【旅行隨筆】第一次大白天喝伏特加喝到吐😨 一切都要從昨天從 Khiva 搭乘 450公里的共乘車子開始說起...🚘
不知道為什麼本來查到的火車班次是因為淡季沒開,還是票賣完了。我們必須從古城 Khiva 搭40分鐘的共乘車(USD$1)到下個大城市 Urgench(中途碰到一位剛好今天要飛要去蘭州留學三年的男子,用很不標準的中文跟我們對話~)🚘
接著再搭乘每人 USD$10 的車資前往下個距離這裡430KM 的主要城鎮 Bukhara 🚕 共乘車子就是這樣,有時候你是最後一組客人,一上車就可以走了😆
等到我們司機接到其他四位客人,已經過了一個多小時了...我們九點半就離開了旅館,十二點才發車...重點是私人 Taxi 才 USD$40🤣 人家說在中亞就是要共乘車子才有趣,果然不錯...😅
下午我們停到一家餐廳,直接進去廚房!廚房內居然有個巨大的魚池,裡面的魚都超大!在英文不通的狀況下,真不知道這是要買魚還是吃午餐😐 「一公斤五美金。」司機用計算機打出來。由於當下我以為要買魚回家,馬上說 NO。
一坐下去就麵包、茶水、居然還有沾麵包的番茄醬(以前都沒有)🍅 這時烏茲別克叔叔們點了伏特加,想說可以消毒,就喝了一杯😛
應該是說他們是用飲茶大小的碗來喝酒,而且都是全滿。剛喝下去還好,接著不知道為什麼就被灌了四杯😅 完全沒料到後勁超強 😂 叔叔還指著可樂的顏色說我的臉跟可樂一樣紅了😳
酒量好的 York 當然沒事啦!連續開了三瓶 😲 這時叔叔從一個小包裝拿出一些葉子,要他把嘴巴張開放到舌頭後面。「像這樣子嗎?」他大嘴巴的說。
叔叔在耳朵旁比了旋轉的手勢,York 說他整個耳朵在響,趕快跑去洗手台吐掉😝 而烏茲別克叔叔們都在大笑,很滿意的看著我們。看來我們成功不靠語言就交了朋友?叔叔們不時關心我如何,告訴我等下上車就會直接睡到目的地🚘
確實沒錯... 我站起來出去外面透透氣,不到兩秒就把食物吐出來了!我的魚...😭 而且是廁所都還沒有走到,就吐在餐廳的花圃上...🌹
接下來的車程我真的是睡死...醒來頭也超痛的... 這餐真的吃太飽,兩人吃一公斤的魚肉含酒才 USD$7!果然在古城被坑很大 🙄 就這樣... 結束了我們在烏茲別克第一個有趣的體驗😂
#烏茲別克 #希瓦 #布哈拉
First time getting drink on Vodka in broad daylight ☀️ Projectile vomited across a flower bed😨🌹 Slept through a 450KM car ride while walking up with massive headache 🚘
Uzbeks are crazy drinkers! Never again!!!!
So the day started with us taking a shared taxi from Khiva to Urgench for USD$1 each on a 40 min car ride🚖
Then we negotiated another shared taxi to Bukhara which is 430KM away for USD$10 per person. As we were the first passengers, we waited for an hour before the driver found 4 other ppl then he's finally ready to go!
Mind you, a whole private cab is only USD$40...😐 However, they say shared taxi are part of Central Asia experience and they not wrong🤣
We visited two restaurants along the way and headed straight into their kitchen😶 Had no idea what's happening as no one speaks English but there were MANY fishes swimming inside this large pond😲🐟
Turns out they were deciding which restaurant was fresher. One kilogram of fish was USD$5, this clearly shows that our food in Khiva was a rip off🙄
The fried fishes were delicious but the highlight was probably the local men kept pouring vodka for us and guess we bonded that way...???😂
York had like 7 BOWLS of straight vodka while I had 4 😆 Had to run outside to use the toilet but really I was vomiting out the food...🤢
Between 4 or 5 of us, we finished 3 bottles of Vodka 😲 No joke... THEN... this man got out a packet of tobacco (?) Or leaves of some sort and told York to put it underneath his tongue 👅
Within a few seconds he sobered up! With ears ringing through his ears👂 It was quite crazy LOL. He whispered to me asking me if it was cocaine, I'm like I thought cocaines are powders not leaves???🌿
Anyways... We truly bonded with the them thanks to York who's able to tolerate alcohol 😛
Didn't get rip off for food as those fresh fishes were only USD$7 for two of us including bread, tea and drinks🍸 Finally, a decent meal in Uzbekistan after so many days!!!
