#天下專欄 #疫後大洗牌 #最大受益者是... Snap!
這陣子美國科技巨擘陸續公布第二季財報,數位廣告的猛爆性復甦成為焦點,先是龍頭企業 Google 繳出 619 億美金營收、年成長高達 62%、2007 年以來最高增速的佳績;不讓老大哥專美於前,Facebook 也寫下 291 億營收與 56% 年成長。
當領頭的 300 磅金剛們都在跳躍,尾隨的廣告四小龍自然是騰飛 —— Twitter 營收 12 億、年增 74%,Roku 營收 6.5 億、成長 81%,而 Snap 與 Pinterest 更是突出,分別繳出營收 9.8 億、年增 116%,與營收 6.1 億、年增 125% 的驚人成績。
台灣創業者對 Snap 與 Pinterest 多不太熟悉,Snap 的旗艦產品是 Snapchat 聊天 App,在美歐廣受千禧世代愛用,全球日活躍用戶高達 2.9 億,但在台灣一直沒有擴散開來。Pinterest 是圖片收集、分享網站,主要在電腦上使用,全球月活躍用戶 4.5 億,大宗是主婦。
成績公布後,Snap 與 Pinterest 股價表現卻是兩樣情,前者大漲 24%,而後者則是狂洩 18%。
分析主因,Snap 以行動為主,活躍用戶成長不受解封影響,維持在年增 56% 高檔,但 Pinterest 以桌面為主,活躍用戶成長從前一季的年增 30%,大幅下降至年增 9%,在大解封為現在進行式的美國,活躍用戶甚至是年減 5%,讓投資人對其前景非常擔憂。
Snap 從 2017 年 IPO,前三年一直是落水狗,投資人懷疑他們的千禧用戶終將長大,從傳送閱後即焚訊息給彼此,這種青少年互相嬉鬧的遊戲中畢業,逐漸離開 Snapchat 平台。
但在創辦人執行長 Evan Spiegel 領導下,Snap 這幾年來持續推出 AR 攝影、地圖、聚光燈等受歡迎的服務,跟著千禧兒們長大,再加上用戶間的網路效應與疫情助力,增長不但沒有減緩,反而加速。
過程中 Snap 持續投資進階廣告功能,同時溝通千禧世代進入 25 到 35 歲人生階段的消費實力,逐漸讓廣告主體會到它的價值,因此才能在進入疫後新常態的今日大放異彩。
經過這些蛻變,Snap 也終於得到資本市場認同,股價在過去一年半從低點的 9 元,來到近期的 72 元,換言之,大漲 7 倍。長江後浪推前浪,全球社群爭霸,顯然尚未完結。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅飲食男女,也在其Youtube影片中提到,工作辛勞想食餐好?飲食男女為大家示範《三餸一湯》,每日都為你的住家飯帶來一點不平凡。 臘肉炒荷蘭豆 https://bit.ly/2OkcbId 材料:臘肉約2吋長 / 2 inches Chinese Cured Meat 荷蘭豆4兩(TIPS:: 可用蜜糖豆或芥蘭代替) / 4 Taels ...
snap地圖 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Past Events of the Future】
"Feather-light press of the shutter, an extraordinary instant before my eyes is captured with a snap of my fingers. Within that one-thousandth of a second, Earth leaves behind the image it packed to go as it spins along its axis; or perhaps it was a temperate, memorable moment of the present being condensed into a singular frame. Yet, myths surrounding that “present” seem to be our most deeply-rooted misunderstanding of photography.
My fondest works of photography often tell of the rectangular world perceived by the camera’s viewfinder of some ongoing moment on this planet, usually just after or prior to the shutter button’s release. Discovered by the determined photographer’s razor-sharp eyes are the ripples in the wake of story fragments, or details to be yearned after in the future.
There is no present tense in the world of photography—its grammar underscores that moment when the past and the future collide, that wonderful process of blurring the divide between reason and emotion with time.
