受 #新竹市文化局 的邀請,8月8日我們將在 財團法人台灣省新竹市普天宮演出我們膾炙人口的大型雜技劇《愛麗PU的奇境夢遊》👯♀️👯♂️🤸♀️🎭。
今年我們要把這個作品帶去新竹「仲夏藝文季」,把西方兒童文學的奇幻經典帶到關二爺的廟宇來個中西大匯串 😁😁😁
#新竹普天宮 是新竹有名的大廟,開車過去,遠遠的就能看到巨大的關二爺塑像。這座廟香火鼎盛,而且它還不只是一座廟宇喔,廟裡面還有精美的臺灣文物博物館,很適合全家一起來。
Taiwan Acrobatic Troupe is to perform at Hsinchu Pu Tain Temple, on August 8, 2020. It was invited by Hsinchu City Government for 2020 Summer Art and Culture Festival. The show entitled Alipu's Adventures in Wonderland is adapted from the worldwide well-known children classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The show combines stunning acrobatic skills that brings the amazing scenes to the stage.
Come to join us exploring the wonderland~!
Time: 19:00, Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020
Venue: Pu Tain Temple (No. 66, Lane 306, Gaofeng Road, East District Hsinchu City
#臺灣特技團 #TaiwanAcrobaticTroupe
#雜技劇 #AcrobaticDrama
#愛麗PU #仲夏藝文季 #SummerArtandCultureFestival
#普天宮 #PuTainTemple