This post is dedicated and to a close family member who passed away last week 💔😿 we had the funeral today, it was packed with people, he was well loved and respected 🙏🏻 my favourite memory is his man cave, it has everything you can find from tools, electronics to airplane seats 🤩 thank you Ian, for helping me out, for visiting me when I was in hospital, for fixing up my house, for treating me like your daughter, I’ll keep you in my mind forever ❤️
謝謝你 把我當女兒般的對待 我會永遠記得你的 #januslillustration #nzillustration #watercolourdrawing #inmemoryof #themancave #dailydoodle #watercoloursketch #schminckewatercolor #moleskine_arts #nzillustrator #happyplace #wonderfulmemories #foreverinmyheart #nzart #nzartist #watercolourart #auckland #手繪 #插畫 #絵日記 #謝謝你
wonderfulmemories 在 黃柏偉 Brian Huang Facebook 的最佳貼文
結束了18天在LA進修的日子,我為自己的決定感到驕傲,從一開始透過網路接觸Drew的訓練教學到現在把握了機會與他面對面學習。還記得第一天抵達機場,放完行李,立刻衝去球場的興奮感,一踏入球場,不太相信自己的眼睛,熟悉的場景與人真正出現在我面前。這趟旅程不只有技術上的提升,也給我對一些事情有了啟發,更了解自己要的是什麼,訓練的價值是什麼。與Drew相處沒有想像中的距離感,私底下與大家暢談並且分享著他的訓練經歷,給予我們專業的建議,真的非常謝謝他讓我有了這次的特別經驗。這機會讓我結交了一群喜愛籃球的夥伴,談論著未來的目標,希望未來一切都會非常順利。 Pureseat family 是一個有溫度的團隊,常常因為語言的關係無法深度的表達想法,但大家都非常耐心地聆聽,讓我感受到溫暖,也留下了無憾的寶貴回憶,期待下一次的見面。夢想不是遙不可及,唯有設下目標,並實踐它,才有機會達成,共勉之。
Just finished 18 days of training, I am so proud of this decision. From the beginning of watching Coach @drewhanlen training videos to now learning right beside the legend. I remember the excitement that I felt when I landed, drop my bags, and head straight to the Gym. When I first step in to the gym, I couldn’t quite believe my eyes of being with the coaches and the backgrounds that I am so familiar with through his videos. This trip not only improved my techniques, but also give me a lot of insights regarding my career: understanding what I am looking for and the value in personal training. @drewhanlen is down to earth and a wonderful mentor, he is willing to share his personal experiences and provide tons of professional advises. I am really thankful for this opportunity that he provided. I made lots of friends with the same passion in basketball, we share about our goals in the future. @puresweat Family is a heart-warming squad. Although it was hard for me to express myself due to my language barrier, but they are all very patient listening and engaging. I look forward for our next meet.
wonderfulmemories 在 The Apple Kho - 邱詩凌 Facebook 的最佳貼文
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. So SMILE 😊.