See his black blue nose? Happened last afternoon, Fell down and knocked his nose till both sides bleeding and swelling till couldn’t breath and eat properly, despite putting ice bag on his nose for 15 minutes to stop bleeding and ease the pain a bit, I spray Ionmistz on his nose to prevent serious swelling, luckily, he’s ok today, breathing and eating well, run and play as usual, the inside swollen is gone, just leave with outside poor mark, hopefully recover soon.
Gosh, I just went for a shower then accident happened🙄, so bad🤦♀️.
Ionman Malaysia HQ
#babymalcolm #hurt #nose #cure #Ionmistz
#spray #stopbleeding #noswelling #takecare #health #Ionman #mandychen
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stopbleeding 在 Stop Bleeding Save Lives - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
Massive hemorrhage remains a leading cause of death around the world. Although stop the bleed is generally thought of in the context of ... ... <看更多>