the worst sinner so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him!
Receive Jesus’ unquenchable love for you. See the great price He paid to redeem you. Know that you are very precious to God!
It is so wonderful to see Jesus in action by reading the four gospels. When we see Jesus, we also get to know God the Father. Understand the four gospels through the lens of grace in this bundle: https://bit.ly/understandeveryparable
同時也有133部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,570的網紅Satellite Young,也在其Youtube影片中提到,It's Emi's second solo single! Emi Satellite (from Satellite Young) further cements the launch of her solo career through the release of 2nd single ...
young adam 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳解答
一名 28 歲的患者在密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德的 CoxHealth 醫療中心,死於 Covid-19。
此外,上週一名 21 歲的大學生,也住進了重症加護病房。
現在在美國醫院的許多 Covid-19 患者不僅包括沒有接種疫苗的人,還有許多年輕人,他們大多還不到 50 歲。
在全美國 Covid -19高確診熱點地區工作的醫生說,他們醫院裡的病人和去年看到的病人不一樣。幾乎不是未接種疫苗,或是往往更年輕,很多在 20 多歲或 30 多歲之間:而且他們似乎比去年的年輕患者病情更重,惡化得更快。
目前Delta 病毒已佔全美國新感染的 80% 以上。
在少數其他國家進行的研究,Delta 變種可能會導致更嚴重的疾病,但沒有明確的數據這種新變種對年輕人更糟。
根據美國疾病控制與預防中心的數據,截至週日,超過 80% 的 65 至 74 歲美國人接種了疫苗,而 18 至 39 歲的美國人中,接種率只有不到一半。
疫苗對感染包括 Delta 在內的任何病毒變種後免於嚴重疾病和死亡都非常有效。全美國絕大多數住院患者(大約 97%),皆未接種疫苗。
紐約大學格羅斯曼醫學院兒科和微生物學副教授亞當·拉特納 (Adam Ratner) 博士談到 Delta 變種時說:“我認為目前還沒有很好的證據它是否會導致更嚴重的疾病。”
他補充說:“這可能是年輕人的行為上的差異——包括美國正在解封。他們是敞開的面對病毒,沒有口罩,沒有疫苗接種,沒有社交距離,這與一年或 15、16 個月前不同。” .
但最近 Delta 變種給科學家帶來了一系列令人不快的驚訝,關於該變體的毒力和引起更嚴重疾病的問題,正變得更加緊迫。
美國疾控中心《紐約時報》上週獲得的文件將 Delta 變體描述為與水痘一樣具有傳染性,並稱它“可能導致比 Alpha 或原始菌株更嚴重的疾病。”
根據疾病預防控制中心的數據,去年至今年1 月底,65 歲及以上的人佔所有住院患者的一半,而 50 歲以下的成年人佔 22%。
現在,老年人僅佔住院患者的四分之一多一點,而 18 至 49 歲的患者佔 41%。
“這種病毒在這個年齡段的情況有所不同,”路易斯安那州巴吞魯日聖母湖地區醫療中心首席醫療官凱瑟琳·奧尼爾博士說。“我們總是看到一些我們剛剛說過的年輕人人, “這到底是為什麼呢?”
