[News / 甜點新聞] La Maison du Chocolat 發表復活節作品及兩款由 Pierre Hermé Paris 創作的純素甜點 / La Maison du Chocolat to present its Easter collections and 2 vegan pastries created by Pierre Hermé (English below)
昨日去參加 La Maison du Chocolat 的新春作品發表會,真的是大開眼界。「Vegan」果然是近期熱度最高的關鍵詞!現場不僅看到了 Nicolas Cloiseau 主廚(MOF 巧克力職人)精采無比的復活節巧克力創作、品嚐了 #純素巧克力,還搶先試吃到 Pierre Hermé 主廚創作、三月二日才會正式上市的兩款 #純素甜點,且兩位大師本人都在,我一時有點忙不過來,都不知道該先拍、先嚐什麼好!
Nicolas 主廚今年的復活節巧克力雕塑「Les Voyages Extraordinaires」(#非比尋常之旅)靈感來自於他小時候最喜歡的一本書《Vingt mille lieues sous les mers》(中譯《#海底兩萬里》,是法國作家 Jules Verne 在 1869 年出版的科幻小說,描述一艘被誤認為海怪的潛水艇「鸚鵡螺號」的冒險旅程)。主廚精心以純手工打造了一艘熱帶魚型的巧克力潛水艇(美國與法國各僅有一座)、並使用了來自三大洲三個地點的三款風格獨特的巧克力製作復活節蛋,讓所有的消費者也能跟他一起在味蕾尖上環遊世界。三個巧克力分別來自越南、中美洲格瑞納達與西非迦納,其中來自越南的那款批覆巧克力(chocolat de couverture)為純素(végane / vegan),加入了椰奶,在口中香氣迸發時,能瞬間將你帶到藍天碧海白沙灘的熱帶場景,個性極為鮮明。巧克力雕塑本身細節考究,外型充滿童心,是小朋友們看了會非常興奮、大人們也會在心中升起共鳴的作品。
本次一同推出的,還有 #五款水果風味的夾心巧克力,包含覆盆子、黑醋栗、檸檬、柑橘與百香果。有趣的是這五款巧克力分為一般與純素兩個系列,純素系列使用酪梨油取代鮮奶油與奶油等動物性油脂製作甘納許(ganache)、楓糖漿取代白糖。有趣的是,大部分的人在品嚐、比較兩種後,都會驚喜地發現純素的巧克力甘納許水果滋味更為豐富有深度,酸香也更為明亮有層次。
最後一個重頭戲,則是 Pierre Hermé 主廚受邀為 La Maison du Chocolat 設計的兩款 #純素且無麩質的甜點:「Rose des Sables」(玫瑰巧克力酥)與「Fleur de Cassis」(黑醋栗之花)。之前我在歐洲麵包展時遇到 Pierre Hermé 主廚、詢問他對純素甜點的風潮看法,他便向我透露三月會有兩款純素甜點。謎底揭曉,原來就是與 La Maison du Chocolat 合作的最新創作。Nicolas 主廚則告訴我,當他邀請 Pierre Hermé 合作時,其實並沒有「純素」的目標限制,而是大師本人為響應 La Maison du Chocolat 對 #環境永續、#生態平衡 的理念而創作。Nicolas 主廚提到他 #從四年前便開始從頭學習如何使用植物性食材取代動物性食材創作,經過無數次實驗,對他來說是很大的挑戰。La Maison du Chocolat 過去的作品也可見到他 #關心環境與生態的理念,如 2019 年的聖誕節巧克力雕塑以北極熊為主題、品牌也從兩年前開始推出純素的巧克力商品,收到不少消費者的正面回覆。他目前已經開始著手創作更多純素巧克力系列,並認為「#這就是未來的巧克力樣貌」。
🔖 當天影音請點此欣賞(在該精選動態後半):https://tinyurl.com/swylsfh
Today is Chinese New Year’s Eve, what did you have on your dinner table? What pastries and desserts have you had?
