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riva 1920 在 格鬥美少女 Riva Facebook 的精選貼文
#1. Riva 1920: Mobili in legno massello | Natural Living
Da anni lavoriamo a questo progetto: costruire mobili in legno massello che sfidano il tempo e rispettano la natura. Scopri di più.
#2. RIVA 1920義大利
RIVA家族世代從事木造相關行業,傳承至今已超過一世紀,而其自1920年創立RIVA1920品牌以來,即致力於實木傢俱的設計與生產,目前已傳承至第三代Maurizio and Davide ...
In occasione del Festival del legno Riva1920 donerà 2000 piantine di quercia ai visitatori. Con questo semplice gesto Riva1920 contribuisce attivamente alla ...
#4. 短聚5分鐘:豪華木傢具品牌Riva 1920的Davide Riva
過去一世紀以來,Riva 1920致力在意大利的工作室精製美麗的木傢具,打造出優質上乘的經典與當代設計。 Davide Riva. 品牌現已轉交第 ...
RIVA 1920 是RIVA家族於1920年所創立的實木家具品牌,目前已進入第三代及第四代的經營,專注於實木家具的設計與生產,帶著傳承的工藝技術及熱愛大自然的精神理念,創造 ...
RIVA 1920. 古樸而珍貴的樹木在大自然中被磨蝕埋藏,而Riva 1920在1990年發掘千年古木的魅力。擁有百年原木工藝歷史,RIVA 1920精選再生林的木材材質,將其雕琢成 ...
#7. 【品傢俱】近原裝Riva 1920 Eco 造型茶几矮桌和室桌 另有 ...
【品傢俱】近原裝Riva 1920 Eco│造型茶几矮桌和室桌│另有B&B,Poliform,Minotti | 尺寸跟材質都可以更改直購價僅供參考,非正確售價. 價格會因尺寸.
#8. RIVA1920 - 高第家居|GODI Living
義大利實木品牌傢俱RIVA1920,座落於義大利米蘭北方的Cantu小鎮,是近百年的成熟品牌,由Maurizio與David Riva兄弟同心經營,強調“自然共生、環保永續”的企業哲學,堅持 ...
#9. Riva 1920-你所不知道的歐洲實木家具 - 每日頭條
RIVA1920 創立於1920年,是義大利的一個著名家居品牌,擁有百年原木工藝歷史,多年來一直對原木家具保持熱情與執著。
訂製款復刻RIVA 1920板凳台灣嚴選工廠製造矮凳穿鞋椅電視櫃想看現品照片了解詳情,可加line客服諮詢:https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40zmr7319g. 商品價格. NT$35000.
#11. Riva 1920 - Martinel Store
Riva 1920. View all products by Riva 1920. Price filter From. 0, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000. To. Unlimited, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 ...
#12. Riva 1920 - Ideali - 高級電器和家具
Riva 1920 | Riva 1920 和100 多個優質品牌。 2年保修期。 價格高達40% 的折扣。 ... Riva 1920 Brie Bookshelf 250 cm ... Riva 1920 Briccole a Murano Shelf.
#13. Riva 1920 - Cantù 22063 - 1stDibs
This is the thought that guides and motivates every daily action of Riva 1920. We envision a planet in which creativity, design and innovation may reshape ...
#14. 百年義大利家具Riva 1920與Pfannes&Virnich合作,旗艦店在 ...
TEXT / Vivian H. PHOTO / Riva 1920. 有著百年歷史,以實木家具著稱的經典義大利家具品牌Riva 1920,海外旗艦店位於德國科隆盛大開幕,並與同樣歷史 ...
#15. Riva Industria Mobili S.p.A (@riva1920_official) • Instagram ...
We manufacture 100% made in Italy high-end solid wood furniture with natural finishes to preserve the environment. www.riva1920.it.
#16. Riva 1920 - Italia Innovation
About Riva 1920 is a company specialized in the production of design furniture in solid wood. As the name recalls, the history of this company started in ...
#17. Riva 1920 Solid Wood Furniture from Italy | Haute Living
RIVA 1920 is an Italian, family-owned business that has been producing timeless, solid wood furniture in Northern Italy for more than three ...
#18. Riva 1920: Furniture and Artisanal Tradition | Mohd Shop
Riva 1920 is an Italian firm that keeps and transmits antique artisanal tradition. The firm selects just the most precious woods and materials to create ...
