最有效得到面試的方式- 內部推薦: 尋找內推資源 & 歹晚郎互助網絡
部落格讀者時常問我找工作的問題, 軟體工程師的精神就是如果你需要重複做同樣的事情第二次以上,你應該就要想辦法自動化重複的步驟。
於是我在 2015 年下半年寫了找工作系列文章:
1. 程式語言- 到底學哪個好?我想進Google,我沒學OOO,他們會接受我XXX語言背景嘛?
2. 簡介美國軟體工程師面試流程
3. 等待機緣- 我要如何被人資或獵人頭發現? 我要如何脫穎而出? LinkedIn重要嘛?
4. 主動出擊- 我要找工作了,現在美國都用什麼找工作?哪個網站平台能讓我有較多面試機會?
5. 軟體工程師面試準備- 面試要練習什麼? 找工作和練習的時間要如何平衡拿捏?
6. 被錄取了- 我該注意什麼,我可以談判要求多一點薪水、股票或假期嘛?
7. 矽谷找工作之常見問題 FAQ
去年因為一些朋友詢問從台灣或是亞洲到美國工作有什麼方法,我寫了總結分享於: 如何到美國科技公司工作?
而今年一月,有鑑於我的前公司 Tesla 裁員,我的體悟寫下了: 選擇比努力重要
在這一系列的文章中,我一直強調,找工作最好的方式就是找在目標公司的朋友,並且請他們幫你內推。 目前各大科技公司,一年如果沒有收到幾千萬封履歷申請、至少也有幾百萬封, 如何在眾多申請人中脫穎而出, 其中最重要的關鍵, 就是讓 “真人” 檢視你的履歷。 如果你是在公司網站申請,很多時候公司是用自動化系統來做第一步篩選。 就算你的經歷超棒,如果你的履歷沒有剛好寫到職缺期望的技能或經驗, 可能你就會被刷掉了 !
而請朋友內部推薦, 許多公司都會有專人來審核內部員工推薦的候選人,真人閱讀你的經驗,可能會注意到你的經驗亮點,大大增加你的面試機會!
如果你沒有認識的朋友在你想要投的公司怎麼辦呢? 一般來說你有幾個方法:
1. 從 LinkedIn 上找公司頁面,並且從員工的部分看你有沒有第二層的連結,許多時候你可以藉由共同的朋友,請他們幫你引薦。
2. 參加當地的 Meetup 活動,舉例來說你想要投 Netflix 的工作, 那像在 Netflix 舉辦的 Talk 介紹 Black Mirror: Bandersnatch 的活動就是你很好機會認識內部員工,如果你可以在活動上讓內部員工對你的能力刮目相看, 事後交流請他/她幫忙內推也是很自然的。
3. 在像是 Ptt Oversea_job 板,一畝三分地論壇或是 Blind (美國匿名工作社交網絡)上找尋在目標公司工作的網友, 並且請求對方幫忙你內推。
上週和阿雅的訪談中,我提到我想要做一個幫忙台灣人的網絡(目前名字取為 歹晚郎互助網絡, Phil Karlton 說過 There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. 命名是電腦科學中的最大兩個難題之一,想了許久這是我目前覺得不錯的名字), 2015 年我剛來矽谷的時候沒有認識太多人, 但我也有得到一些朋友或是朋友的朋友內推幫忙。 4 年多後, 我算是多認識各大科技公司的朋友, 如果真的要找下一份工作, 得到的幫忙應該是比 4 年前多很多。 我知道目前 entry level 的就業市場沒有像幾年前那麼好,大家有時候就只是需要一個敲門磚。 於是我找了一些台灣朋友,詢問他們願不願意幫忙需要幫忙的台灣人,目前也得到許多朋友的善意回應,大家也都願意在能力所及讓更多台灣人可以在面試的時候多一點點機會。 藉由這個網絡,你可以節省上述 1、2、3 方法尋找願意幫你忙員工的許多時間。
你可能會問: 等等, 大家是為了要賺內推獎金才幫忙的嗎?
