1. 我們對中國在新疆侵犯和殘害人權的行為深表關切。所有證據都讓人萬分激憤。
2. 我們今天將採取制裁行動,也會聯合歐盟協調共同制裁行動。我們要求中國停止對新疆維吾爾穆斯林和其他少數民族、宗教團體之鎮壓及釋放被無端拘留之人民。
3. 我們重申透明度和責任制之重要,呼籲中國允許國際社會,包括來自聯合國的獨立調查人員、記者和外國外交官,不受阻礙的進入新疆。
We, the Foreign Ministers of Canada and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, are united in our deep and ongoing concern regarding China’s human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang. The evidence, including from the Chinese Government’s own documents, satellite imagery, and eyewitness testimony is overwhelming. China’s extensive program of repression includes severe restrictions on religious freedoms, the use of forced labour, mass detention in internment camps, forced sterilisations, and the concerted destruction of Uyghur heritage.
Today, we have taken coordinated action on measures, in parallel to measures by the European Union, that send a clear message about the human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang. We are united in calling for China to end its repressive practices against Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang, and to release those arbitrarily detained.
We underline the importance of transparency and accountability and call on China to grant the international community, including independent investigators from the United Nations, journalists, and foreign diplomats, unhindered access to Xinjiang.
We will continue to stand together to shine a spotlight on China’s human rights violations. We stand united and call for justice for those suffering in Xinjiang.
「xinjiang evidence」的推薦目錄:
xinjiang evidence 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最讚貼文
* 法國13歲摩洛哥裔女學生終於親口承認,她的謊言導致去年她的老師被激進份子斬首。
小女孩去年10月因多次翹課被暫時停學,她害怕被父親責罵,於是向父親撒謊,杜撰社會科教師Samuel Paty逼她離開。小女孩告訴父親,帕帝在課堂上展示一幅描繪查理週刊先知穆罕默德的裸體漫畫,並叫身為穆斯林的學生必須先行離開教室。女孩謊稱自己「因表達反對意見,才被老師下令停學2天」。
女孩的父親布拉罕(Brahim Chnina)非常憤怒,首先教師帕帝侮辱了穆斯林先知,其次不當處罰持反對意見的學生。布拉罕決定在Youtube和Facebook上傳影片,公開此事,批評帕帝「侮辱先知,展示裸體不雅影像」並「助長伊斯蘭恐懼症」等等。
布拉罕高聲批評的影片在當地穆斯林社群開始瘋傳,接下來年僅18歲的車臣裔少年Abdoullakh Abouyezidvitch Anzorov看到後,大為憤慨。10月16日他前往巴黎郊區(Conflans-Sainte-Honorine)中學,當街刺死帕帝並將之斬首。
Samuel Paty: French schoolgirl admits lying about murdered teacher https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-56325254
Exclusive: New report claims evidence of Beijing's 'intent to destroy' Uyghur people https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/09/asia/china-uyghurs-xinjiang-genocide-report-intl-hnk/index.html
*緬甸情勢及圖片民間人士提供:March 9
3月9號遊行鎮壓明顯減少,在Myeik 及Loikaw 2個城市有較大衝突。有民眾受傷,也被抓捕。 Myeik City 的民眾指控在羈押期間被軍警用鐵鍊毆打,下午獲釋。
Loikaw City 神父極力阻止,最後還是發生流血事件,部分人員被抓捕。
3月8號在Sanchaung 部分被捕的人員在3月9號下午開始獲釋(官方統計27人,民間統計50餘人)
3月8號 半夜12點多 LanMaDaw Township 3rd street 的民宅被軍警強行闖入,羈押30多名居民(男性)。軍警沿路破壞監視器,帶走監視器硬盤,破壞車輛等。
3月8號晚上從Shwe Pyi Thar Township 被軍警帶走的 Ko Zaw Myat Lin ,在3月9號傳出死亡。Ko Zaw Myat Lin 的妻子在3月9號接到死亡通知,目前已經完成遺體認領。死者是一家教育機構的負責人,同時也是民盟黨員。6名學生也與死者一起在8號晚間帶走。軍警也沒收了教育機構的50多台電腦。
3月9號軍警至各個媒體總部進行搜查跟抓捕相關人員。Kamayut Media 的員工表示 總編輯跟聯合創辦人在3月9號帶走。
3月8號被吊銷執照的 Mizzima Media 的總部被軍警搜查,帶走文件跟電腦等,當時總部沒一個留守人員。
Myanmar coup: Protesters flee after being 'trapped' overnight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-56329220
‘It’s Better to Walk Through a Minefield’: Victims of Myanmar’s Army Speak
The military’s brutal practices go beyond killing protesters. Its soldiers have systematically raped women and forced villagers to be their human shields.
xinjiang evidence 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
China's Foreign Minister is calling for a reset in US-China ties...
While hailing economic development in Xinjiang as evidence of human rights progress in China.
The latest.