【喬的回顧系列: #髒話 + #回嘴 + #罵人 系列】
(1) Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?
(2) Knock it off. 別來這套
(3) Leave me alone. 請別打擾我
(4) Get lost! 滾!
(5) Get out of my face! 從我面前消失!
(6) You piss me off. 你讓我超不爽
(7) None of your business. 關你屁事
(8) How dare you! 你竟然敢這樣!
(9) I’m done with it! 我受夠了!
* I’m fed up (with it)! 我受夠了!
(10) I can’t take it anymore! 我受不了了!
(11) What were you thinking? 你到底在想什麼?
(12) Drop dead! 去死吧!
(13) You are such a pain in the ass. 你這令人厭惡的人
(14) You bastard! 你這雜碎!
(15) Get over yourself! 少在那自以為是
(16) You deserve it! 你活該!
(17) You have gone way too far! 你實在太過分了!
(18) You are impossible! 你真是沒救了!
(19) You are a joke! 你真是小丑
(20) You will be sorry! 你會後悔的
(21) We are done. / We are through. 我們玩完了
(22) You are ruining my life! 你毀了我的人生
(23) Enough is enough. 夠了!
(24) You asked for it. 你自找的
(25) You are a disgrace. 你真是令人蒙羞的存在
(26) Get off my back. 別再跟我囉唆了
(27) Fuck off! 滾吧你
(28) Cut it out! 省省力氣吧!
(29) You are a jerk! 你這個廢物/混蛋!
(30) That is out of the question. 省省吧!別想了!
(31) I will make you eat your words. 我一定會讓你收回你所說的話
(32) Have it your way. 隨你便!
(33) You had it coming. 你自找的
(34) You are such a geek! 你這宅男!
(35) You are such a freak! 你這怪胎!
(36) You make me sick! 你真讓人作噁!
(37) Don’t fuck it up! 別搞砸了!
(38) I don’t give a fuck! 我才不管!
(39) Are you fucking with me? 你他媽的在開我玩笑嗎?
(40) Fucked up! 搞砸了..
* monkey fuck (n.) 用已點燃的菸點燃未點燃的煙之行為
* turkey fuck (n.) 用已點燃的菸點燃未點燃的煙之行為
(41) You are dead meat! 你死定了
(42) Don’t push me around! 不要想搞我
(43) You want to step outside? 你想到外面解決嗎?!
(44) You are such a psycho! 你真是神經病!
(45) Wise up! 放聰明點吧!
(46) You are such a loser! 你真是失敗!
(47) You are such a fucker. 你真是混帳
(48) Get away from me! 離我遠點!
(49) You got to be fist fucking me! 你真的做了如此愚蠢至極的事?!
(50) She is such a one reply bitch! 她是個回訊息超敷衍的婊子!
push jerk中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
(1) Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?
(2) Knock it off. 別來這套
(3) Leave me alone. 請別打擾我
(4) Get lost! 滾!
(5) Get out of my face! 從我面前消失!
(6) You piss me off. 你讓我超不爽
(7) None of your business. 關你屁事
(8) How dare you! 你竟然敢這樣!
(9) I’m done with it! 我受夠了!
* I’m fed up (with it)! 我受夠了!
(10) I can’t take it anymore! 我受不了了!
(11) What were you thinking? 你到底在想什麼?
(12) Drop dead! 去死吧!
(13) You are such a pain in the ass. 你這令人厭惡的人
(14) You bastard! 你這雜碎!
(15) Get over yourself! 少在那自以為是
(16) You deserve it! 你活該!
(17) You have gone way too far! 你實在太過分了!
(18) You are impossible! 你真是沒救了!
(19) You are a joke! 你真是小丑
(20) You will be sorry! 你會後悔的
(21) We are done. / We are through. 我們玩完了
(22) You are ruining my life! 你毀了我的人生
(23) Enough is enough. 夠了!
(24) You asked for it. 你自找的
(25) You are a disgrace. 你真是令人蒙羞的存在
(26) Get off my back. 別再跟我囉唆了
(27) Fuck off! 滾吧你
(28) Cut it out! 省省力氣吧!
