To My Dear Zoom Clients
一、Zoom視訊的視角 = 拍護照照的視角
To My Dear Zoom Clients
I have been enduring it for a really really long time. That's it! I am gonna put a stop to this after today and send out this reminder to all my past and future clients.
I am getting on in years, and cannot stand too much stimulation.
Please.... can you guys do a proper Zoom?
Number 1: Going on screen in Zoom = Taking a photograph for your passport.
Since 2020, the passport has become something of an antique but I believe everyone has taken some kind of ID photos! Yes, the ones with your neatly combed trusses where I can see both your ears, nose, mouth, neck, shoulder all the way to your chest.
I would like to see your full face during the Bazi Consultation. Please don't allow half your face to fall off the screen and you end up looking like Zhong Wu Yan! Please also don't hide your mouth making me feel like I am talking to a Arrowana.
When I analyze your facial features, it includes your mouth, teeth and the shape of your mouth while you are talking. Yes, it is down to such level of details.
If your PC / Laptop monitor is too low, please find a book or old newspapers and stack it on top. Please don't let me only see your double chin for that 1.5 hours, as I would probably get the proportion of your face wrong.
Don't keep telling me you are apologetic. Think of a way out.
Number 2: The background lighting.
Too dark, you risk looking like a ghost.
Too bright, I cannot figure out your skin color.
Draw open the curtains, but don't face your back to the sunlight.
If necessary, just turn on the lights!
Number 3: Background images of coconut trees on sandy beaches or the Golden Gate Bridge.
There is no need to put on a virtual background. I only care about how my hone looks, I am not bothered by yours. I am only here to see your Bazi.
If your WIFI signal or your PC / Laptop performance is poor, using the virtual background can often make your Zoom video choppy. Sometimes when you turn your body, one side of your body or some part of your hair will disappear. It's really like one of those spooky movies scaring the wits out of me.
Number 4: Background environment and noise.
Some of my overseas clients really put in effort for our Zoom sessions. They bought a headset with a mic so that I can hear them properly and vice versa.
Those that did not use a earphone or a headset often sounded echo-ish, and if they spoke softly, I would have to turn on the volume on my side full throttle and still have a hard time trying to hear them.
There are some clients from Hong Kong and Malaysia who would rent meeting rooms, hotel rooms or private work spaces by the hour so as to reduce any disturbance from others and better focus on the Zoom session with me.
I recalled an interesting incident during the Circuit Breaker last year. A client from Singapore Zoom-ed with me along the corridor outside his house. Most of the time, I was hearing the howling of the winds rather than his voice.
Some clients sat themselves in coffee places for our session. These places are often filled with loud chatters and the clanging of cups and plates, and my ears suffered terribly. Yet, I have to continue to be seen as composed and attentive.
Goodness me, after 2 of such experiences, I decided that I rather refund these clients and never see them again. I have only 1 pair of ears and I want to protect them at all costs!
A normal earpiece that comes with the purchase of a handphone is good enough for Zoom video calls. For clients who do not have a earpiece/headset and a mic, I would end the consultation and refund the monies.
Number 5: Children
There was once where a session with a female client was repeatedly disrupted by her kids, running in crying for their mother to settle their quarrels. If you have children below 6 years of age, and likely to interrupt our session, I suggest you don't book a consultation with me.
You will be distracted, unable to focus on my advice and I have to wait for you to clear up the situation with your children, eating into the allowable time for me to complete the consultation. This is unfair to both you and me.
Number 6: I only meet one person, that is the Client.
I have set this requirement the day I stepped into this line of work, and it is clearly written in my booking form. There is no need to try your luck under any circumstances.
But in the space of 2 weeks, there were some clients who rode their luck and got their spouse / child to sit on the other side of the screen to listen in on our consultation.
I never change my stance, and there is no single client that I cannot afford to lose.
If you insist to have your spouse sit in, it is apparent that you do not need me to help transform your destiny. Rather you really need your spouse to put your heart at ease.
If such things happen the next time, I will end the session immediately and refund the fees.
Number 7: "My first time using Zoom"
But you have 2 full months to prepare before our actual consultation. You did not end up wasting time exploring the software and I wasted 20 mins waiting for you to download the software.
Zoom is an easy software to use but if you did not spend the time to familiarize yourself with it, please quit the lies and tell me directly. I will refund the consultation fees on the spot.
Our moral ethics serve as the foundation for our transformation. Stop weaving web of lies to get out of sticky situations, and still claim that you are a good person. Isn't this too thick-skinned?
Number 8: Giddy spells
Some clients use Ipad or their handphones for the Zoom session. Crucially, they hold the device with one hand, and take notes with the other. As they write, the other hand holding the phone becomes shaky. If he is doing that on his bed, his handphone would shake like a tsunami wave every time he changes his position.
If I see 3 such clients within a day, it would be 5 hours of shaking visuals for me. That would mean a splitting headache at the end of my work day, and not being able to work on my videos at night.
Even if you don't have a tripod stand, at least prop up the device with a book or something.
