現代人追求表面的美,在自己的家裡東敲西打,破壞了整個格局,所以妳自己從妳的客人那裡也知道,很多新加坡人外表很風光,在臉書上總是說去哪裡吃,哪裡玩,今天買了什麼,和家人一起做什麼。我告訴妳,很多是騙人的,沒有錢的,根本談不上home sweet home。
很多家庭欠債的,要離婚的,孩子不聽話不會讀書,父母得看小孩的臉色做人,家庭吵架、婚外情,家人重病、心理病的、精神病的、小孩子憂鬱症的,脾氣不好、生意失敗的,事業不振, 很多問題, 就是因為家裡外在內在的風水都不好。」
玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu 正月初八晚上,會舉辦一年一度的拜天公活動。他過去兩年都帶領著一些國人一起為自己的家庭和國家祈福。屆時,如果您有心想學習,請關注師父的臉書專頁。
"There will be more and more problems, in Singapore's fortune outlook."
About three years ago, Shifu told me this. It was not long after Mr Lee Kuan Yew's death.
I asked Shifu why he said so.
Shifu replied, "From a Chinese Metaphysics point of view, when a country is prosperous, it is linked to the Bazi compatibility of the leader, and/or other important people. The Bazi can complement the Bazi of the country. Sometimes, because there is this important figure, whose presence can hold a country together and subjugate disasters from happening and people who wish to bully Singapore will back off."
"So it was possible for Singapore, such a small country of no natural resources, to build something up, and outperform its neighbouring countries. And when this person is no longer around, with no suitable replacement, then vile forces will pervade and the country will start to enter a cycle of poor luck."
"Secondly, in the name of more prosperity, Singapore is digging holes everywhere. This will severely damage the vitality force in the land, injuring the dragon qi. Moreover, the housing nowadays are poorly built, from a Feng Shui viewpoint. When you followed me on my Feng Shui audits at condos, you saw that their internal Feng Shui were even worse than HDB."
"People nowadays are only going for beauty. So they do not think twice when they hack the walls in their homes, destroying the whole structure. You see it in your clients too. Many Singaporeans only look good on the outside, posting about where they dine, where they go to have fun, what they bought, what they did with their families. Let me tell you this, many are lying. Many are having money problems. There is no home sweet home to speak of."
"Many families are in debt, facing divorce, have children who are disobedient and unwilling to study. Parents have to behave accordingly to the moods of their children. There are domestic quarrels and extramarital affairs. There are family members who are gravely ill, have psychological problems, mental issues and even kids have depression. Tempers are short, businesses do not perform well, careers are stagnant and many other problems, are caused by the poor external and internal Feng Shui."
"Thirdly, Singapore should not have casinos. This planted a seed of grave karma and will destroy many people and families. You see, there was a lady who called me. She used to work in the police, but she ended up visiting the casino too often and was fired by the police force. When there is gambling, there will be ghosts around, and vile energies will definitely be present. Anyone who gets stained by these energies will be mentally controlled by the ghosts. When the ghost wants you to visit the casino, you will surely go, despite knowing that it is not a good thing to do, nor is it advisable. This is why when you asked if I wished to dine at Marina Bay Sands during its opening, I told you that wasn't a place for spiritual cultivators to go. You shouldn't go."
I hastily shook my head and waved my hands.
"No, never, Shifu, I've no intention of going. I once went there to buy a piece of clothing. I didn't even stepped into the casino and I told Teng Qing, I wouldn't want to go there again. The energies there aren't great. My head spun as I stepped into the building. It looked impressive on the outside, but inside, the energies are very yin. Just that ordinary people aren't able to tell."
"But Shifu, you once said, the Feng Shui of Singapore also indicates that there are many illegal doings and businesses going on, comparable to that of Malaysia. So whether there are casinos or not, why will there be such an impact?"
"That's why I say, you never learnt properly what I taught you. Illegal activities are done secretly, in the dark and it can't be seen. But once you legalised it, as it surfaces to the top, the devastating effects of the vile energies will be even stronger. We humans cannot sacrifice morals for the sake of more prosperity and money. This will lead to failure due to shortsightedness."
