We booked a chalet staycation last month because I wanted to inject some fun and make full use of the September holidays for playing, laughing and bonding.
With the whole brood feeling under the weather this week, I was thinking if I should still go ahead with it since having to deal with three grumpy kids when I'm feeling grumpy myself doesn't exactly seem like an invite.
After handling bickers, tantrums and procrastination, we still managed to go ahead with plans and it's Day 1 of our 3D2N 'holiday'! Today, we are checking out @tayostation which is the newest playground in the east and has taken over the previous eXplorerkid at E!Hub in Downtown East. The kids' favourite part has to be the road circuit where they get to drive around in their own vehicles!
The 8yo's first question to me was "I still can play this?" which was kind of sweet yet sad to hear because it shows that she knows she is growing up fast too and will soon outgrow the need for kiddy rides and playgrounds. Oh well, seeing our kids all grown up is still a tough aspect of motherhood that I'm learning to embrace because I love and miss the little them so much. Anyone feels the same too?
#ahappymum #tayostation #downtowneast #kidfriendly #familytime #familyfriendly #mumof3 #newplayground #placestovisit #septemberholidays #preciousmemory #soontheycantfitonthecarsliao #daysarelongyearsareshort #timeflieswhenyouareamum