矽谷許多公司會在員工內推的候選人正式上班後幾個月後給員工內推獎金,但我必須要說,我邀請的朋友大家出發點都是像 Pay It Forward 讓愛傳出去的電影中的熱心幫忙。 像是 Netflix、Expedia 沒有內推獎金,但朋友們還是願意花時間幫忙台灣人。 而現在科技公司的內推系統都會詢問的很詳細,要知道你和內推人的關係、以及你可以知道候選人多少專業技能。 一些公司如果不是很熟的朋友或前同事的關係也拿不到獎金。
我進到 Facebook 以來幫忙內推了大概 40 幾位朋友,每一位朋友我大概要花 15 ~ 30 分鐘來溝通、寫內推系統詢問的各式問題及推薦信,我還需要在面試後幫忙追 HR 詢問進度。 很多時候要整個面試流程要再多花 15 ~30 分鐘,所以保守估計我已經花了 25 小時以上來幫忙內推。 而目前我還沒有成功讓任何朋友因為我的內推被雇用,所以投資報酬率是 0。另外一位資深台灣同事,他在公司 8 年多,內推了許多朋友,目前也只有成功內推成功一位朋友。 我之前看到一篇文章 (現在寫的時候找不到,找到了再 update), 提到現在公司內推的成功率很低,同時獎金要在候選人被雇用後幾個月後,在內推人及被推人同時都還在公司的情況下才會發出,大部分人都拿不到內推獎金。 許多幫忙的朋友和我一樣都有家庭、有小孩,平常都沒什麼時間。我訂閱了 Netflix,但是每天都因為工作、照顧小孩很忙,睡眠不足,好幾個月沒有打開看了。 以我來說做內推真的不是期望那個獎金,可以拿到的話當然很好,但畢竟花的時間精力是遠遠不划算的,我只是希望台灣人有多一些機會可以進到至少第一輪面試關被考慮。
嗯...並不是, 我想這是需要先申明清楚的! 就像是你去參加各種 Networking 活動,或是在 LinkedIn 上找人介紹,你必須要讓對方了解你的經驗、技能、並且願意幫助你。 這個台灣人網絡你也是需要付出一些努力,有禮貌,提供詳實的自我經驗總結介紹,及提供需要內推的各種資料,幫忙的朋友看了你提供的資料後會依情況決定是否要花時間內推, 有時候他們看到你的履歷經驗不足、或是你沒有提供他們已經註明所需的資料、或是他們同個職缺已經內推了很多人, 為了維持內推的品質,所以拒絕你的請求。 大家也不想因為內推人內推太多不適任候選人而被 HR 列為黑名單,之後內推的台灣朋友都直接不被考慮吧。
基本上是沒問題的, 如果第一個問題提到,公司現在內推系統都很詳細,所以會問得很清楚, 前同事了解的程度和幫忙朋友的程度內推的效果有差,但是還是比直接從網路上海投有效果。 加上上一題提到,大家也是會評估,看你的經歷及你提供的各種資料來決定是否內推,所以不是來者不拒的盲目內推。
目前有 Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Nvidia, Workday, Airbnb, Uber, Pinterest, Expedia, DoorDash, GoFundMe, Cloudera, Affirm, Intuit, Spotify, SAP, Quora (持續增加中)。
(表格請看部落格連結, FB 的 post 無法顯示表格)
為了幫助大家,我連模板都幫你寫好了, 請依照以下的格式準備你的資料及聯繫你想要投的公司的歹晚郎互助網絡。 如果英文履歷有問題的話,請參考之前的文章 英文履歷怎麼寫? 美國科技公司注重什麼?文末還有阿雅和我的履歷讓你們參考,是不是超級容易的!
Email 範例模板:
To:接受內推的 email
標題:請加上 "[歹晚郎 Referral]" + Your Name + Position Title You'd Like to Apply
Email 內容:
履歷 pdf
範例自介舉例(用 2 年多前的我角度來寫)
To:danwan.help.fb@gmail.com (舉例 email)
Subject:[歹晚郎 Referral] Brian Hsu + Front End Engineer
Email 內容:
Hi 大大你好,
我是 Brian, 我想要請你幫我內推這 3 個 Facebook 軟體工程師的職位。 我目前有大約 4 年左右的軟體開發經驗, 曾在新創公司及 SolarCity/Tesla 工作過。 最熟悉的程式語言是 Javascript, 對於使用 React 來開發 Web App 有這極大的熱情,想要申請 Facebook 是因為 Facebook 在前端領域的各種開源方案很厲害, 而且我也是 Facebook 各種產品的愛用者,對於公司的文化 “Make the World More Open And Connected” 有著極大的認同。 以下是我的英文資料,請你參考幫忙,或是提供我一點建議。 不論是否幫忙我內推, 都十分謝謝你花時間看完這封信!
