實際發生的情況 VS 外人所看到的情況。
*跳躍高度是根據h = 1 / 2gt ^ 2,t = 1.154s + -0.004s(240fps)從跳躍頂點確定的
What really happens VS what people see.
Yesterday I posted this which seemed to rile people up. Many people think posting like this is inciting dangerous behavior. "Bad Demonstration. Ignorant people will follow this and die". Why is it always other people who are behaving irresponsibly. No ever ever comments "I might try to repeat this and die" Why is there so much distrust of other people? What makes your judgement so much better than everyone else's?
People aren't at risk from watching a video and then trying to repeat it. If you believed people like that existed then the "fast and the furious "movies would make you too scared to leave the house for fear of reckless drivers.
The video was filmed at a high frame rate (slow motion). Long airtime gives it the appearance of being a very high jump, but it's only 6.5 meters. While not particularly high, this is still high enough to be painful if you landed on your back or stomach. I know, because I'm not good at doing backflips, but I still try anyway. Landing on your stomach isn’t fatal, but it’s not fun either. That's why I recommend jumping feet first, hands in, as seen in the video. It's actually quite a good demonstration.
I always tell people to check water depth and ensure there are no obstructions before jumping. But when we say "look before you jump" what we really mean is "Think before you act".
Is it risky to climb up to the platform?
Is the platform I am jumping from stable?
Where is my planned landing zone?
Are there any people or objects in the landing zone?
Is the depth of the water suitable for jumping from this height?
What will I do in the air while jumping?
What is my planned body orientation for landing?
Can I swim in these conditions?
How will I exit the water after jumping?
Do I need any additional equipment such as gloves or a life jacket?
Are there people nearby? Do they know I am jumping?
None of these are complicated questions and none require any technical training. This is just basic common sense. Most people do this automatically, without even having to think about it.
The above isn't especially dangerous. People are generally safe and responsible when it comes to their personal safety with a few important exceptions. The real safety tips are down here:
1) Never consume alcohol while cliff jumping. You'd be surprised how many accidents in nature involve alcohol.
2) Never pressure anyone into attempting a stunt they are not comfortable with. If someone is scared, it's because they lack the requisite skill or experience. This increases risk. Teach. Don't tease .
3) Know your limits. Take baby steps. Don't attempt something far above your experience level without consulting someone with more experience. Ignore anyone who is pressuring you. They're not being good friends.
4) Don't do anything stupid to impress a girl. It's not worth it. 9 out of 10 women surveyed preferred men without head injuries.
Now go out to the river and have some fun. Go cliff jumping. Climb as high as you feel comfortable. And if at any time if you feel uncomfortable, just back down and jump from somewhere lower, or not at all. Go with friends that you trust, and watch out for each other. Check the weather first. Prepare equipment you need in advance. You may need a flotation device. If you realize you don’t have enough equipment later, you don’t need to attempt anything you are not prepared for. Just come back and play another day.
Follow these basic steps and you will soon realize that hysteria isn’t the proper approach to water safety. Knowledge and preparation is.
*jump height determined using h= 1/2gt^2, t=1.154s+-0.004s (240fps), from apex of jump
safe hands gloves 在 Santai Ben Ashaari Facebook 的最佳解答
PKP Akan Menjadi Sejarah Negara Yang Terpahat Dalam Kenangan
Nak simpan kat FB jugak la.. kenangan yg takkan di lupakan.. Utk aku baca di tahun² hadapan jika masih dipanjangkan umur 😢😢
Takkan sesekali aku lupa, setahun sekali FB akan remind..
FASA 1: 18 MAC - 31 MAC 2020
FASA 2: 01 APR - 14 APR 2020
FASA 3: 15 APR - 28 APR 2020
FASA 4: 29 APR - 12 MEI 2020
FASA 5: 13 MEI - 09 JUN 2020 (PKPB)
FASA 6: 10 JUN - 31 OGOS 2020 (PKPP)
*(PKPB) - Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat
*(PKPD) - Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan
*(PKPP) - Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan
Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan seluruh 🇲🇾
📌Tiada solat Jumaat sepanjang tempoh PKP
📌PKP dalam bulan puasa. Tiada bazar Ramadan, tiada terawih di masjid.
📌Tiada buffet Ramadan di hotel-hotel seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
📌Tiada sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri, tidak boleh balik kampung, tiada kunjung mengunjung.
