In case you haven't noticed, I'm a huge WW2 history fan and I knew about the existence of this remaining flak tower of Berlin for years and was dying to visit it. I finally did it a few days ago and it was just mind-blowing (too bad photos are not allowed inside the tower). I've been to some German bunkers in Normany but this one is something else. It's part of Hitler's Germanina project -that's how Hitler's going to transform Berlin into world's capital after he wins the war. There are so many places like this in Berlin and too bad I didn't have enough time to explore them all :(
如果你還沒發現,我是個超級二戰歷史迷而且我知道柏林有這個防空塔殘骸很久了。我一直很想去裡面一探究竟,幾天前終於如願了(可惜裡面不能拍照)。我去過法國諾曼第的一些德軍碉堡,但柏林防空塔和他們並不一樣,它是希特勒Germania計畫的一部分 -即是希特勒打算在贏得世界大戰後改造柏林成為世界首都的計畫。柏林還有很多類似防空塔這樣的地方可惜我的時間有限不能全部都去一遍 :(