30 minutes ~ Lotus Root & Sweet Corn Pork Ribs Soup 莲藕玉米排骨汤~ Nourishing and nutritious soup that helps to boost metabolism, improve digestion and blood circulation etc.. Made this video to show you guys how to cook pork ribs soup using Ninja Foodi pressure cook function. Cooking time: 30mins. If cook over stovetop, need to cook at least 2 hours to get this soft and tender pork ribs. If you’re not eating the meat, it’s ok to shorten cooking time.
The Ninja Foodi multi cooker that I'm using is a combination of pressure cooker and air fryer in one pot, it's efficient and time saving. Besides pressure cook and air frying, there are other functions such as steam, slow cook, sear/ saute, bake/ roast, grill and keep warm. Also can be used for stir frying.
If you're keen to try out the multi cooker, you can use this promo code: mfa_dingoozatfood to get more than 37% discount which is the lowest price in Singapore. Retail Price $599, after promo code discount: $374.25. Key in this promo code upon checkout to redeem the offer.
🌟 PROMO CODE: mfa_dingoozatfood 🌟
【Ninja Foodi Multi Cooker OP300 】Product details/ place order here: https://ninjakitchen.sg/collections/products/products/ninja-foodi-multi-cooker-op300?sca_ref=416485.ba2pnGMHdE
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mfa_dingoozatfood/
Recipe link 中英文对照食谱:
#dingoozatfood #SoupRecipe
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71的網紅Reiko The Rainbow Girl,也在其Youtube影片中提到,More than 10 millions sold in Japan, DUO The Cleansing Balm really shorten my makeup removal time because it does not require double cleansing! Read m...
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shorten the link 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 有冇睇過《Catch me if you can》(捉智雙雄)?差不多廿年前嘅戲,Steven Spielberg導演,Leonardo DiCaprio同Tom Hanks主演。而家呢三條友都仲係影壇台柱,真係呢。
2. 講返套戲,講傳奇騙子Frank Abagnale點樣扮老師扮醫生扮機師(同埋最重要嘅,偽造支票)。其中探員最唔明就係,佢點可以呃到個律師牌返嚟。
2.5 套戲最後有開估,騙子答日:咩呃呀!我讀返嚟架!溫咗兩個星期書!
3. 朋友利世民昨晚個post,就令我諗起呢個故事啦!
4. 是咁的,佢些牙咗我評聯儲局減息篇文(http://bit.ly/2Thw99c),十分感謝。不過佢話「呢篇一定係打定(唔係你以為佢打字真係咁快咩)」(大意)
5. 嘩,咩打定呀!就真係打字咁快呀!真係溫兩個星期就pass bar exam架!
6. 首先,邊有得打定呀?都話忽然減息,昨晚都唔係聯儲局常規會議,點會知佢忽然減息?邊有得打定!你話3月中嗰次可以打定都話丫。
7. 另外,真係有圖為證(咁你可以質疑我造假嘅),篇文我23:15先開始打。
8. 事實係朋友(明報的Jacky Luk陸振球)話我知,佢講我知時23:06分,有whatsapp為證。然後我大約用咗7分鐘去揀相呀咁,結果都係揀唔到張好嘅相。
9. 23:15開始寫,篇文23:50已出。留意其實即係我早過23:50打完,因為仲要copy and paste 呀,執返啲隔行呀,同埋加返段「版務」咁(明顯copy and paste)
10. 但就當23:15開始寫,23:50打完。35分鐘,篇文幾多字?2300字(冇計堆「版務」),即係我一分鐘差不多打70字。嘩。
11. 咁你話,唔使諗架?唔使!邊使諗!平時屙屎坐車開會食飯(!)就諗呢啲!仲可以一路打一路諗!仲有,其實星期一先同公司同事吹完水,講市場坐定粒六覺得實減息。星期一先講完,所以唔使點諗
12. 仲有,自己打字一定快過對住本書或人地篇稿打!因為唔識打嘅字,要諗嘅字,要用速成嘅字,我自然會唔用!
13. 咁你話,喂,仲要包埋你回帶舊文,你都要搵返啲舊文嘅link出嚟,再去shorten喎?係架!嗰35分鐘已經包埋!
