[翻轉視界 8]逃離禁錮之地:離開北韓我學會自由與憐憫
“If you don't know the words, that means you don't understand the concept, and therefore, you don't even realize that concept is even a possibility.” —— human rights activist Yeonmi Park。
I was born in 1993 in the northern part of North Korea, in a town called Hyesan, which is on the border with China. I had loving parents and one older sister. Before I was even 10 years old, my father was sent to a labor camp for engaging in illegal trading. Now, by "illegal trading" -- he was selling clogs, sugar, rice and later copper to feed us. In 2007, my sister and I decided to escape. She was 16 years old, and I was 13 years old.
1. on the border with 鄰近邊界
2. labor camp 勞改營
3. illegal trading 非法的交易
I need you to understand what the word "escape" means in the context of North Korea. We were all starving, and hunger means death in North Korea. So it was the only option for us. I didn't even understand the concept of escape, but I could see the lights from China at night, and I wondered if I go where the light is, I might be able to find a bowl of rice. It's not like we had a grand plan or maps. We did not know anything about what was going to happen. Imagine your apartment building caught fire. I mean, what would you do? Would you stay there to be burned, or would you jump off out of the window and see what happens? That's what we did. We jumped out of the house instead of the fire.
4. in the context of 在⋯⋯的情境中
5. concept 概念;觀念;思想
6. a grand plan 一個遠大的計畫
7. catch fire 著火
你們要知道,「逃跑」這兩字在北韓意味著什麼。我們天天挨餓,而飢餓在北韓意味著死亡。所以逃跑是我們唯一的選擇。我當時還不了解逃跑是什麼意思,但晚上我能看見中國那邊的燈光,我想著如果我能到有光的地方,也許就能找到一碗飯。我們沒有什麼遠大的計畫或地圖。我們完全不知道,接下來會發生什麼事。想像一下,你的公寓失火了,你會怎麼辦?你會坐以待斃,還是跳窗然後再看著辦?我們就是那樣。我們從大樓上跳了下來, 而不是等火燒上來。
North Korea is unimaginable. It's very hard for me when people ask me what it feels like to live there. To be honest, I tell you: you can't even imagine it. The words in any language can't describe, because it's a totally different planet, as you cannot imagine your life on Mars right now. For example, the word "love" has only one meaning: love for the Dear Leader. There's no concept of romantic love in North Korea. And if you don't know the words, that means you don't understand the concept, and therefore, you don't even realize that concept is even a possibility.
8. unimaginable 無法想像
9. no concept of... 沒有⋯的概念
10. romantic love 浪漫愛
Let me give you another example. Growing up in North Korea, we truly believed that our Dear Leader is an almighty god who can even read my thoughts. I was even afraid to think in North Korea. We are told that he's starving for us, and he's working tirelessly for us, and my heart just broke for him. When I escaped to South Korea, people told me that he was actually a dictator, he had cars, many, many resorts, and he had an ultraluxurious life. And then I remember looking at a picture of him, realizing for the first time that he is the largest guy in the picture. And it hit me. Finally, I realized he wasn't starving. But I was never able to see that before, until someone told me that he was fat.
11. an almighty god 一個全能的神
12. tirelessly 不屈不撓地;堅忍地
13. a dictator 獨裁者
14. it hit me 突然想到、意識到 
15. resort 度假地(此處係指北韓獨裁者有很多度假別墅)
16. ultraluxurious 極其奢華的
17. have a…life 過著⋯⋯的生活
Really, someone had to teach me that he was fat. If you have never practiced critical thinking, then you simply see what you're told to see. The biggest question also people ask me is: "Why is there no revolution inside North Korea? Are we dumb? Why is there no revolution for 70 years of this oppression?" And I say: If you don't know you're a slave, if you don't know you're isolated or oppressed, how do you fight to be free? I mean, if you know you're isolated, that means you are not isolated. Not knowing is the true definition of isolation, and that's why I never knew I was isolated when I was in North Korea. I literally thought I was in the center of the universe.
