【#每日跟讀單元 K061】Subway的麵包不是麵包與創新輪椅
A panel of judges rejected the appeal, ruling that the bread sold by Subway contains too much sugar to be categorized as a "staple food," which is not taxed.
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staple英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[生活美語] 今天突然非常想念美國,所以來吃個美式早午餐(brunch) 。
沒想到吃到驚喜的魚塔可 (fish taco), 比洛杉磯的的還好吃!
好,同學,我們一邊吃早餐一邊學習單字。需要完整的美式早餐英文詞彙請按個讚和留言「 I want some brunch 🥞」。
1. North American diners 北美式餐廳
2. staple breakfast food 早餐的主食
3. mouthwatering aroma 令人垂涎的香氣
4. be hungry enough to eat a horse 餓到能吃下一匹馬,代表肚子餓扁了
5. binge eating 狂吃
6. stuff one’s face 大吃大喝,吃個不停
7. pig out 大吃一番
8. gorge on… 把…狼吞虎咽
9. fluffy pancakes 蓬鬆綿綿的鬆餅
10. bacon strips and sausages 培根條和香腸
11. a slice of grilled ham 一片烤火腿
12. hash browns 薯餅(煎的馬鈴薯絲)
13. sunny-side eggs 配上單面荷包蛋
14. filling omelets 使人飽滿的歐姆蛋
15. diced tomatoes 番茄丁
16. shredded cheddar cheese 切達乳酪絲
17. go into a food coma 吃飽愛睏
18. burn off a few calories 燒掉一些卡路里
五大英文字典: http://bit.ly/2WcDZTH
Text to speech reader (文字轉音檔): https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/
相關單字學習影片: https://youtu.be/ELbCKrbio3E
🥞 生活美語 (Everyday English): https://bit.ly/3ge3f2a
staple英文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌽Soaring Prices, Rotting Crops: Coronavirus Triggers Global Food Crisis
🍎Processing and transportation breakdowns, panic buying threaten vulnerable nations; ‘a food crisis with lots of food’
🍆The coronavirus pandemic hit the world at a time of plentiful harvests and ample food reserves. Yet a cascade of protectionist restrictions, transport disruptions and processing breakdowns has dislocated the global food supply and put the planet’s most vulnerable regions in particular peril.
-cascade (陡峭的)小瀑布;一連串的東西
-protectionist 貿易保護主義者
-vulnerable 脆弱的;易受傷害的
✏️be vulnerable to 易受…,易於…
✏️social vulnerable groups 弱勢社群
-peril 危險
🍅“You can have a food crisis with lots of food. That’s the situation we’re in,” said Abdolreza Abbassian, a senior economist at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, or FAO.
聯合國糧農組織(Food and Agriculture Organization,FAO)高級經濟學家阿巴暹(Abdolreza Abbassian)表示:「你可能會在有很多食物的情況下遭遇糧食危機。這就是我們現在的處境。」
-food crisis 糧食危機
-agriculture 農業
✏️white agriculture 白色農業
🌾Prices for staples such as rice and wheat have jumped in many cities, in part because of panic buying set off by export restrictions imposed by countries eager to ensure sufficient supplies at home. Trade disruptions and lockdowns are making it harder to move produce from farms to markets, processing plants and ports, leaving some food to rot in the fields.
-staple 主要產品
-set off 出發,動身;觸發; 引爆
✏️set off 點爆、引爆,set 本意是安置,所以 set off 就是弄好了,讓它爆炸
-export restriction 出口限制
-impose 課征;強迫
The virus leaves sufferers _______ to a range of _______.
A. valuable / disease
B. vulnerable / infections
C. afraid / masks
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