《敬請一同呼籲外交部聲援該難民事務》一通電話一千人的生死! 本文不募款!僅要求國際社會正視問題!
羅興亞人(Rohingya people),或譯洛興亞人、羅辛亞人或羅興迦人 ,又稱阿拉干人,是緬甸若開邦阿拉干地區的一個穆斯林族群(集中在若開邦北部近孟加拉邊界一方的貌奪和布帝洞鎮區),是自7-8世紀以來阿拉伯商人和伊朗商人與突厥人、孟加拉人、摩爾人、普什圖人以及緬甸土著不斷融合形成的混血民族,但與其他來自南亞次大陸的移民有所區別。
截至2012年,約有80萬羅興亞人生活在緬甸。按照聯合國的説法,他們是世界上受到迫害最嚴重的少數民族之一。許多羅興亞人逃離緬甸到鄰國孟加拉國貧民窟和難民營生活,並沿地區泰國 -緬甸邊境生活。2009年,一位資深緬甸大使甚至說羅興亞人是醜陋的食人魔和在緬甸的異族。(來源:wiki)
CALD Resolution No. 2 S. 2015
CALD resolution calling on all concerned states to treat Rohingyas and other minorities with dignity and respect for their basic rights, and urging a regional solution that addresses the plight of vulnerable minorities in South and Southeast Asia
The Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD):
Aware that in recent weeks, thousands of political and economic refugees who have arrived by boat in some Southeast Asian countries were denied entry and pushed back to the sea in the latest round of the so-called “maritime ping-pong”;
Noting that thousands more are believed to be stranded in the Andaman Sea following a crackdown on human traffickers which prompted these transnational criminals to abandon boats carrying loads of economic migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, a significant number of which are women and children;
Noting further that many of these refugees are in desperate need of food, water and healthcare; and while some of the concerned countries provided them humanitarian aid, their refusal to let these refugees enter, or to grant them temporary shelter, means that these people are left in very vulnerable conditions in open sea;
Mindful that most of these refugees are ethnic Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis fleeing political persecution or poverty in Myanmar and Bangladesh respectively;
Cognizant that the United Nations (UN) has particularly labeled the Rohingyas as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world as they are not only denied citizenship, but are also subjected to state-sanctioned discrimination;
Calls on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), guided by its vision of “caring and sharing community”, to convene an emergency summit that aims to arrive at regional measures to improve the plight of the Rohingyas and other vulnerable minorities in the region;
Believes that the May 29, 2015 meeting spearheaded by Thailand to discuss the “root causes” of “irregular migration in the Indian Ocean” is a good preliminary step towards a regional solution to the issue;
Trusts that any solution to this crisis should be in accordance with international human rights conventions, particularly International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;
Urges the Philippines, being the only Southeast Asian state-party in the UN Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons, to spearhead efforts in safeguarding the rights of stateless persons, including the minimum standards of treatment that all concerned countries should observe; and
Calls on concerned Southeast Asian countries to recognize that it is their moral obligation to ensure that the Rohingyas and other minorities are accorded the human dignity and basic rights they deserve.
For the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats:
Oyun Sanjaasuren, MP
Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats
18 May 2015
The CALD Secretariat
Unit 410, 4/F La Fuerza Plaza 2
2241 Don Chino Roces Avenue
1231 Makati City, Philippines
+63 2 819 6071
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