18. critical thinking 批判性思考
19. revolution 革命
20. dumb 愚蠢的*
21. oppression 壓迫;壓制;欺壓
22. isolated and oppressed 與世隔絕的與被壓迫的
*dumb: https://bit.ly/3fG5XOk
So here is my idea worth spreading: a lot of people think humans inherently know what is right and wrong, the difference between justice and injustice, what we deserve and we don't deserve. I tell them: BS. Everything, everything must be taught, including compassion. If I see someone dying on the street right now, I will do anything to save that person. But when I was in North Korea, I saw people dying and dead on the streets. I felt nothing. Not because I'm a psychopath, but because I never learned the concept of compassion. Only, I felt compassion, empathy and sympathy in my heart after I learned the word "compassion" and the concept, and I feel them now.
23. inherently 與生俱來地
24. justice and injustice 正義與不義
25. psychopath 精神病患者
26. compassion, empathy and sympathy 憐憫、同理與同情*
*compassion: a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
empathy: the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation
sympathy: (an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering
Now I live in the United States as a free person.
And recently, the leader of the free country, our President Trump, met with my former god. And he decided human rights is not important enough to include in his agendas, and he did not talk about it. And it scares me. We live in a world right now where a dictator can be praised for executing his uncle, for killing his half brother, killing thousands of North Koreans. And that was worthy of praise. And also it made me think: perhaps we all need to be taught something new about freedom now. Freedom is fragile. I don't want to alarm you, but it is. It only took three generations to make North Korea into George Orwell's "1984." It took only three generations. If we don't fight for human rights for the people who are oppressed right now who don't have a voice, as free people here, who will fight for us when we are not free? Machines? Animals? I don't know.
27. agenda 議程
28. be praised for 因⋯⋯獲得讚揚
29. execute (v.) 處決
30. worthy of sth 適合某物或具有某物的特徵
31. fragile 脆弱
I think it's wonderful that we care about climate change, animal rights, gender equality, all of these things. The fact that we care about animals' rights, that means that's how beautiful our heart is, that we care about someone who cannot speak for themselves. And North Koreans right now cannot speak for themselves. They don't have internet in the 21st century. We don't have electricity, and it is the darkest place on earth right now. Now I want to say something to my fellow North Koreans who are living in that darkness. They might not believe this, but I want to tell them that an alternative life is possible. Be free.
32. speak for oneself 為某人發聲
33. alternative life 另一種生活
From my experience, literally anything is possible. I was bought, I was sold as a slave. But now I'm here, and that is why I believe in miracles. The one thing that I learned from history is that nothing is forever in this world. And that is why we have every reason to be hopeful. Thank you.
34. slave 奴隸
35. miracle 奇蹟
翻轉視界系列文章: https://bit.ly/3fPvKUs
three generations meaning 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的最讚貼文
PENDEDAHAN: Bukti Usaha Dakyah Untuk Memurtadkan Pelajar Kita [Siri 3]
Dr Yoo Chong Young adalah penggerak utama ajaran Unification Church di Malaysia. Beliau sudah bertapak lebih 11 tahun di Malaysia semata-mata untuk menyebarluaskan ajaran ketuanya Sun Myung Moon atau dikenali Father Moon.
Di dalam pendedahan siri ini akan mengetegahkan apa yang berlaku sebenarnya disebalik penglibatan mereka di dalam badan-badan kerajaan dan NGO di Malaysia. Ada dua situasi, pertama adalah mendedahkan apa yang berlaku di Korea Selatan bersama dengan pelajar Malaysia dan kedua adalah pendedahan ucapan misionari Unification Church di Malaysia.
Apa Yang Berlaku Di Korea Selatan?
Seperti disebut di dalam siri yang lepas, terdapat satu program yang telah berlansung di Universiti-Universiti tempatan iaitu program Students for Peace Leadership Conference. Program ini digerakkan oleh sebuah badan besar di bawah agama Unification Church iaitu Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP). Antara Universiti yang telah menjadi sasaran program ini adalah Universiti Malaysia Terengganu pada 30 April 2018, Universiti Putra Malaysia pada 10 Mac 2018, Universiti Sains Malaysia pada 6 Oktober 2018. Dan mungkin akan ada lagi susulannya memandangkan mereka mensasarkan 13 Universiti di Malaysia.