#19. RIVA 1920 義大利進口家具全球訂貨中心- Riva 1920, 2-5折 ...
RIVA 1920 卡利諾國際有限公司, 專業進口歐洲奢侈品家具更多奢侈品牌www.carino.asia 歡迎光臨指教仁愛旗艦店公司地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路三段19號24小時預約專線: ...
#20. Riva 1920 • Green Pea
It all started in 1920 in Cantù, the heart of Brianza, in a family-run artisan workshop. Today at the helm are the brothers Maurizio, Davide and Anna Riva, ...
#21. RIVA1920第三屆創意競賽活動“Light up your idea” - 獎金獵人
RIVA1920 第三屆創意競賽活動“Light up your idea” 一.競賽主題位於義大利Cantù的Riva Industria Mobili S.p.A. , 註冊商標為RIVA 1920,正主辦第三屆 ...
#22. Riva 1920 - 謙記洋行
... Ferdericia (1); Flexform (1); Fritz Hansen (1); Giorgetti (1); Herman Miller (3); Moooi (2); PBJ (10); Poltrona Frau (3); Riva 1920 (3); Rolf Benz (1).
#23. riva 1920 | 3D Warehouse
開始使用3D Warehouse. 登入| 建立帳戶. riva 1920. Valeria C. 資料夾. 標題. 建立新資料夾. 集合. 標題. 建立新集合. 建立6/12/2019 | 0 個讚. 模型(0); 資料夾(0)
#24. Riva 1920 | Arredamento interni moderno classico
Riva 1920. "Produce honestly to hand down to future generations, making solid wood furniture able to challenge time while fully respecting the environment".
#25. Riva 1920 Furniture
Riva 1920 is an Italian, family-owned business that has been producing timeless, solid wood furniture in Northern Italy for more than three generations.
#26. RIVA 1920 | ITSLIQUID
Riva 1920 has been producing furniture for three generations. Anna, Maurizio and Davide Riva are currently leading the company, ...
#27. 2016 RIVA 1920 第三屆創意競賽活動『Light up your idea』
位於義大利Cantù的Riva Industria Mobili S.p.A. 註冊商標為RIVA 1920正主辦第三屆創意競賽活動“Light up your idea” 以『香柏木』為素材設計『矮凳』或『長凳』。
#28. 第八屆設計獎
第八屆設計獎. 設計主題: “I PINETTI”; 開始日期: 2021/02/01; 截止日期: 2021/06/01. RIVA 1920. 義大利百年實木傢俱品牌. 創立於1920年,致力於實木傢俱的設計與生產.
#29. Riva1920 義大利頂級木製傢俱豪宅增輝
義大利傳統木工技藝,RIVA家族世代從事木造相關行業,傳承至今已經超過一世紀,以節能、減碳、自然及綠化為永續經營理念!以環保為理念的《 Riva 1920 》,只選擇擁有 ...
#30. Riva 1920 - Casa Design Group
Hailing from Italy's traditional cradle of furniture production, Riva 1920 has emerged as a leader in sustainable design.
#31. RIVA 1920 - купить в интернет магазине UniqueDesign
Collaborating with the most famous characters of architecture and art, Riva 1920 stands out for the production of excellent quality furniture, where wood plays ...
#32. Riva 1920 | LinkedIn
Riva 1920, company qualified in the production of solid wood furniture, is characterized by the use of American reforestation wood and re-used woods like ...
#33. RIVA 1920 | Nature Evolution
Riva 1920 tells of a continuous dialogue between aesthetics and ethics. The story of a company with strong roots and a great craftsmanship, ...
#34. Riva 1920 Furniture Made in Italy | HEAL'S (UK)
Based on the scenic coast of Lombardy, Italy, Riva 1920 creates contemporary crafted furniture using only the finest solid wood timbers. Riva 1920 furniture ...
#35. riva 1920 | designboom.com
setsu & shinobu ito's KU'KI table for riva 1920 floats on roughly welded legs · design. 504 shares. roberto giacomucci: brugola coffee table for riva 1920 ...
#36. Riva1920 – 世界原木之王 - 捷行
RIVA家族世代從事木造相關行業,傳承至今已超過一世紀,而其自1920年創立RIVA1920品牌以來,即致力於實木傢俱的設計與生產,目前已傳承至第三代Maurizio and Davide ...
