1. 篇文相當長(但應該易明),亦都寫唔到summary,加上多圖,自己去medium睇吧。(數學之美:點解魚蝦蟹做莊必勝?有幾著數?)(https://lkdin.io/3Wat)
2. 我先寫咗魚蝦蟹嘅House Rule,慎防有人唔知。之後畀咗個好快嘅quick and dirty proof.然後深入研究,莊家嘅角度睇,pay off如何?然後再代返入,閒家嘅角度睇。兩邊都計一次,十足十Flags of Our Fathers vs 硫磺島戰書
3. 最後,我寫咗我對「數學之美」嘅想法,以及對「數學教育」嘅小小睇法。
4. 係喎,寫呢篇文,一為過瘾,二為使命。你唔係以為有人因為我呢篇文訂我Patreon下話?如果我只係為吸新讀者,寫多兩篇股票好過啦。
5. 以下係幾段節錄:
6. 「魚蝦蟹做莊必贏,記得爭住做。雖然呢樣嘢好多人都知(但,都有人唔知),所以一個有效率嘅市場,當然係人人爭住做莊。而亦因為咁,有啲人嘅玩法,係輪流做莊。咁在此情況下,你嘅策略係:做閒嗰時有咁細買咁細!甚至去廁所!做莊嗰時就出口術叫陣,串啲人冇膽,叫佢買大啲!條數係咁計,當然值唔值得為少少錢,搞到個人咁計算,就係主觀道德判斷問題了。我只講客觀數字」
7. 「我開魚魚蝦,我殺四家,拎四百。但只係賠返一百畀蝦,同埋兩百畀魚,淨袋一百。我開魚魚魚嘅,殺五家,拎五百,但只係賠三百畀買魚嘅人,凈執兩百」
8. 「再換個角度睇:你見莊家永遠都只係賠三百(可能係三家兩家或一家),但殺可以係三百四百或五百。」
9. 「216盤後,120盤個莊白做(掟到手軟未?),但90盤執一百,6盤執兩百。夾埋即係216盤執 120*0 + 90*100+ 6*200 = 10,200。216盤,即係,一盤執47.2。」
10. 「216舖當中,125次冇雞,輸100蚊,夾埋輸12500。75次一雞,執100,夾埋贏7500。15次兩雞,每次執200,夾埋贏3000。1次三雞,贏300。加埋晒,216舖, -12500 + 7500 + 3000 +300 = -1700,加埋仲係要輸錢。除返開216舖,每舖就輸7.9。即係閒家每舖買100蚊,差不多輸8蚊。」
11. 睇原文吧,大把圖。
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quick pay 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的精選貼文
哇!終於打了第一劑AZ疫苗!還好我在台灣,透過在線系統預約,就可以超快速輕鬆安排接種疫苗。我在一個陽光普照的早晨於當地的一所小學完成接種。所有工作人員與接種民眾都非常有條不紊,因此很快就完成了。早上 9 點抵達學校,我們被安排到了其中一間教室,在裡面接種了疫苗,然後被告知要等到早上9點30分以防萬一身體有什麼狀況,就像訓練過一樣,一到9點30分,所有教室裡打疫苗的人整整齊齊地排隊離開校園,一路上都有保持社交距離。超喜歡台灣人的!時時刻刻都會替其他人著想。
然後當我回到家時,剛吃完晚飯,副作用才開始產生。我變得很累,我不得不馬上上床睡覺,直到第二天早上才起床。我因為覺得冷而一直發抖,直到我把自己用棉被裹得像墨西哥捲餅,然後我覺得我把自己裹得太緊,所以才輕微發燒。這段時間,我的身體都非常酸痛,所以我無法入睡。終於在第二天早上,副作用才減輕,我才變得比較好。 (當然我沒有告訴Vincent Soberano 我已經好了,所以我可以跟他說我需要休息,因為我正在經歷疫苗的「副作用」。)
Wahoo! Got my AZ first dose! Thank goodness I’m here in Taiwan where access to vaccinations are quick and easy to schedule by booking an appointment with their online system. I got mine done bright and early at a local elementary school. They are so organized and fast. I got there at 9AM we’re filed into classrooms, got vaccinated and then were told to wait until 930AM in case there were any problems, and like clockwork at 930 AM everyone left the classroom single file perfectly socially distanced from the classroom all the way out onto the street. Love the people here! Always concerned about the well-being of others.
After that dose, I was feeling on top of the world! We took a nice drive to visit my dad on Yangming mountain. Bringing the kiddos along to pay their respects. Spending a perfect sunny day with the family!