Salah satu carannya adalah di dalam program tersebut, Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) akan memberi anugerah ‘Youth Ambassadors for Peace’ kepada mana-mana pimpinan mahasiswa atau mahasiswi dari lain-lain Universiti di Malaysia dan pelajar yang mendapat anugerah itu, dia boleh mengajak beberapa orang rakan yang lain untuk menghadiri program “Student Leadership Conference & Exploring Korean Development and Culture Tour”. Yang mana program tersebut akan diadakan di Korea Selatan (dan akan dibuat juga di Hawaii). Peserta hanya perlu menyediakan pembelanjaan tiket penerbangan sahaja manakala yang lain-lain akan ditanggung oleh Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP).
Antara pelajar Universiti yang terlibat di dalam program ke Korea Selatan adalah dari Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) dan Universiti Selangor (UNISEL).
Program itu berlangsung selama seminggu bermula 30 Julai sehingga 5 Ogos 2018 bertempat di YongPyeong Ski Resort, Korea Selatan. Apa yang berlaku selama seminggu itu adalah:
1) Pelajar-pelajar didedahkan tentang ideologi Father Moon dan Unification Church.
2) Pelajar-pelajar dipaparkan video dan testimoni pimpinan seluruh dunia mengenai Father Moon.
3) Pelajar diberikan buku pendakyahan Unification Church tulisan Dr Yoo Chong Young sendiri bertajuk True Parents and World Peace.
4) Pelajar didedahkan tentang Mass Weeding dan idealogi Unification Church berkenaan perkahwinan dan juga kekeluargaan.
5) Pelajar didoktrinkan supaya “mengagungkan” Father Moon sehingga ketika saat sebelum makan juga pelajar diajar untuk menyebut “Father Moon” bagi menggantikan “Cheers”.
6) Pelajar disuruh mengangkat ikrar dan bersumpah untuk mengiktiraf Father Moon dan Mother Moon sebagai Heavenly Parent dan menunaikan 3 Great Blessing. Pada waktu itu berlaku ketegangan kerana ramai yang protes untuk melakukannya.
7) Pelajar Malaysia dibawa ke Istana Unification Church bernama Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Museum and Meeting Center yang berada di pendalam di atas bukit. Istana berwarna putih itu digelarkan sebagai “Vatican of the East”. Pelajar dilarang membawa sebarang kamera atau telifon pintar ke dalam istana tersebut. Di dalam istana tersebut terdapat barang peninggalan Father Moon seperti baju, kasut, paparan legasi sepanjang hidupnya dan sebagainya.
8) Semasa berada di Istana tersebut pelajar disuruh untuk melakukan upacara tunduk hormat pada sebuah tempat yang dianggap suci oleh Unification Church dan ada pelajar muslim juga terlibat.
9) Pelajar juga ditawarkan untuk membawa balik kitab suci Unification Church itu “Divine Principle”.
Semua pendedahan ini kami memiliki bukti berbentuk gambar, video dan juga saksi dari peserta yang telah menghadiri program tersebut. Perkara ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa agenda mereka adalah untuk merekrut keahlian dari pelajar-pelajar Malaysia untuk menerima agama Unification Church. Memandangkan mereka tahu jika hal ini dilakukan di Malaysia maka mereka melanggar Perlembagaan Malaysia perkara 11 (4) iaitu:
“Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan undang-undang negeri dan berkenaan dengan Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Labuan dan Putrajaya, undang-undang persekutuan boleh mengawal atau menyekat pengembangan apa-apa doktrin atau kepercayaan agama dalam kalangan orang yang menganuti agama Islam”
Oleh itu, mereka memilih untuk menghantar pelajar Malaysia ke Korea Selatan untuk mengelak dari terikat dengan peraturan tersebut untuk mendoktrin agama mereka kepada pelajar-pelajar Malaysia.
Apa Dakyah Unification Church Di Malaysia?
Di bahagian ini pula akan mendedahkan teks dan juga program yang telah diusahakan oleh agama Unification Church di Malaysia. Hal ini jelas bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Malaysia dan juga enakmen Ugama Bukan Islam (Kawalan Pengembangan Di Kalangan Orang Islam) Negeri.
