當你有了幾年的工作經驗以後,在找工作時一定會遇到系統設計的面試,有鑒於大部分的面試心得都是針對演算法以及資料結構的程式面試 (包括我之前寫的美國軟體工程師求職心得),對於系統設計的準備資源還真的不多,本篇要來剖析系統設計面試,介紹面試的流程、正確的心態以及準備的方向,讓大家再也不怕系統設計面試!
Medium 好讀版:https://medium.com/jktech/%E8%BB%9F%E9%AB%94%E5%B7%A5%E7%A8%8B%E5%B8%AB%E7%B3%BB%E7%B5%B1%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88%E6%BA%96%E5%82%99%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97-acf6ab1f502f?source=friends_link&sk=ca40acf60b749cb1b32c17a868b0c1a3
在程式面試表現優異,可以讓你順利拿到 Offer;但是系統設計會決定你加入公司的職等!這也就是為什麼有些人有十年經驗只能拿到 Mid-Level (L4) 的 Offer,而有些人只有五年經驗卻可以拿到資深工程師以上 (L5+) 的 Offer。
另外,如果你是面試 Staff 或是 Principal 級別以上的話,除了系統設計以外,有些公司還會有 Technical Leadership 的面試,來判斷你是否有能力可以跟不同的部門合作、解決問題的不確定性、帶領資淺的人然後推動並且完成一個跨部門的大型技術專案。
簡單來說,系統設計用來判斷你是 L4 或是 L5+,Technical Leadership 面試用來判斷是 L5 或是 L6+。
大多數應徵者在準備的時候會過度偏重於程式面試,原因也不難理解,程式問題的定義很清楚,有給定的輸入以及預期的輸出,就算你真的想不出來,LeetCode 上的討論區也有參考答案;這種有考古題可以參考的面試,對於台灣教育出來的人來說相對好準備,隨著你解的問題多了,你也會更有信心,不知不覺甚至還會刷上癮了呢!但系統設計卻非如此。
系統設計面試的問題描述通常很模糊 (這是刻意的),沒有給定的輸入與輸出,比較沒有既定規則可以遵循,然後也沒有一個標準答案,針對不同系統你需要提出不同的解法然後分析優缺點,一樣的問題,面試官也會針對你過去經驗往不同的方向問,有些問題你工作上沒有碰過還真的回答不出來,這也就是為什麼很多人看到系統面試就怕了。
請把系統設計當成分享你過去所學的面試,這個面試的目的在於展示你對於軟體架構能力的廣度跟深度,你必須可以給出大方向的架構,知道有哪些元件 (廣度),同時針對你熟悉的領域深入探討更多細節 (深度),並且提出幾個解決方案,分析優缺點,並且針對系統需求選擇合適的解法。
大方承認自己對某些領域的細節不熟,也是完全沒問題的,只要讓面試官了解你知道這個東西,如果要深入了解的話你知道有哪些方向要努力,這樣就夠了,因為在大型的軟體專案裡,一定是高度分工的,不會有人同時精通手機端、前端、後端、Infra 以及嵌入式或是硬體的。
舉例來說,一個系統設計的問題會像是這樣:如何設計 Facebook?
這類問題的描述通常會很大而且模糊,面試官不預期而且你也不可能在 45 分鐘內就設計出這些公司花了好幾年這麼多人力設計出來的產品,所以第一步要做的事情是確認需求:是要設計動態牆、Messenger、廣告系統還是推薦系統?流量跟資料量為多少?需要支援全球的使用者嗎?
確認完需求以後,會針對最重要的幾個使用場景設計你的 Data model 以及 API,接著畫出大的系統架構圖,大致上會包含客戶端 (手機版/桌面版)、Load Balancer (Reverse Proxy)、App Servers 以及資料庫,接著可以針對細節下去討論,這邊開始就很自由了。
如果你是專精在資料庫,可以討論要用什麼資料庫以及資料要怎麼存可以讓特定使用場景的讀取以及寫入效能比較好,要怎麼做資料庫的 Replication 跟 Sharding 來服務更多的使用者?
如果講到快取,哪些地方可以加快取呢 (瀏覽器前端, CDN, App Server, 資料庫)?具體來說寫入快取有哪些方式以及優缺點 (write-through, write-around, write-back)?什麼時候要失效?要讓哪些資料失效?
