#失身記在墨爾本國際電影節 🤩
Bodyless, award-winning VR work by renowned Taiwanese director Hsin-Chien Huang, is now ready to be experienced at Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF)!
In Bodyless, the audience experiences an ultra surreal journey through the eyes of a political prisoner, who became a ghost after his death in prison. Trying to find his way home, he travels through a spectacular and fantastical underworld interwoven with nature. Will he find his way home and finally be free? Or digital domination has replaced political oppression in the past, only to disembody him again from his humanity and reduce it into digits and commodities? His search for home - can it be a powerful metaphor of the search for lost humanity in our digital age? Bodyless delivers a thought-provoking “ghost story” of the most unusual kind. Visually stunning, emotionally intense and spiritually haunting… absolutely not to be missed!
From August 5th to 22ed, 2021, films featured in MIFF, 2021 can be viewed at various venues in the city of Melbourne or online! Paid online-viewing is available through the official MIFF Play service.
This Year, MIFF XR Category is also available online for the fist time, to anyone with VR equipment and computers at home. So viewers can enjoy their selected MIFF XR works in the comfort of their own home!
ℹ️For more information, see the official MIFF website:
台灣導演黃心健 的得獎VR作品《失身記》即將在第69屆墨爾本國際電影節 (Melbourne International Film Festival, MIFF) 開放體驗!
《失身記》帶領觀眾進入超現實虛擬實境體驗,化身鬼魂,飄盪在臺灣戒嚴的暗黑歷史與數位控制的想像世界。 一名於政府祕密實驗中的政治犯在獄中孤獨地死去,老人死後成為孤魂野鬼,墮入冥界之中。根據台灣民俗信仰,農曆鬼月地獄之門大開,鬼魂試著找尋回家的路。透過老人的眼睛,文化與自然交織成豐富的精神世界。然而,一股機械力量開始腐化精神世界。。。身心都飽受迫害的老人,是否終究能回家?他的靈魂能否得到救贖?在《失身記》中,過往的戒嚴統治及現代的數位科技合而為一,形成對人們生活與信仰對立的深沉壓迫,將真實而複雜的人性變成了虛擬的電腦像素與謀利的商業工具。或許老人的旅程也是每一個人的旅程,我們都在尋找靈魂的家、真正的自由。《失身記》是個讓人深刻省思的“鬼故事”,生動的 VR 感官體驗將帶領您進入一個充滿了人性與靈性、深具文化色彩與豐富美感的奇幻旅程。
今年邁入第69屆的MIFF於8月5日至22日盛大舉行。觀眾可以選擇前往墨爾本各地的劇院及戲院欣賞電影節影片,或者透過MIFF Play的官方服務,採用線上觀賞的方式付費體驗,暢覽今年度的精彩影片。
而本次MIFF XR項目也首度開放給具有VR設備與電腦的觀眾在線上觀賞,讓觀眾在家就可以觀賞這次MIFF XR項目的作品。
✏️詳細資訊請至MIFF官方網站ℹ️ https://miff.com.au
#miff Melbourne International Film Festival
surreal科技 在 InnoVEX Facebook 的最讚貼文
[InnoVEX 2021線上展每日之星📣]
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surreal科技 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的精選貼文
🎉🎉🎉#新媒體藝術家黃心健《 #輪迴》上集奪 #法國坎城影展最佳VR敘事大獎 ‼️
法國坎城影展市場展( Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes )於台灣時間2021年7月13日午夜於沉浸式虛擬場館MOR ( Museum of Other Reality)舉辦頒獎典禮並揭曉得獎名單,臺師大特聘教授、新媒體藝術家黃心健VR以最新力作《輪迴》上集(Samsara Ep.1)自16部精采的入圍作品中脫穎而出,一舉奪下本屆最佳VR敘事大獎( Best VR Story)殊榮。
黃心健在頒獎典禮上致詞:「首先,感謝坎城評審團的肯定與鼓勵,很榮幸能夠得到最佳VR敘事大獎。也感謝 國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University 、 文化內容策進院 Taiwan Creative Content Agency 與VR 體感劇院 VR FILM LAB 的全力支援,才能讓《輪迴》得以順利地製作完成。由衷感謝所有參與製作《輪迴》的幕前、幕後製作人員,一起讓來自於台灣精彩VR作品,再次讓世界看見。」
作為全球最受矚目的影展項目之一,法國坎城影展市場展為一向是全球影人不容錯過的影壇趨勢指標。而今年度為減緩疫情衝擊,Cannes XR 單元與 VR 線上內容平台 VeeR 攜手合作,特別在虛擬場館 MOR中打造大型的影展會場。活動展間的呈現方式非常活潑豐富,坎城團隊打破了現實世界中音訊、材料與硬體限制,以超現實的效果來為全世界的觀眾提供最為華麗的展場體驗,從觀影、走紅毯、入座到致詞,與會者皆透過VR頭顯連線參與頒獎典禮,黃心健尤其驚豔於主辦單位為他打造的專區。以創新的虛擬形式舉辦典禮,也正契合了VR作為影界新猷的開創性。
《輪迴》上集繼三月榮獲美國西南偏南影展( #SXSW)「虛擬劇場」項目最大獎殊榮「評審團獎」後,再度斬獲國際影展肯定,再次證明了台灣深厚的VR創作實力!完整版《輪迴》預計將於今年九月起展開全球影系列巡演,並將在今年10月回到台灣高雄,作為亞洲首映展出。欲一睹風采的台灣的影迷敬請期待!
