[檳城] 城中的咖啡館新貴Ri Café 如今推出下午茶配套,每人只須RM29.95就可享有8道小吃及一壺茶,而且這裡的茶點很道地,有甜有炸有鹹,而不是一整盤的甜,所以不甜膩,適合下午小聚。更多詳情在 http://bit.ly/2qiqlOy
[Penang] A new café in town, Ri Café is now offering afternoon tea at only RM29.95 per person, as they will be serving 8 types of savouries and sweets with a pot of tea. Gibson likes the idea of the afternoon tea that serves interesting savouries, instead just a set of overwhelming sweets. More detail at http://bit.ly/2pNYUbJ
>>>Please take note that the 4 savouries and 3 sweets are standard on the menu plus one option of 4 choices of a sweet that will be served depending on availability. Gibson was lucky enough to try all the 4 optional sweets, which are the Matcha tart, Banana Bread, Lemon Pound and Brioche Donuts, and the 4 sweets are labelled in the photos for your reference.
下午茶菜單Afternoon Tea Menu
雞蛋三明治Egg Sandwich
三文魚三明治Salmond Sandwich
麵包碎炸雞翅膀Breaded Chicken Wings
迷你蝦麵包Mini Prawn Toast
司康餅Homemade Scones with Double Cream and Preserves
三层巧克力蛋糕Triple Layer Brownie
西瓜及黃梨沙拉Watermelon & Pineapple Fruit Salad
Optional Sweets (Only one will be served, depending on availability)
綠茶塔Matcha tart
香蕉麵包Banana Bread
檸檬磅蛋糕Lemon Pound
布莉歐甜點包Brioche Donuts
綠茶Green Tea
紅茶Black Tea
花茶Flora Tea
水果茶Fruity Tea
Ri Café, Bahari Parade
Contact: 04-251 9069
Address: 81, Bahari Parade, Jalan Sri Bahari, 10050, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9am - 6pm, Friday-Sunday 10am-10pm. Closed on Mondays.
#afternoontea #hightea #bahariparade #ricafe #gibsonspg #Gibson吉神
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