Please everyone, please be kind and have mercy on me......
- 關於spaces意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於spaces意思 在 M觀點 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於spaces意思 在 夢妮妲 Monita Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於spaces意思 在 [討論] 高爾宣- without you 歌詞疑問- 看板Hip-Hop - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
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spaces意思 在 M觀點 Facebook 的最佳解答
[ 推特超級訂閱制 ]
■ 推特計畫新增稱作 Super Follows 的功能,讓用戶可以鎖住部分內容,只開放給付費的粉絲。這些內容可以包含會員專屬推特、電子報,或進入某些社群社團的權利。
• 推特在美國絕對是主流社群媒體,例如非常會用社群媒體宣傳自己的川普,主要用的就是推特。雖然FB更為普及,但在政治人物、演藝明星、體育明星、KOL意見領袖方面,推特更為主流。
• 推特以往有個問題,就是不太會賺錢。所以他們推出新商業模式非常引人注目,股價也漲了很多。
• Follow 就是追蹤,現在推特計畫推出的 Super Follows,就是付錢追蹤。
• 功能中的專屬推特就是:例如我一天發五則推文,裡面有兩則只有付錢會員看得到。
• 電子報功能就是你付了費我就發電子報給你,有點像 Substack 這個付費電子報工具。
• 還有進入社群社團的權利,例如追蹤彭培奧的人,付錢就可以加入彭培奧粉絲團。
• 目前這些功能還在內部測試,推出時間還沒決定。未來推特有幾萬粉絲的網紅可以直接在推特上面收到粉絲的錢,也可能會有打賞功能。
■ 有一些在國外被稱作熱情經濟 passion economics 的知名服務,包括 Onlyfans(包含很多成人應用內容)、Patreon(訂閱式專案群募)、Substack(寫作者可推出付費訂閱電子報)等等,都是讓意見領袖或網紅可以向粉絲收訂閱費、讓有能力產出內容者可以獲取報酬的方式。它們原本某種程度算是跟 Twitter 共生,意思就是有些人在推特上吸引很多人,有一大堆粉絲,但沒辦法用推特向他們收錢,只好把他們導到例如 Substack 之類的地方來賺錢。未來推特推出收費功能後,勢必會搶走這些服務的部份收入。
• 一個例子是,我聽的一些免費 podcast 也有收費進階版在 Patreon 上面。其實這個狀況也有點像我剛才介紹我自己的 PressPlay。我的 YouTube 和 Podcast 是免費的,但如果你們覺得從我身上可以學到東西,可以付費去 PressPlay 看M觀點商學院,或者去 vocus.cc 方格子訂閱科技巨頭解碼,得到更深入的分析。對我來講,PressPlay 就等於 Patreon,方格子就等於 Substack。我的前端導流平台不是推特,這是因為推特在台灣不紅。我用來吸引人的平台就是 YouTube 和 Podcast。
■ 以往推特主要的營收是靠廣告,但收入不怎麼樣,他們不太懂得如何去做廣告,廣告也並不精準。大家對推特靠廣告賺錢已經死心。所以現在推出新商業模式,就讓推特的投資人很興奮。這應該是推特近期大漲的原因。
• 上周我在逛 Clubhouse 的時候,在一個討論美股的房間,聽到他們在討論推特的股價最近很強勢,多數人都在拼命稱讚推特,我聽了十幾二十分鐘之後,就忍不住舉手發言,上去噴了一下推特。
• 我說最近推特的確漲了不少,一個月內漲了 60%,相對而言因為市場修正,其他的科技巨頭都在下跌,所以變成萬綠叢中一點紅。但是這樣就代表推特很好嗎?老實說,那是因為推特之前股價太爛,沒能力賺錢,基本上市場不太想理它。當它出現轉機的時候,股價當然會上漲。
• 我們比較一下,一樣是社群媒體、跟推特差不多同期上市的 FB,上市時的價格大約 40 美元左右,近期漲到 280,大概漲了六七倍。推特上市的時候也大約是 40 美元左右,但即使算上近期猛烈的漲勢,也還沒有漲到 2 倍。
• 所以推特最近的暴漲,不是因為這公司有多好,而是因為之前的股價實在太爛,變現能力太差。不只 FB 透過廣告賺了大錢,Snap Chat 比 FB 和推特晚推出很久,廣告變現模式卻非常成功,就算 TikTok 也能賺到不少錢,基本上就只有推特不行。推特用戶非常多,廣告卻一直做不起來,所以股價才這麼爛。
• 所以終於出現新商業模式,我覺得是對於推特的強心針,終於有可能會翻身了。
■ Jack Dorsey 被逼到牆角後努力圖強?
