Sedikit ilmu tentang emas
Sebenarnya ramai lagi yang masih cetek tentang hukum hakam dalam jual beli emas.
Tau tak apa hukum Trade in Emas dengan Emas??
...Continue ReadingA little knowledge about gold
Actually there are many people who are still shallow about the law of hakam in selling gold.
Do you know what is the law of trade in gold with gold??
Do you notice when we want to trade in at the shop,
We will give our gold,
Staff weigh and give that price.
Then the staff asked us to choose the new gold that we want. Then need to add money.
Do you know, the extra money we add is a lap?
Yes lap friends. The way to trade in that does not follow the law is illegal in the side of Islam.
How is the legal trade in the side of Islam?
The way,
We have to sell our jewelry first, then after getting money, after akad like, then we will buy new.
The transaction must be taqabud fil the thing is happening at a time.
The condition we must hold first the money we sell / reject the jewelry.
Unless the weight and value of gold with gold just now are the same.
Without having to happen the addition of money and others.
Then the law is legal.
But how could it be??
The Price of gold is also different day to day.
So the most safe way to avoid usury is to sell first,
Hold the money and then buy the new gold.
In fun we sell and buy gold,
There are laws that need to be taken care of.
Have to be careful in selling gold.
In order for the law to be maintained, savings are preserved
The same situation we trade in gold online also need to transfer pay first then then deal back to buy another gold
More answers to the old gold 'trade in' with new gold.
Clearly according to the law debate that the ' trade in ' old gold with the new one or the old gold jewelry with the new one must follow the law discussed above, which is according to the majority of ulama every jewelry is still considered gold and not shil ' ah, then when someone wants it Change it with another gold jewelry. It must have two conditions without khilaf (can refer to various books between al-Muamalat Al-Maliah Al-MU ' Asiroh by Prof Dr Ali Salus, PP 180; Al-BUYU ' Al-SYA ' Iah by Dr Tawfiq Al-good And others), that is:
I) mutamathilan - must be as heavy as scale. While the gold standard (' iyar) 20 or 21 or 24 doesn't give any effect. It is based on the hadith that mentioned about the Tamar Khaybar (which is bad or bad) which is transformed with the Tamar Hadith (which is good) which it must follow the same weight despite the different quality. This Hadith High Al-Bukhari in the book of al-Kahf ', no. 4553. If not the lap of al-Kahf will happen.
II) MUST 'taqabud fil matters aw fil ceremony' (given and accept in a time) - because it is subject to the law of sarf (currency exchange with currency), then it is not allowed to to the time of submission. Thus, we must give up the old gold, and then the seller gave up the same new gold that was heavy at that time too. If not, nasiah's lap will happen.
Maybe some will ask, so if we want to do 'trade in' with a new gold that is more expensive?? How do we pay extra that price?
Answer: it's the same as the case in Hadith Tamar Khaybar and hadith just now. The answer given by Rasulullah saw is: "Perfect, take the price and then buy it again with your money just now"
Clearly, the way: must be someone who wants to do 'trade in'. Selling first to the gold shopkeeper, then it must take the price of the old chain price, for example the price of our old gold chain is RM 2000 and the weight is 200 Gram, when we want to trade in with the precious chain of rm2500, then we must sell it first , after we hold the money money then we choose a new chain and then add with rm 500, then the buyer pays to the shopkeeper then pick up the new chain.
It is possible if this kind of transaction is made in Malaysia, it will look strange. That's how it's safe from the lap.
From Abu Sa 'id Al Khudri, Prophet shallallahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
Gold in gold and silver in silver and land with barley with barley and dates and salt with salt, for example with hand in hand, whoever increased or increased, he raised the take and given in it whether
" if gold is sold with gold, silver is sold with silver, wheat is sold with wheat, I 'IR ( one of the types of wheat ) sold with sya' IR, dates sold with dates, and salt sold with salt, then amount (measure or scale) Must be the same and paid cash (cash). Whoever adds or asks for additional, then he has done usury. The person who took the addition and the one who gave him together was in sin " (hr. Muslim no. 1584).
In the hadith above, we can understand two things:
1. If a kind of item is exchanged, like gold for gold or grain with wheat, then there are two conditions that must be filled with cash and like in measure or scales.
2. If the item is still one ' illah or one group is exchanged, then one condition that must be filled with cash, although in measure or scales one of them is excessive.