There exists no other language in this world in which concatenation of past and present tense is permitted, and yet a photograph tells its tale with such nonchalance. On wafer-thin photo paper, a fortuitous event of both the past and the future is deftly pieced together—like the preparation of paints on an artist’s palette or that of a mother’s delicate touch when braiding her daughter’s hair. With such devotion, affection, and selflessness, a photograph can ceremoniously record the fingerprints of time, hazy like moonlight, events of the future already satisfied…
It is my belief that no photo is able to elaborate on a story about the “now”, much like city maps that indicate neither the entrance nor the exit for curious eyes somehow."
- Simon Chang (English translation by Joan Wang)
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輕觸快門,彈指間截取眼前某個獨一無二的瞬間,那千分之一秒地球自轉時忘記打包帶走的畫面,或凝結當下某個帶有溫度並值得紀念的瞬間 - 關於那個 ”當下” 的迷思,似乎是我們對攝影最根深蒂固的誤解。
我相信沒有任何照片能夠闡述一個關於 “現在” 的故事,就像坊間的地圖也從來不替讀者標記一座城市出口與入口的位置
- 張 雍
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Peresno lahek premik zaslonke, neverjeten trenutek pred svojimi očmi ujamem s pritiskom prstov. V tisti tisočinki sekunde Zemlja za sabo pusti že pripravljeno podobo, medtem ko se sama vrti okoli svoje osi; ali pa je šlo za blag, nepozaben trenutek sedanjosti, zgoščen v eno samo podobo. Pa vendar se zdi, da je naše nerazumevanje fotografije najbolj globoko utemljeno v mitih, ki obkrožajo to »sedanjost«.
Moja najljubša fotografska dela velikokrat pripovedujejo o pravokotnem svetu, kot ga prikazuje objektiv fotoaparata, o nekem trenutku v teku, ki se ponavadi zgodi tik pred ali po pritisku sprožilca. Odločne in ostre oči fotografa razkrivajo posledice fragmentov zgodbe, ali detajle, k katerim lahko stremimo v prihodnosti.
V svetu fotografije ne poznamo sedanjika – njegova slovnica poudarja tisti trenutek, ko se preteklost in prihodnost križata, tisti čudoviti proces brisanja meja med razumom in čustvi skozi čas.
Na svetu ni drugega jezika, v katerem bi bila dovoljena združitev preteklika in prihodnjika, pa vendar fotografija svojo zgodbo govori s takšno brezbrižnostjo. Naključni dogodek preteklosti in prihodnosti je na skoraj prosojnem fotografskem papirju spretno sestavljen – kakor priprava barv, ki jih umetnik nameša na paleto ali materin nežni dotik, ko hčeri spleta lase. S takšno predanostjo, ljubeznijo in nesebičnostjo fotografija beleži že udejanjene dogodke prihodnosti, odtise časa, meglene kakor mesečina...
Osebno verjamem, da nobena fotografija ne more razložiti »trenutnega«, podobno kot zemljevidi mest, na katerih še tako radovende oči ne najdejo označenega ne vhoda ne izhoda."
- Simon Chang (Slovenski prevod by Hana Čeferin / Galerija Fotografija)
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* TAM-TAM's Street Gallery enters 2021 with an exhibition by documentary photographer Simon Chang, which was co-produced with the Photography Gallery. A series of color photographs on three canvases of Vegova Street in Ljubljana will be on view between 12 January and 8 February 2021.
snap地圖 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Past Events of the Future】
"Feather-light press of the shutter, an extraordinary instant before my eyes is captured with a snap of my fingers. Within that one-thousandth of a second, Earth leaves behind the image it packed to go as it spins along its axis; or perhaps it was a temperate, memorable moment of the present being condensed into a singular frame. Yet, myths surrounding that “present” seem to be our most deeply-rooted misunderstanding of photography.
My fondest works of photography often tell of the rectangular world perceived by the camera’s viewfinder of some ongoing moment on this planet, usually just after or prior to the shutter button’s release. Discovered by the determined photographer’s razor-sharp eyes are the ripples in the wake of story fragments, or details to be yearned after in the future.
