Something from my heart 🥰
I wrote this at a time where I was angry, FOR myself.
This one is for every person who has ever been heartbroken, and whose vulnerability was mistaken for weakness.
You are an ocean - do not let anybody tell you you are not doing enough. Do not let anyone tell you you are anything but a beautiful, deep, vast being. You are more than enough, wherever you are in your healing! 🙂😘❤️✨
vulnerability is weakness 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
#EZTalk #你不知道的美國大小事 #新專欄上線 #運動諺語
🥊Boxing Idioms
這些拳擊用語在生活中使用是什麼意思呢 🤔
1. come out swing「出場揮拳」→ ❓
2. below the belt, low blow「攻擊下體」→ ❓
3. be in sb.’s corner「站在某人角落」→ ❓
Americans may love team sports like football and baseball, but they’ve also had a long fascination with the ancient blood sport of boxing. Boxing became an organized sport in ancient Greece—it was added to the Olympics in 688 BC—and brought to America by the British in the late 1700s. This long history has ensured that American English is full of boxing expressions.
When the bell rings at the start of a boxing match, the fighters often “come out swinging,” meaning they start throwing punches right away. 📌 So if someone “comes out swinging,” it means they’re aggressive in attacking their opponent right from the start. Ex: At the presidential debate, the two candidates came out swinging.
In boxing, fighters aren’t allowed to hit their opponent “below the belt.” This type of blow is known as a “low blow.” In everyday life, 📌 these phrases can both be used to describe an unfair attack or criticism of someone’s area of weakness or vulnerability. Ex: Making a joke about Mark’s divorce is kind of below the belt/a low blow.
After each round, a boxer returns to his corner, where his team helps him recover and prepare for the next round. 📌 So if you have someone “in your corner,” it means you have their full support. Ex: I’m lucky to have such a good lawyer in my corner.
【 ✍ 關鍵單字 】
1. swing:「揮拳」,也可當動詞。
2. opponent:「對手」。
3. low blow:「攻擊下體;批評,卑鄙行為」,blow 原指「攻擊」。
4. round:「(比賽)回合」。
【 ✍ 中譯】
美國人喜愛像美式足球或棒球這類團體運動,不過他們長久以來也迷戀古老的流血運動:拳擊。 拳擊自古希臘時就是一項正規運動,並在西元前688年成為奧林匹克運動項目。拳擊在18世紀末由英國人帶入美國。拳擊悠久的歷史淵源,也讓美語充滿與此運動有關的俗語。
拳擊比賽以鳴鈴作為開始,拳擊手常在一出場就猛揮拳。因此,要是說 📌 某人 come out swinging,就是指一開始「採取積極攻勢攻擊對手」。Ex: At the presidential debate, the two candidates came out swinging. (在總統選前辯論上,兩位候選人砲火猛烈互相攻擊。)
比賽中,拳擊手攻擊對方 below the belt『腰帶以下』部位是犯規行為,稱 low blow『攻擊下體』。📌 因此,這兩個片語可用來指用不正當的手段攻擊或批評對方弱點,即「下流手段」。Ex: Making a joke about Mark’s divorce is kind of below the belt/a low blow. (拿馬克的離婚來開玩笑有些不入流。)
每回合結束後,拳擊手會回到自己的角落,他的團隊會幫他處理傷口準備進入下一回合。所以如果有人📌 in your corner『站在你的角落』,就是指獲得他們全力支持。Ex: I’m lucky to have such a good lawyer in my corner.(我很幸運有個好律師全力支持。)
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vulnerability is weakness 在 Angie Ng 伍靜麗 / Li Facebook 的最佳解答
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.... Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” - @brenebrown