1) Ucapan Dr Yoo Chong Young di program Students for Peace Leadership Conference yang diadakan di Universiti Putra Malaysia, pada 10 Mac 2018, yang dihadiri oleh majoriti pelajar Muslim. Ucapan ini diambil daripada buku tulisan beliau sendiri di dalam buku True Parents And World Peace:[1]
a) Beliau membawa cerita berkenaan petanda bahawa Father Moon adalah Sang Penyelamat di zaman sekarang berdasarkan kisah Sir Anthony Brooke yang sanggup ke Korea Selatan untuk mencari Sun Myung Moon:
“Fifty-three years ago, Anthony Brooke received a revelation from above when he was half awake and half asleep. God told him in the vision of the night: A living saint, the Peace Messiah has appeared in the land of the Rising Sun in a Far-Eastern country. Then, on 24 March 1964, he went to Korea”
Sebelum Anthony Brooke tiba di Korea, dikatakan beliau beranggapan kehadiran sang penyelamat di “land of the rising sun in a far eastern country” di dalam mimpi itu adalah Jepun lalu beliau ke Jepun. Selama di Jepun dikatakan beliau tidak menemukan seorang pun pendeta yang dimaksudkan itu sehinggalah seorang Professor di Eh Hwa Women University menulis surat kepada Anthony Brooke bahawa tanah matahari terbit itu bukan Jepun tetapi Korea. Lalu Dr Yoo memetik ayat Bible:
“May I refer to Revelation 7:2 “I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God”
Berdasarkan ayat ini, seolah-oleh menunjukkan bahawa Father Moon itu merupakan ‘malaikat’ dari timur itu. Walhal sambungan kepada ayat itu berbicara konteks yang sangat berbeza.
Mimpi tersebut menjadi tanda aras kepada Dr Yoo bahawa ia sedang merujuk kepada Father Moon di Korea. Dan beliau menyambung:
“Finally, after meeting Father Moon in Seoul in a shabby humble house at Chung Pa Dong, Anthony Brooke testified Father Moon as the Peace Saint, Peace Messiah and King of Peace. Anthony Brooke said: “I had seen Father Moon’s face in my vision”. Fortunately, I (Dr. Yoo) also heard his testimony at that time.”
Setelah itu Dr Yoo menekankan dengan ingin melogikkan bahawa benar mimpi itu adalah dari Tuhan sehingga membawa Anthony Brooke sampai ke Korea untuk bertemu dengan sang penyelamat baru.
b) Dr Yoo juga menjelaskan bahawa salah satu misi Father Moon (Unification Church) adalah untuk membangkitkan tamadun baru yang aman dikenali sebagai Pacific Rim Era. Yang mana ia adalah tamadun yang dikuasai oleh lingkaran Pacific bermula Santiago (Chile) ke Las Vegas (US) ke Anchorage (Alaska) ke Jepun ke Korea ke Malaysia dan ke Wellington (New Zealand). Beliau berucap:
“Long ago, Father Moon foresaw the pattern of how human culture will be developing during the different eras. Therefore, he declared, “With the rise of the Pasific Rim Era, a new civilization of peace is beginning!” It is Father Moon’s ferevent desire that all of us living around the Pasific Rim can unite and play a more active role in bringing about peace and harmony to our world.”
“I would like to encourage all of you, Ambassadors for Peace here in Malaysia to work together to bring about peace and true family culture in our world!”
“I believe UPM will be another volcano and starting point of Peace for Malaysia and the World. Could you please wake up from the deep sleep? Open your spiritual eyes and then you will see the new world.”
Sememangnya antara kawasan lingkaran Pasific ini menjadi fokus bertapak kukuhnya gerakkan keagamaan ini. Di tengah-tengah pula terletakknya kepulauan Hawaii dan disitu juga merupakan kawasan yang sangat aktif mereka melakukan dakyah. Malah ahli parlimen Malaysia juga pernah dihantar oleh Universal Peace Federation untuk menghadiri persidangan di sana.[2] Selain itu, ada ura-ura mereka juga merancang akan membuat program Leadership Conference bersama dengan Mahasiswa Malaysia di Hawaii yang akan digunakan pelajar Malaysia yang telah menghadiri di Korea pada awal Ogos lalu untuk menguruskan program di Hawaii.
Dr Yoo melabelkan sesiapa yang melibatkan diri ke dalam misi Unification ini dengan gelaran Ambassadors of Peace agar dilihat lebih harmoni.