14. 資料?就唔使點搵嘅。呢篇的確冇乜嘢我要double check
15. 講真的,呢個年代,要做個writer(都係唔係好想叫自己作家),打字快真係好重要嘅一環。當然你係靚女嘅就出張相好過。如果真係要寫字嘅,練好你手中文打字好重要。
16. 雖然唔係人人都寫到我咁長,但總係有啲著數。他日我要變成一篇四百字嘅,即係我五分鐘打完。人人都係一日得廿四小時,你寫三千字文要幾日嘅,祝你好運。最好你有驚世才華—或者有張靚女相。
17. 呢個一分鐘打七十字,應該都有啲人做得到。但一定係用倉頡。得罪講句,在香港,我冇見過有人唔用倉頡打字快過我。咁當然你用台灣啲咩撫蝦米好似得的,另外我見大陸嗰啲拼音有時都可以好快,真係打 DLLMHKC就出晒七個字。但相當肯定咩速成呀廣東呀手寫呀冇可能打到咁快。
18. 其實舊文都寫過,(http://bit.ly/2kX0AmT),寫How I become a writer,篇文不錯,值得你再睇。篇文嘅副題就係:鍵盤戰事
19. 入面講過,做writer,好多人忽略嘅,硬件。學好你手倉頡,然後搵個好砌嘅keyboard,加一部舊電夠勁(而又輕)(最好重要平)(不如送埋甜品丫?)嘅碌卜,同埋搵隻周圍上到網嘅手指,開張卡。十分重要。定你想去排隊買星巴克等密碼?
20. 其實篇文都有講,做writer,幾樣嘢。錢,時間,好歹去寫啲嘢出嚟先,開個地盤,多閱讀。仲有硬件,倉頡碌卜手指。
21. 今次我會加多樣,賢妻(或夫)。即係見到我打文唔會同我講嘢唔會理我嘅囡囡。如果你囡囡會在你打打下文時,問你「你覺得我今日有乜唔同呀」「你鍾意粉紅色定黑色呀?」,或者你條仔會在你打打下文摸你嘅。祝你好運
22. 諗諗下,以上呢啲,其實人生都係。「主要都係有錢,有時間,有閱讀,有賢妻」,就萬事平安。
23. 利世民話睇我打字應該幾治癒,不如考慮直播。直播就免啦,又唔係女。不過呢,其實打字本身都好治癒。講真的,「你打過就明」。
24. 實不相瞞,1995年左右,我開始接觸電腦(!),仲去學中文打字。咁教咗都要你練先得架,你知,倉頡嘅嘢,冇乜邏輯可言。就係練,練到肌肉記憶,根本你諗到嗰個字,隻手已經自然郁,而你係唔知個字點寫嘅!正如彈琴都係,啲運動員亦都係咁。個白波呢個位,黑柴嗰個位,自動落去就咁打架啦,仲邊使諗用幾大力乜嘢角度。全部自然反射。
25. 1995年,我學完之後,點練架呢?真係講你都不能致信,我拎本書嚟照住打。拎乜書?唔係壹週刊(雖然我第一期睇到最後一期),而係,「中國語文及文化」。幾咁撚厭悶。但,教科書係得呢本中文啦,英文中學嘛。況且,好似覺得打咗第時會有用。
26. BTW,嗰時打咩「情與中國文化」,我用fonts 8的,青春真好。
27. 當然,真係令我突飛猛進,練到今日咁速度嘅。多得一樣發明,三個英文字母,以色列嘢,估下係乜?
28. 就係,ICQ!
29. 為咗在ICQ溝女,我咪練出打中文咁快咯。呢個故事好勵志,好似Steve Jobs去上書法堂後來應用落去Mac機咁!
30. 又諗下,時代真係對我不錯。換著要用筆寫嘅年代?我幾肯定幾快都寫唔到一分鐘70字?更加唔好忘記,要改嚟改去,搬前搬後,煩好多。更唔好講當年搵資料難幾多。所以一方面以前冇咁多人有機會寫嘢,你唔使好叻已經可以跑出(主要係好彩,同識人)。但另一方面,以前嗰啲,寫幾十萬字嘅,真係手都跛。
31. 仲唔好計原稿紙又要錢筆又要錢。係,電腦都要錢。但,你可以拎部電腦玩ICQ溝女,溝唔到女都可以上鹹網嘛!古人最多拎張紙嚟畫裸女(林振強好似好鍾意)
32. BTW,there are many guys like you all over the world.當年呀賴叔閱事都好出名,咩歐洲國家盃定世界盃時,完半場一分鐘佢已經寫咗篇球評!當然佢話我知有啲係中途寫定的。但當年都係一時佳話。
33. 冇得影自己心口嘅,就試下寫得好。寫得唔夠好嘅(唔係話賴叔),就至少試下寫得快。古語有云:Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. — Everyone has a talent.
