[Before you read this, be warned that it contains explicit language that may offend your fragile hearts, also DUH, this status is meant as a joke, so yea it's slightly(largely) exaggerated, so if you can't take a joke, I strongly suggest you stop reading HERE.]
The difference between white parents and Indian parents.
When hurting yourself:
White Parents : Aw, my poor baby. Come here, let mommy kiss that for you.
Indian Parents : Idiot! I told you not to run in the house right! *proceeds to remove belt and whips injured child even more*
During the holidays:
White Parents : Son, why don’t you go out with your friends and play some ball, have a little fun eh buddy?
Indian Parents : Dei. I want you to go to the bookshop, buy every book in there and finish it before your school starts again, you understand? Finish the books already means, erase all the answers and do again.
When having exams:
White Parents : Do your best, and if you fail, it’s alright. It’s not the end of the world. Keep your head up, boy.
Indian parents : If you fail, I will disown you. Don’t even dare to come back home, or I will kill you. Anyway, good luck.
When asking you to come down:
White Parents : Honey, would you come down for a second please?
When giving career advice:
White Parents : Be sure of what you want to be in life, and go for it!
Indian Parents : Be sure of what you want to be in life, and become a doctor/lawyer/engineer. Go for it!
When having your first girlfriend:
White Parents : Aw, you have a girlfriend, son? Bring her over for dinner, I’d like to meet her.
Indian parents : Aw, you have a girlfriend, son? Bring her over for dinner, and she can meet your future wife, she’s from Indian, cooks well, wedding is in 3 month. Here’s a photo of her.
When you curse:
White Parents : It’s not very nice to say those words, honey. It’s rude.
Indian parents : Dei punde! What the bloody shit did you just say, IS THIS HOW WE RAISED YOU?! Who taught you that?!! Mayirandi punde mavene! *proceeds to remove belt and kills child*
[The End]. I should probably make a video on Indian parents? 😂