2) Ucapan dari anak Sun Myung Moon iaitu Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon dalam program Global Peace Convention pada 5-8 Disember, 2013, di Hotel Shangri-la, Kuala Lumpur. Beliau merupakan pengasas kepada Global Peace Foundation dan di Malaysia juga memiliki cawangannya di Petaling Jaya. Ucapan beliau bertema “Unity in Diversity: Building Social Cohesion for Sustainable Peace through Universal Aspirations, Principles, and Values”. Program ini dihadiri oleh ahli perniagaan, pimpinan negara, dan ahli akedemik dalam dan luar negara.[3] Ada beberapa perkara yang beliau sebut:
“We all aspire to establish peace on earth, to recognize the value of human life, to recognize the importance of individual responsibility in living according to the laws of nature and heaven and of the individual conscience in guiding us to do so, and to realize that we are truly ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD”
“I believe that vision is the simple yet profound idea that all people, regardless of race, nationality, religion, or culture, are members of ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD.”
“You have all gathered here because you share the hope of a peaceful world rooted in the vision of ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD.”
“Let us determine that it is not they who will determine the future, but it is us that share this common vision to build ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD, to put our mark in this very crucial moment in human history, and shape the future of humanity.”
“This is a solemn moment. But I cannot leave without giving a challenge. This is a big, big challenge that I am proposing here today: Will you become owners of the dream of ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD and make it a living reality for future generations? If you do, please stand up.”
“I want to share with you a Korean word: “Aju”. My father (Sun Myung Moon) explained that this word has tremendous meaning to it, because it means that “I will take ownership over it,” not somebody else. “Peace will start with me. I will be the peacemaker.” So could we say together, “Aju!”? [Aju!] Louder, could we say, together, “Aju!”? [Aju!]
“Will you be owners of the dream of ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD and carry this message and the large mantle that is present before us to the world as the true peacemakers of this century? Will you do that? Yes or no? [Aju!]”
Konsep One Family Under God ini merupakan konsep di dalam Unification Church. Ia dikenali sebagai legasi terakhir Sun Myung Moon. Ia dibahaskan di dalam laman sesawang mereka di bawah tajuk “One Family Under God Is Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s Lasting Legacy” ada menyebut bahawa Father Moon itu adalah bapa rohani bagi semua, semua adalah anak-anaknya, dan semua adalah satu keluarga.[4]
Ini kerana menurut akidah Unification Church, Father Moon dan Mother Moon adalah Ibubapa Syurgawi (Heavenly Parent) dan mereka itu Ibubapa sejati (True Parent) jelmaan Adam dan Hawa yang ketiga di dunia. Oleh itu mereka mengajak untuk menerima konsep fahaman mereka supaya berada di dalam satu keluarga yang dinaungi oleh Father Moon dan Mother Moon di bawah ‘tuhan Father Moon’. Malah pengikut Unification Church ada menulis buku bertajuk One Family Under God: The Life of Sun Myung Moon.
Agenda yang dibawa oleh Dr Hyun Jin Moon ini secara terang mempromosi idea ini kepada rakyat Malaysia. Malah di sebuah halaman di Facebook bernama Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon terdapat posting pada 29 Mac 2012 sekeping gambar Dr Hyun Jin Moon bersama dengan pelajar-pelajar Malaysia dari pelbagai bangsa termasuk Melayu, Cina dan India dan dipercayai program tersebut diadakan di Kuala Lumpur. Status tersebut menulis “Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speaking to 2,000 students from 10 universities and colleges in Malaysia.” Dan semua pelajar memakai baju bertulis “One Family Under God Aju!”[5]
Kebanyakkan aktiviti yang dilakukan mereka ini sememangnya menuju kepada pendakyahan kepada agama Unification Church. Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi program mereka yang berjalan setiap bulan.
Jika dilihat kepada hasil daripada kesemua kes di atas ini, ternyata mereka telah melanggar Undang-Undang Malaysia iaitu Perlembagaan Malaysia Perkara 11 (4) dan juga Enakmen Ugama Bukan Islam (Kawalan Pengembangan Di Kalangan Orang Islam) Negeri Selangor (1988) di bawah:
Seksyen 5. Kesalahan mendedahkan orang belum dewasa berugama Islam kepada pengaruh ugama bukan Islam.