(29) You are a jerk! 你這個廢物/混蛋!
(30) That is out of the question. 省省吧!別想了!
(31) I will make you eat your words. 我一定會讓你收回你所說的話
(32) Have it your way. 隨你便!
(33) You had it coming. 你自找的
(34) You are such a geek! 你這宅男!
(35) You are such a freak! 你這怪胎!
(36) You make me sick! 你真讓人作噁!
(37) Don’t fuck it up! 別搞砸了!
(38) I don’t give a fuck! 我才不管!
(39) Are you fucking with me? 你他媽的在開我玩笑嗎?
(40) Fucked up! 搞砸了..
* monkey fuck (n.) 用已點燃的菸點燃未點燃的煙之行為
* turkey fuck (n.) 用已點燃的菸點燃未點燃的煙之行為
(41) You are dead meat! 你死定了
(42) Don’t push me around! 不要想搞我
(43) You want to step outside? 你想到外面解決嗎?!
(44) You are such a psycho! 你真是神經病!
(45) Wise up! 放聰明點吧!
(46) You are such a loser! 你真是失敗!
(47) You are such a fucker. 你真是混帳
(48) Get away from me! 離我遠點!
(49) You got to be fist fucking me! 你真的做了如此愚蠢至極的事?!
(50) She is such a one reply bitch! 她是個回訊息超敷衍的婊子!
push jerk中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
(1) Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?
(2) Knock it off. 別來這套
(3) Leave me alone. 請別打擾我
(4) Get lost! 滾!
(5) Get out of my face! 從我面前消失!
(6) You piss me off. 你讓我超不爽
(7) None of your business. 關你屁事
(8) How dare you! 你竟然敢這樣!
(9) I’m done with it! 我受夠了!
* I’m fed up (with it)! 我受夠了!
(10) I can’t take it anymore! 我受不了了!
(11) What were you thinking? 你到底在想什麼?
(12) Drop dead! 去死吧!
(13) You are such a pain in the ass. 你這令人厭惡的人
(14) You bastard! 你這雜碎!
(15) Get over yourself! 少在那自以為是
(16) You deserve it! 你活該!
(17) You have gone way too far! 你實在太過分了!
(18) You are impossible! 你真是沒救了!
(19) You are a joke! 你真是小丑
(20) You will be sorry! 你會後悔的
(21) We are done. / We are through. 我們玩完了
(22) You are ruining my life! 你毀了我的人生
(23) Enough is enough. 夠了!
(24) You asked for it. 你自找的
(25) You are a disgrace. 你真是令人蒙羞的存在
(26) Get off my back. 別再跟我囉唆了
(27) Fuck off! 滾吧你
(28) Cut it out! 省省力氣吧!
(29) You are a jerk! 你這個廢物/混蛋!
(30) That is out of the question. 省省吧!別想了!
(31) I will make you eat your words. 我一定會讓你收回你所說的話
(32) Have it your way. 隨你便!
(33) You had it coming. 你自找的
(34) You are such a geek! 你這宅男!
(35) You are such a freak! 你這怪胎!
(36) You make me sick! 你真讓人作噁!
(37) Don’t fuck it up! 別搞砸了!
(38) I don’t give a fuck! 我才不管!
(39) Are you fucking with me? 你他媽的在開我玩笑嗎?
(40) Fucked up! 搞砸了..
* monkey fuck (n.) 用已點燃的菸點燃未點燃的煙之行為
* turkey fuck (n.) 用已點燃的菸點燃未點燃的煙之行為
(41) You are dead meat! 你死定了
(42) Don’t push me around! 不要想搞我
(43) You want to step outside? 你想到外面解決嗎?!
(44) You are such a psycho! 你真是神經病!
(45) Wise up! 放聰明點吧!
(46) You are such a loser! 你真是失敗!
(47) You are such a fucker. 你真是混帳
(48) Get away from me! 離我遠點!
(49) You got to be fist fucking me! 你真的做了如此愚蠢至極的事?!
(50) She is such a one reply bitch! 她是個回訊息超敷衍的婊子!