Slept like a baby in the car ride...No shit 😂
Ps. I think "York" means "No" in Uzbek, in Russian "Neh!"
#Uzbekistan #Khiva #Bukhara
tobacco use中文 在 眼科陳慶隆醫師-視網膜的大小事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
術後可調整度數及散光的人工水晶體 RxSight,正式被美國FDA通過,如果未來能在台灣上市,將是眼科醫師與患者的一大福音!
美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)昨(22)日批准了RxSight的光調節水晶體(light adjustable lens)和光傳遞設備(light delivery device, LDD),這是第一個可以在白內障手術後,對人工水晶體(intraocular lens, IOL)進行小幅度調整的醫療器械系統,幫助患者不戴眼鏡也能擁有良好視力。
為了替患者解決人工水晶體不當聚焦的問題,RxSight 建構獨特材料IOL,在手術後17至21天,對LDD發出的紫外線進行反應。根據所需調整量,患者在1到2周內接受3或4次光照治療,每次約40-150秒。
使用光調節水晶體的患者接受輕度LDD治療,術後6個月的裸眼視力(uncorrected visual acuity, UCVA)達到20/20或更高,是接受單焦點水晶體患者的兩倍。與使用傳統IOL相比,患者平均遠距離裸眼視力在視力表上可多看清楚一行。
75%的患者散光也有所減少,91.8%使用光調節水晶體的患者也達到目標驗光球鏡度數(manifest refraction spherical equivalent)0.5D以內的結果,這與近期LASIK研究中所見屈光準確性相似。
FDA醫療器械暨輻射健康中心(Center for Devices and Radiological Health)眼科和耳鼻喉科部門主任Malvina Eydelman表示,到今天為止,白內障手術常見的屈光不正問題,都還得透過眼鏡矯正。不過這個系統為部分患者提供了一個新的選擇,使醫生在初次手術後,可進行多次,可在辦公室內操作的步驟,對植入的水晶體做些調整,提高不戴眼鏡的視力。
RxSight執行長Eric Weinberg指出,我們很高興全球首個手術後可調式IOL成功到達另一個里程碑,這對期待屈光人工水晶體技術再度突破的患者、外科醫生和驗光師來說,是一個相當令人振奮的機會。我們很感謝所有參與這項工作的人員,包括協助研究的臨床工作人員,以及準備審查監管報告的雙方(RxSight和FDA)工作人員。
感謝 David 提供中文翻譯。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the RxSight Inc. Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device, the first medical device system that can make small adjustments to the artificial lens’ power after cataract surgery so that the patient will have better vision when not using glasses.
Cataracts are a common eye condition where the natural lens becomes clouded, impairing a patient’s vision. Following cataract surgery, during which the natural lens of the eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (intraocular lens, or IOL), many patients have some minor residual refractive error requiring use of glasses or contact lenses. Refractive error, which is caused when the artificial lens does not focus properly, causes blurred vision.
“Until now, refractive errors that are common following cataract surgery could only be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery,” said Malvina Eydelman, M.D., director of the Division of Ophthalmic, and Ear, Nose and Throat at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “This system provides a new option for certain patients that allows the physician to make small adjustments to the implanted lens during several in-office procedures after the initial surgery to improve visual acuity without glasses.”
The RxSight IOL is made of a unique material that reacts to UV light, which is delivered by the Light Delivery Device, 17-21 days after surgery. Patients receive three or four light treatments over a period of 1-2 weeks, each lasting about 40-150 seconds, depending upon the amount of adjustment needed. The patient must wear special eyeglasses for UV protection from the time of the cataract surgery to the end of the light treatments to protect the new lens from UV light in the environment.
A clinical study of 600 patients was conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device. Six months after the procedure, patients on average saw an improvement of about one additional line down the vision chart, for distance vision without glasses, compared to a conventional IOL. Six months after surgery, 75 percent also had a reduction in astigmatism.
The device is intended for patients who have astigmatism (in the cornea) before surgery and who do not have macular diseases.
The device should not be used in patients taking systemic medication that may increase sensitivity to UV light such as tetracycline, doxycycline, psoralens, amiodarone, phenothiazines, chloroquine, hydrochlorothiazide, hypercin, ketoprofen, piroxicam, lomefloxacin and methoxsalen. Treatment in patients taking such medications may lead to irreversible eye damage. The device is also contraindicated in cases where patients have a history of ocular herpes simplex virus.
The FDA approved the Vision Light Adjustable Lens and the Light Delivery Device to RxSight Inc.
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency is also responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.