Seksyen 6. Kesalahan mendekati orang Islam untuk mendedahkannya kepada apa-apa ucapan atau pertunjukan sesuatu mengenai ugama bukan Islam.
Seksyen 7. Kesalahan menghantar atau menyerahkan terbitan-terbitan mengenai apa-apa ugama bukan Islam kepada orang berugama Islam.
Selain itu masih banyak lagi program yang melibatkan agama Unification Church yang ada maklumat bersama kami. Ramai pihak yang tidak sedar tentang kehadiran mereka dan juga usaha mereka untuk melebarkan sayap di Malaysia. Faktor-faktor itu sudah kami bincangkan di dalam artikel sebelum ini (Siri 2).
Masyarakat Malaysia hendaklah sedar dan peka akan kehadiran agama baru yang makin halus melebarkan dakyahnya di Malaysia. Unification Church ini jelas adalah sebuah agama baru yang membina ketaksuban kepada pengikut mereka sebagai nabi baru. Mereka memiliki dana yang sangat besar dalam mengerakkan program dan usaha pendakyahan di seluruh dunia.
Untuk mengetahui apa ajaran yang dibawa dan bagaimana ia tiba di Malaysia baca di:
Siri 1:https://bit.ly/2IbN5KJ
Siri 2: https://www.facebook.com/FirdausWongMRM/posts/1899256933518617?__tn__=K-R
Nota akhir:
[1] http://familyfedihq.org/2018/03/malaysia-students-for-peace-leadership-conference/
[2] http://www.upf.org/peace-education-and-human-development/peace-education-reports/6140-malaysian-parliamentarians-attend-conference-in-hawaii
[3] https://www.hyunjinmoon.com/dr-moon-calls-cooperation-among-faiths-secure-lasting-peace-2/?fbclid=IwAR2WDN5poXoavTHkxBukKq4VcfEXx0_sPN-nnVTKg-WrAz5OERod07dBBZM
[4] http://www.upf.org/peace-education-and-human-development/peace-education-reports/4696-one-family-under-god-is-dr-sun-myung-moons-lasting-legacy
[5] https://www.facebook.com/hyunjinpmoon/photos/a.375720979117850/375720982451183/?type=3&theater
R&D Team Multiracial Reverted Muslims
three generations meaning 在 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen Facebook 的最佳解答
日前接受美國《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)專訪,針對兩岸關係、臺美關係及南海爭議等議題回應提問。內容如下:
答:就像我講的,現在所暫停的是兩會的管道、陸委會與國臺辦的管道,這在官方的意義或許是存在的,但問題是長久以來,雙方之間管道確實是很多元的,現在看到的兩會,也就是海基會與海協會兩會的溝通體制,只是整個多元管道中間的一部分。當我講到多元,其實它是有多層次的面向,不僅是政府在交流的過程中,很多政府機關跟他們在中國大陸的對口,也都有一定程度相互通訊息與交換意見的機制。I’m saying different levels of the government have different ways of communicating with their counterparts in China.(我政府各層級都有和中國大陸對口機構聯繫的管道)我不能在這個階段進入太多細節。
答:It is a fact that different generations, and different people of different ethnic origins, they have different views on China. But they all agree on one thing: that is democracy. (事實上不同世代和不同族群的民眾對中國大陸會有不同的看法。但是,有一件事情,他們的意見一致,那就是民主。)
答:我想我不太清楚美國在講這個字- “entity”的時候,它的意思是什麼,但是這個 “entity"有很多可以詮釋的空間。以臺灣來講,我們有一個完整的政府跟民主的機制,我們有軍隊,我們是一個可以為自己做決定的國家。所以,或許美國或者其他國家有不同的想法或是不同的角度,但從我們來看,其實絕大多數的臺灣人覺得我們確實是一個國家。
答:It is indeed unfair。(這確實是不太公平)
答:It is indeed. (的確如此。)
答:In three areas our needs are more urgent, there are surface ships and submarines, air-defense and cyber-security areas. In submarines, we are trying to develop our own, to develop indigenous capabilities.(在三個領域,我們的需求較急迫,如水面艦和潛水艇、空防和網路安全領域。在潛水艇方面,我們正嘗試著開發自己的潛艇,發展本國的能力。)
問:美國總統候選人柯琳頓(Hillary Clinton)與川普(Donald Trump),哪一位當選對臺灣比較好?
