9 common phrases you didn't know have dark origin stories
Riding shotgun真的跟霰彈槍有關
"Riding shotgun" is the ideal place to ride during on a road trip. But in the Old West, the person sitting in the passenger seat was required to do a whole lot more than find the perfect radio station.
在現代,riding shotgun指的是汽車上路旅行的理想座位,也就是副駕駛座。在從前的美國西部,副駕駛座上的人要做的可不僅僅是調到一個好電臺那麼簡單。
Stagecoach drivers in the Old West needed a person to literally "ride shotgun." The passenger would carry a shotgun in order to scare off robbers who might want to attack them, according to Reader's Digest.
Highway robbery真的是搶劫
Most people would agree that paying $10 for your favorite cup of coffee is highway robbery. But the original definition of highway robbery once meant literally robbing travelers on or near the highway. The first known usage of the phrase was in 1611.
多數人會認同一杯可口的咖啡要價10美元(310元新台幣)是highway robbery(敲竹槓)。但是highway robbery原來的意思就是在公路上或公路附近搶劫旅客。這個片語的使用最早出現於1611年。
Painting the town red來自醉鬼的惡行
For you and your crew, "painting the town red" probably means getting glammed up for a fun night of drinks and dancing. However, the phrase originates from a night out that makes dancing on the bar seem tame.
對你和你的朋友們來說,painting the town red的意思是打扮得光鮮亮麗,晚上出去喝酒、跳舞。但是,這個片語原本的意思比在酒吧跳舞還要勁爆多了。
Back in 1837, the Marquis of Waterford went out for a night of drinking with some of his friends, according to Phrases.org. Afterward, the group went through the streets of a small English town destroying property. They broke windows, knocked over flower pots, and damaged door knockers. But things got really crazy when they got their hands on some red paint and literally painted the town red, including doors, a tollgate, and a swan statue.
http://xn--phrases-901ow6v.org/ 網站的記載,1837年,沃特福德侯爵和幾個朋友夜出喝酒,後來他們經過一個英格蘭小鎮的街道時開始搞破壞:砸碎窗戶、打翻花盆、損壞門環。這些酒鬼拿到了一些紅油漆後,局面就開始失控了,酒鬼們把整個城鎮都塗成了紅色,包括門、一道關卡和一座天鵝雕像。
Pulling someone’s leg並不總是在開玩笑
You probably think that pulling someone's leg is all in good fun. After all, what's the harm in a little joke, right? This commonly used phrase that today means playing an innocent joke meant something a lot more sinister years ago.
你大概以為pulling someone's leg(開某人的玩笑)都很好玩。畢竟,開個小玩笑無傷大雅。這個常用片語在今天的意思是開個沒有惡意的玩笑,但多年前的意思卻邪惡得多了。
Thieves in 18th and 19th Century London would drag their victims to the ground by their legs in order to rob them, according to Phrases.org.
http://xn--phrases-901ow6v.org/ 網站的記載,18和19世紀時,倫敦的小偷會拉住受害人的腿將其拖倒在地,然後搶劫財物。
Paying through the nose北歐海盜真的做得出
You won't be happy if you think you're paying through the nose for something. Although you may feel like you're getting ripped off, at least you get to keep your face intact. The roots of this commonly used idiom come from a brutal tactic of The Dane Vikings of slitting someone's nose from tip to eyebrow if the person refused to pay their tax, according to Grammarist.
如果你覺得自己paying through the nose for something(為某件東西花了很多錢),肯定高興不起來。不過,就算被「剝皮」,至少你的臉是完好無損的。根據Grammarist網站記載,這個常用片語來自於北歐海盜的一種殘酷手段,如果有人拒絕交稅,就將此人的鼻子從鼻頭到眉毛間劃開。
如果有人read you the riot act 那你就有大麻煩了
After your parents "read you the riot act" for breaking curfew, you might have been facing a few weeks in your room without a television. But in 18th Century England, being read the Riot Act meant you could be facing time behind bars.
如果你的父母因為你深夜不歸而read you the riot act(責罰你),你可能將面臨幾星期的禁足,還不能看電視。但是在18世紀的英格蘭,being read the Riot Act(宣讀《暴動法案》)代表著你可能要進監獄。
The Riot Act was implemented in 1715 and stated that the British government could consider any group of 12 or more people a threat to public safety and be ordered to break up, according to Atlas Obscura. Anyone refusing to disperse could be arrested or forcibly removed from the premises.
據Atlas Obscura網站記載,1715年實施的《暴動法案》指出,英國政府將會把任何12人以上的團體視為對公共安全的威脅,並勒令其解散。任何拒絕解散的人將被逮捕或強行驅逐。
Letting the cat out of the bag可能是陰險的行為
Today, "letting the cat out of the bag" is used to mean spilling someone's secret. But one of the supposed origins of the phrase was rooted in deceit.
在現代,letting the cat out of the bag指的是洩露某人的秘密。但該片語的原意和欺騙有關。
Supposedly in Medieval times, farmers would go to markets to purchase pigs. Most of the time, their bag would contain the animal they paid for. But if they bought from a shady dealer, they would open their bag to find an unpleasant surprise - their pricey pig had been swapped for a much less expensive cat.
But as Mental Floss notes, there are quite a few holes with this theory.
不過,Mental Floss網站指出,這一說法漏洞百出。
Baker's dozen是為了查驗麵包師傅的誠信
You may be thankful to count on that 13th roll in your baker's dozen, but you can think a rather sinister rule for its creation.