英文名: Brian Hsu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianpchsu/
有多少年的相關工作經驗: 4 年
Front End Engineer Menlo Park, CA 連結1
Front End Engineer Menlo Park, CA 連結2
Front End Engineer Seattle, WA 連結3
履歷 pdf (上傳到附件)
第三人稱英文介紹(差不多等同精簡版的 cover letter)
Brian is a software engineer focusing on front-end. He has great front-end developing experiences in his past few jobs. In SolarCity, he built the web app to control solar electricity flow in grid systems. He improved the web app’s performance by 60% (initial loading) and made the app more reliable with 100% code coverage for new modules.
He’s really passionate about web development, and is an Open Source contributor (to React and Angular projects). He is super excited about our Facebook products and would love to have the opportunity to work with the teams to make the Facebook Web App better.
如果你有興趣想要加入歹晚郎互助網絡來幫忙內推,歡迎和我聯繫。 如果你想要找內推網絡中的朋友幫你內推,記得有禮貌,準備好表格中各公司所需要的各種資料,並且寫好 Email 範例模板中的所有所需內容來請求幫忙。
這份互助網絡是 2015 年剛來矽谷的我找工作時夢寐以求的人脈網絡,我知道有些朋友不在矽谷,沒有資源,現在你有了許多知名科技公司的網絡,剩下的就是靠你自己努力準備你的資料及面試了!真的十分感謝這次一起願意共襄盛舉的朋友付出寶貴的時間幫忙!
2019 年,希望大家想要換工作的,都能找到理想的工作。
work loading中文 在 YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters - Google ... 的美食出口停車場
This document explains how to embed a YouTube player in your application and also defines the parameters that are available in the YouTube embedded player.
By appending parameters to the IFrame URL, you can customize the playback experience in your application. For example, you can automatically play videos using the
parameter or cause a video to play repeatedly using theloop
parameter. You can also use theenablejsapi
parameter to enable the player to be controlled via the IFrame Player API.This page currently defines all parameters supported in any YouTube embedded player. Each parameter definition identifies the players that support the corresponding parameter.
Note: Embedded players must have a viewport that is at least 200px by 200px. If the player displays controls, it must be large enough to fully display the controls without shrinking the viewport below the minimum size. We recommend 16:9 players be at least 480 pixels wide and 270 pixels tall.
Embed a YouTube playerYou can use any of the following methods to embed a YouTube player in your application and specify player parameters. Note that the instructions below demonstrate how to embed a player that loads a single video. The following section explains how to configure your player to load a playlist or a user's uploaded videos.
Embed a player using an<iframe>
tagDefine an
tag in your application in which thesrc
URL specifies the content that the player will load as well as any other player parameters you want to set. The<iframe>
parameters specify the dimensions of the player.If you create the
element yourself (rather than using the IFrame Player API to create it), you can append player parameters directly to the end of the URL. The URL has the following format:The
tag below would load a 640x360px player that would play the YouTube videoM7lc1UVf-VE
. Since the URL sets theautoplay
parameter to1
, the video would play automatically once the player has loaded.Embed a player using the IFrame Player API
Follow the IFrame Player API instructions to insert a video player in your web page or application after the Player API's JavaScript code has loaded. The second parameter in the constructor for the video player is an object that specifies player options. Within that object, the
property identifies player parameters.The HTML and JavaScript code below shows a simple example that inserts a YouTube player into the page element that has an
Select content to playid
value ofytplayer
. TheonYouTubePlayerAPIReady()
function specified here is called automatically when the IFrame Player API code has loaded. This code does not define any player parameters and also does not define other event handlers.You can configure your embedded player to load a video, a playlist, or a user's uploaded videos.
The following list explains these options:
Loading a video
For an IFrame embed, the YouTube video ID for the video that you want to load is specified in the IFrame's
URL.If you are using the YouTube Data API (v3), you can programmatically construct these URLs by retrieving video IDs from search results, playlist item resources, video resources, or other resources. After obtaining a video ID, replace the
text in the URLs above with that value to create the player URL.Loading a playlist
Set the
player parameter toplaylist
. In addition, set thelist
player parameter to the YouTube playlist ID that you want to load.Note that you need to prepend the playlist ID with the letters
as shown in the following example:If you are using the YouTube Data API (v3), you can programmatically construct these URLs by retrieving playlist IDs from search results, channel resources, or activity resources. After obtaining a playlist ID, replace the
text in the URL above with that value.Loading a user's uploaded videos
Set the
player parameter touser_uploads
. In addition, set thelist
player parameter to the YouTube username whose uploaded videos you want to load.Supported parameters
All of the following parameters are optional.