📌Tiada bunyi mercun, tiada yg cedera akibat mercun.
📍 Harga minyak jatuh sehingga RM1.25/liter
📍Semua pejabat di seluruh Malaysia diarah tutup sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dan kerja - kerja dilaksanakan sepenuhnya dari rumah.
📍Semua sekolah ditutup dan pendidikan dilaksanakan di atas talian. Kerja sekolah untuk murid dihantar dlm group what'sapp.
📍Penjarakkan sosial sentiasa diutamakan. Bersalam tangan ditukar dgn meletak tgn di dada.
📍Pita pelekat dilekatkan di atas lantai - lantai kedai untuk menentukan jarak selamat 1 meter di antara pelanggan. Beratur hingga berpuluh meter ke luar kedai.
📍 Restoran dan kedai-kedai makan ditutup, hanya dibenarkan bungkus dan dibawa pulang sahaja. Food rider ibarat cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan. Ada yg kantoi jual rokok seludup dan ketum.
📍Hanya beberapa orang sahaja dibenarkan berada di dalam kedai.
📍Kedai bukan keperluan asas dan perniagaan tidak berkaitan pembekalan makanan diarah tutup.
📍Keseluruhan acara dan musim sukan di seluruh dunia dibatalkan serta merta. Aktiviti riadah dan bersenam dalam rumah.
📍 Konsert, perlancongan, festival, acara hiburan dibatalkan. Kawasan tumpuan di bukit bintang sunyi sepi yg sblm ini sesak dan padat 24 jam. Ibarat tiada waktu tidur.
📍Majlis perkahwinan dan pelbagai sambutan majlis bersama keluarga dibatalkan. Tp diganti dgn nikah online.
📍Tiada lagi jemaah di masjid dan rumah-rumah ibadat ditutup.
📍Tidak dibenarkan perkumpulan 50 orang atau lebih, kemudian diubah kepada 20 org atau lebih, hanya dibenarkan 10 orang atau kurang dari itu juga tidak dibenarkan.
📍Taman permainan kanak-kanak ditutup.
📍Kekurangan stok penutup muka, gaun,
dan sarung tangan untuk kegunaan pekerja barisan hadapan.
📍Kekurangan alat bantuan pernafasan
bagi pesakit kritikal.
📍Berlakunya pembelian panik sehingga kekurangan alat pembasmian, tiada sabun cuci tangan, tiada cecair pembersih tangan
📍Rak-rak di kedai menjadi kosong.
📍Kilang-kilang pembuatan, kilang penyulingan dan perniagaan lain telah menukar perkhidmatan mereka dengan membantu menyediakan visors, penutup muka, cecair pencuci tangan dan PPE.
📍Kerajaan telah melaksanakan sekatan jalan di setiap kawasan dan tertutup kepada pergerakan yang tidak penting.
📍Tiket kapal terbang murah, namun kita tidak boleh keluar melancong.
📍Sidang media dari Kementerian Kesihatan di keudarakan setiap hari.
📍Kemaskini kes baru, yang telah sembuh dan pesakit yang meninggal dunia dilakukan setiap hari jam 5 ptg.
📍 Jalan raya menjadi kosong sunyi sepi tanpa kelibat manusia dan kenderaan selepas jam 8 mlm.
📍Ramai orang memakai penutup muka dan sarung tangan apabila keluar.
📍 Pekerja perkhidmatan penting menjadi takut untuk keluar rumah.
📍Pekerja kesihatan pula, menjadi takut untuk pulang ke rumah dan berjumpa keluarga.
📍 "Mendatarkan lengkung graf" itulah yang sering dikatakan, bersama dengan kata-kata " Kita lakukan ini bersama" dan "Kita harus menang"
Ini adalah Novel Coronavirus ( Covid-19) suatu penyakit pandemik, yang diwartakan pada 18 mac 2020 😭😭😭😭
Kenapa saya copy paste status ini?
Kerana, satu hari nanti, status ini akan muncul dipaparan ingatan FB saya dan ia memberikan peringatan kepada saya, supaya menghargai nyawa ini dan orang yang kita sayang.
Nikmat mana lagi yang kita dustai?
Lakukan kebaikan antara satu sama lain Sayangi antara satu sama lain
Sentiasa menyokong antara satu sama lain
Kita semua adalah satu ! ❤️🇲🇾❤️🇲🇾❤️
akan jd kenangan abadi selamanya...