I got invited to discover the Easter and Spring collections of La Maison du Chocolat yesterday and was really amazed. “Vegan” is apparently the keyword that you can’t miss now. The chef Nicolas Cloiseau presented his Easter chocolate piece as well as a series of fruity chocolates including a vegan version. M. Hermé was there, too, to launch his two vegan pastry creations in collaboration with La Maison du Chocolat.
Themed “Les Voyages Extraordinaires” (“The Extraordinary Trips”), the chocolate piece was carefully sculptured and constructed by hand by the chef chocolatier of the brand, MOF Nicolas Cloiseau. The chef got inspired by Jules Verne's “Vingt mille lieues sous mers” (“Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”), one of his favourite books in childhood and created this gorgeous work, which speaks to the children as well as to the adventurous spirit of adults. Three characteristic couverture chocolates from Vietnam, Ghana, and Grenada are used to reflect on the chef’s trips discovering great chocolates around the globe, and the customers are invited to enjoy this globe-trotter experience along. Coconut milk is added in the vegan couverture chocolate from Vietnam. While the warm and exotic coconut aroma starts to dance on your tongue, you’d immediately feel that you are transported to an tropical island where the sun is shining and warm wind is kissing your cheeks.
The maison also launches five fruity chocolates in both original and vegan series, including raspberry, blackcurrant, lemon, orange, and passion fruit. Avocado oil replaced cream and butter and maple syrup replaced white sugar to make vegan ganaches, resulting in a much brighter and more intense fruity flavour.
In this Spring collection, the great chef Pierre Hermé is invited to create two vegan and gluten-free pastries, "Rose des Sables" and "Fleur de Cassis”. Chef Nicolas told me that in fact, they didn’t ask Pierre Hermé to make them vegan. The latter made such choice as an echo to Nicolas’ pursuit of a more responsible work ethic and eco-friendly philosophy of creation. The chef Nicolas has been working since four years ago on vegan chocolates by learning how to use vegan ingredients to replace animal products, which is a great challenge as this chocolate, like pastries, are made of butter, cream, sugar, etc. La Maison du Chocolat starts to provide vegan choices since two years ago and the chef’s previous work also shows his constant concern for the environment and endangered animals. For example, his 2019 Christmas chocolate piece featured polar bear and iceberg in a snowy world. The chef told me that the brand has received lots of positive feedback from customer and he believed that “this is what the chocolate of tomorrow going to be”.
Following “San-gluten” (gluten-free), “végane” (vegan) apparently is going to be the next storm sweeping through the French pastry industry. Many might criticise that it’s just another fashion that will soon die out, but Isn’t it wonderful that when you enjoy your pastries and desserts next time, you are also showing your support to environment sustainability and your concern for animal rights?
Don’t forget to click on the photos and check out my featured story for more details: https://tinyurl.com/swylsfh
#yingspastryguide #paris #lamaisonduchocolat #nicolascloiseau #pierrehermé #vegan #vaganpastries #Pâques #easter2020
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過849的網紅Veganfuufu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,3道適合跟朋友家人一起做的蔬食聖誕食譜,一次放送給你們! 一起烤南瓜、做豆腐豬排真的很好玩! 分享給想一起做飯的朋友一起玩✨ 不能出國就一起做飯吧~! 0:00 開場 Opening 0:14 烤南瓜湯 Butternut squash soup 2:46 球芽甘藍(小甘藍菜) Brussels ...