Then when I got home, and right after dinner it hit me. I was so fatigued, I had to jump into bed, never to get out of bed until the next morning. I shivered until I wrapped myself into a burrito and then because I think I wrapped myself too tight I probably caused my own fever. All the while being extremely sore all over my body, so I couldn’t sleep. Finally the next morning, I felt better. (Of course I didn’t tell Vincent Soberano that, so I could milk my “side effects” longer.)
Did you get your Covid Vaccine yet? My advice to those who haven’t taken their first dose yet, make sure you stay hydrated!
quick pay 在 NicoleYie Facebook 的精選貼文
You caught me taking my debit card to pay for my new clothes again 😳 can’t help because pay with debit is so quick, secure & convenient!
Ever since the pandemic started, I prefer contactless payment method because it’s so much easier and reliable.
When I’m shopping for groceries 🛒, all it takes is one tap from my debit card 💳 and the transaction is done!
The best is when I can track all my spending🧾 through my bank account without needing to record them manually. Plus, it also allows me to stay on top of my spending behaviours via activity tracking 📑 so that I won’t overspend💸!
Join me to reduce contact payment and let’s #PayWithDebit! #QuickSecureConvenient
quick pay 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最佳解答
0:00 需要通關的關卡
0:41 彈鋼琴
1:46 1.Jewelry Store 珠寶店 - Diamonds are Forever
1:52 2.任何銀行劫案 - A Good Haul
1:57 3.Shadow Raid 影之襲擊 - I Will Pass Through Walls
2:02 4.GO Bank 全武銀行 - All Eggs in One Basket
2:07 5.Diamond Store 鑽石店 - Hostage Situation
2:25 6.任何運鈔車劫案(不包含火車) - But Wait - There’s More
2:36 7.Train Heist 運鈔車:火車劫案 - We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
2:44 8.Mallcrasher 商場破壞者 - Self Checkout
2:48 9.Four Stores 四間店 - Platinum Card 或 Yeah, He’s a Gold Digger
2:53 10.White Xmas 白色聖誕劫- What’s in the Box?
2:56 11.Ukrainian Job 烏克蘭人的委託 - Let’s do th…
3:01 12.Meltdown 爐心熔解 - They Don’t Pay Us Enough
3:08 13.Aftershock 震後餘生 - Bring It Back Safe
3:17 14.Nightclub 夜總會 - Let Them Boogie
3:30 15.Stealing Xmas 聖誕大盜 - The Grinch
3:39 16.Watchdogs 看門狗 - Out of bounds
4:06 17.Firestarter 縱火者 - Lord of War
4:13 18.Rats 鼠輩 - Full Measure
4:19 19.Big Oil 石油大亨 - Doctor Fantastic
4:28 20.Framing Frame 偷天換日 - I Wasn’t Even There!
4:38 21.Election Day 選舉日 - I’m A Swinger
4:48 22.Big Bank 大銀行 - Don’t bring the Heat
4:59 23.Hotline Miami 熱線邁阿密 - Walk Faster
5:16 24.Hoxton Breakout 老哈逃獄記 - Watch The Power Switch!
5:22 25.Hoxton Revenge 老哈復仇記 - Silent But Deadly
5:30 26.The Diamond 驚世奇鑽 - Cat Burglar
5:37 27.Golden Grin Casino 金牙賭場劫案 - High Roller
5:52 28.Bomb: Dockyard 炸彈劫案:碼頭 - I’ve got the Power
6:06 29.Bomb: Forest 炸彈劫案:森林 - Pump It Up
6:20 30.Scarface Mansion 疤面公館 - Settling a Scar
6:28 31.The Alesso Heist 音樂會劫案 - Sound of Silence
6:39 32.Counterfeit 偽鈔風雲 - Dr. Evil
6:48 33.First World Bank 世界第一銀行 - OVERDRILL
6:54 34.Murky Station 黑水火車站 - The Pacifist
7:06 35.Boiling Point 沸點 - Remember, No Russian
7:22 36.Goat Simulator 山羊模擬器 - Hazzard County
7:49 37.Santa’s Workshop 聖誕工坊 - Santa Slays Slackers
8:11 38.Car Shop 車店 - Gone in 240 seconds
8:19 39.The Biker Heist 暴走族劫案 - Full Throttle
8:37 40.Panic Room 戰慄空間 - Quick Draw
8:48 41.Brooklyn 10-10 荒唐警局 - A Rendezvous With Destiny
9:04 42.The Yacht Heist 遊艇劫案 - Pacifish
9:11 43.Undercover 骯髒交易 - Not Even Once
9:29 44.Slaughterhouse 屠宰場 - Making a Statement
9:47 45.Beneath the Mountain 山脊之下 - Clean House
10:12 46.Birth of Sky 誕於天際 - 1...2...3… JUMP!