如果聊到微服務器架構跟 Service Mesh,不同的服務怎麼跟其他的服務溝通? control plane 要怎麼更新 data plane 的設定?如果 control plane 掛了怎麼辦?要怎麼做 service discovery? 哪一種 Load Balancing 策略比較好 (round robin, random, least connection, ring hash, or maglev)?有些服務掛了影響到整個系統怎麼辦?什麼時候需要 circuit breaker ?
如果你是手機開發者,怎麼實現離線瀏覽?手機要有資料庫嗎?要怎麼以及多常跟伺服器同步?API 要怎麼設計?如何實現 Infinite Loading?剛 Po 文以後要怎麼樣在自己手機上馬上看到?
針對完全沒有概念的新手,我建議可以先從哈佛的 CS75 Lecture 9 Scalability 開始,裡面講到的很多基礎觀念都相當重要,值得一再複習,這些概念先有了以後再閱讀其他的材料會比較有感覺:
如果你看完這篇文章後還想再多了解系統面試的形式,也可以看一個前 Facebook 工程師分享的影片:
Distributed Systems in One Lesson 也很推,裡面提到不少業界在使用的設計模式:
有一個需要付費的資源是 SystemsExpert,每個影片會講解一個系統設計重要的概念,我個人覺得內容有點淺所以沒有買,但是整理地還算不錯,如果你看完他們免費的影片有興趣還是可以參考一下。
system design primer 整理了很多系統設計的資源,資料量很夠, 個人的建議是先快速過一遍,不要細讀,先知道總共有哪些元件,大概是做什麼用的就好,接著針對有興趣的部分在深入研究,建立自己的知識庫。
Grokking the System Design Interview 也是很多人推薦的材料,主要是針對系統設計的問題提供範例解答,他們的答案可以當作一個參考,但面試的時候不要完全照著回答,還是得看跟面試官討論的結果來進行,但這個是需要付費的,有興趣可以用我的推薦碼註冊購買。
如果你不想花錢或是不確定 Grokking 的文章你喜不喜歡,有一個類似的網站 Crack the System Design Interview 整理得也還不錯。
唸書是一個有系統性學習的方法,如果你只想選一本書來看,就選這本大家都推的系統設計聖經 — Designing Data-Intensive Applications,簡稱 DDIA,這本書適合的對象是想要長期準備系統設計或是分散式系統的人,裡面舉的例子都是實際上業界遇到的問題,不會有以前讀教科書那種工作又用不到的感覺;但也因為是書,花了一些篇幅在講解背景知識,包含以前的系統是怎麼設計的以及如何演進到現在,對短期要準備面試的人效率會有點低,所以不適合有時間壓力的人。
這本書我目前讀了一半,最大的收獲是它解釋了很多為什麼現代的系統要做這樣的設計,我們針對不同的系統要求可以有哪些解法,這些解法各有什麼優缺點,總之分散式系統就是我們解決了一個問題,但又會產生更多要考量的點,一切都是 trade-off。
但這本書也不是沒有缺點的,首先我覺得是本書的英文沒有很好讀,我常常一段看了好幾遍才知道他想表達的重點是什麼,而且,有些很重要的觀念常常藏在一段文字裡用一句話帶過,但是不太重要的觀念卻使用 Bullet Point 表達;另外這本書話常常講一半,一些觀念提到了一點卻說我們後面再聊,也因為這樣,我在考慮要不要幫大家整理每一個章節的重點,翻成中文分享給大家,有興趣的朋友麻煩拍手留言告訴我!
除此之外,Google 的 SRE Books 內容也很實在,但是每一個章節的內容是獨立的,建議大家選擇想研究的章節跳著看就好。
最後,Distributed systems for fun and profit 的內容也很好,以分散式系統的理論為主,比較沒那麼針對系統設計面試。
我知道光是上面的資源就已經讀不完了,但是行有餘力的話,平時也可以多看看各大公司的技術部落格或是訂閱技術週刊如 TechBridge (台灣) 、HackerNews 以及 InfoQ 等等。
此外,參考別人的經驗也是很好的方式,最近剛好幾個朋友剛找完工作,他們分享的矽谷找資深工程師工作心得分享以及2020 上半年軟工找工經驗分享也都很值得看!