This parameter specifies whether the initial video will automatically start to play when the player loads. Supported values are
. The default value is0
.If you enable Autoplay, playback will occur without any user interaction with the player;
playback data collection and sharing will therefore occur upon page load.
This parameter specifies the default language that the player will use to display captions. Set the parameter's value to an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code.
If you use this parameter and also set the
parameter to1
, then the player will show captions in the specified language when the player loads. If you do not also set thecc_load_policy
parameter, then captions will not display by default, but will display in the specified language if the user opts to turn captions on.cc_load_policy
Setting the parameter's value to
causes closed captions to be shown by default, even if the user has turned captions off. The default behavior is based on user preference.color
This parameter specifies the color that will be used in the player's video progress bar to highlight the amount of the video that the viewer has already seen. Valid parameter values are
, and, by default, the player uses the color red in the video progress bar. See the YouTube API blog for more information about color options.controls
This parameter indicates whether the video player controls are displayed:
– Player controls do not display in the player.controls=1
(default) – Player controls display in the player.disablekb
Setting the parameter's value to
causes the player to not respond to keyboard controls. The default value is0
, which means that keyboard controls are enabled. Currently supported keyboard controls are:Spacebar or [k]: Play / Pause
Arrow Left: Jump back 5 seconds in the current video
Arrow Right: Jump ahead 5 seconds in the current video
Arrow Up: Volume up
Arrow Down: Volume Down
[f]: Toggle full-screen display
[j]: Jump back 10 seconds in the current video
[l]: Jump ahead 10 seconds in the current video
[m]: Mute or unmute the video
[0-9]: Jump to a point in the video.
jumps to the beginning of the video,1
jumps to the point 10% into the video,2
jumps to the point 20% into the video, and so forth.enablejsapi
Setting the parameter's value to
enables the player to be controlled via IFrame Player API calls. The default value is0
, which means that the player cannot be controlled using that API.For more information on the IFrame API and how to use it, see the IFrame API documentation.
This parameter specifies the time, measured in seconds from the start of the video, when the player should stop playing the video. The parameter value is a positive integer.
Note that the time is measured from the beginning of the video and not from either the value of the
player parameter or thestartSeconds
parameter, which is used in YouTube Player API functions for loading or queueing a video.fs
Setting this parameter to
prevents the fullscreen button from displaying in the player. The default value is1
, which causes the fullscreen button to display.hl
Sets the player's interface language. The parameter value is an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code or a fully specified locale. For example,
are both valid values. Other language input codes, such as IETF language tags (BCP 47) might also be handled properly.The interface language is used for tooltips in the player and also affects the default caption track. Note that YouTube might select a different caption track language for a particular user based on the user's individual language preferences and the availability of caption tracks.
Setting the parameter's value to
causes video annotations to be shown by default, whereas setting to3
causes video annotations to not be shown by default. The default value is1
parameter, in conjunction with thelistType
parameter, identifies the content that will load in the player.If the
parameter value isuser_uploads
, then thelist
parameter value identifies the YouTube channel whose uploaded videos will be loaded.If the
parameter value isplaylist
, then thelist
parameter value specifies a YouTube playlist ID. In the parameter value, you need to prepend the playlist ID with the lettersPL
as shown in the example below.If the
parameter value issearch
, then thelist
parameter value specifies the search query. Note: This functionality is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020.Note: If you specify values for the
parameters, the IFrame embed URL does not need to specify a video ID.listType
parameter, in conjunction with thelist
parameter, identifies the content that will load in the player. Valid parameter values areplaylist
.If you specify values for the
parameters, the IFrame embed URL does not need to specify a video ID.Note: A third parameter value,
, has been deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020.loop
In the case of a single video player, a setting of
causes the player to play the initial video again and again. In the case of a playlist
player (or custom player), the player plays the entire playlist and then starts again at the
first video.
Supported values are
, and the default value is0
.Note: This parameter has limited
support in IFrame embeds. To loop a single video, set the
parameter value to1
and set the
parametervalue to the same video ID already specified in the Player API URL:
Note: This parameter is deprecated and has no effect. See the deprecation announcement for more information.