“我認為這是一種新的 Covid,”她補充道。
阿肯色大學醫學部校長 Cam Patterson 博士表示,去年冬季入住 UAMS 醫療中心的患者平均年齡為 60 歲;現在,它是 40。
“我們的感覺是,年輕、健康的人比去年更容易感染 Delta 變體,”帕特森博士說。
5 月 1 日在美國大學醫院發現了第一例 Delta 變異病例,到 6 月 17 日,幾乎所有感染都是由該變種引起的。
帕特森博士說:“我們看到的向年輕患者和更快生病的人的轉變幾乎恰好與 Delta 在阿肯色州的出現相吻合。” “這對我們來說就像是一種完全不同的疾病。”
33 歲的唐納德·麥卡沃伊 (Donald McAvoy) 是一位名叫 Frue 的健美運動員,在佛羅里達州傑克遜維爾經營一家健身房,他沒有接種 Covid 疫苗,因為他認為這種病毒只會影響有健康問題的老年人。
但到了 6 月底,他開始流鼻涕,他認為是感冒或過敏。他的女朋友堅持要他接受冠狀病毒檢測,結果呈現陽性,他帶著一個叫做脈搏血氧儀的小裝置被送回家,用來監測他的血氧水平。
幾天之內,他的病情很快惡化,癱倒在臥室的地板上。他的血氧處於最低點:56。正常讀數為 95 或更高。
在 Baptist Medical Center Beaches,他先送醫吸氧最後送進重症加護病房,在那裡他住了 11 天,他形容這是“我一生經歷過的最可怕的事情,不僅是身體上的,而且是精神上的。”他的醫生告訴麥卡沃伊先生,他感染了Delta變種。
他於 7 月 8 日出院,繼續靠著氧氣罐過日子。他已經減掉了 25 磅,並被警告說需要四到六週的休息和呼吸治療,才能恢復工作。而他擔心,時間可能會更長。
洪斯伯格博士說,像麥卡沃伊先生一樣,她的年輕患者生病的速度要快得多。 “我懷疑 Delta 變種確實有所不同,”她說。
在密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德,擁有 500 個床位的醫院 CoxHealth 的重症主任特倫斯·庫爾特博士說,該醫院的 Covid-19 患者比上一波感染者更年輕、病情更重。
“他們在第一輪認為年輕患者和孩子不會被感染,甚至不知道他們患有它或患有輕度疾病,”庫爾特博士說。 “對於 Delta 變體,它改變了一切。毫無疑問,它比原始變種嚴重得多。”
“這才是真正讓我害怕的地方,”他說。 “它正在打擊年輕健康的人,你不認為自己對這種疾病有如此糟糕的反應。因此忽略,不打疫苗。而事實上,年輕患者通常需要長時間的康復,有些人還會有持久的肺損傷。
在美國Delta 變種病毒是一個較新的醫療經驗,關於它的科學及醫療證據仍在積累。專家同意,它更具傳染性。一些研究發現,被感染的人即使已經施打兩劑疫苗可能會在呼吸道中大量攜帶這種變異。
發表在《柳刺胳針》醫學雜誌上的蘇格蘭研究,今年春季Covid 病例Delta 已成蘇格蘭主要毒株。
與感染早期 Alpha 變體(英國變種)的患者相比,Delta患者住院風險幾乎是其兩倍。作者說:患者也更年輕,原因是因為他們在各國皆排在最後一輪才接種疫苗。
在一項已發布但尚未經過同行評審的初步研究中,加拿大研究人員發現,與感染其他變種的患者相比,患有 Delta 變種的患者進入重症加護病房的風險幾乎是其四倍。 Delta 變種的患者死亡的風險,是Alpha變種的兩倍。
即將發表在《刺胳針》醫學雜誌上的新加坡研究得出的結論是,Delta 患者更需要氧氣、更需要重症加護病房。他們死亡的機率也更高。
印度的一項研究也已發佈在網上但尚未經過同行評審,該研究發現,在研究印度第二波感染中,當 Delta 變種占主導地位時,患者面臨更大的死亡風險,尤其是 45 歲以下的患者。
一些專家表示更大的病毒力可能只是 Delta 變體更具傳染性的結果。隨著越來越多的人被感染,重症患者的絕對數量必然會增加,即使該變種本身不會導致比以前版本的病毒更嚴重的疾病。
“我沒有看到證據表明 Delta 有選擇地針對兒童、青少年和年輕人,”貝勒醫學院國家熱帶醫學院院長彼得·霍特茲博士說。 “我的印象是Delta病毒的傳染性非常強,任何未接種疫苗的人都會被捲入其中,包括年輕人。”
young adam 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Video - Adam Online Class
The Twins Adam & Noah are still having their daily Online Kindie Classes .
From Maths , Writing , BM , English & Mandarin .
Sometimes they are in their best behaviour able to pay attention all the way …
Sometimes they just show their faces
and say hello and walk off …
Sometimes they would have their breakfast in front of their teachers ..
Depending on their moods .
That’s okay …
They are still very young …
I’m just letting it be .
Salam Everyone
Love As Always
PS - It’s a different matter when it comes to the girls . Strictly Disciplined …
young adam 在 Satellite Young Youtube 的最讚貼文
It's Emi's second solo single!
Emi Satellite (from Satellite Young) further cements the launch of her solo career through the release of 2nd single “IPO”. The song was also used in a promotional movie for “Google Pixel Buds”.