The two economies in the past had a high degree of complementarity, and since we had the ability to organize a manufacturing process, and then we move our manufacturing to the ability to China to make best use of their labor. And now the situation is very different. I mean, the labor cost is increasing and China has their own capability.(過去兩岸經濟有高度的互補性,而我們擁有製造業能力,並轉往對岸,善用他們的勞力。而今非昔比,對岸勞力成本增加,且已具備製造能力了。)
答:They are more and more our competitors.(他們越來越是我們的競爭對手了。)
答:我們已經公開聲明,這個仲裁的決定有損於臺灣的利益,所以我們不能夠接受,我們也認為這個裁判對臺灣沒有法律約束力。主要有幾個原因,第一個是因為我們是一個重要的利益相關方,但是我們沒有被邀請參與整個仲裁的程序。第二,我們對於被稱為「The Taiwan Authority of China」不能接受。第三,在這個地區,我們擁有主權的太平島,在裁決中被認為是一個「礁」而不是「島」,這是違反我們長期以來的主張,我們也認為它確實是一個島。在這裡我想利用這個機會,把臺灣政府對南海爭端的立場做一個說明。第一,當然是有關南海爭端應該依據國際法與海洋法,包括《聯合國海洋法公約》,用和平的方式來解決。第二,我們主張臺灣應該要納入多邊爭端解決的機制。第三,在這個地區的相關國家有義務維護南海的航行與飛越自由。第四,中華民國主張以「擱置爭議、共同開發」的方式處理南海爭議。我們期待相關國家能秉持相同方式進行協商,來和平解決這個爭端。
答:Yes to a certain extent, but I think the society and our democracy is mature enough to appreciate the value of the individual politicians. They place emphasis on the quality and the value of individual politicians rather than their gender. So of course, some people will find it fashionable to find a woman leader, but I think the reason why people chose me as leader of this country was because of my policy, my values, suit the needs of Taiwan today.(某種程度上是,但我認為我們的社會和民主已夠成熟,能欣賞個別政治人物的價值。他們重視個別政治人物的品質和價值勝過性別。所以,當然,某些人會覺得找個女性領導人很時尚,但我覺得人民選我當這個國家的領導人,是因為我的政策、我的價值符合現今的臺灣需要。)
Meaning that we represent people who want to have change in this society, after years and decades this place has been dominated by a single party, with the exception of 2000-2008, but over the last few decades, all dominated by the KMT. The whole social structure and values were shaped by this regime, KMT government, over the years. But people now realize that we’re in a different situation now, we want to move forward, we have to restructure ourselves, and redefine the current values. So they want the place to be more democratic. They want this place to place more emphasis on human rights and transparency, in terms of government decision-making and public participation in the government’s decision-making process. And essentially people want to participate, they want to have a voice in the major decisions of the government. So this is somehow different from the way the government conducted business since the days when this place was an authoritarian place.(我們代表社會上渴望改變的人民。這片土地除了2000年到2008年以外,數十年來均被單一政黨,即國民黨所主導,整個社會結構及價值都由這個政權形塑而成。如今人民了解我們的環境已經不同,我們想要向前行,我們想要進行重整,重行定義目前的價值。人民想要更為民主的環境,在政府決策過程中,民眾能參與官方決策,並更重視人權及透明度。本質上來說,人民想要在政府重大決策中,能參與其中並發聲。這與過去這片土地是威權統治、由政府主導的情境,有些許不同。)
答:So the expectation of the people is very different. They want democracy, they want public participation, they want transparency, they want to have fair elections, they want to have sound judicial system, not too much interfered by politics. They want to have an effective judicial system to settle whatever disputes that people may have in their daily lives so they want to have a good social safety net to protect them in case they fell in a very competitive society. (現在人民的期待有很大的不同,他們想要民主、民眾參與的機會與透明度,以及公平的選舉;他們想要有完善的司法體制,不要有太多的政治干預;他們想要有效的司法體制,以處理日常生活遇到的爭議,擁有妥善的安全網來保障他們,以防在競爭劇烈的社會中陷入困頓。)
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