I recalled, 5 to 6 years ago, the husband was ferrying Shifu in his car and drove past Fort Canning Hill. Shifu looked outside the window and curiously asked, "What are they digging?"
The husband replied, "Shifu, the government is building a MRT station, so they are digging the tunnel."
At that time, Shifu sighed, "They are digging too deep. When they keep digging into this dragon, we Singapore are going to have racial disharmony, anti-government problems and decline in the country's fortunes and many other problems."
Later on, I learnt that Fort Canning MRT Station won the Top Tunnelling Project of the Year at an international ceremony, because of the high difficulty level in the tunnelling feat. The excavation and tunnelling must be really deep and complicated. I wonder if there is any master that gave them pointers to repair the damaged dragon qi? Otherwise, the loss will outweigh the gain.
That day, when I walked past Sengkang General Hospital, I was reminded of my various hospital trips to visit family and friends, and couldn't helped but sighed.
The more hospitals there are, it means the sickness karma of our countrymen are getting more serious. My Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, once expounded that hospitals are hell in this mortal world:
"In hospitals, the doctors will open up your brain and dig your eyes. They open up your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. All these parts need to be operated. Actually, the hospital is the realm of Hell. Look at the people who are ill, who isn't suffering? A sick person is suffering. These sufferings, while very far away from that in the Hell, but aren't that far either. It is painful to be sick. When you are sick, you lie in the hospital and are at the whim of the doctor to be operated on. Actually when a hospital opens, it is like opening another Hell. The surgeon who holds the surgery knife in his hand is like the hell guard. Really!
The inside of the hospital is just like Hell. Everything can be operated on, like amputating your leg, amputate your hand, digging out your eyes, opening up your brain, dragging out the whole of your intestines, cutting away your intestines, and even cutting away your stomach. We called this borderland. Not the real Hell, but the borderland of Hell.
So don't say there isn't retribution. A person falls sick, because his karmic obstacles are severe. So he gets hospitalised and is up to the doctor to slaughter. For example, for breathing difficulties, the doctor will perform tracheotomy. He open up your throat and connect a tube. You will consume your food through the tube and also breathe through it. Your whole body is connected with tubes. That is the realm of Hell."
(20141130 His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma discourse after Preta-dana at 甘露精舍)
A big hospital is a big Hell. A small hospital is a small Hell. Anyone who has been to hospitals knows that there isn't any great energies to speak about. I have visited several new hospitals and the Feng Shui inside is a headache. Hence cases of doctor misdiagnosis, mistreatment that cause death, negligence by nurses, lack of timely patient care, wrong medicine prescribed by pharmacies etc, will only continue to happen and at an increasing rate. So to friends who have hospitalised family, please be conscious and ask the right questions. Understand what the doctor prescribed and what the nurses are doing.
When the environmental Feng Shui is bad, man's heart will also go wayward and his luck will roll downhill. Problems in the physical body and heart will get more and more fanciful.
Unfortunately, some of us are over-influenced by the Western culture. They think that learning Chinese isn't important and conveniently dismissed Feng Shui as superstition. When I asked what research they had done to come to this conclusion, they usually stammer and can't answer me logically.
My advice: don't be impatient. Don't be eager to disbelieve. When your thinking is not supported by genuine in-depth research, you are superstitious. Many things in life are worth studying. When you learn this in-depth, you will realise that Feng Shui is more scientific than science, far away from what you think old wives' tale are made up of.
2019 the year of the Earth Pig is not a good year for Singapore. There will be many internal and external conflicts. Our country will fall sick, with its luck declining.
Some people chose to point their fingers at the government. I understand for every cause, there will be an effect. However, the rise and fall of our nation concerns all of us.
Whether the government does a good job or not, as the children of our country, we should all lend a helping hand to fellow countrymen. If criticism does not lead to a viable result to improve the problem, then it is just an expression of the displeasure inside the person.
To repay the debt of gratitude to our country generates merits for ourselves. These merits can drive away our karmic creditors and resolve the disasters and obstacles we face. We are also leading by example to our children what it means to repay the debt of gratitude to our country.
When the seed of causation is proper, there will be no fruits of sorrow, but instead, fruits of joy and celebrations.
