Lee388 靚聲推介:
我也算聽得多唱片,不過世界之大,唱片之多,那會聽得完。還有當知得愈多,就發覺知得愈少,音樂也一樣,當聽得愈多,就發覺自己原來有更多不認識!今次聽這張台灣極光推出的TAS 2019針對發燒友的雜錦CD,碟內所選的歌曲有些聽過,可是未聽過又比聽過的多,所以值著這張雜錦CD又認識更多,有些甚至使我有興趣找回原版來聽聽,還有整張CD音樂也相當好聽和靚聲,我相信發燒友一定喜歡,原本想出文同大家分享,不過當我看到唱片封底的介紹,我覺得實在太精彩和精要,我相信自己一定沒有比這篇介紹文寫得好,所以我索性把本碟這篇介紹文同大家分享。
挪威女作家Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvolu所寫的「髮絲與希望」(Hår Eller Håp),由鋼琴大師凱特爾、畢章斯坦譜寫音樂,搭配女歌手Eva Bjerga Haugen的演唱,交織出一幅「詩中有樂、樂中有詩」的唯美畫面,引您進入
TAS2019的音樂夢境中。獨一無二的男高音爵士三重奏為您獻上拿波里名曲「芳唇」(A Vucchella);Venus唱片當家花旦妮基、派洛特蒙演唱「負心人」(Perfidia),用絕美迷離的歌聲迷惑您;殿當級唱作歌手亞倫·泰勒重新註譯老歌「留最後一支舞給我」(Save The Last Dance For Me)。經典克萊茲默「伊札克先生曲調」(Reb Itzik's Nign),前段低迴沉吟,後段慷慨激昂,哀傷的曲調中又帶著陽光的氣息,貼切的表現出猶太人樂天知命的個性;「托羅爾哈根的婚禮」(Wedding Day At Troldhaugen)是葛利格送給妻子的禮物,用琴音描寫婚禮的浪漫場景。老虎魚唱作歌手伊恩·史密斯用真摯的歌聲獻上「勇闖世界的妳」(Lady Overlander),向勇敢追夢的女性致敬;丹麥男歌手班尼·查斯與瑪琳、莫坦森則用聲音玩出一場精彩的男女對唱;音響迷最愛的英格·瑪麗岡德森用最迷人的嗓音演唱「最後的初吻」(Last First Kiss)。挪威最會唱歌的男人福羅塔演唱奇普·泰勒經典歌曲「早晨的天使」(Angel Of The Morning),用歌聲佔據您的靈魂(這首是我全碟中最喜歡的一首);北歐小提琴家亨寧、克拉格鲁德則為業迷帶來「郭德堡變奏曲」(Glodberg Variations)弦樂版,展現出弦樂綿密寶藏(這個我要買回原版聽聽)。凱特爾·畢卓斯坦將詩人Harald Ulrik Sverdrup的「和服」(Kimono)入樂,展現出詩樂一體的至高境界;烏克蘭美女小提琴家安娜斯塔西亞·切博塔列娃則用精湛的琴藝,演繹坂本龍一的「末代皇帝」(The Last Emperor)電影配樂。TAS2019 最後以馬勒「第一號交響曲」的第三樂章「葬禮進行曲」向已故指揮大師楊頌斯致敬(RIP)。
save the day婚禮 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
I heard some of you are interested in learning English through the news.
Here are some news articles I've written in the past few years. They include international news stories, keywords and collocations, and even transcripts and audio recordings. Hope these resources will help you achieve your learning goals!