版務:嚟真的了,應該3月會有不少搞作。呢度啲文應該會繼續,但埃汾會搞收費專欄,亦都搞收費chatroom(講明先,主要係我廣播,多過回你,否則好唔得閒),甚至會搞Patreon(但未諗到有乜嘢私你地,我又唔會send露點相,當然你肯每個月幾百蚊睇我露兩點我都好歡迎),另外仲會搞個Instagram(放心,貼金融圖啫)。Stay tuned.人人冇心機work from home 時,埃汾就逆市出擊了。身體力行別人恐懼時我貪婪。其實呢度啲文都會繼續,但問心你都知,就梗係優先服侍咗有課金班忠實讀者先啦。詳情之後解
shorten the link 在 Angelique Nicolette Teo Facebook 的精選貼文
Wines Of Ronda SG - 8/12.
Grown and made biodynamically, only 3000 bottles are destined for export. This wine is especially interesting because the grapes come from 5 different vineyards in the Ronda region. Apart from the varying distance in altitude (between 700-1000 metres above sea level), the different soils also contribute to the amazing acidity of this wine.
The Bottle
Name: Samsara
Type: Biodynamic Red Wine - 50% Tempranillo, 25% Merlot, 25% Syrah
Vintage: 2016
Winery: Bodega Samsara Wines
Region: La Mancha, Spain
The Bottle
Featuring a boy running carefree through the fields indicates the youth of this bottle and brand that was started by four young professionals. The bright-orange wax seal is a throwback traditional ways which contrasts the label.
First Impressions
The intense garnet hue reveals this wine's youth upon pouring. It's freshness makes it an easy every day wine. Uncomplicated, thisis exactly how a young wine should be.
Nose and Mouth
The lack of woodiness shows that the wine wasn't aged in wood. And this, in turn, respects its fullness and purity. The nose is fresh and alive and with plenty of fruitiness on the palate.
And here's some good news, for every six bottles you order, you get 20% off by putting in my code - ANGELIQUETEO
Or click this link to shorten that journey!
shorten the link 在 Reiko The Rainbow Girl Youtube 的最佳貼文
More than 10 millions sold in Japan, DUO The Cleansing Balm really shorten my makeup removal time because it does not require double cleansing! Read more about my experience of this wonderful "cleansing - blackhead removal - moisture" in one jar magic on my blog:
Purchase link: https://duo-paa.com/lp_en_02?waad=3mVyohlr&aid=infl
More detail about DUO: https://duo-paa.com/
Price: RM193.65 (5000 yen) including the shipping
#DUO #cleansingbalm #nighttimeskincareroutine
#asianmakeup #makeupturorial #timesaving #JapanBeauty #JapanSkincare
shorten the link 在 chungdha Youtube 的最佳解答
2:04 Project Settings (Timeline resolutions & frame rate )
4:28 Project Settings Preset (save preset & set default)
5:22 Import files
6:29 Preview footage clips
7:16 Pre-Trim Footage (mark in & out )
11:07 Edit clips on Timeline ( Extend, shorten and cut )
12:10 Ripple Delete
12:37 Play & scroll Timeline
13:32 Render / Export
This 17 minute video is for beginners who want to learn how to get quickly started with Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 15 video editing software, as we will teach you how to do simple video editing and also rendering their edited video in just 17minutes.
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Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro - http://goo.gl/k2EagF
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Please thumbs up if you like it =D
如果你喜歡這視頻的話,請不要客氣地幫我按一個讚唷 =D
影片中我用到的工具 What I used in the video:
1. 熨斗 Iron
2. 燙衣板 Ironing Board
3. 剪刀 Scissors(要利一點的)
4. 黏布的雙面膠 Iron-on adhesive
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3. Erin Condren 手帳本官網
點這連結訂購Erin Condren Life Planner可以得到10塊美金的折價唷!Click on this link, you'll receive $10 off your first purchase of Erin Condren Life Planner.
『我的膚質 My Skin Type』混合性內油外乾痘痘肌
Combination & Acne
『我的唇性 My Lip Type』唇紋明顯、唇色較深、唇乾
Dark & Dry
♛ Find My Tea Talk Series Here 閒聊系列影片播放列在這兒
♛ Find My Vlog Series Here 生活影音記錄影片播放列在這兒
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♛ Watch planning related videos here 手帳本影片播放列在這兒
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Germany+Taiwan 德國嬌妻瘦妮的異國趣
Hey, It's Sonnie! 瘦妮
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@sonniekoenig (手帳本以外分享 Sharing everything except planner related stuff.)
@pimpmyplannerco (手帳本相關分享 It's all about planners and stationery.)
♛ Join me on Snapchat @ sonniekoenig
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Sound effects: Bensound - Little Idea
Disclaimer: It's not sponsored. I bought everything myself! It's my honest opinions!
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It's all the rage: link shorteners to ensure that those useful URLs ... http://youtu.be/FdeioVndUhs Plug that shorter URL into a browser, ... ... <看更多>
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Posting links to Facebook is fairly easy, but there are tricks and tips to making ... of the shortned URL, you can look into using a custom short URL too. ... <看更多>