最後,在工作上使用到的技術,除了會用以外,最好也要花時間去研讀技術文件,了解他們設計的考量以及支援的場景,大部分這類型針對開發者的文件寫得會比較深入,所以也是相當好的學習素材;我自己過去一年因為工作上需要整合 Envoy 到我們公司的 Traffic Infrastructure,從他們的文件中學到很多 Service Mesh 跟微服務器的重要概念,學習的深度都是其他資源無法提供的。
請記得,我們永遠有各種方法在短期內針對面試做準備,提升面試的表現,但這都只是一時的,沒辦法讓你一夕之間就成為專家;如果想要追求長期的持續成長,那麼沒有捷徑 — 就是養成每天學習以及閱讀的習慣,一開始真的很難看到效果,但是當你持續一週、一個月甚至是一年以後,你會明顯感受到自己的成長,這些投入的時間都是騙不了人的。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,890的網紅Teri Timeout,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本年度最陽剛又最性感的MV就是Lil Nas X了😆 喜歡的話記得留言讓我知道,也別忘了訂閱我的頻道和開啟通知哦! Hey all! Make sure to leave a comment to show love, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SU...
「round off中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於round off中文 在 矽谷輕鬆談 Just Kidding Tech Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於round off中文 在 陳煒 Alice Chan (煒哥)fanpage HK Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於round off中文 在 猛猛的遊戲實況台 Facebook 的最讚貼文
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round off中文 在 陳煒 Alice Chan (煒哥)fanpage HK Facebook 的最佳貼文
📢【煒哥的盛宴 Alice's Royal Feast】
【2018TVB最受歡迎電視女角色】 ~ 陳煒(煒哥)《太平公主》將於9月親臨大溫設宴,並利用加拿大本地食材為晚宴設計部分菜式,讓你可以品嚐「煒哥的味道」。她將即場示範烹調,以家傳手勢勾起你舌尖上的滿足快感,更會大展才藝,與現場嘉賓零距離互動。
【煒哥的盛宴 Alice's Royal Feast】
日期:9月27日 (星期五)
晚宴餐券票價:每位 $88 / 全席共十位 $ 728 (已含稅)
售票處:新時代電視 (#3300 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way 時代坊3樓)
售票時間:星期一至五 (公眾假期除外) 早上10時至下午5時半
晚宴餐券票價: 每位 $88/ 全席共十位 $ 728 (已含稅,只接受現金)
查詢: 604-295-1313/ infovan@fairchildtv.com
【A Royal Feast in Vancouver】
【An invitation from Princess Taiping】
“Princess Taiping” Alice Chan (Wai Gor) will be coming to Vancouver in September to host a Royal Feast using local Canadian produce to create tasteful dishes. To top it all off, Alice will be demonstrating family cooking tactics, satisfying everyone’s taste buds and interacting with all the guests.
Other than witnessing Alice’s eye-opening performance, you also have a chance to be one of two very lucky winners to capture a round trip premium economy ticket to Asia. Purchase your tickets now and come celebrate a night of fun!
【Alice's Royal Feast】
Date: September 27th (Friday)
Location: Continental Seafood Restaurant
Dinner Ticket Price: $88/ticket or $728/table for 10 (Tax included)
【Ticket Details】
Ticketing Location:
Fairchild TV (3rd Floor, Aberdeen) 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond
Ticketing Time:
Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm (excluding public holidays)
Dinner Ticket Price:
$88/ticket or $728/table for 10 (Tax included and cash only)
For more Inquiries: 604-295-1313/ infovan@fairchildtv.com
Organizer: FairchildTV
Co-organizers: Talentvision、Fairchild Radio、Plem
#陳煒 #煒哥
round off中文 在 猛猛的遊戲實況台 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Destiny 2 details, gameplay unveiled
《天命 2》公布实机游玩宣传影片 预定今年夏季展开首波 Beta 测试 PC版为暴雪战网独占
转载 - 巴哈姆特
Bungie 制作,Activision 预定 9 月 8 日同步推出中文版的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 大型多人在线第一人称动作游戏《天命 2(Destiny 2)》/《命运 2》,18 日公布首部实机游玩宣传影片,供玩家欣赏。
《天命 2》故事叙述地球上最后一座安全无虞的城市遭到红色军团首领攻陷化为废墟,失去一切的守护者将再次集结,掌握新技能与新武器,探索太阳系各地,重新夺回属于人类的世界。
Activision 首席执行长 Eric Hirshberg 在 18 日举办的游戏实况发表会中还宣布,《天命 2》的 PC 版将与同一集团的 Blizzard 合作,由 Blizzard 旗下的 Battle.net 平台独占发行。 此外并预定于今年夏季展开全平台的 Beta 测试,预购游戏的玩家将可获得抢先参与测试活动的兑换代码。
以下是直播中的流程(转载 A9VG)
《命运2》将为一直以来solo的玩家提供更加完善的联机组队体验,强调“即使一个人也能体验到《命运2》的所有内容”。另外发布会上也宣布了将追加全新的4v4 PVP模式。
在剧情模式中依然可以3人组队,各职业Vanguard Leader完全参与到了游戏故事模式的战斗中,这些职业导师在前作中只是作为Tower的NPC出现,并没有参与到任何战斗中,这次他们将与玩家在剧情中并肩作战。在实际演示中我们看到了全新的武器系统“Power Weapon”,以及各种全新的武器,例如半自动冲锋枪、榴弹发射器、能量型重武器等。此外演示中还展示了三个职业的全新副职业以及各自的超必杀技。
第三段视频则介绍了本作各职业的全新副职业(术士的DAWNBLADE、泰坦的SENTINEL、猎人的ARCSTRIDER),每个副职业的超必杀技都是基于冷兵器展现的技能(类似于前作泰坦的Hammer of Sol)。
Activision and Bungie lifted the lid on Destiny 2 during a gameplay premiere event live streamed online from the Jet Center in Hawthorne, California.
