正仔一開始閱讀 Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief,就評論為「好好睇」,一直的跟我分享中書中情節,完全不理會我未讀完,根本不明白他說些甚麼。那麼我就趕快看看這系列究竟有甚麼吸引力。
聽聞 Percy Jackson 跟 Harry Potter 一樣受孩子歡迎,兩個系列確實有相似之處:字多,全書共 375頁,較適合高年級讀者(The Lightning Thief. Ages 9-12. June 14, 2005. GRL: W. Lexile measure: 680L);風格上同是冒險加魔法加奇幻;主角 Percy 12 歲,剛要進入訓練 Demigods 的 Camp Half-Blood,這跟入讀 Hogwarts 的 Harry 年紀相若;他與一女孩 Annabeth 和另一好友 Grover 結伴去冒險,角色設定有如 Herimone 和Ron,聰明伶俐的女生和忠誠又有義氣但有點笨拙的好友。
過去對 Percy Jackson 未有任何研究的我,打開書,驚訝原來裡頭全都是關於希臘神話傳說。Percy 是 Demigod,神與凡人生的孩子。他在發現自己與眾不同的身世之同時,也發現自己被神話的恐怖怪獸追殺。原來 Zeus 的 lightning bolt 不見了,而 Percy 成為一號嫌疑犯。為了完成他的任務,他唯有經歷緊張刺激的冒險之旅:1 拯救被怪獸攻擊而消失的媽媽;2 說服眾神放棄因為 lightning bolt 而開戰的念頭;3 替 Zeus 找回 lightning bolt 以及替 Hades 找回 Helm of Darkness。
書裡出現大量希臘神話人物的名字:Zeus、Poseidon、Hades、Athena、Ares、Hermes、Hercules、Orpheus、Medusa、Kronos ⋯ 又讀到大量關於神話傳說字詞:Drachma、Fury、Nymphs、Satyr、Minotaur、Oracle、Titan、Centaur、Elysium、Field of Asphodel、Tartarus。小說裡頭有很多孩子未有接觸過的知識、和未見過的字詞,但仍然無阻孩子對故事的投入。而我把書看完後,同時也給補習了大量希臘神話的知識。
最後,我欣賞作者把主角 Percy 設定為一個有讀寫障礙和ADHA 的麻煩男孩,學習上遇有困難,又沒有幾個朋友,然而作者多次替他辨解,替他的「缺點」找了被理解的理由,也發現其實同時這都是他的「優點」,之所以他是如此這般與眾不同,非凡獨特。
//The letters float of the page when you read, right? That’s because your mind is hardwired for ancient Greek. And the ADHD — you’re impulsive, can’t sit still in the classroom. That’s your battlefield reflexes. In a real fight, they’d keep you alive. As for the attention problems, that’s because you see too much, Percy, not too little. Your senses are better than a regular mortal’s. Of course the teachers want you medicated. Most of them are monsters. They don’t want you seeing them for what they are.//
我想,現實中有 Dyslexia 和 ADHA 的孩子讀後,應該感到安慰和受到鼓舞。相信作者是有意借這書來勉勵有特殊學習需要的孩子,去展現自己的能力,就如 Percy,他天生的缺陷都無阻他成為一位出色的英雄。
what is dyslexia 在 Serena C Facebook 的最佳貼文
The youngest SOLO pilot to traverse the EARTH, enter the Guinness World Book of Records, into ALL Malaysians' hearts, #wins AGAIN as one of my #covid19 #warriors (I decided to coin the term)
I found Captain James Tan through his fiancee when I did an "ask me anything" on Instastory about WHO you want to see here who INSPIRES you to want to win this pandemic together. Vivienne was an excitable (like me) lady who caught my attention straight away.
Of COURSE everyone KNEW about the Kajang boy who flew solo around the world in less than 50 days (48 days) and won the hearts of our nation (links on articles below) ! He went onto many other explorations, chains of businesses, even forming an NGO with a couple of friends!
Now that we are facing these uncertain times together, HOW is this charming, polite well trained Chinese/Welsh boy from Kajang winning this new normal as a warrior? We find out here about STAR VISTA EDUCATION - the family business formed to address exactly what James went through as a kid (dyslexia), and other leaning challenges. Every bit of advice that comes out of this young man's mouth is pure gold, get a notepad, and make sure you listen till the end!
Star Vista Education
Instagram: @StarVistaEducation
Fb: www.facebook.com/StarVistaEduation
Photo Credits:
Sin Chew Daily
Star Vista Education
Captain James Tan FB
Danang Newspaper (Vietnam)
Music (From InSHOT):
Youth (@iksonoffficial)
Circuit (Jef)
#captainjames #serenac #winning #together #separately #united #spirited #letsdothis
what is dyslexia 在 哇賽心理學 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 目前學者多支持「聲韻處理缺陷假說」,認為閱讀障礙者難以將語音還有看見的文字配對起來,所以每次看到一個字,就要重新把它拆解組合,才能讀懂字義,這會導致閱讀過程吃力又費時。
2. 巨細胞缺陷假說(magnocellular pathway deficit),認為閱讀障礙可能是視覺空間處理能力缺損以及眼動異常所致,不少研究中文的學者採信這種說法,因為中文屬於象形文字,符號辨識能力非常重要。但也有人持相反論點,認為閱讀障礙是造成眼動異常的原因,非結果。
3. 核磁共振顯示,通常來說閱讀跟語言是由左腦來處理,右腦比較擅長處理的是空間能力(大約是這樣劃分的),但是閱讀障礙者再讀書的時候,反而比較依賴右腦,這樣子比較容易造成效率問題。