🎉Taiwan's VR artist Hsin-Chien Huang Wins the Best VR Story Awards of Cannes XR‼️
The awards ceremony of Le Marché du Film will be held at midnight of July 13, 2021, at the Museum of Other Reality. The latest VR production by Distinguished Professor of NTNU, artist Hsin-Chien Huang, has been riding high among the other 16 nominated productions and bring home the prestigious "Best VR Story" award. " #Samsara Ep. 1" is the first native VR production from Taiwan to receive such honor and has once again put Taiwan on the map!
In the acceptance speech, Huang first mentioned that he would like to thank the jury for the recognition and encouragement. It was a great honor for him personally to win this award. He'd also like to thank the full support from NTNU, Taiwan Creative Content Agency and the VR FILM LAB of Kaohsiung Film Archive for making the production happen. Finally, he thanked all the crew members for showing the world how amazing the VR production from Taiwan.
The plot involves many different social issues, including ecology, technology, natural resource, and war. It's about a journey for humans after destroying the Earth with nukes. The survivors seek a new planet to carry on their lives in the limitless interstellar space, gradually evolve into a new life form artificially. Yet, after so many years, they have come to realize that they would never make it to the new planet that they have been dreaming of. They have been simply returning to the Earth in different life forms time after time. Huang uses the story to reflect on the philosophy of life and applies the concept of "embodied cognition" to teleport audiences to different bodies and experience the worldview of "Samsara" via a new perspective.
As one of the most famous film festivals globally, the Cannes Film Festival has always been a trial balloon for filmmakers around the globe. This year, to lower the impact of the pandemic, the Cannes XR has built a unique venue in the MOR (Museum of Ohter Reality) with VeeR VR , an online platform for virtual content, offering various exhibitions during the event. The team has broken down the barriers across materials, audio, and hardware, in reality, using surreal effects to provide the most magnificent viewing experience. From screening, walking on the red carpet, being seated to giving speeches, all the details are not left out through the VR headsets. Huang is especially impressed by the special area built for him by the host team. The ceremony is presented virtually innovatively, resonating with the groundbreaking feature in the VR film industry.
After winning the top award of the SXSW, "Jury Awards", "Samsara" has yet again captured the attention of another international film festival, testifying the profound and vibrant creativity of VR from Taiwan. The full version of "Samsara: will start its tour in September this year and come back to host its Asian premiere in Kaohsiung in October.
🔎新聞聯絡人: 陳仲賢
✉️E-Mail: chunghsien1992@gmail.com
🔎News Contact: Chen Chung-Hsien
✉️E-Mail: chunghsien1992@gmail.com
▪️Follow Huang Hsin-Chien’s Facebook page for more information about him and his work: https://www.facebook.com/HuangXinJianHsinChienHuang
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