Credit: Mrs Tengku Mila
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what is hukum in islam 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
Assalamualaikum 9bulan10hari. Mohon ibu ibu yang tengah hamil ni pertimbangkan perkara ni. Tolonglah jangan puasa kalau anda tak mampu. 3 tahun lepas, masa bulan puasa saya puasa dalam 22 hari walaupun pregnant 3 bulan. Saya jarang loya & muntah.
Doctor banyak kali bagitahu jangan puasa sebab anak sangat perlukan zat & nutrient masa 1st trimester ni. Saya teruskan puasa sebab keadaan saya taklah teruk sangat. Loya muntah pun bila terbau bawang saja. Lepas raya, masa kandungan 5 bulan doctor cakap anak saya tak mengembang & maybe berdepan komplikasi saraf tunjang.
Lagipun masa awal2 mengandung sy tak makan langsung folic asid =(
Doctor cakap... kalau saya tak berpuasa... mengikat perut untuk makan makanan berkhasiat secara sedikit tetapi kerap masa bulan Ramadan tu... kemungkinan untuk anak saya lahir sihat sangat tinggi.
Betul sis... lepas anak saya lahir dia memang kecil. 1.9kg saja dengan ada problem di tulang belakangnya (spina bifida).
Doctor cakap.. untuk anak berkembang dengan elok masa kita makan tu kena jaga betul2 & makan secukupnya. Kesian anak saya sekarang.
Nasihat saya, kalau anda mengandung & tak sihat tu tolonglah jangan puasa..makanlah makanan sihat. Jangan skip makan... Lebih baik sis ganti puasa nanti... dari terpaksa buatkan anak kita "berpuasa" seumur hidup.... =(
Actually... ramai mommy rasa bersalah kalau tak berpuasa... sedangkan dalam Islam... adalah tak wajib berpuasa bagi ibu hamil & ibu yang menyusu untuk meneruskan puasanya jika beri kesan negatif pada diri & kandungan.
(Rujuk penerangan lengkap dalam
Bagi kes ni, ibu ini terlepas pandang 2 perkara :
1. Tak makan asid folik 3 bulan sebelum hamil dimana ia boleh beri kesan negatif kepada perkembangan saraf tunjang bayi. (penyakit Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus)
2. Since dah tak makan folic acid, mommy sepatutnya perlu perbanyakkan makan sayur & buah.... repair balik mana yang terkurang dulu. Maknanya jangan langsung berpuasa ketika itu, jaga pemakanan & lifestyle sebaiknya.
Perkembangan anak sangat bergantung kepada apa yang mommy makan. Tolonglah jaga pemakanan.
Macam mana nak kenalpasti keadaan mommy & bayi ok atau tak untuk berpuasa?
Ketika ini, pregnant mommy bolehlah berjumpa doctor, minta doctor buat pemeriksaan & bincang mengenai puasa ini. Minta pandangan doctor.
Apa pandangan dari sudut islam?
(Rujuk, Ustaz Faiz - Pakar Hukum 9bulan10hari terangkan secara terperinci mengenai ini)
Mommy... tolonglah ambil tahu keadaan mommy & anak dalam kandungan.
Kalau tak sihat, tak boleh puasa... tolonglah jangan paksa diri.
Mommy perlu jumpa doctor & berbincang pasal puasa ni....
Doctor akan melihat beberapa faktor bila berbincang pasal puasa ketika hamil ni :
- Adakah mommy muntah loya teruk sehingga tak lalu makan?
- Adakah kandungan mommy dalam lingkungan 1-3 bulan?
- Berapa jam mommy berpuasa kerana ada negara yang berpuasa lebih lama berbanding negara kita 12-13 jam sehari?
- Ketika mommy nak berpuasa ni cuaca sejuk atau panas, kerana cuaca panas boleh menyebabkan mommy mudah dehydrate.
- Bagaimana kesihatan mommy sebelum hamil?
Tolong ambil berat mengenai ini ya mommy.
Like, share & tag ilmu ini agar dapat membantu ramai ibu2 hamil di luar sana.
Silakan share & elakkan budaya copy paste!!
credit picture : cryitoutmom.blogspot
Nazira Nazir,
Penulis buku & 😊
Kpd yg nak miliki boleh wasap admin ya : 😊
Assalamualaikum 9 months 9 days. Asking for pregnant mothers to consider this. Please don't fasting if you can't afford it. 3 years ago, during fasting month I was fasting in 22 days even though I was pregnant for 3 I rarely feel nauseous & vomiting.
