[137281] 6081. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:封印解開!魔人普烏出來!"Dragon Ball Z" The Seal is Broken! Out Comes the Vicious Majin Boo!! (1994)★★
[137282] 6082. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:絕不能復活!抵抗的龜派氣功"Dragon Ball Z" I Won't Allow the Revival!! A Kamehame-Ha of Resistance (1994)★★✚
[137283] 6083. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:只有死路一條!?界王神的悲嘆"Dragon Ball Z" A Straight Line to Despair!? The Grief of Kaioshin (1994)★★★
[137284] 6084. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:魔人的恐怖!悟飯慘遭毒手"Dragon Ball Z" The Terrifying Majin!! Death's Dread Draws Near Gohan (1994)★★★
[137285] 6085. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:吃掉你!魔人填肚的超能力"Dragon Ball Z" Gonna Eat'cha!!' The Hungry Majin's Supernatural Powers (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137286] 6086. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:戰士的決心!跟魔人同歸於盡"Dragon Ball Z" A Warrior's Resolution!! I Will Dispose of the Majin (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137287] 6087. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:為了所愛的人…達爾粉身碎骨"Dragon Ball Z" For Those Whom He Loves... Vegeta Perishes!! (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137288] 6088. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:惡夢捲土重來!魔人普烏生還"Dragon Ball Z" The Nightmare Revisited!! Majin Boo Has Survived (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137289] 6089. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:碧兒們的奮鬥!尋找七龍珠"Dragon Ball Z" The Struggle of Videl and the Others! Find the Dragon Balls (1994)★★
[137290] 6090. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:剩下的希望!小孩們的新必殺招"Dragon Ball Z" Enormous Hope!! A New Finishing Technique for the Little Squirts (1994)★★
[137291] 6091. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟天和特南克斯…全世界的通緝犯!"Dragon Ball Z" Goten and Trunks, The World's Most Wanted (1994)★★ⓡ
[137292] 6092. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟飯復活!界王神的秘密武器!?"Dragon Ball Z" Gohan Revived, Kaioshin's Secret Weapon!? (1994)★★
[137293] 6093. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:拔出來了!傳說中的天界神劍"Dragon Ball Z" It Came Ou~t!! The Legendary Z-Sword (1994)★★★
[137294] 6094. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:目標西都!制止魔人普烏"Dragon Ball Z" Metro West is Targeted! Stop, Majin Boo!! (1994)★★
[137295] 6095. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:驚人的大變身!超級賽亞人3 "Dragon Ball Z" An Astounding Great Transformation!! Super Saiyan 3 (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137296] 6096. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:再見巴比提!魔人普烏的反叛"Dragon Ball Z" Bye Bye Babidi!! Majin Boo Rebels (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137297] 6097. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:難做的動作!?特訓變身姿勢"Dragon Ball Z" Absurdly Aweful-Looking!? The Special Training Transformation Pose (1994)★★★
[137298] 6098. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:永別了各位!悟空返回陰間"Dragon Ball Z" See You Later, Everybody!! Goku Returns to the Other World (1994)★★★
[137299] 6099. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟飯在哪裡?界王神界猛烈特訓"Dragon Ball Z" Where is Gohan!? Ferocious Training in the Kaioshin Realm (1994)★★★
[137300] 6100. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:講笑吧!?天界神劍折斷"Dragon Ball Z" You're Kidding, Right!? The Z-Sword is Broken (1994)★★ⓡ
[137301] 6101. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:合體超人悟天克斯誕生!"Dragon Ball Z" Birth of a Superhuman Warrior!! His Name is Gotenks (1994)★★ⓡ
[137302] 6102. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:最後武器開動!?撒旦拯救地球"Dragon Ball Z" The Final Weapon is Engaged!? Satan Will Save the Earth (1995)★★
[137303] 6103. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:我不再殺人了!魔人普烏的誓言"Dragon Ball Z" I've Stopped Killing!! Majin Boo's Good Boy Declaration (1995)★★
[137304] 6104. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:快逃啊撒旦!憤怒魔人普烏出現"Dragon Ball Z" Run Away, Satan!! An Angry Majin Boo Emerges (1995)★★★
[137305] 6105. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:誰勝誰負?善惡普烏決鬥"Dragon Ball Z" Which One Will Win!? A Good-and-Evil Boo-Boo Confrontation (1995)★★★∿
[137306] 6106. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:等不了的災難!地球人類滅絕"Dragon Ball Z" A No-Timeout Catastrophe!! Earth's Humanity Exterminated (1995)★★★
[137307] 6107. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:特訓成功!魔人普烏到此為止"Dragon Ball Z" The Special Training Is a Success!! You're Finished Now, Majin Boo (1995)★★
[137308] 6108. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:駛出真功夫!超級賽亞人悟天克斯"Dragon Ball Z" I'm Going Like I Mean It!! A Wide-Open Super Gotenks (1995)★★★
[137309] 6109. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:成功了!小鬼驅除普烏!?"Dragon Ball Z" I've Done It!! Boo Successfully Eliminated With Ghosts!? (1995)★★★
[137310] 6110. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:逃出異次元空間!超級賽亞人3悟天克斯"Dragon Ball Z" Escape From Another Dimension!! Super Gotenks 3 (1995)★★★
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40的網紅Yoga with Andrea,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Ok ? here’s my mini-story on lower backs~long time ago (not soooo long, but long), my late grandmother would tell me to sit up straight, stop hunching...
seal pose 在 Tomoka Facebook 的精選貼文
Quick pose before the mini video shoot tonight. 😁
Busy weekend coming up.
