#Hi家教の電影人生 #權力遊戲
《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》(GAME OF THRONES)第八季將在4/15下禮拜強勢登場!HBO知道影迷心急如焚,因此也在世界各地進行巡迴展覽,包括了拉斯維加斯、北愛爾蘭等地,展出了劇中的武器、服飾等
甚至為了更呼應劇情,HBO發起尋找鐵王座的活動。一句「THE NEXT ONE is in The North」吸引了世界各地的粉絲合作尋找,可見該影集的成功。
📣Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. (一旦你接受了你的缺陷,就沒有人可以用它們攻擊你了。)
📣I swear to you, sitting a throne is a thousand times harder than winning! (我跟你發誓,坐在這個王位上比贏得到一個王位還要難上千倍!)
📣The man who fears losing has already lost. (怕輸的人已經輸了。)
📣Let them see that their words can cut you, and you’ll never be free of the mockery. (讓他們看到話語可以讓你受傷,你就永遠無法從嘲弄中自由了。)
📣There's no shame in fear, my father told me, what matters is how we face it.
we the north game of thrones 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文
My dad often said to me "don't always travel alone. You should find some partners!" (Which probably also implies he wants me to find a partner for the journey of life ASAP, haha.) Indeed I'm very used to traveling alone, and it's often hard to find people to join my trip, but occasionally I made exceptions -- due to lack of public transit or high cost, in some places I'd join tour groups. This is what I'm doing today and the next two days, on my way to Sahara.
今天的旅程是翻過北非的屋脊「地圖集山」(Atlas Mountain,其實是亞特拉斯山,但是身為一個地理人很私心的想把它翻譯成地圖集山,哈哈)。山的北邊是地中海氣候,最近正好是雨季,兩天都斷斷續續的下著雨,出發時下著滂沱大雨的山路讓人開始擔心會不會碰到土石流阻斷去路;幸好到了山的南邊就成為類似加州內陸的乾燥氣候帶,雨再怎麼下也下不過山脊,倒是在稜線上留下了皓皓白雪,像是塗滿糖霜的巧克力蛋糕那樣可口(我是肚子有多餓才會寫出這種奇怪的比擬啊)XD。
We crossed over Atlas Mountain, the ridge of North Africa. The north of the mountain has typical Mediterranean climate, and it was quite rainy when I visited, to the extent that I was concerned about the trip; the other side of the mountain, however, has arid climate similar to Californian inland. The rain only went as far as the mountain ridge, and stopped as snow on tope of the ridge. The snow-capped ridge looked like chocolate cake with icing on top. The other side of the mountain was quite nice and sunny.
山的另一邊是廣闊的赭紅色土地,上面長著棕櫚樹和矮灌木,傳統民房多為土造,因此顏色也自然和大地毫無違和的融為一體;即使是新建的磚造房屋,在顏色和風格上也保留了原本的協調性。這裡的重要景點是泥造古城Aït Benhaddou,一個讓人看到馬上就會想到典型電影中東或北非場景的地方。這裡原本是柏柏爾人的聚落,人去樓空之後透過電影獲得第二春,後來的確拍了不少電影,尤其是1970到1990年代間的聖經電影,最新的出鏡則是在劇集《權力遊戲》裡。到了這裡,同團的人都說真的有來到印象中的北非的感覺。不過漂亮歸漂亮,當地人無所不用其極從觀光客身上榨出錢的功力也是一絕,最好要有點心理準備。
Most buildings are made from mud, and thus retain the brown-red color of the land. Even contemporary buildings made from bricks still match this local style. Our major stop is Aït Benhaddou, previously a Berber village and later became a well-preserved ancient city. It has been featured in many films with north Africa and middle East backgrounds. Particularly, many of the "Bible movies" in 1970-1990 were shot here, and the latest on-screen appearance is on the game of thrones. The beauty here, however, comes at the cost of ambitious locals, who would try everything they can do make to buy things.
Lastly about the "partners" I found in this group -- while English is the common language, none of us are born in a English-speaking country. Nationalities include: Belgium, Slavokia, Poland, Italy, Japan and China. This gave me good opportunities to practice foreign languages, especially Japanese. Even listening to Italian conversations make me realize its similarity to Spanish. What a bonus!
They'll be my peers to Sahara tomorrow. Look forward to it :)
we the north game of thrones 在 一頁華爾滋 Let Me Sing You A Waltz Facebook 的最讚貼文
在昨天一片沸沸揚揚的喧鬧聲中,最近劇照、海報動作頻頻的 HBO 磅礡史詩影集《權力遊戲 Game of Thrones》第七季也終於正式公佈首支預告,凜冬將在暑假 7 月 17 號再度降臨全球。
在預告中可看到,皇后 Cersei Lannister 告訴弟弟:
“Enemies to the east. Enemies to the west. Enemies to the south. Enemies to the north. Whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it. We're the last Lannisters. The last ones who count.”
龍母 Daenerys Targaryen 則宣稱:
“I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I will.”