This parameter provides an extra security measure for the IFrame API and is only supported for IFrame embeds. If you are using the IFrame API, which means you are setting the
parameter value to1
, you should always specify your domain as theorigin
parameter value.playlist
This parameter specifies a comma-separated list of video IDs to play. If you specify a value, the first video that plays will be the
specified in the URL path, and the videos specified in theplaylist
parameter will play thereafter.playsinline
This parameter controls whether videos play inline or fullscreen on iOS. Valid values are:
: Results in fullscreen playback. This is currently the default value, though the default is subject to change.1
: Results in inline playback for mobile browsers and forWebViews
created with theallowsInlineMediaPlayback
property set toYES
Note: This parameter is changing on or after September 25, 2018.
Prior to the change, this parameter indicates whether the player should show related videos when playback of the initial video ends.
If the parameter's value is set to
, which is the default value, then the player does show related videos.If the parameter's value is set to
, then the player does not show related videos.After the change, you will not be able to disable related videos. Instead, if the
parameter is set to0
, related videos will come from the same channel as the video that was just played.start
This parameter causes the player to begin playing the video at the given number of seconds from the start of the video. The parameter value is a positive integer. Note that similar to the
function, the player will look for the closest keyframe to the time you specify. This means that sometimes the play head may seek to just before the requested time, usually no more than around two seconds.widget_referrer
This parameter identifies the URL where the player is embedded. This value is used in YouTube Analytics reporting when the YouTube player is embedded in a widget, and that widget is then embedded in a web page or application. In that scenario, the
parameter identifies the widget provider's domain, but YouTube Analytics should not identify the widget provider as the actual traffic source. Instead, YouTube Analytics uses thewidget_referrer
parameter value to identify the domain associated with the traffic source.Revision history
August 15, 2023
Note: This is a deprecation announcement for the
parameter is deprecated and willhave no effect. To align with YouTube's branding requirements, the player now determines the
appropriate branding treatment based on a combination of factors, including player size, other API
parameters (e.g.
), and additional signals.April 27, 2021
parameter definition has been updatedslightly to explain that the parameter pertains to both mobile browsers on iOS and iOS
October 15, 2020
parameter definition has been updated toexplain that if you enable Autoplay, playback will occur without any user interaction with the
player; playback data collection and sharing will therefore occur upon page load.
October 13, 2020
Note: This is a deprecation announcement for the embedded player
functionality that lets you configure the player to load search results. This announcement affects
the player's
parameters.This change will become effective on or after 15 November 2020. After that time,
setting the
parameter value tosearch
will generate a4xx
response code, such as404
(Not Found
) or410
).As an alternative, you can use the YouTube Data API's
method to retrieve searchresults and then load selected videos in the player.
In addition to the change described above, the
parameter, which wasdeprecated in 2018, has been removed from this document.
August 23, 2018
Note: This is a deprecation announcement for the
parameter. In addition, the behavior for therel
parameter is changing. Titles, channel information, and related videos are an important part of YouTube’s core user experience, and these changes help to make the YouTube viewing experience consistent across different platforms.The behavior for the
parameter is changing on or after September 25, 2018. The effect of the change is that you will not be able to disable related videos. However, you will have the option of specifying that the related videos shown in the player should be from the same channel as the video that was just played.To be more specific:
Prior to the change, if the parameter's value is set to
, then the player does not show related videos.After the change, if the
parameter is set to0
, the player will show related videos that are from the same channel as the video that was just played.The
parameter, which indicates whether the player should display information like the video title and uploader before the video starts playing, is also being deprecated. Following the change, the channel avatar and video title will always display before playback begins, when playback is paused, and when playback ends. The avatar being displayed is new behavior that will be consistent across all embedded players.These changes will become effective on or after September 25, 2018. After that time, the
parameter will be ignored. The behavior following the changes is consistent with the current default behavior for embedded players with the exception of the channel avatar changes mentioned above.August 16, 2018
parameter can be used to specify the default language that the player will use to display captions. This parameter can be used in conjunction with thecc_load_policy
parameter to automatically show captions in the specified language during playback.September 15, 2017
parameter's definition has been updated to remove references to the deprecated Flash (AS3) player. The value2
has been deprecated as it was originally designed to provide a performance improvement for embeds that loaded a Flash player.June 12, 2017
The new
parameter helps to enable more accurate YouTube Analytics reporting when the YouTube player is embedded in a widget, and that widget is then embedded in a web page or application.November 1, 2016
This document has been updated to remove references to the deprecated Flash (AS3) player as well as to parameters only supported by that player. The YouTube Flash player was deprecated in January 2015.