vegan christmas dinner for 2 在 Veganfuufu Youtube 的精選貼文
0:00 開場 Opening
0:14 烤南瓜湯 Butternut squash soup
2:46 球芽甘藍(小甘藍菜) Brussels sprouts
3:29 麥氏炸朱排 Tofu katsu
4:58 歡樂用餐時間 Dinner time
6:14 日本超市買菜 Japan supermarket
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veganfuufu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veganfuufu
蔬食食譜 Vegan Recipes:
♥烤南瓜湯 Butternut Squash Soup
南瓜1顆 Squash/ pumpkin
蒜頭3大顆 Garlic
高湯1包 Broth
大蔥 2段 Green Onion
紅蘿蔔 半根 Carrots
洋蔥 半顆 Onion
香菇 5-6朵 Mushroom
椰奶 1小瓶 Cocona milk
鹽巴 Salt
黑胡椒 Black pepper
迷迭香 Rosemary
橄欖油 Olive Oil
肉豆蔻 Nutmeg ground (可略)
白胡椒 White pepper
料理酒 Japanese Sake
-器材 TOOL
烤箱 Oven
攪拌機/調理機 Blender
♥球芽甘藍(小甘藍菜) Brussels sprouts
小甘藍 Brussels sprouts
小紅蘿蔔 Radish
蒜頭 Garlic (不吃五辛可略)
橄欖油 Olive Oil
鹽巴 Salt
小辣椒 Chili
蒜粉 Garlic powder
白酒 White wine
甜菜糖 Beet sugar
楓糖 Maple syrup
♥麥氏炸朱排 Tofu Katsu
豆腐 Tofu
麵粉 Flour
玉米澱粉 Corn starch
日式麵包粉 Panko
鹽巴 Salt
辣椒粉 Chili Powder
黑胡椒 Black pepper
白胡椒 White pepper
蒜粉 Garlic powder (可略)
橄欖油 Olive Oil
- 沾醬 SAUCE (可自由發揮)
素美乃滋+生洋蔥+橄欖油+芥末 Mayonnaise+onion+olive oil+wasabi
素牛排醬 Tonkatsu sauce
黃芥末醬 Yellow mustard
Thank you and Merry Christmas❤️
vegan christmas dinner for 2 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
♥ Happy holidays! Watch this video for 3 soul warming soup recipes for this holiday season.
♥ Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup. Creamy Mushroom Soup. Black Bean & Sweet Potato Soup.
♥ Want to lose weight or keep the weight off? Have a bowl of soup prior to your meals. They are filling, low in calories & made with wholesome ingredients.
♥ LIKE. SHARE. SUBSCRIBE. http://www.youtube.com/joannasohofficial Let me know your favourite soup recipe in the comments below.
1) 1kg of pumpkin, roasted, peeled and cubed – 260Cals
*Option: Any other winter squashes.
2) 1 medium Yellow Onion, diced – 40Cals
3) 3 Garlic Cloves, minced – 15Cals
4) 1 tbsp Fresh Ginger, minced – 6Cals
5) ½ cup Coconut Milk – 267Cals
6) 3 cups Vegetable Stock – 45Cals
7) 1 tbsp. Olive Oil – 119Cals
8) 1 tsp. Curry Powder – 6Cals
9) ½ tsp. Cumin – 4Cals
10) ½ tsp. Turmeric – 4Cals
11) 1 tsp. Coriander Seed – 5Cals
12) 1 tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice – 3Cals
13) Salt & Pepper to Taste
Per Serving - 130.5Cals
1) 500g Fresh Wild Mushrooms, thinly sliced – 90Cals
2) 3 cups Cauliflower, coarsely chopped – 82Cals
3) 1 large Yellow Onion, diced – 63Cals
4) 1 tbsp Olive Oil – 119Cals
5) 3 Garlic Cloves, minced – 15Cals
6) 4 cups Vegetable Stock – 60Cals
7) 1 tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice – 3Cals
8) Salt & Pepper to Taste
Per Serving - 72Cals
1) 1.5 cups Sweet Potato, peeled & diced into cubes – 171Cals
2) 1 can (15oz) Black Beans, rinsed & drained – 350Cals
3) 1 medium Yellow Onion, diced – 40Cals
4) 2 Garlic Cloves, minced – 10Cals
5) 1 tsp. Olive Oil – 40Cals
6) 1 tsp. Cumin – 8Cals
7) 1 tsp. Smoked Paprika – 8Cals
8) 1 tsp. Coriander Seed – 5Cals
9) 2 cups Vegetable Stock – 30Cals
10) Salt & Pepper to Taste
Per Serving - 165.5Cals
**You may add more vegetable stock depending on how thick you want your soup to be.
To avoid overindulging this holiday season and to keep the weight, include soups into your meals. Serve it as a starter for lunch or dinner or have it as an afternoon snack. They are extremely convenient and easy to make in large batches ahead of time, which also makes it a perfect dish for parties.
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(Subscribe to my website for printable workouts & recipes)
Lots of Love xx