老外在台的十誡 MV(中文rap)
首先,RIP Notorious B.I.G. aka Biggie Smalls這位來自布魯克林的傳奇饒舌歌手,我為了紀念他而remix了這他寫的一首歌"10 Crack Commandments"。原曲是在講販毒的十誡,我則以更幽默的方式分享有關於在台灣當老外的經驗,教老外如何遵守台灣規矩,幫他們入境隨俗。
Biggie的風格雖然又硬派又直接,卻很幽默,文筆很風趣。像是這首歌10 Crack Commandments(販毒十誡),從歌名已經覺得有點好笑,怎麼會拿聖經的十誡拿來講販毒呢?但有些美國黑人的貧窮和困難真的是我們在台灣想不到的,但透過聽hiphop我們能更了解這些人的辛苦跟想法,連美國白人原本都不知道貧民區的生活是怎麼樣,新聞才不會報導,他們簡直沒有聲音一直到嘻哈音樂誕生了,所以請你不要因為聽到“販毒”這兩個字就有偏見,其實連這些rapper都不想做,但把這種東西寫進歌曲裡面才會讓人那麼shock,才有會有人聽他們的聲音,才有辦法脫離險境。
好啦 歷史課結束了,回到我這個作品的內容!希望大家喜歡,除了紀念Biggie之外,我是想要分享我在台灣的經驗,畢竟都住了7年多了,這首歌的內容對我來講已經算是常識,沒什麼了不起的,但我會忘記剛來台的時候什麼都不知道的時光,所以希望剛來台灣的老外可以聽聽我這個作品邊學習台灣規矩邊看老外唱流利原創的中文歌詞。希望台灣朋友也很喜歡,好像沒幾個月都會有一個老外因為闖禍就出現在新聞上然後被罵慘了,外國人因為怕破壞我們形象也會跟著罵哦,但我希望台灣人也了解大部分的老外其實很乖、很尊重台灣人、欣賞當地文化,只是天天做好事並不會上新聞,所以請不要一概全,大家一起繼續努力!
It's the 10 Laowai Commandments!
Any fan of hip-hop will recognize this classic beat from the legendary BIG. Share this with a foreigner who.needa to see it.
It seems every few months or so there's one of us appearing on the news for some dumb shit, this song isn't for that person, but the timing coincided perfectly I guess. We all make mistakes and the name and shame game can be a painful repercussion, but we are all in this together at the end of the day, unfortunately. One persons mistake is a burden on all of us.
Again, I'm not taking aim at anyone, just sharing what to me is common knowledge about life in Taiwan and commemorating a rap legend. I hope you enjoy the track, and hopefully learned something. These lyrics were all written and performed myself as well, so if I can do it, so can you! Chinese is a difficult language, but it is definitely not impossible, thus that's why it is the 10th commandment. If you're going to be here, learn that shit, boyyy!
Lastly, special thanks to the ladies who participated in this video, they were super cool and we had fun (and a very special thanks to MY lady for filming it!). I originally wanted to get more Laowai in it, but I'm trying not to take forever putting up content these days and I was too shy/tired to pull the camera out on the weekend at the parties I was at, besides these girls did great! I hope to make some more fun content with my friends in the future, feel free to holler at me if you have any ideas or want to join in!
Waldo 🐉🔥❤️
編曲:DJ Premiere
「that's great news中文」的推薦目錄:
that's great news中文 在 阿龍 Dallas Waldo Facebook 的最佳解答
老外在台的十誡 MV(中文rap)
首先,RIP Notorious B.I.G. aka Biggie Smalls這位來自布魯克林的傳奇饒舌歌手,我為了紀念他而remix了這他寫的一首歌"10 Crack Commandments"。原曲是在講販毒的十誡,我則以更幽默的方式分享有關於在台灣當老外的經驗,教老外如何遵守台灣規矩,幫他們入境隨俗。
Biggie的風格雖然又硬派又直接,卻很幽默,文筆很風趣。像是這首歌10 Crack Commandments(販毒十誡),從歌名已經覺得有點好笑,怎麼會拿聖經的十誡拿來講販毒呢?但有些美國黑人的貧窮和困難真的是我們在台灣想不到的,但透過聽hiphop我們能更了解這些人的辛苦跟想法,連美國白人原本都不知道貧民區的生活是怎麼樣,新聞才不會報導,他們簡直沒有聲音一直到嘻哈音樂誕生了,所以請你不要因為聽到“販毒”這兩個字就有偏見,其實連這些rapper都不想做,但把這種東西寫進歌曲裡面才會讓人那麼shock,才有會有人聽他們的聲音,才有辦法脫離險境。
好啦 歷史課結束了,回到我這個作品的內容!希望大家喜歡,除了紀念Biggie之外,我是想要分享我在台灣的經驗,畢竟都住了7年多了,這首歌的內容對我來講已經算是常識,沒什麼了不起的,但我會忘記剛來台的時候什麼都不知道的時光,所以希望剛來台灣的老外可以聽聽我這個作品邊學習台灣規矩邊看老外唱流利原創的中文歌詞。希望台灣朋友也很喜歡,好像沒幾個月都會有一個老外因為闖禍就出現在新聞上然後被罵慘了,外國人因為怕破壞我們形象也會跟著罵哦,但我希望台灣人也了解大部分的老外其實很乖、很尊重台灣人、欣賞當地文化,只是天天做好事並不會上新聞,所以請不要一概全,大家一起繼續努力!