October 20, 2016
This update contains the following changes:
parameter definition has been corrected to note that the default value is0
, which means that keyboard controls are enabled. A value of1
indicates that keyboard controls should be disabled.The list of keyboard controls that the player supports has also been updated to include the following:
[f]: Toggle full-screen display
[j]: Jump back 10 seconds in the current video
[k]: Play / Pause
[l]: Jump ahead 10 seconds in the current video
[m]: Mute or unmute the video
[0-9]: Jump to a point in the video.
jumps to the beginning of the video,1
jumps to the time 10% into the video,2
jumps to the point 20% into the video, and so forth.In addition, the effect of pressing the [arrow left] or [arrow right] keys has changed. These keys now jump 5 seconds back (arrow left) or ahead (arrow right) in the current video.
August 11, 2016
This update contains the following changes:
The newly published YouTube API Services Terms of Service ("the Updated Terms"), discussed in detail on the YouTube Engineering and Developers Blog, provides a rich set of updates to the current Terms of Service. In addition to the Updated Terms, which will go into effect as of February 10, 2017, this update includes several supporting documents to help explain the policies that developers must follow.
The full set of new documents is described in the revision history for the Updated Terms. In addition, future changes to the Updated Terms or to those supporting documents will also be explained in that revision history. You can subscribe to an RSS feed listing changes in that revision history from a link in that document.
December 18, 2015
European Union (EU) laws require that certain disclosures must be given to and consents obtained from end users in the EU. Therefore, for end users in the European Union, you must comply with the EU User Consent Policy. We have added a notice of this requirement in our YouTube API Terms of Service.
August 19, 2015
parameter has been deprecated for the HTML5 player. In HTML5 players, the video progress bar and player controls display or hide automatically. That behavior corresponds to anautohide
setting of1
parameter has been deprecated for the HTML5 player. HTML5 players now always use the dark theme.March 9, 2015
The document has been updated to reflect the fact that YouTube
embeds, the YouTube Flash Player API and the YouTube JavaScript Player API have all been deprecated as of January 27, 2015. A deprecation warning appears in several sections of this document to help point readers to the IFrame Player API as an alternative.The definition of the
parameter has been updated to clarify the meaning of the parameter's values. The default behavior (autohide=2
) is that if the player has a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio, the player's video progress bar and player controls display or hide automatically. Otherwise, those controls are visible throughout the video.The definition of the
parameter has been updated to note that the parameter value could be an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code or a fully specified locale. For example,fr
are both valid parameter values.The definition of the
parameter has been reworded to clarify that the parameter enables a player to be controlled via API calls. The API could be either the IFrame Player API or the JavaScript Player API.October 14, 2014
The HTML5 player now supports the
, andlistType
parameters. The parameter descriptions have been updated accordingly.July 18, 2014
The new
parameter can be used to set the player's interface language. The interface language is used for tooltips in the player and also affects the default caption track. The selected caption track may also depend on the availability of caption tracks and user's individual language preferences.The parameter's value is an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, though other language input codes, such as IETF language tags (BCP 47) may also be handled properly.
The definition of the
parameter, which only affects HTML5 players on iOS, has been modified slightly. The definition now notes that setting the parameter value to1
causes inline playback only forUIWebViews
created with theallowsInlineMediaPlayback
property set toTRUE
.January 28, 2014
parameter controls whether videos play inline or fullscreen in an HTML5 player on iOS. Setting the value to1
causes inline playback.The Selecting content to play section has been updated to explain how to find YouTube video IDs and playlist IDs using the YouTube Data API (v3) rather than the older API version.
parameter's definition has been updated to reflect the fact that the parameter value only affects the time that the Flash player actually loads in IFrame embeds. In addition, for IFrame embeds, the parameter value also determines when the controls display in the player. If you set the parameter's value to2
, then the controls display and the Flash player loads after the user initiates the video playback.May 10, 2013
This update contains the following changes:
YouTube no longer identifies experimental API features and services. Instead, we now provide a list of YouTube APIs that are subject to the deprecation policy.