[時事英文] 2014 Taiwan Food Scandal: Gutter Oil 餿水油食安事件: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1V0
[時事英文] US Protests: Week of Outrage: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1V5
More: http://bit.ly/2LpnbUA
[時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan 台灣的貧富差距: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Vc
[時事英文] 2015 Nepal Earthquake 2015年尼泊爾地震: http://bit.ly/2JbeZ8b
[時事英文] Capital Punishment: http://bit.ly/2vh27ph
[時事英文] The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行: http://bit.ly/2Yz5qF8
[時事英文] The Greek Financial Crisis 20個希臘債務危機的關鍵片語!: http://bit.ly/30aXlXH
[時事英文] Conference of Parties 21 巴黎氣候峰會: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Vf
[時事英文] Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar's Curse Is Over! 落獎詛咒總算解除了: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Vj
[時事英文] Brexit 10句英文幫你快速了解英國退歐: http://bit.ly/328cAm5
[時事英文] The Syrian Civil War 敘利亞內戰 : http://bit.ly/2FUK3qD
[時事英文] Train to Busan 屍速列車: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Vm
[時事英文] China Warns Trump 中國警告特朗普
[時事英文] Davos 2017 達沃斯論壇: http://bit.ly/2JkcEXm
[時事英文] Trump's Inauguration Speech 川普總統就職演說+美國總統奧巴馬的「向前看」的告別演說: http://bit.ly/2RXGUuX
[時事英文] Alibaba’s Ma meets Trump 馬雲與特朗普會面: http://bit.ly/2JcxKrC
[時事英文] Trump and Abe Meeting 美國總統川普、日本總理安倍晉三會談: http://bit.ly/2JcP5Ro
[時事英文] The 89th Academy Awards Ceremony 奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語): http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs
[時事英文] 3.07.2017 Current Events 3.07時事英文: http://bit.ly/2LCyBDY
[時事英文] 3.16.2017 Current Events 3.16時事英文: http://bit.ly/2LAZloc
[時事英文] A Tale of Two Koreas 兩韓故事: http://bit.ly/2KYaShZ
[時事英文] 2017 G20 Hamburg Summit G20論壇關鍵片語: http://bit.ly/2Jb2ARu
[時事英文] #MeToo 「#我也是」
[時事英文] Twins Take a Stand Against Discrimination 跨越歧視: http://bit.ly/2RQdy1u
[時事英文] A War of Words 口水戰爭: http://bit.ly/2RU3RPy
[時事英文] US Gun Policies 美國槍枝政策: http://bit.ly/2JdLmTN
[時事英文] Cancer Vaccine 癌症疫苗: http://bit.ly/2LBkHSr
[時事英文] A Potential Trade War with China 中美貿易戰 I: http://bit.ly/2E2sp3p
[時事英文] Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress 祖克柏首赴美國會作證: http://bit.ly/2YvTKmR
[時事英文] North Korea’s Kim Jong-un crosses into South Korea 金正恩跨入南韓: http://bit.ly/2L0bgws
[時事英文] Crazy Rich Asians 瘋狂的亞洲富豪: http://bit.ly/2FNDzdd
[時事英文] 5.18 Current Events 兩分鐘全球英文新聞摘要: http://bit.ly/2RTVt2M
[時事英文] Here's Why British Women Wear Hats at Weddings 為什麼英國女性要在婚禮上戴帽子? http://bit.ly/3222IKy
[時事英文] Trump’s Letter to Kim Jong-un 金正恩收到美國總統川普的信件: http://bit.ly/2FUH5Cq
[時事英文] An Orangutan Fights to Save His Home 紅毛猩猩與推土機搏鬥: http://bit.ly/2RTwLPY
[時事英文] Lottery, a Tax on the Poor? 彩券是一種窮人稅?: http://bit.ly/2XrDm5s
[時事英文] The Trump-Kim Summit and Agreement 川金會: http://bit.ly/2NvEZiI
[時事英文] A Typhoon Day 颱風假英文要怎麼說?: http://bit.ly/2JdgnY0
[時事英文] Positive News 正面新聞: http://bit.ly/2KYi9yd
[時事英文] Election Results 選舉新聞模板: http://bit.ly/2Nx5YdH
[時事英文] Top Global Brands 近7年來世界領先品牌的增長與下降!: http://bit.ly/326pS2u
[時事英文]Mazu Told Me…「媽祖托夢告訴我」英文怎麼說…: http://bit.ly/324C4AV
[時事英文] 6.1 Earthquake Rattles Taiwan 頭搖的好暈喔…希望大家都平安!
