#終於回到中環 #人狗共享街道 #verydvrc #dvrchk
verydvrc 在 側田Justin Lo Facebook 的最讚貼文
#verydvrc #dvrchk theme song
arranged by Dough-Boy
非常( )德 — 德輔道中 | 想像 實踐 | 香港未來
「德」代表德輔道中,把現為車水馬龍的行車路轉化為翠綠行人大道、公共空間,又有何不可?自2015年起,眾多專業、學界、民間團體倡議德輔道中改劃為行人及電車專區以改善中區環境及交通問題,其文化意義在於象徵香港主流價值的中區核心地帶,出現一片「以人為本」的公共空間。9月25日 非常( )德 Very DVRC 試行將中區核心地帶回歸行人的可行性。我們相信,實現不同個體的夢想,將構連成為城市的願景。「非常 ( ) 德」是讓你活出夢想的舞台,中間的一片空白由你自行填上。
Creating a pedestrian and tram precinct along Des Voeux Road Central is constantly supported by the community, professionals and academics in order to improve the air quality and traffic in Central. 非常( )德 Very DVRC thus provides the platform to address to these issues by creatively transforming the current traffic thoroughfare into an innovative urban artery for Hong Kong that opens possibilities for a new kind of catalytic public space, even just for one day. Do all we can to make the dream into a reality. It is the collectives of individual’s dreams that shapes the future of Hong Kong. VERY DVRC offers this unique space for everyone to realise their dream in the heart of our city.
*Special thanks to Justin Lo for the theme song
#verydvrc #dvrchk 非常香港 Very Hong Kong 拓展公共空間 Hong Kong Public Space Initiative 健康空氣行動 | Clean Air Network (CAN) Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 Wheel Thing Makers (軸物行者) 近水留台 Social Dock 明愛堅道社區中心 - Caritas CRCC Guide St. james settlement 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) JupYeah 執嘢 綠腳丫 妙想氈開 Magic Carpet: Re-envisioning Community Space 人民足球 People's pitch 街角畫廊 傳剩行動 Eco-Riders HK 低碳騎行者 Kalacove BEYOND Bollywood #香港收藏家協會 Veron Sung Studio / V工作室 / 阿V School of Architecture - CUHK Hong Kong Community Philharmonic Orchestra 環保觸覺 Green Sense 結束一桶專棄 營盤耕作 Go Green SYP Faculty of Architecture, HKU 香港仔坊會社會服務 賽馬會綜合服務處 Metropolitan Orienteering Club 都會定向會 晴天社 Fine Days Association 姚松炎 Edward Yiu CAW David Boyce