The sequel to the 2014-launched Destiny, Desttiny 2 is a first-person action game that tasks players with defending humanity from annihilation. It offers a fresh start to all players with no previous knowledge or background of the first game necessary. It promises a “heroic, cinematic journey,” which you can play either solo or with friends, and offers a new “Guided Games” feature that allows solo players to find and play with other players to earn new in-game rewards like weapons and armor.
Here’s the full overview, via Activision:
■ Product Description
Destiny 2 is a first-person action game and the evolution of its award winning, internationally acclaimed predecessor, Destiny. With a compelling, immersive story and fresh beginning awaiting all new, returning, casual, and competitive players, Destiny 2 will deliver an experience for new and existing players to discover.
■ Cinematic Story with Relatable Characters
Humanity has fallen to an overwhelming invasion force, led by Lord Ghaul, the imposing commander of the brutal Red Legion. He has stripped Guardians of their power, and forced the survivors to flee their home. Players will venture out into our solar system to discover an arsenal of weapons and devastating new combat abilities. To defeat the Red Legion and confront Ghaul, they must reunite humanity’s scattered heroes, stand together, and fight back to reclaim our home.
■ Four New Stunning Worlds to Explore with New Features
Destinations of Destiny 2
European Dead Zone – The largest destination yet featuring a lush forest, abandoned town, a cave system below the surface, and a Red Legion military base to explore and contest.
Titan – One of Saturn’s Moons where Commander Zavala is regrouping at the hands of Ghaul. There is no land on Titan. Instead, players explore a series of Golden Age platforms surrounded by a rolling ocean.
Nessus – a strange and unstable planetoid that has been fully consumed by the Vex where players will find Cayde-6 is caught up in his own adventures in a stunning landscape of sheer walls, lush canyons, and creepy Vex caverns.
Io – A moon of Jupiter, where Ikora Rey has gone in search of answers. Io is the last known site the Traveler visited during the Golden Age, it’s now occupied by our enemies.
All New Director
Your guide throughout Destiny 2 in your search for Adventures, Lost Sectors, new Public Events, and more. Players can pick a landing zone, explore, and seamlessly jump into other activities in game.
Shorter missions with self-contained stories for players to learn more about the Destiny 2 universe and the characters that live there.
Lost Sectors
Scattered, enemy dungeon layers throughout the world you can discover with unique boss enemies guarding treasure to earn.
Public Events
Unique, optional, dynamic combat activities that players can join on the fly as they roam around the world solo or with up to nine other players.
■ Action, Adventure, and Gameplay Activities for All Types of Players: New, Returning, Casual, and Competitive
Play Solo or with Friends
Story Campaign – Narrative of Destiny 2’s cinematic story where players can also explore in Adventures, Patrols, Lost Sectors, Quests, and Public Events.
Join Friends to Complete Cooperative Experiences
Strikes – Three-player missions in Destiny 2.
The Raid – Six-player missions with incredible challenges and rewards.