PKP Will Be The History Of The Country That Is Sculpted In Memories
I want to keep it on FB too.. memories that will never be forgotten.. For me to read next year if I still have a long life 😢😢
I will never forget, once a year FB will remind you..
PHASE 1: 18 March-31 March 2020
PHASE 2: 01 APR-14 APR 2020
PHASE 3: 15 APR-28 APR 2020
PHASE 4: 29 APR-12 MAY 2020
PHASE 5: 13 MAY-09 JUNE 2020 (PKPB)
PHASE 6: 10 JUNE-31 AUGUST 2020 (Chogm)
* (PKPB) - Conditional Movement Control Order
* (PKPD) - Enhanced Movement Control Order
* (Chogm) - Rehabilitation Movement Control Order
Movement Control Order all over 🇲🇾
📌 No Friday prayers during the PKP period
📌 PKP during fasting month. No Ramadan bazaar, no terawih in the mosque.
📌 No Ramadan buffet in hotels like previous years.
📌 No Eid celebration, can't go back to hometown, no visit.
📌 No firecrackers sound, no one injured by firecrackers.
📍 Oil price drops up to RM1. 25 / liter
📍 All offices across Malaysia are ordered to close throughout the Movement Control Order (PKP) and work - jobs are fully implemented from home.
📍 All schools are closed and education is implemented online. School work for students sent to what ' sapp group.
📍 Social media is always prioritized. Shaking hands changed by putting hands on the chest.
📍 Sticker tape attached to the floor - store floor to determine a safe distance of 1 meters between customers. Line up to dozens of meters outside the shop.
📍 Restaurants and restaurants are closed, only allowed to wrap and take home. Food rider is like mushrooms growing after rain. Some are caught selling smuggling cigarettes and ketum.
📍 Only a few people are allowed to be in store.
📍 Shop is not a basic requirement and business is not related to food debriefing ordered to close.
📍 The entire event and sports season around the world is canceled immediately. Leisure activity and exercise in the house.
📍 Concert, travel, festivals, entertainment events canceled. The focus area in Bukit Bintang is quiet, which was previously crowded and compact for 24 hours. Like no sleep time.
📍 Wedding ceremony and various family celebrations are cancelled. But replaced by online marriage.
📍 No more pilgrims in mosques and worship houses are closed.
📍 Not allowed to gather 50 or more, then changed to 20 or more, only allowed 10 people or less is not allowed either.
📍 Children's playground is closed.
📍 Lack of stock face cover, dress,
and gloves for the use of front line workers.
📍 Lack of respiratory aid
For critical patients.
📍 Panic purchases happen until lack of extermination, no hand washing soap, no hand sanitizer liquid
📍 The shelves in the shop are empty.
📍 manufacturing factory, distillery factory and other businesses have changed their services by helping provide visors, face coverings, handwasher liquid and PPE.
📍 The government has implemented roadblocks in every area and is closed to non-important movements.
📍 Plane tickets are cheap, but we can't go out on a trip.
📍 Media conference from the Ministry of Health is harmed daily.
📍 Update of new cases, healed and dead patients are done everyday at 5 pm.
📍 The road becomes empty and lonely without human and vehicle after 8 pm.
📍 Many people wear face cover and gloves when they come out.
📍 Essential service workers become afraid to leave the house.
📍 Health workers, become afraid to go home and meet family.
📍 📍
This is the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) of a pandemic disease, which was gazed on March 18, 2020 😭😭😭😭
Why do I copy paste this status?
Because, one day, this status will appear on my FB memory and it reminds me, to appreciate this life and our loved ones.
Which favors do we lie to?
Do good to each other Love each other
Always supporting each other
We are all one! ❤️🇲🇾❤️🇲🇾❤️
will be a lasting memory forever...
safe hands gloves 在 wongnai.com Facebook 的最佳貼文
มากินที่ห้างได้แล้ววันนี้ เพราะห้างสรรพสินค้าเซ็นทรัลเตรียมพร้อมรับมืออย่างดี! หลังผ่อนคลายล็อกดาวน์ระยะ 2 เพราะฉะนั้นสายกินเตรียมลุยเลย ~
โซนอาหารเอาใจนักกินชาว Wongnai กับ “ร้านอาหารในเครือห้างเซ็นทรัล” ที่ Food Loft สาขาเซ็นทรัลชิดลม พร้อมให้สาวกของกินอิ่มฟินกันอีกครั้ง ด้วยมาตรการความสะอาด ปลอดภัย อุ่นใจ ด้านสุขอนามัย!