#37. Goodwood Riva 1920 Table - Milia Shop
Goodwood Riva 1920 Table Goodwood designed by Terry Dwan for Riva 1920 is a table with a in solid walnut wood with knots and resin and legs natural iron, ...
#38. Riva 1920 - Atelier
Riva 1920, company qualified in the production of solid wood furniture, is characterized by the use of American reforestation wood and re-used woods like ...
#39. Riva 1920 (@Riva1920) / Twitter
“ Pensa in grande” il nuovo programma di Rete 4 scritto e condotto da Rachele Restivo e dedicato al racconto delle eccellenze italiane.
#40. RIVA 1920 - MozaikMozaik - Mozaik Design
A long period of commitment and valorization of the use of natural wood and craft skills starts, aspect that later becomes the main feature of Riva1920 and ...
#41. Riva 1920: Discover the prices of all the products in quick ...
In the showrooms of the Salvioni Design Solutions network, a wide selection of Riva 1920 products is available, with the possibility to ship all over the ...
#42. Riva 1920 3d models created by Design Connected
High-end 3d models of Riva 1920 designs. Exclusive 3d assets produced by Design Connected.
#43. Riva 1920 | Cantù, Italy - Arte Laguna Prize
For years Riva has been making furniture items that defy the passing of time and respect nature.It all starts in 1920 in a family-run artisan workshop using ...
#44. List of products by brand Riva 1920 - Cubiñá
Discover our branded products Riva 1920. ... List of products by brand Riva 1920. https://www.riva1920.it/it/home/. Return. Sorry for the inconvenience.
#45. RIVA1920第三屆創意競賽活動“Light up your idea” - Accupass
位於義大利Cantù的Riva Industria Mobili S.p.A. , 註冊商標為RIVA 1920,正主辦第三屆創意競賽活動“Light up your idea”, 以『香柏木』為素材,設計『矮凳』或『長 ...
#46. Riva 1920, Home & Light - Exklusives Wohndesign für Heim ...
Care set black pigmented for oak & cedar RIVA 1920. 69,00EUR. Price if You pay with. 65,55EUR. Prepay. 67,62EUR. PayPal. 69,00EUR. Credit Card.
#47. Riva 1920, product catalog | ArchDaily
Riva 1920, company qualified in the production of solid wood furniture, is characterized by the use of American reforestation wood and re-used woods like ...
#48. Riva 1920 - Barker and Stonehouse
Located on the coast of Lombardy, Riva 1920 have been creating contemporary Italian furniture since 1920. Each piece is beautifully crafted by skilled ...
#49. Riva 1920, un'azienda fondata sulla passione per il legno
Un'azienda costruita sulla "passione" per il legno: è Riva1920, storica realtà produttiva fondata quasi cento anni fa e oggi condotta da ...
#50. Riva 1920实木家具
bredaquaranta是Riva 1920经销商,位于米兰(意大利):我们组织运输,安排发货到世界各地;产品运输保证不受损害,我们会为您提供最贴心的建议!
#51. 義大利實木家具頂級品牌Riva 1920 品牌月 - 台北設計建材中心
Riva 1920 是全球自然原木家具領導品牌,家具製作過程不含甲醛, 僅使用天然護木油、蠟保留木頭自然紋理觸感,給您最乾淨無害的頂級生活享受。
#52. Riva - 瑞築國際
1920. 一切開始於1920年。 在倫巴底市的布理安區,坎圖鎮維奇佐羅村的一個小村莊裡,一間由尼諾· 羅曼諾創立的家庭式作坊,專門製造古典風格的實木 ...
#53. Riva 1920 - Purves & Purves
Riva 1920. One of my favourite companies, dedicated to all things wood. Most of their furniture can be made in solid oak, walnut, ...
#54. Riva 1920 | products | arflex Japan
Founded in 1920 in Italy's Cantu-a town with a long history of woodworking-Riva 1920 is a furniture maker with a focus on solid-wood products.
#55. RIVA 1920 - 規劃- 家具展熱門搜尋
RIVA 1920. RIVA 1920. 代碼4-1. 人氣1232. 圖片來源:RIVA 1920. 商品己加入詢價車. Faded Short Sleeve T-shirts. RIVA 1920. RIVA 1920. 繼續詢價
#56. RIVA 1920 義大利沙發- UTAH SOFA 歐洲家具原廠製造整合 ...