It's the 10 Laowai Commandments!
Any fan of hip-hop will recognize this classic beat from the legendary BIG. Share this with a foreigner who.needa to see it.
It seems every few months or so there's one of us appearing on the news for some dumb shit, this song isn't for that person, but the timing coincided perfectly I guess. We all make mistakes and the name and shame game can be a painful repercussion, but we are all in this together at the end of the day, unfortunately. One persons mistake is a burden on all of us.
Again, I'm not taking aim at anyone, just sharing what to me is common knowledge about life in Taiwan and commemorating a rap legend. I hope you enjoy the track, and hopefully learned something. These lyrics were all written and performed myself as well, so if I can do it, so can you! Chinese is a difficult language, but it is definitely not impossible, thus that's why it is the 10th commandment. If you're going to be here, learn that shit, boyyy!
Lastly, special thanks to the ladies who participated in this video, they were super cool and we had fun (and a very special thanks to MY lady for filming it!). I originally wanted to get more Laowai in it, but I'm trying not to take forever putting up content these days and I was too shy/tired to pull the camera out on the weekend at the parties I was at, besides these girls did great! I hope to make some more fun content with my friends in the future, feel free to holler at me if you have any ideas or want to join in!
Waldo 🐉🔥❤️
編曲:DJ Premiere
that's great news中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[Pastry news / 甜點新聞] new creations by Christophe Adam, the great mind behind L' Eclair de Génie / 天才閃電泡芙主廚的最新創作(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
"Saucissons and jambon-beurre?!", easy to guess. But can you imagine that they're actually eclairs? That's right, talented pastry chef Christophe Adam, the owner of L'Éclair de Génie, has once again stunned everyone with his creativity and wild ideas. These two creations, 100% sweet, are made for the celebration of the Bastille Day on 14th July.
Ever since his reign over FAUCHON, Christophe Adam has never stopped his experiments on eclairs. Invented around 1850, this oblong shape puff pastry traditionally filled with vanilla-, coffee-, and chocolate-flavored pastry creams is one of the most famous and popular classic French pastries. But it is Christophe Adam who has transformed it into a modern snack and an icon of French chic. Wanna know more about the chef and his eclair revolution stories? Stay tuned for my coming column post!
🍫 Christophe Adam: https://goo.gl/h46msR
🍫 L'Éclair de Génie: https://goo.gl/FCrSYk
🍫 More about L'Éclair de Génie, find it on p.68-70 of my Paris guide《巴黎甜點師Ying的私房尋味》.
🍫 My column on French pastries and pastry chefs: https://goo.gl/SEyUTz
看得出來這是什麼嗎?左邊是乾香腸(saucissons)、右邊是最陽春的火腿奶油三明治(jambon-beurre),兩種都是法國最常見不過的平民食物,就像我們的烤香腸與滷肉飯。但是再仔細看一眼,你知道它們其實是閃電泡芙嗎?這是法國閃電泡芙專賣店L'Éclair de Génie的老闆、同時也是知名甜點主廚Christophe Adam為了7月14日法國國慶的最新創作。
從過去還在Fauchon擔任主廚時,Adam已經開始他對閃電泡芙的研究與嘗試,當時他希望每個巴黎人手中都能有一個他的閃電泡芙;2013年夏天開設L'Éclair de Génie,更進一步將閃電泡芙提升至馬卡龍以外、能代表法式時尚的甜點類型。想了解更多Adam的故事以及閃電泡芙如何在過去幾年中席捲全球,別忘了密切關注我的粉絲頁,最新專欄馬上就要刊出囉!
🍫 Christophe Adam主廚的Facebook專頁:https://goo.gl/h46msR
🍫 L'Éclair de Génie:https://goo.gl/FCrSYk
🍫 L'Éclair de Génie介紹,請見我的著作《巴黎甜點師Ying的私房尋味》p.68-p.70。
🍫 我的法式甜點鑑賞與法國甜點大師群像專欄:https://goo.gl/SEyUTz
#yingspastryguide #paris #eclairs #leclairdegenie #christopheadam