Face-off Against Opponents in Competitive Experiences
The Crucible: Competitive 4v4 PvP Gameplay with New Modes and Maps
Countdown is a new competitive mode where players spawn on either Offense or Defense, and when the round ends you swap sides and roles. The goal is to plant a bomb at the enemy base, and then defend it until it explodes. Each round is worth one point. First team to six wins. To revive a teammate, you must use a revive token. Power weapon ammo is only granted to the one player who pulls it. Working as a team is the key to victory.
Midtown is an abandoned part of the City. When the Red Legion invaded, they completely ignored this sector of the City in their takeover. The Legion deemed Midtown was of no tactical importance. Lord Shaxx agrees, which is why it was chosen as a Crucible arena in the first place.
Clan Creation Feature
New integrated system that allows friends to bring their community and unique culture to the forefront of Destiny. Clans have been fully integrated into the game and will provide official banners, invitations, and their own rewards and experience systems for all members.
Guided Games
A new feature that brings solo players and clan communities together to play Destiny 2’s most challenging activities including Raids, Trials and Nightfall Strikes.
■ Destiny 2 is Coming to PC through Battle.net
The PC version will feature:
4k Resolution Support (3820×2160)
Uncapped framerate
Full mouse and keyboard support with custom key mapping
Text chat
Adjustable Field of View
Detailed PC settings screen
21:9 monitor support
■ PlayStation Exclusive Content
At launch, PlayStation gamers will get access to additional timed exclusive* content. More willbe revealed throughout the summer.
*Timed exclusive content until at least Fall 2018. More details to come this summer.
■ Destiny 2 Beta
A Destiny 2 beta is planned for this summer.
■ On Display at the Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere
The following content was available to play at the Gameplay Premiere:
Destiny 2’s beginning story mission ‘Homecoming’ where your Guardian responds to an emergency in the Last Safe City.
A Strike called ‘The Inverted Spire’ taking place on the planet, Nessus, where the enemy Cabal have awoken something deep beneath the surface.
New Competitive Mode:
Countdown: Plant a bomb at the enemy base, and defend it until it explodes.
New Competitive Map:
Midtown: The Last Safe City, Earth
The PC version of Destiny 2 was running on:
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Courtesy of Nvidia)
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2Ghz (Courtesy of Intel)
16GB Ram/500GB SSD/Windows 10
Monitor: Predator XB1 27” 4K IPS with NVidia G-Sync [XB271HK] (Courtesy of Acer)
Keyboard: Razer Ornata Chroma (Courtesy of Razer)
Mouse: Razer Deathadder Elite (Courtesy of Razer)
Headset: Razer Man O’War 7.1 (Courtesy of Razer)
■ Product Breakdown
Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold subscription respectively, required for significant features.
Destiny 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide on September 8.
round off中文 在 Teri Timeout Youtube 的最佳解答
本年度最陽剛又最性感的MV就是Lil Nas X了😆
Hey all!
Make sure to leave a comment to show love, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to my channel and RING THE BELL so you don’t miss anything from me.
-TERI xx
【完整翻譯】Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby
Baby back, couple racksCouple Grammys on him, couple plaquesThat's a fact, throw it backThrow it back
我回來了 帶著滿架子的獎牌
葛萊美拿了好幾座 白金唱片得了一堆
And this one is for the championsI ain't lost since I beganFunny how you said it was the endThen I went did it again
踏上路以來 我從來就未曾迷失
你不覺得好笑嗎? 酸民說我玩完了
但我回來了 又大獲全勝
I told you long ago on the roadI got what they waiting for
I don't run from nothing, dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em I ain't layin' low
早在那條老街上 我就說了吧
所以告訴你的大軍 我沒有要低調引退的意思
You was never really rooting for me anywayWhen I'm back up at the top, I wanna hear you sayHe don't run from nothin', dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em that the break is over
當我重返榮耀 我要聽到你說
所以集結你的大軍 告訴他們休息時間結束了
Need to get this album doneNeed a couple number onеsNeed a plaque on every song
Need mе like one with Nicki now
Tell a rap nigga I don't see yaI'm a pop nigga like Bieber
I don't fuck bitches, I'm queer
But these niggas bitches like Madea
告訴嘻哈饒舌仔 我眼裡根本沒有你
我就像小賈斯汀一樣 流行到爆
妹子?我沒興趣 我是酷兒
let's do it
I ain't fall off, I just ain't release my new shit
I blew up, now everybody tryna sue me
You call me Nas, but the hood call me Doobie
我沒有跌落神壇 我只是新歌還沒發
我一夕爆紅 現在每個人都想告我
你們叫我Nas 但我家鄉的人叫我Doobie
[Jack Harlow]
My track record so clean, they couldn't wait to just bash meI must be gettin' too flashy, y'all shouldn't have let the world gas me
我沒拿什麼獎 他們等不及就說我沒實力
我肯定是太招搖了 你們不該讓全世界噴爆我
It's too late 'cause I'm here to stay and these girls know that I'm nastyI sent her back to her boyfriend with my handprint on her ass cheek
太遲了 因為老子我已經要在這裡待下
City talkin', we takin' notesTell 'em all to keep makin' postsWish he could, but he can't get close
OG so proud of me that he chokin' up while he makin' toasts
I'm the type that you can't control, said I would, then I made it so
謠言四起 我們做著筆記
他只是羨慕 但他永遠趕不上我
嘻哈大老們為我驕傲 他敬酒的時候還在哽咽
我完全不受控 我就是說到做到
I don't clear up rumors, where's y'all sense of humor?