July 20, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The definition of the
parameter has been updated to reflect support for a parameter value of2
and to explain that, for AS3 players, the parameter value determines the time when the Flash player actually loads. If thecontrols
parameter is set to0
, the Flash player loads immediately. If the parameter value is2
, the Flash player does not load until the video playback is initiated.June 5, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The HTML5 player now supports the
, andrel
parameters, and the definitions for these parameters have been updated accordingly.The definition of the
parameter has been updated to explain how that if the player is loading a playlist, and you explicitly set the parameter value to1
, then, upon loading, the player will also display thumbnail images for the videos in the playlist. Note that this functionality is only supported for the AS3 player since that is the only player that can load a playlist.May 4, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
parameter's definition has been updated to reflect the fact that the HTML5 player supports this parameter.May 3, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The new
parameter specifies the time, measured in seconds from the start of the video, when the player should stop playing a video. Note that the time when playback is stopped is measured from the beginning of the video and not from the value of either thestart
player parameter or thestartSeconds
parameter, which is used in YouTube Player API functions for loading or queueing a video.March 29, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The new Embedding a YouTube player section explains different ways to embed a YouTube player in your application. This section covers manual IFrame embeds, IFrame embeds that use the IFrame Player API, and AS3 and AS2 object embeds. This section incorporates information from the old Example usage section, which has been removed.
The new Selecting content to play section explains how to configure the player to load a video, a playlist, search results for a specified query, or uploaded videos for a specified user.
The new
parameters let you specify the content that the player should load. You can specify a playlist, a search query, or a particular user's uploaded videos.The definitions of the
parameters have been updated to more clearly explain the default parameter values for the AS3 player.The
, andshowsearch
parameters, which are all only supported for the deprecated AS2 Player API, have been moved to a new section named deprecated parameters only used in the AS2 Player API.The document no longer provides a way to filter the parameter list to only display parameters supported in either the AS3, AS2, or HTML5 player. Instead, each parameter definition has been updated to identify the players that support that parameter.
August 11, 2011
This update contains the following changes:
The new
parameters let you customize the appearance of the embedded player's player controls. See the YouTube API blog for more information.June 8, 2011
This update contains the following changes:
The new
parameter lets you use a YouTube player that does not show a YouTube logo. As of this release, the parameter was only supported for the AS3 embedded player and for IFrame embeds that loaded the AS3 player. As of June 5, 2012, the HTML5 player also supported this parameter.February 14, 2011
This update contains the following changes:
The documentation has been updated to note that the AS2 Player API has been deprecated. The deprecation of the AS2 Player API was actually announced on October 14, 2009.
February 3, 2011
This update contains the following changes:
The documentation has been updated to identify parameters supported in the HTML5 (IFrame) embedded player.
The document now displays all of the parameters supported in any of YouTube's embedded players (HTML5, AS3, AS2).
The following parameters are supported in the AS2 player but have been deprecated for the newer AS3 and HTML5 players:
, andshowsearch
.In addition, the
parameter has limited support in the AS3 player and in IFrame embeds, which could load either an AS3 or HTML player. Currently, theloop
parameter only works in the AS3 player when used in conjunction with theplaylist
parameter. To loop a single video, set theloop
parameter to1
and set theplaylist
parameter value to the same video ID already specified in the Player API URL:Similarly, the
parameters are supported in the AS3 and HTML5 players but are not and will not be supported in the AS2 player.As noted above, IFrame embeds can load either an AS3 or HTML5 player. Though some parameters are not supported in both players, an IFrame embed that loads the AS3 player will support all parameters that work with that player and ignore all other parameters. Similarly, an IFrame embed that loads the HTML5 player will support all parameters that work with that player while ignoring all other parameters.
The parameter list has been updated to include the
parameter, which indicates whether the player's video controls will automatically hide after a video begins playing.The parameter list has been updated to include the
parameter, which indicates whether the player's video controls will display at all. (Player controls do display by default.)The parameter list has been updated to include the
parameter, which specifies a comma-separated list of video IDs to play.The definition of the
has been updated to note that the fullscreen option will not work if you load the YouTube player into another SWF.The example at the end of the document has been updated to use the embedded AS3 player instead of the embedded AS2 player. The parameters used in the example have also been updated to only include parameters that the AS3 player supports.
In addition, the instructions for constructing the URLs that contain player parameters have been updated to reflect the URL formats used by the AS3 and AS2 embedded and chromeless players as well as by the HTML5 player.
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