Doctor told you many times not to fasting because your child really needs substances & nutrients during the 1st trimester. I continue fasting because my condition is not too bad. Even nauseous vomiting when smelling onions. After Raya, the doctor said that my child didn't grow up after Raya, maybe it's a nerve complication.
After all, when I was pregnant I didn't eat folic acid at all =(
Doctor said... if I don't fasting... tie the stomach to eat nutritious food but often during Ramadan... the possibility of my child being born is very healthy.
Right sis... after my child was born she was small. Only 1.9 kg with problem in his spine (spina bifida).
Doctor said.. for children to grow well when we eat, we have to take care of it and eat enough. Pity my child now.
My advice, if you are pregnant & unhealthy please don't fasting.. eat healthy food. Don't skip eating... It's better for me to replace the fasting day... than having to make our children ′′ fasting ′′ for life.... =(
Actually... many mothers feel guilty if they don't fasting... while in Islam... it's not compulsory to fasting for pregnant mothers & breastfeeding mothers to continue their fasts if they give negative effects to themselves & content.
(Refer to the complete explanation in @ebook. 9 months 9 days. com)
In this case, this mother missed 2 things:
1. Didn't eat folic acid for 3 months before pregnant where it could give a negative effect to the development of the baby's nerve. (Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus disease)
2. Since I haven't eaten folic acid, mommy should have to eat vegetables and fruits more.... repairs to those who have been lacking first. It means that you don't fast at that time, take care of your diet & lifestyle.
Child development depends on what mommy eats. Please take care of your diet.
How to identify the condition of mommy & baby, is it okay or not to fasting?
At this time, pregnant mommy can see a doctor, ask the doctor to check up & discuss about this fasting. Asking for a doctor's opinion.
What is the view from the Islamic corner?
(Refer to, Ustaz Faiz - 9-month-old law specialist in detail explaining this)
Mommy... please take care of the condition of mommy & child in the content.
If you're not healthy, you can't fasting... please don't force yourself
Mommy needs to see a doctor and talk about fasting....
Doctor will see a few factors when talking about fasting during pregnancy:
- Did mommy throw up badly until she didn't eat?
- Is mommy's content in 1-3 months?
- How many hours is mommy fasting because there is a country that fasting longer than our country 12-13 hours a day?
- When mommy wants to fasting, the weather is cold or hot, because the hot weather can cause mommy to dehydrate easily.
- How is mommy's health before pregnant?
Please care about this mommy.
Like, share & tag this knowledge so that it can help many pregnant mothers out there.
Please share & avoid copy paste culture!!
Credit picture: cryitoutmom. blogspot
Nazira Nazir,
Book writers & 😊
To those who want to own it, please Whatsapp admin: 😊Translated
what is hukum in islam 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
"Tuan.... jangan sesekali bandingkan apa yang tuan buat dengan apa yang isteri buat.... Apa yang tuan buat takkan pernah sama dengan apa yang isteri tuan buat dan lalui... ketika tuan nyenyak tidur tahukah tuan berapa kali isteri tuan bangun tidur, betulkan kedudukan anak yang kepalanya terteleng ke tepi... tukar lampinnya.. beri dia susu & baru tidur? Tahukah tuan betapa banyak perit yang isteri tuan lalui ketika mengandung #9bulan10hari, berdepan saat melahirkan anak & menyusukannya? Bayangkan... bila tangan tuan luka sedikit pun tuan terasa sakitnya.. apatah lagi yang bertarung nyawa melahirkan anak?.. Jadi, janganlah bandingkan apa yang tuan buat dengan apa yang isteri buat... kerana ia takkan pernah sama... " - Ustaz Ebit Lew ( Pakar Syariah 9bulan10hari)
Ada suami ni jenis suka complain...
Katanya dialah yang buat semua kerja.. dialah yang paling bz.. dialah yang buat itu & ini...
Sehingga bila isteri minta tolong tidurkan anak pun dia ungkit.. katanya "saya dah mandikan anak, pakaikan dia baju.. dah byk sy buat"
Sedangkan benda yang suami tu buat hanya sekali dari 4 kali yang isterinya buat...
Walaupun buat hanya sekali namun diungkitnya mcm beratus kali buat...