從麵包師傅那裡買了一打麵包,結果一數有13個,你可能會挺感激的,但是baker's dozen的起源卻和一條殘忍的規定有關。
It all traces back to a 13th-century British rule called the Assize of Bread and Ale. The rule stated that if bakers were caught selling smaller or low-quality bread to customers, they could have their hands chopped off.
That's why it was just easier to throw a 13th piece into the pile — thus creating the baker's dozen.
所以往一打麵包裡多放一個就更保險一些,於是,麵包師傅的一打(baker's dozen)就成了13個。
Meeting a deadline曾經真的是「死線」
When you get that big report to your boss on time, "meeting a deadline" is a good thing. But the phrase was coined during the American Civil War and had some deadly consequences.
如果你準時將重要報告交給領導,meeting a deadline就是好事。但這個片語是在美國南北戰爭期間被發明的,當時可是會招來致命的後果。
The deadline was apparently a line inside of the area where Federal prisoners of war were kept. If a prisoner attempted to cross the line, they would be shot, according to Bloomsbury International.
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
you are breaking up意思 在 呂家宏 Ian Lu Facebook 的最佳貼文
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
愛上了唱這歌的歌手 Lyn
Who am I?
Am I not unique?
Maybe I'm not here at all
Look, the fakers
Blinding us with lies
The breakers of us all
Oh, it's useless
What could it mean that we're here?
Can we make a difference
If we don't break outta here?
Wake up, get up, get out there
Raise your voice against liars
Feed your anger like fire
Why does nobody want change?
Just imagine you're out there
Swatting lies in the making
Can't move fast without breaking
If you hold on life won't change
The fakers
Are all sick at heart
Their faces hiding their fear
They look down on
All the rest of us
Like they're some special breed
Who's the high lord
Who thinks he's better than us?
Ain't it a crime, that?
Is there a mission for us?
Who is that high lord ...
Who'd kill a million of us?
And as the bell tolls
Is there no remission for us?
Wake up, get up, get out there
There's more to life than their way
If you'd live you can not stay
Why does nobody want change?
Let your voices ring out, yeah
Take the mask off and be free
Find yourself in the debris
If you hold on life won't change
Wake up, get up, get out there
Raise your voice against liars
Feed your anger like fire
Why does nobody want change?
Just imagine you're out there
Swatting lies in the making
Can't move fast without breaking
If you hold on life won't change
you are breaking up意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] Trump's letter to Kim Jong-un
Why a D or an F?
老師個人雖然對川普的英文書寫能力沒有太大的信心 (合理推論,他最多只有時間略讀幕僚撰擬的書信),但個人覺得就該篇公開書信而言並不至於有所謂文法錯誤連篇的問題。用另一個角度理解,該篇公開書信是川普使用了強對比去表達諷刺和強硬的態度,這種書信本來就無法完全使用文法來檢驗,而是為了讓收信者了解美國政府的「態度」,故基於目的性的考量有以下寫作方式,老師嘗試著分析如下,與各位一起分享心得:
完整信件和影片: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/24/politics/donald-trump-letter-kim-jong-un/index.html
英文稿: http://time.com/5291264/full-text-letter-donald-trump-kim-jong-un-summit/
中文稿: https://udn.com/news/story/6809/3163380
Dear Mr. Chairman:
We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore.
We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you.
有位老師說「totally irrelevant」這句話根本不該出現,因為毫無相關 (totally irrelevant) 的事件何必提出。其實「but that to us is totally irrelevant/但那對我們而言無關宏旨」這句用途是在於銜接和突顯「據我們所知是北韓方面提出會面的要求」,「我曾非常期待與你一同赴會。」,完全符合川普一邊諷刺一邊遞橄欖枝的虛偽語氣。
Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place.
You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.
I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only the dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you.
客套話又來了,一句威脅一句暗示怎麼做就沒事,而下一句「Some day I look very much forward to meeting you」 代表峰會未來還有可能會舉辦。
In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.
這邊針對信件的批評是合理的 ,綁架再釋放的行為無論如何都不應該讚美。很遺憾的,這段客套話完全符合川普的風格和語氣。
If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.
最後兩句話又符合正式信件模板,但是第一句的語法 If you change your mind having to do with…確實是罕見。「Have to do with」片語的意義是「和…有關係」常出現在口語,但我搜尋了整個英文語料庫 (COCA) 確無法搜尋到 change someone’s mind 和 have to do with一起使用。此寫法讓我推斷川普的確有可能編寫信件的一部分 (因為政府發言人等級的幕僚或編輯應該不會用如此罕見的搭配詞)。吹毛求疵的話,「lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth」也可以寫成「lasting peace, great prosperity(,) and wealth」。
總結是信件雖有瑕疵,但這些網友和一些老師批改也沒有指名用什麼評量指標就一面倒的負評,認為應該得到D或者是F,然此可能忽略了現實的外交世界上語言結構方式和信件(或其他文書)有其特殊目的性考量而可能有不同的呈現方式。當然,很多評論者可能只看字面就開始評論啦 (我相信有些網友也只是鬧著玩的),但老師就是忍不住會認真!!!
P.S. 整篇信件絕對不是川普親自寫的因為錯誤太少了 😛
時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): https://goo.gl/9M1sGM
NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/asia/read-trumps-letter-to-kim-jong-un.html
BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44233641