[時事英文] Earth’s Day 2019 地球日 2019: http://bit.ly/2Xr5CoA
[時事英文] Han’s Get Rich Slogans 韓市長的「發大財」英文怎麼說?: http://bit.ly/2KYFQ9G
[時事英文] How to Spot Fake News 如何分辨假新聞: http://bit.ly/2RTXtrO
[時事英文] Yang2020 美國會有華人總統嗎?: http://bit.ly/328Zt3X
[時事英文] Wan An Exercise 萬安演習: http://bit.ly/2Yzhzdl
[時事英文] China US Anchors Debate 美中女主播貿易戰辯論: http://bit.ly/2LyvxZr
[時事英文] Ma and Tsai's English Speaking 馬前總統和蔡總統的英文口說能力: http://bit.ly/327EUoH
[時事英文] English Speaking Challenge: Top Politicians 三位政治大咖的英文口說能力!: http://bit.ly/2FSZY90
[時事英文] EVA Air Strike 42個關鍵英文片語幫你理解長榮罷工事件! 「秋後算帳」英文怎麼說?: http://bit.ly/2xxg1os
[時事英文] Fake News? 假新聞? http://bit.ly/2Xs2tKc
[時事英文] Xi-Trump G20 Meeting 紐約時報 G20「習川會」的關鍵英文詞彙: http://bit.ly/2Nvbu0v
[時事英文] HK's Extradition Bill 引渡法案:
...and more: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop
Discussions of current events: http://bit.ly/319JHW2
時事英文直播 1 Saudi Arabia Oil Attack (9.24.2019): http://bit.ly/2mhscTU
時事英文直播 2 Climate Change (10.01.2019): http://bit.ly/2oZGCth
時事英文直播 3 Perspectives on Hong Kong's Protests (10.08.2019): http://bit.ly/33fi3HG
save the day婚禮 在 Vinktattoohk Facebook 的最讚貼文
Hi everyone! Im here to announce that me and my fiancé will be getting married this coming Nov😆🙌🏻 wanna start by saying thank you to y’all who sent us your blessings at our engagement awhile ago❤️
As most of u might know, planning a wedding takes a lot of time and effort, so i just want to update you guys on tattoo booking arrangements in advance✌🏻
Bookings for June to August are full🙏🏻if there are people cancelling in the future i will ONLY update the available dates through INSTAGRAM STORY, i know there are quite a few of you who wish to push your appointment earlier so please pay attention to that🥺🙏🏻
September and October bookings are now open, BUT i will only be taking about half of the amount of my usual bookings as my wedding is close by, i would like to save some time preparing for that😺
November onwards bookings are CLOSED at the moment until further notice(no im not retiring after getting married lol i love my job!). And any bookings starting from November will be charged with deposits.
This is my 3rd year of tattooing and im so incredibly grateful for all the support i received, but pls understand im currently still a one man band, i only have one set of hands,i can only do so few tattoos(tattooing is a delicate job!) and reply some messages in a day, so pls be patient with me❤️
大家好 小妹將會於來緊11月進行人生大事👰🏻 之前訂婚時候既祝福收到晒❤️ 我諗大部分人都知道攪一個婚禮係需要好長好多時間準備🤦🏻♀️ 所以都想係度預先同大家講返未來幾個月預約紋身既安排
6-8月已滿 不會再接(希望大家明白我冇可能一個月30日都係做緊野😅我都會有休息既日子)如果將來有人取消佢地既booking 我只會在ig story公佈邊日可以接受預約。我知有好多客人都希望可以提早紋身 但電話太多我真係好難搵返邊個想提早 所以煩請大家留意我story🙏🏻
9-10月預約現正開放 但只會接一半數量既工作 都想臨結婚之前預留多少少時間俾自己 做準備又好 放鬆心情又好😺
紋左身幾年 我都仲係超熱愛我既工作 亦好多謝咁耐以來支持我既人 請大家體諒 我只係得一對手 我每日接到job既數量 同覆到既message 係有限 我會盡快回覆架喇🙏🏻