🛡 รับการตรวจวัดอุณหภูมิ ล้างมือด้วยแอลกอฮอล์ก่อนเข้า
🛡 พนักงานสวมใส่ Face Shield พร้อมหน้ากากอนามัย และถุงมือ ตลอดการปฏิบัติงาน
🛡 มีบริการเจลแอลกอฮอล์ไว้ตามจุดต่าง ๆ
🛡 ทำความสะอาด Charge Card ด้วยแอลกอฮอล์ทุกครั้ง
🛡 มีการกำหนดระยะห่าง 1-2 เมตร
🛡 กำหนดที่นั่ง เว้นระยะห่างอย่างชัดเจน 1-2 เมตร
🛡 จัดทำ Wall Shield ที่ร้านค้าในพื้นที่ทุกร้านที่จำเป็น
🛡 ติดตั้ง Table Shield ป้องกันระยะห่างระหว่างลูกค้า
🛡 จำกัดลูกค้าเข้าใช้บริการ 1 คน ต่อ 5 ตารางเมตร
🛡 มีบริการชำระเงินผ่านบัตรเครดิต หรือ E-Payment ลดความเสี่ยงในการสัมผัส
🛡 ทำความสะอาดเงินทอนด้วยแอลกอฮอล์ และวางบนถาดทุกครั้ง
🛡 ทำความสะอาดฆ่าเชื้อโรคด้วยเครื่อบอบโอโซนทุกวันหลังปิดให้บริการ
โซนของกินรอต้อนรับทุกคนให้อิ่มท้อง และหายคิดถึงกันเต็มที่ กับตัวเลือกอาหารละลานตา ไม่ว่าจะเป็น Living House, Eatery House, Peppina At Central, Eathai, FoodLoft, และหวานใจคาเฟ่ แล้วมาฟินกันเยอะ ๆ นะสาวหิวทั้งหลาย เย้ ๆๆๆ
ปลอดภัยหายห่วง มากิน มาชิม มาชอปฯ กันได้ที่ห้างสรรพสินค้าเซ็นทรัลชิดลม, สีลม คอมเพลกซ์, ฟิวเจอร์ พาร์ค รังสิต และสาขาอื่น ๆ นะทุกคน แล้วก็ระวังตัวเองดี ๆ เว้นระยะห่างทางสังคม ปฏิบัติตามกฎระเบียบของห้างสรรพสินค้า จะได้ชอปฯ ด้วยกันไปยาว ๆ เล้ยยย ~
#Saveร้านอาหาร #wongnai #สปดกรจรกม
Come to eat at the mall today because Central Department store is prepared to deal with it! After relaxing, lockdown range 2, so the eating type. Prepare to go ~
Food zone pleasing Wongnai eater with "Central restaurant" at Food Loft Loft, Central Chidlom branch. Ready for the disciples to be satisfied again with clean, safe, reassuring hygiene!
🛡 Getting temperature check. Wash your hands with alcohol before entering.
🛡 Face Shield staff with hygienic mask and gloves throughout the operation.
🛡 Alcohol Gel service is available at different points.
🛡 Cleaning Charge Card with alcohol every time
🛡 1-2 meters distance is set
🛡 clearly set the seat. Distance is 1-2 meters.
🛡 Make Wall Shield at all local shops needed
🛡 Installation of table shield. Prevent distance between customers.
🛡 Limited to customers. 1 person per 5 sqm.
🛡 Credit card payment is available or e-payment. Reduce risk of touch.
🛡 Clean the change with alcohol and put on the tray every time
🛡 Cleaning, disinfection with ozone machine every day after closing.
Food zone. Let's welcome everyone to be full and recover. Miss each other with the choice. Whether it's living house, Eatery House, Peppina Central, Eathai, Foodloft, and sweetie Cafe. Let's come to be happy. All hungry girls. Yay Yes, yes, yes.
Safe, no worries. Let's come to shop at Central Chidlom mall, Silom, Future Park Rangsit and other branches. Be careful of yourself. Follow the regulations of the mall. I will be able to shop together for a long time ~
#Saveร้านอาหาร #wongnai #สปดกรจรกมTranslated