• 去年有投資人說推特CEO Jack Dorsey 表現太差,要換掉他。因為覺得他經營不善,推特這麼多人用,營收成長還這麼差。Jack Dorsey 勉強妥協保住位置,答應會努力翻身。從那之後他才比較認真經營,規劃一些新方向。大多數新方向是值得看好的。
■ 推特這個 Super Follows 新計畫會成功嗎?我認為應該有很高的成功機率,而且不只是我,之前很多知名分析師,例如 Ben Thompson,都看好推特可能在 Super Follows 這方面能做出成績。
• 行銷上有所謂 funnel 漏斗轉換的理論。以M觀點為例,假定我有 10 萬 YouTube 觀眾,但付費的只有 1000人,那就是轉換率 1%,漏斗第一層到第二層過濾掉 99%。第二層之後還可以有第三層,第四層漏斗。
• 國外很多作者是在推特上吸引人,有十幾二十萬追蹤者,然後讓追蹤者付錢去訂閱 Substack 或 Patreon。用戶必須離開原來的平台去其他平台,有這個轉換動作就會降低轉換率。轉換率可能低到只有3%,5%,甚至千分之幾。
• 行銷上漏斗轉換次數越少越好,每轉換一次就會流失一批人。但未來如果能夠在推特上直接訂閱,就少了一層轉換流失,粉絲不需要去新平台重新註冊會員、輸入信用卡資料等等。這個過程「摩擦力」很大,當中的任何一個步驟,用戶都可能停下來不繼續往下做。
• 而且推特在費用上有優勢。以我目前聽說的消息,推特可能會以抽更少的抽成,來搶 Substack 和 Patreon 的市場。歐美會有大量創作者使用推特作為收費管道。
• Patreon 和 Substack 會受這件事很大影響。但 Substack 還是有優勢,不會一下被打趴。有些創作者不希望被一個平台綁住,希望使用比較獨立的訂閱服務。這有點像你架部落格時可以選擇自己架,或是使用現成平台。Substack 比較像工具,不希望被推特綁住的人還是會去用。例如在美國的保守偏右派意見領袖,在推特累積了幾千一萬付費會員,結果發了一篇違反政治正確的內容,就會被封。類似這樣的人會考慮不用推特平台。 Substack 是不會被消滅,但成長會變慢,市場會被推特搶走一大塊。
• 除了 Super Follows,近期推特還在開發 Spaces,是類似 Clubhouse 的語音聊天室。
等它正式推出,我們再來看看它是否搶掉 Clubhouse 的成長。
■ 推特的優勢是上面已經有很多知名網紅、意見領袖、政治人物、演藝明星。平台上該有的功能都有的話,這些人就沒必要去Clubhouse 開房間,或者去其他訂閱平台開訂閱制。
• 結論是我看好推特這個計畫能夠成功,特別是在美國市場。股價有正面反應是很合理的。
spaces意思 在 夢妮妲 Monita Facebook 的最讚貼文
很想念在 @vibestheplace 分享的時間,終於可以resume了,珍惜相聚時刻,期待星期一晚解夢活動見!
到底夢境有沒有意思?會否和潛意識有關?夢妮妲 Monita 會通通為你解答。通過活動,你可以掌握夢的訊息及功能,好好善用每晚造夢的時光來探索自己的潛意識,從而了解真正的自己、療癒各種情緒傷口及改善溝通協調和人際關係。
地點:Vibes the place
報名:請inbox Vibes the place(人數有限,先到先得)
Are dreams meaningless or do they help to reveal our subconscious wishes? 夢妮妲 Monita will explain to you the mystery of dreams and how to decode them. By joining the session, you can understand the message and function of your dream. Make use of dreams to explore your subconscious, understand and heal yourself and improve your relationship with others.
Content & Discussion:
- Formation and investigation of dream
- Relation between sleep and dream
- Relation between dream and subconscious
- Skills for memorizing your dream
- Common dream: construction, language, category, logic and mode
- Psychological projection and dream
- Dream Interpretation
Date: 21st Sep, 2020
Time: 19:00-21:30
Fee: $380 pp
Venue: Vibes the place
Register: Please inbox Vibes the place (limited spaces, first come first serve)
#dreamreading #dreaminterpretations
#VibesThePlace #VTP
spaces意思 在 堯.翻譯工作室- Fiasco 大失敗、鬧劇原來的意思是在劇場表演 ... 的美食出口停車場
Fiasco 一字在義大利文的意思為瓶子。 ... 衍生出來的意思就是一個需要付出極大代價的失誤。 ... and avoid crowded areas and enclosed spaces! ... <看更多>
spaces意思 在 spaces中文-在PTT/MOBILE01/Dcard上的體驗開箱及優惠推薦 的美食出口停車場
spaces 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 把…分隔開;留間隔(space的三單形式)n. 空間;[計] 空格;控制室(space的復數)。英漢詞典提供【spaces】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、 ... ... <看更多>
spaces意思 在 [討論] 高爾宣- without you 歌詞疑問- 看板Hip-Hop - 批踢踢實業坊 的美食出口停車場
Cuz me without you it feels like
Cuz me without you it feels like
A sentence without no spaces
It be like youtube without no playlist
Or a chapter without no pages
A sentence without “no” spaces
It be like youtube without “no” playlist
Or a chapter without “no” pages
Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-J700F.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hip-Hop/M.1565408958.A.04C.html
... <看更多>