Isterinya diam... cakap pun tak guna... sebab sehingga bila bila pun dia tetap akan kata dialah yang paling banyak buat kerja..
Sedangkan suaminya hanya berkepit dengan telefon berjam di tangan sambil baring..
Isterinya... kejap kejap bangun uruskan makan minum anak2 dan keluarga... kejap kejap layan anak sebab anak anak lebih suka bercakap dengan ibu dari ayahnya yang kerap melayan handphone!
Walaupun isterinya buat semua... tapi dia tetap kata dialah yang cari nafkah & dialah yang banyak kerja...!
Isteri di rumah yang buat kerja online business untuk sama sama bantu suami ni tak nampak!
Come on lah brother... tuan lelaki... tuan patut lebih pandai beri contoh terbaik buat isteri...
Bukannya mengarah itu & ini guna hukum Islam tapi bila sentuh bab sama sama jaga semuanya ditolak ke tepi!
Maka si isteri ini terlalu makan hati berhari2.. sehingga apa yang dia buat pun seperti terpaksa & rela hati..
& si suami... terus bela diri.. katanya dialah yang selalu makan hati...
Macam mana rezeki nak masuk kalau hati bidadari sendiri pun ditolak ke tepi??
Tak terasa berdosakah buat orang yang tinggalkan hidup single & family demi suami?
Lebih 80% isteri makan hati dengan suami... & merekalah antara suami yang hatinya sering tak tenteram & bila buat apa saja terasa tak cukup sempurna.
Ustaz Ebit Lew selalu pesan... jagalah hati ibu & isteri kita.. bahagiakan mereka... dengan itu banyak rezeki yg tak disangka sangka mudah menghampiri kita.
COPYRIGHT@Nazira Nazir buat 9bulan10hari. Tak dihalalkan copy paste! Elakkan budaya copy paste. Menulislah sendiri...
" Sir.... don't ever compare what you do with what the wife does.... what you do will never be the same as what your wife does and go through... when you sleep well you know how many times your wife woke up , correct the position of the child whose head is terteleng to the side... change the baby.. give him milk & just sleep? Do you know how much pain your wife is going through when she is pregnant with #9 Bulan10hari, face when she gives birth to child & child? Imagine... when your hands are hurt even a little bit is painful.. What else is the one who fights the life of giving birth?.. so don't compare what you do with what the wife does... because it will never be the same... " - Ustaz @[465806410116276:274:Ebit Lew] (Syariah Expert @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari])
There's a husband who likes to complain...
He said he did all the work.. He's the most busy.. He did it & this...
Until when the wife asks for help to make her child mention it.. She said "I've bathed her child, put her clothes on.. I've done a lot"
While the thing that the husband does only once from 4 times his wife does...
Even though I do it only once but it seems like I've done it hundreds of times...
His wife is silent... even talking is useless... because until whenever he will still say he is the most working..
While her husband only berkepit with a phone for hours in hand while laying down..
His wife... waking up for a while to manage to eat children and family... for a while to treat children because the children prefer to talk to the mother of her father who often treats her handphone!
Even though his wife did it all... but he still said he was the one who made a living & he was the one who worked a lot...!
Wife at home who does online business work to help her husband don't see it!
Come on brother... the master... you should be more good at giving the best example to your wife...
It's not leading that & this is using Islamic law but when you touch the same chapter, take care of everything being pushed to the side!
So this wife eats her heart too much.. until what she does is like forced & willing..
& the husband... continue to defend himself.. He says he's the one who always eats the heart...
How do you want to enter if your own angel's heart is rejected by the side??
Don't you feel the can for the people who leave their single life & family for the sake of their husbands?
More than 80 % of wives eat their hearts with their husbands... & they are among husbands whose hearts are often not at peace & when they do anything they don't feel perfect.
Ustaz Ebit Lew always order... take care of our mother & wife's hearts.. make them happy... with that many unexpected provisions that will be easy to approach us.
Copyright @ @[1416700617:2048:Nazira Nazir] for @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari]. The copy paste is not allowed! Avoid the culture of copy paste. Write by myself...Translated
what is hukum in islam 在 Rules of the Quran | Hukum Kiya Hai? | Ahkam e ... - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
Madani channel produced very useful, helpful and informative new serial of "Rules of the Quran "(Ahkam e Quran - احکامِ قرآن)☛ Discussing ... ... <看更多>