10:25 47.Heat Street 熱街 - It’s Nice To Be Nice
10:39 48.Green Bridge 格林大橋 - Attacked Helicopter
10:49 49.Alaskan Deal 阿拉斯加交易- The Fuel Must Flow
10:59 50.Diamond Heist 經典鑽石劫案 - Blood Diamond
11:13 51.Reservoir Dogs 落水狗劫案 - Waste Not, Want Not
11:27 52.Brooklyn Bank 布魯克林銀行- All the Gold in Brooklyn
11:36 53.Breakin’ Feds 闖越FBI - Stalker
12:08 54.Henry’s Rock 亨利峽谷 - Hack This!
12:22 55.Shacklethorne Auction 拍賣會劫案 - Press [F] to pay Respect
12:47 56.Hell’s Island 地獄島 - Beacon of.. nope
12:55 57.No Mercy 慈愛醫院 - Keeping the Cool
13:15 結語
亦或是在下面留下你的評論,你的評論也可以讓小多的暗黑力量繼續壯大唷!(ˋ wˊ)/

quick pay 在 AnJet Cat Youtube 的最佳解答
中文歌詞 (根據官方原譯校正):
來吧, 我的一眾男孩女孩們
別過母親的雙手, 踏上旅程
是呀, 我們都將被拉入深淵
是呀, 我們都將被拉入深淵
他能傷害你, 亦能擁抱你
他能踢開你, 也能撫慰你
是呀, 我們都將被拉入深淵
噢, 如此聰慧真誠的姊妹們呀
是呀, 我們都將被拉入深淵
是呀, 我們都將被拉入深淵
So it's into the Void
Now me girls and me boys
From Mother's hands we go
We'll be be sailing to the sun
Till the voyage is done
Then we'll be sleeping in the cold below
Sisters! Below, below
We're going where the winds don't blow
Yes we're all bound down
To the deep and we'll be
Sleeping in the cold below, below
Sleeping in the cold below
Our sailing ship
Is for the hard and the quick
We roll our load and go
There's a living to be made
Or there's Hell to pay
When you're sleeping in the cold below
Sisters! Below, below
We're going where the winds don't blow
Yes we're all bound down
To the deep and we'll be
Sleeping in the cold below, below
Sleeping in the cold below
There's a man on high
With the Devil in his eye
And a golden hand, I'm told
It can hurt you, it can hold you
He can kick you or console you
When you're sleeping in the cold below
Sisters! Below, below
We're going where the winds don't blow
Yes we're all bound down
To the deep and we'll be
Sleeping in the cold below, below
Sleeping in the cold below
Oh Sisters you
So wise and true
When it's my time to go
Won't you lay me down
Under Granum Crowns
And I'll be sleeping in the cold below
Sisters! Below, below
We're going where the winds don't blow
Yes we're all bound down
To the deep and we'll be
Sleeping in the cold below, below
Sleeping in the cold below
Today we sail
On the Solar Rail
For there's much we just don't know
So farewell with a kiss
Then it's fast for the mist
Till we're sleeping in the cold below
詞/曲: Keith Power, Alan Doyle, Digital Extremes
歌手: Damhnait Doyle

quick pay 在 Nitsa Sue Youtube 的最佳解答
Join me as we check out the first UNIQLO Roadside store in Malaysia!
They had a quick opening ceremony and the queue was crazy! Many people parked illegally by the roadside despite knowing they will have to pay for summon. My advice - take public transportation (free MBPJ Green Bus) or Grab & Taxi services!
Comment down below if you went to this place after watching my vlog! I would love to know! ?
Connect with me!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nitsa_sue/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nitsa_sue?s=09
This video is not sponsored. Sincerely no offence to anyone who is offended in this video making process.
- iPhone 12 Pro
- Samsung C9 Pro
Subscribe to my channel! It would mean so much to me ❤ Thank you for watching and supporting me! See you in my next vlog!

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Disarankan untuk menggunakan ponsel android versi 5.0 (Bila belum versi 5.0, silahkan untuk update ponsel anda ke versi terbaru) ○ 建議使用android5.0以上 ... ... <看更多>
quick pay 在 在App Store 上的「Quickpay」 的相關結果
QPay (QuickPay) is a Money Transfer (mobile app) in Taiwan. QPay(QuickPay) is the first Taiwan owned Company : Welldone Company approved by Financial ... ... <看更多>
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Ans:QUICPay是由JCB國際組織所開發,用以支援日本規格的感應支付服務,在日本當地QUICPay有超過一百萬台刷卡機,在三萬家以上的合作廠商提供感應支付服務, Apple Pay ... ... <看更多>