I'm done makin' jokes 'cause they got old like baby boomers
Turned my haters to consumers, I make vets feel like they juniors
Say your time is comin' soon, but just like Oklahoma
我從來沒在闢謠的 你們難道都沒幽默感嗎
我也不想在開玩笑了 不然怎麼講都是老梗
把我的酸民變粉絲 讓老兵變年輕
Mine is comin' sooner, I'm just a late bloomerI didn't peak in high school, I'm still out here gettin' cuter
All these social networks and computersGot these pussies walkin' 'round like they ain't losers
但我的時代來的更快 我是大器晚成
我在高中不受歡迎 但現在我越來越討喜
這些鍵盤戰士 總是故意說著妹子怎樣 顯得自己比較不魯
Giva Divas:goo.gl/pVSAiC
☾ INQUIRIES 合作邀約:[email protected]
☾ This is not a sponsored video.
0:00 歌曲背景
3:59 歌詞解析
11:34 Industry Plants爭議
13:59 總結
round off中文 在 SKRpresents 陶山音樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文
陳忻玥 Vicky Chen Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPesjmDrxXWkBeOs3WKaA4nh
陳忻玥 Vicky Chen IG: https://www.instagram.com/vickychenmusic/
SKRpresents IG: https://www.instagram.com/skrpresents/
Listen: https://www.soundscape.net/a/9989
If You're Really Gonna Leave Me
詞曲|陶山Skot Suyama
編製|陶山Skot Suyama
導演|陳昱辰 Chensport
I’m feeling all alone when I’m with you
有你在我身邊 為什麼我還覺得孤單
Cause the feeling’s gone I don’t know
what to do to help you through this
Cause you used to walk and hold my hand
Now you’re always running off ahead
And you left me all alone when I’m with you
你已留下我 獨自一人
If you’re really gonna leave me
And I don’t speak up, and I just let go then
我卻什麼都不說 只是看著你離開
Is there anyone who sees me
Right down to my bones and into my soul?
Cause I used to think this thing between us
Meant we’d be together forever but
If you’re really gonna leave me
Then I guess this love is just like all the rest
那我想 這份愛可能沒有我想像的那麼特別
Now I know I’m going nowhere when I’m with you
Cause we’re going round in circles don’t know just how to break us out this loop
我們一起被困在這段關係裡 哪裡都去不了
And we used to laugh and talk for hours
我們以前曾經那麼的開心 無話不聊
now it’s silence mixed with awkward smiles
cause I know I’m going nowhere when I’m with you
因為我知道 我們的關係已走到了盡頭
If I’m really gonna leave ya
And you don’t speak up, and you just let go then
你卻什麼都不做 只是看著我離開
Is there anyone who sees ya
Right down to your bones and into your soul
看見你的狼狽 接受你的不完美
Cause we used to think this thing
between us
meant we’d be together forever but..
If I’m really gonna leave ya
Then I guess this love is just like all the rest
那我想 這份愛可能從來沒有我們想像的那麼特別
導演助理 Director Assistant:侯妙樺
攝影大助1st AC:蔡豐駿
燈光助理Best Boy:KaoYao 張崇文
移動組Dolly Man:陳領利 徐乾智
場務助理Set Assistant: 陳柏帆
幕後劇照BTS Stills:Dennis Chen 劉蕓綺
妝髮make up:平平
執行經紀Executive Manager:陳張 Harris,鄭晴 Phoebe
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