11/22 Friday
Darryl walker and Saxations at Spaghettini. Seal Beach, CA (Sold out)
11/23 Saturday
Jazz In Pink at The Federal Hollywood,CA.
11/23 Saturday
BOE band at San Manuel Casino
11/24 Sunday
BOE Band at San Manuel Casino.
Come say hi!
今週末スケジュールです。他にもプライベートパーティ演奏とか小学校の仕事とか入ってるからちょっとしんどいわ〜 でも頑張り通します。
#tomokasax #femalemusician #femalesaxophonist #サックス奏者 #野村友香 #サックス女子
seal pose 在 Carol Yeung Yoga Facebook 的最讚貼文
#Repost @thepracticegroup (@get_repost)
Meet Becky. Our co-founder and teacher here at The Practice, doing the work. Salamba sirsasana supported headstand, dropback to dwi pada viparita dandasana variation upward facing two foot staff pose, back up to salamba sirsasana and balasana child’s pose. Becky works, teaches, practices, cleans up floors, wipes yoga mats, writes documents, manages branding, folds the towels, and claps like a happy seal when her students achieves a pose they’ve been diligently working on. Becky does whatever it takes to build our studio dream and never loses sight of why we started what we started for yoga. Be like Becky. 🔥 #ThePractice
seal pose 在 Yoga with Andrea Youtube 的最佳解答
Ok ? here’s my mini-story on lower backs~long time ago (not soooo long, but long), my late grandmother would tell me to sit up straight, stop hunching your back, stop sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons all day - you’ll have backaches - mini-me, stubborn me - never listens.
Here I am today sharing a lower back yoga sequence cause - I sit a lot, more than moving a lot anyway, and all this sitting and hunching at my phone and laptop has definitely brought with it - lower back pains (and tight hips-but that’s not going to be in this video today). In any case, pain in the lower back can seriously affect your mood and your day.
So, the lower back is super important for us to maintain our posture, reduce stiffness and speed up the healing process. How do we protect and remove the tensions to get these benefits?
These yoga poses can offer great relief for the pain and provide great preventative care for the future. Here are a few yoga poses to ease lower back pain and relieve that dull sensation.
Centering: 3 minutes + include breathing practice of your choice
Warming Up: Surya Namaskar Classical or Surya Namaskar B, see my videos below for the Surya Namaskar options.
Classical Surya Namaskar: https://youtu.be/nfoPZsxH2wI
Surya Namaskar B: https://youtu.be/EIhePj7nX0s
- Ragdoll
- Downward Facing Dog
- Child Pose
- Side stretch child pose
- Cat & Cow
- Thread the needle (both sides)
- Walking downward facing dog
- Twisted dog
- Spinx
- Seal
Cool Down:
- Supine Twist
- Savasana
Feel free to switch around the poses, add reps, longer breaths - get creative and make your own flows~feel free to also share with me your experience and flows.

seal pose 在 Hane & Mari's World Youtube 的最佳解答
Hanemari play precure doll cute Town Candy toy Review
「ぷりきゅ~とタウン」とは、食玩のプリキュアドール・ぷりきゅ~ととハウスアイテムが一緒に遊べるようにスケールを合わせて作ったハウスシリーズです。今弾の「ショッピングモール」は、全5種を合体させると縦約20cm、横幅約36cmの大きなおうちが完成します。各種にそれぞれ はな&はぐたん、さあや、ほまれ、えみる、ルールー、のプレートドール付き!
"Purikyu to Town" appears at the sweets department!
"Purikyu to Town" is a house series made to match the scale so that house items can be played together with Candy's Pretty Cure Doll · Puri - c. If you merge all 5 types now, bullets of about 20 cm in length and 36 cm in width will be completed. Each one has a plate doll of Hana & Hakutan, Saya, Honor, Emi, Ruleau!
You can play with the series 'Puri-kyu to 2' and 'Miserie san'.
In case
● 1 body (all 5 types)
1. Hatano and Baby Room
2. Come and Angel Clinic
3. Resta & Restaurant
Four. Emi and Art Gallery
Five. Rules and beauty shops
● 1 seal (all 5 types)
● 1 chewing gum
HUG Uh! Pretty Cure's "Plus Pura - To" second bullet appears at the sweets store!
"Purikyu to Town" is a house series made to match the scale so that the toys' pretty cure doll and house can play together. "Purikyu - to" is a deformed figure whose neck, both arms, and both legs are movable with a total height of about 65 mm. Cure Masheri, Cure Amour, Cure Ale, and Harry & Trunk Lineup now! You can move it according to your favorite pose. You can play with the series 'shopping mall', 'Miserie san'.
In case
● 1 figure (4 types in all)
1. Cure Macheli
2. Cure Amour
3. Cure ale
Four. Harry & Trunk
#プリキュア #人形 #プリキュアおもちゃ #ショッピングモール #Precure #Pretendplay #ぷりきゅーとタウン #ぷりきゅ~と #おもちゃ #toy #candytoy #食玩 #玩具 #ドール #おままごと
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