RIVA 1920 義大利家具-UTAH SOFA 沙發的後面、底座和沙發腿全部採用貼面膠合板結構,且板條全都垂直暴露在外面。具備的模塊元素種類繁多,是一款多功能沙發。裝有.
#57. Riva 1920 - Abitare design
riva1920.png. It all starts in 1920 in Vighizzolo, Cantù, in the heart of the Brianza area of Lombardy, in a small family-run artisan workshop founded by ...
#58. Italian Designer Furniture and Solid Wood Masterpieces
Discover Riva 1920 world. ... The XMAS Collection by Riva1920, designed to make the Christmas holidays unique and exclusive, every year it takes the ...
#59. Riva 1920 Furniture Authorized Dealer - Spazio Schiatti
Spazio Schiatti resells Riva 1920 furniture worldwide from London to Moscow (Russia), Dubai (UAE), Doha (Qatar), Oman, Singapore, Tel Aviv (Israel) and ...
#60. Riva 1920 furniture - Switch Modern
Riva 1920 was founded in the early 20th century as a family-run artisan workshop. Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020, Riva 1920 now collaborates with ...
#61. Riva 1920 家具
自从1989年以来瑞瓦1920 Riva 1920就一直秉持着独一无二的经营理念, 也就是采用品质最优良的森林树木的心材部位, 并结合其自然形成的精緻纹理, 为室内家具带来一份天然的 ...
#62. Riva 1920 - Sichel
Riva 1920. RIVA can boast a working relationship with over 100 designers who try to give tangible “form” to the wonderful material that wood is.
#63. Automobili Lamborghini and Riva 1920 add to furniture range ...
Sant'Agata Bolognese/Milan, 17 April 2018 – Automobili Lamborghini improves the collaboration with Riva 1920 and adds two new sideboards to ...
#64. Riva 1920 - XTRA Furniture
Riva 1920 from Italy is available in XTRA with a charming selection of its renowned cedar wood sculptures by famous designers such as Paolo ...
#65. Riva 1920 | Notch Shelf - Neri&Hu
Riva 1920 | Notch Shelf. Facts. Inspired by the rawness of the reclaimed briccole, the Notch shelf showcases the unique transformations that the material ...
#66. RIVA 1920意大利家具原木品牌,現代風格實木家具 - homify
有榮-意大利之家意大利家具品牌RIVA1920全力專注於在其家具產品中選擇使用最優質的材質,可靠耐用,具有長期的使用壽命。原材料的材質是生產過程的基礎,並精選了最 ...
#67. Riva 1920 design and products | Dezeen
The latest news, furniture design and products from Italian brand Riva 1920, including a collection of furniture for a laundry room designed by Terry Dwan.
#68. Wall Street by RIVA 1920 | STYLEPARK
Wall Street - Designer Magazine / CD racks by RIVA 1920 ✓ Comprehensive product & design information ✓ Catalogs ➜ Get inspired now.
#69. Riva 1920 - 你所不知道的歐洲實木傢俱 - 雪花新闻
RIVA 1920 创立于1920年,是意大利的一个著名家居品牌,拥有百年原木工艺历史,多年来一直对原木家具保持热情与执着。Riva 1920对原木的挑选十分讲究, ...
#70. Riva 1920 - Inform Interiors
Riva 1920. Today the firm can boast a working relationship with over 100 designers who try to give tangible ''form'' to the wonderful material that wood is ...
#71. Riva 1920 - Collectioni
Riva 1920 · Slice of Briccole Wood · Geppo Pet Wood Stool · Materia Soft Arm Chair · Grey Suede Dining Chair · Black Molletta Cedar Vulcano Bench · Molletta Cedar ...
#72. Riva 1920 Wooden Furniture - Ultra Modern
Producing quality wooden furniture for a century, Riva 1920 believe in using traditional crafts passed down through the generations and the best materials ...
#73. 品牌餐桌款型推薦- Riva 1920, Bedrock Plank C
現代人多生活在水泥叢林中, 因此往往希望居家空間能搭配木頭家具, 藉此融入自然風味,讓生活更有溫度。 Riva 1920創立近百年,傳承悠久的製作工藝, ...
#74. Riva 1920与兰博基尼合作推出最新Authentic Living系列家具
其设计延续了Riva1920的永恒品质,兼具兰博基尼汽车空气动力学形态及其前卫的唯美外观。此外,该系列家具还具有流动感,融合了家具的有机和纯粹形态, ...