There is no present tense in the world of photography—its grammar underscores that moment when the past and the future collide, that wonderful process of blurring the divide between reason and emotion with time.
There exists no other language in this world in which concatenation of past and present tense is permitted, and yet a photograph tells its tale with such nonchalance. On wafer-thin photo paper, a fortuitous event of both the past and the future is deftly pieced together—like the preparation of paints on an artist’s palette or that of a mother’s delicate touch when braiding her daughter’s hair. With such devotion, affection, and selflessness, a photograph can ceremoniously record the fingerprints of time, hazy like moonlight, events of the future already satisfied…
It is my belief that no photo is able to elaborate on a story about the “now”, much like city maps that indicate neither the entrance nor the exit for curious eyes somehow."
- Simon Chang
(English translation by Joan Wang)
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輕觸快門,彈指間截取眼前某個獨一無二的瞬間,那千分之一秒地球自轉時忘記打包帶走的畫面,或凝結當下某個帶有溫度並值得紀念的瞬間 - 關於那個 ”當下” 的迷思,似乎是我們對攝影最根深蒂固的誤解。
我相信沒有任何照片能夠闡述一個關於 “現在” 的故事,就像坊間的地圖也從來不替讀者標記一座城市出口與入口的位置
- 張 雍
* TAM-TAM's Street Gallery enters 2021 with an exhibition by documentary photographer Simon Chang, which was co-produced with the Photography Gallery. A series of color photographs on three canvases of Vegova Street in Ljubljana will be on view between 12 January and 8 February 2021.
snap地圖 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最讚貼文
材料:臘肉約2吋長 / 2 inches Chinese Cured Meat
荷蘭豆4兩(TIPS:: 可用蜜糖豆或芥蘭代替) / 4 Taels Snow Pea (TIPS:: Sugar snap pea or Chinese kales can be used as substitute.)
蒜頭1瓣 / 1 Clove Garlic
調味:糖、鹽、紹酒適量 / Some Sugar, Salt, Shaoxing Wine
材料:節瓜2個 / 2 Hairy Gourds
蝦米1湯匙 / 1 tbsp Dried Shrimp
粉絲1束 / 1 Bundle Vermicelli
薑1片 / 1 Slice Ginger
蒜頭1瓣 / 1 Clove Garlic
調味:雞湯適量 / Some Chicken Broth
糖1茶匙 / 1 tsp Sugar
鹽適量 / Some Salt
材料:中蝦數隻 / Few Medium Size Shrimps
乾葱2粒 / 2 Shallots
蒜頭1瓣 / 1 Clove Garlic
葱1棵(切段) / 1 Stalk Spring Onion (Sectioned)
調味:生抽1湯匙 / 1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
老抽1茶匙 / 1 tsp Dark Soy Sauce
鮮露1茶匙 / 1 tsp Liquid Seasoning
糖2茶匙 / 2 tsp Sugar
材料:清補涼料1包 / 1 Pack Ching Po Leung Ingredients
豬?1件 / 1 Pork Shank
調味:鹽適量 / Some Salt
足本食譜: https://bit.ly/2Y7JjYf
? 8折全年睇《蘋果》即慳$121!
現有日費訂戶亦可轉訂? http://bit.ly/2YwE3Ma ?
訂閱《飲食男女》YouTube: http://bit.ly/2Md5V2k
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2MJejcp
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2EA3qpR
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#家常菜食譜 #食譜
#飲食男女 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家
飲食男女 打卡大街小巷搵食地圖
《蘋果》每日為你增值 立即訂閱

snap地圖 在 #發問Snap地圖到底怎麼用 - 問答板 | Dcard 的美食出口停車場
最近轉戰snap之後完全不知道到底該怎麼用⋯,想問一下已經加了好友也確認 ... 有人可以解答一下嗎 或是有什麼解決方法- 地圖,閒聊,請益,Snapchat,定位. ... <看更多>