A remix of the song is also available on Foundation, the NTF platform, via an auction. The NFT consists of rearranged visuals and music, which are exclusive and available only to the purchaser and owner of the NFT.
⇨ http://foundation.app/emikusano
Satellite Young 主宰・ボーカルの草野絵美が Emi Satelliteとしてのソロ活動を本格化。セカンド・シングル「IPO」Google「Google Pixel Buds」の Special Movie の楽曲にも起用されています。また、今回の楽曲のリミックス版を自身の初のNFT*作品《Love is IPO》としてNFTプラットフォーム『Foundation (https://foundation.app/)』で発表しており、入札次第オークションも開催いたします。本NFTは世界で1個限定となっており、所有ユーザーはオーディオ・ビジュアルと、それに使用されているリミックス楽音源を所有することが可能です。
Sound produced by SKYTOPIA
Audio Visual by Mathias Adam
#IPO #EmiSatellite #EmiKusano #SatelliteYoung
"IPO” by Emi Satellite
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young adam 在 Trang Pháp Official Youtube 的精選貼文
Trang Pháp - Turn Up The Fire (Dance Version) (Gái Già Lắm Chiêu V OST)
Stream official audio on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3S3YMriHCQOeEcjCPMKVyM
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/1556903242?app=itunes
Music Producer: Trang Phap
Composer: Trang Phap
Arranger: Phan Duy Anh
Music Mixing/ Mastering: Slim V
Recording /Mixing/ Mastering: Hieu Studio Lê Minh Hiếu - Kris Vũ
Artist Manager: Duong Huong
Producer: Nguyen Hoang Minh
Artist Assistant: Dung Dang
PR Manager: Tan Cao
Creative & Communications: MTBD
Guest Stars: Mlee - Minh Trung - Justin Young - Bui Khanh Ha - Brittany S Nguyen - Hoang Minh - Thanh Phuong - Thai Anh - Majeska Le - Khoa Dang
Stylist: Chi Lemon
Styling assistants: Chi Van, Mui Duc Duong, Truong Son
Photographer: Hoang Phuc
BTS Photographer: Khanh Quoc Le
Choreographer: Nhat Anh
Dance Team: PlanB
M.U.A: Kelvin Ho, An Quang
Hair Stylist: Ruby Nguyen, Nguyen To
Hair Artist: Sang Tan Vinh Hair Salon
Special thanks to:
Mr. Phil Nguyen - Ms. Brittany S Nguyen - Mr. Kevin Nguyen - Mr. Keith Nguyen - Mr. Adam Vetrano - Mr. Rodney Stone - Ms. Tuyet Phan - Mr. Duy An Nguyen - TAS TEAM
TAS Students: Alice Mai - Zed Lam - Kelly Phung - Thong Pham - Ken Vo - Ngan Dang
Directors Namcito - Bao Nhan - Talent Manager Trinh Tat Dat - Gai Gia Lam Chieu Team
Mr. Do Tan Loi
Verse 1:
I know what I can do without your protection
I know that you can feel a sense of rejection
I know that know that
You should be ready for this
Oh oh
I feel it in the air, a change for perfection
I see it everywhere, I don’t need direction
You’re fired, fired
‘Cos I’m ready for this
Oh baby now
You know I’m capable
You know it’s critical
That I won’t get lost in all the words they say
Chorus 1:
Oh whatchu want babe
Oh whatchu want babe
I’m on my way, I’m turning up the fire
Oh whatchu want from me
Oh whatchu want from me
I’m what you need, I’m turning up the fire
If you don’t mind, I catch a flight at 5
Tik tik tok I ain’t coming home tonight
Oh what you want babe
Oh what you want babe
Im on my way, I’m turning up the fire
Verse 2:
I’m tired of the way that I’m so protected
I’m tired of the things that can’t be accepted
I’m tired tired
I know I’m ready for this
I could look in the mirror and pray
That someone’d say I’m the fairest of them all
Or I can just look deep within myself
And love me for what I am
► Theo dõi Trang Pháp tại: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFey3ScTDW1UmAepzf1cKw
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trangphap11
► Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TrangPhapOfficial
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trang_phap/
© Bản quyền thuộc về Trang Pháp Official
© Copyright by Trang Pháp Official ☞ Do not Reup

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