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天氣開始轉涼,我昨晚已經把厚綿被拿出來了 😌 你也開始換季了嗎?說到保暖衣物,會不會第一時間想到羽絨?小學5年級時,第一次跟著家人坐上了人生第一趟飛機,去了韓國!也因此買下了我人生第一件羽絨大衣。當時只知道保暖,從來沒有考究過什麼是羽絨!
//羽絨其實是小鴨/鵝身上的羽毛 🦆,當小鴨/鵝2個月大時,便開始經歷第一次的殘忍拔毛,自此,便不斷地重複進行拔毛(平均每年4次直至死亡)。飼養員抓住鴨鵝的腳部,從頸部到胸部開始拔下絨毛,由於粗暴的拔毛方法,導致它們的皮膚被撕裂//
👆其實,要保暖真的不需要羽絨!現時有很多vegan的牌子可選擇,像是意大利戶外服裝品牌 - Save the Duck,他們用的是plumtech而非羽絨,不論在防潮還是保暖方面都比羽絨更勝一籌 🥳 (詳細對比請看最後一張圖)
再者,Save the Duck 的衣服可謂是非常時尚美觀,長版的穿起來不會肥腫,反而更顯瘦;另有短版的、可愛的,應有盡有!而且香港有分店啊!快快去試穿一下,一定能找到合你心意的 😎 更重要的是,小鴨/鵝從此不會再因為一件衣服而受苦了!一起SAVE THE DUCK! 💛
💚 Goodies Share💚
The weather is getting colder 😌 When it comes to warm clothing, do you think of down for the first time? When I was in the 5th grade of primary school, I went to South Korea with my family on the first plane of my life! I bought the first down coat in my life as well. At that time, I only knew I need to keep warm, and I never studied what down was!
//Down is actually the feathers on the ducklings/gooses 🦆. When the ducklings/gooses are 2 months old, they begin to experience the first cruel plucking. Since then, they have been repeatedly plucked (average 4 times a year until death). The breeder grabbed the feet of the ducks and geese and began to pluck the fluff from the neck to the chest. Due to the rough plucking method, their skin was torn//
👆In fact, you don’t really need down to keep warm! There are many vegan brands to choose from, such as the Italian outdoor clothing brand - Save the Duck. They use plumtech instead of down. They are better than down in terms of moisture-proof and warmth 🥳 (For detailed comparison, please see the last pic)
In addition, the clothes of Save the Duck are very fashionable and beautiful. The long version will not be fat and swollen, but look thinner. There are also short and cute versions! And there are branches in Hong Kong! Hurry up and try it on, you will surely find something that suits you 😎 More importantly, the ducklings/gooses will never suffer from a piece of clothing anymore! Let's SAVE THE DUCK together! 💛
Save The Duck
香港旗艦店 Hong Kong Flagship Store
📍 K11 MUSEA, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK
🌐 https://www.k11musea.com/zh-hk/shop/save-the-duck/
#savetheduck #down #plumtech #vegancloth #clothing #fashion #savetheanimals
warm clothing brand 在 Adele Leung 梁雅懿 Facebook 的精選貼文
I have heard it all:
Beautiful women nit-picking themselves. Shoulders too broad, tummy too rounded, not tall enough, feet too big, breasts too small, thighs too heavy, butt too invisible, complexion not white enough, legs too white...and the list goes on. We chose to put so many limitations on ourselves before allowing us to dress up and then we keep finding fault with our clothes, but of course, because we keep finding fault with ourselves!
Our clothes apart from the function of keeping us warm and protected, is the expression of our inner radiance. Shine it out and then even jeans and t-shirt or the oldest piece of clothing in your closet is going to look like a million bucks, and each wear would feel different, like brand new.
There are NO bad designs, only our fuller expression to shine.