The new collection of furniture created in cooperation with Automobili Lamborghini by Riva 1920 is presented on the occasion of the Salone ...
#76. Riva 1920 London, UK - Furniture Riva, Sky table Kauri, Briccole
The complete Riva 1920 furniture & Tables collection is available at our London showroom based in King's Road Chelsea. The Sky natural natural sides dining ...
#77. RIVA 1920 products, catalogues and more | Archello
RIVA 1920. Follow 28. It all started in 1920 in Cantù, in the heart of Brianza (an area of Lombardy), where a small family ran an artisan workshop founded ...
#78. Riva 1920 - Stopka.cz
We are exclusive representative of Riva 1920 brand for the Czech Republic. Riva offers its customers unique tables with the use of quality woody plants.
#79. Riva 1920 – 原生Yuan Sheng - 原生國際
#80. Riva Industria Mobili | Salone del Mobile
Riva 1920 is a production company made of traditions, culture, creativity and innovation.
#81. Riva 1920 collections: download the catalogue - Archiproducts
Riva 1920 collection. Build furniture ready to challenge time by respecting the environment. For 95 years the above is the thinking leading and justifying any ...
#82. Riva 1920
Aki Sideboard - Riva 1920 · All Around Stool - Riva 1920 · Ambo Table - Riva 1920 · Astrati Stool - Riva 1920 · Bam Bam Bed - Riva 1920 · Barney Stool - Riva 1920.
#83. Riva 1920 : Mobilier design, table, Paris, France - Silvera
Riva 1920 consiste en un dialogue continu entre l'esthétique et l'éthique. Il s'agit de l'histoire d'une entreprise avec des racines fortes, ...
#84. RIVA 1920 Prezzi OUTLET - Sconti online -50% / -60% / -70%
RIVA1920. Lineare ed elegante, può essere progettata con taglio sartoriale, andando incontro a tutte le singole richieste. Ampia gamma di tavoli e sedie ...
#85. Riva 1920 Furniture: Sustainable Table Design | Sag80
Riva 1920, unique products with tradition at their heart. Riva Design has been producing sustainable wooden furniture for over 95 years.
#86. Riva 1920 Design Award – Pavel Vetrov Studio
Category Special Prize for Riva 1920: Pavel Vetrov with “Opus” rewards Monica Riva. The Design Award “Light up your idea” for the design of a CHAIR, ...
#87. Riva 1920 - MyAreaDesign.it
Today Riva 1920 can boast a working relationship with over 100 designers who try to give tangible “form” to the wonderful material that wood is ...
#88. Riva 1920與蘭博基尼合作推出最新Authentic Living系列家具
Riva 1920 與蘭博基尼(Automobile Lamborghini) 合作推出具有現代風格的Authentic Living系列家具。該系列家具由凱瑞姆-瑞席(Karim Rashid)設計, ...
#89. Riva 1920 Dealer Milan - Cavallini1920
Riva1920 Furniture dealer ➤ Cavallini 1920 is an official Riva1920 retailer in Milan ✔️Discover Riva1920 products ✔️Visit the showrooms.
#90. Riva 1920 - Spotti Milano
Riva 1920 has become during the nineties a company producing high quality products with the most innovative carving techniques.
#91. Download 3d models and bim objects riva 1920 - Syncronia
Riva 1920 - Download free 3D Models, BIM Objects. ... Designer: C.R. & S. RIVA1920 Table made of solid wood with glued boards that is characte ...
#92. Riva 1920 - Royal Interiors
Brand: Riva 1920. Elle Ecrit writing desk. Design by Jamie Durie 2014 W180 x D70 x H76 cm Frame in walnut without knots Writing desk .
#93. 水泥叢林中搭配一點自然味— Riva 1920
Riva 1920 源於義大利,而創立年分正是品牌名稱的1920的1920 年成立的,以品牌名紀念創立年分,而前面的Riva正是Riva家族,家族世代從事木造相關行業 ...
riva 1920 在 Riva 1920 - 首頁 | Facebook 的美食出口停車場
In occasione del Festival del legno Riva1920 donerà 2000 piantine di quercia ai visitatori. Con questo semplice gesto Riva1920 contribuisce attivamente alla ... ... <看更多>