So all of us should strive to create positive seeds of causation, and that will naturally reap us positive fruits. Don't commit the five evils of killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and consumption of intoxicants like alcohol and drugs. Your proper conduct has the ability to help the people around you and of course, improve your family fortunes. Accumulating merits is critical, as these reserves will always come in handy to help us during our emergency times.
When you pray to the Tai Sui this year, please light a Lamp of Illumination for Singapore too. When you pray, please also pray for the good fortune of Singapore etc.
Every year on the night of the 8th day of the 1st Lunar Month, 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu will conduct a prayer ceremony to pay homage to the Supreme Jade Emperor. In the past two years, he had led other like-minded participants to pray for blessings for themselves and our nation. If you are keen to learn, do follow Shifu's FB page for notifications.
When I was at the KK hospital, I overheard a lady, probably in her 30s, that she was here for an operation to remove her entire womb. Momentarily, I felt sad for her.
I hope for everyone to have good moral conduct, great Feng Shui and good fortune.
May everyone who is hospitalised get to go home safely and healthily.
May all the sons of Singapore who go for army training, also return home safely and in one piece. Namo Amitabha.
prayer for my womb 在 Pai Syahira Facebook 的最讚貼文
Akhirnya Mengandung
Assalamualaikum admin. Tq kalau sudi publishkan. Harap berguna untuk pembaca. Sikit pengenalan, aku maria ( bukannnamansebenar) Umur masuk 3 series. Kawen hampir 5 tahun. Alhamdulillah akhirnya tahun ni Allah bagi rezeki untuk mengandung. Kawan kawan dan family semua teruja. Ramai juga yang tanya tips. Makan apa, buat apa. Jadi saya share sini. Semoga bermanfaat.
Masa sebelum dapat zuriat, kami suami isteri antara manusia yang trauma nak balik kampung. Tengok muka orang pon dah tahu depa nak tanya apa. Mak mertua pon sampai biru muka nak menjawab. Sebab kebanyakkan yng bertanya ni sedara sebelah suami. Tapi mak mertua, dari kami kawen sampai sekarang, sentiasa backup aku. Tq mak. Sayang mak. Mak aku? Mak aku rilek je. Haha. Nak cakap apa je. Lagi mental bila adik yang baru kawen, sepupu sepapat kawen je terus dapat baby. Lepas tu muka masing masing ada yang bangga ada yang serba salah. Bangga sebab dapat baby awal dari aku, serba salah sebab takut aku terasa. Awal awal dulu selalu jadi hindustan. Lari lari menangis dalam bilik. Tapi sekarang dah kental. Rilek je. Di bawah ni antara benda yang aku buat. Aku rasa benda ni la yang menyebabkan aku dapat rezeki ni.
1. Ubah perangai.
Aku jenis tak baik sangat. pemalas, suami suruh buat air pon aku malas, mulut lepas, suka kutuk dan mengumpat orang, sembahyang pon akhir waktu. Sehingga la aku terbaca artikel dan aku dengar ceramah. Ustazah tu cskap macam mana Allah nak bagi rezeki kalau diri kita sendiri tak berapa betul. Sembahyang tak. Agama lintang pukang. Pemalas. Rumah macam tongkang pecah. Bakal baby pon rasa tak sanggup nak dapat ibu yang macam tu. Lagi ayat dia, kalau kita tak sampai tahap solat tahajud atau menangis bila doa pada Allah, maksudnya kita ni tak sampai tahap betul betul nak. Jadi senyap senyap aku ubah diri. Susah wei nak berubah. Tahan mulut ni dari mengumpat, kalau nampak orang tak pandai parking, nak parking pon sampai 70jam, aku tahan dalam hati jangan kutuk orang tu. Kalau pekerja kedai slow buat kerja, aku tahan mulut dan hati jangan cakap apa apa. Aku nampak perempuan gedik gedik depan aku ketawa macam langsuir, aku tahan diri tak cakap apa apa. Aku nampak lelaki hensem dengan perempuan tak lawa, aku tak cakap apa. Aku tahan. Aku tahan. Aku tahan. Haha. the struggle is real bagi orang macam aku. Mohon jangan kecam. Aku tak perfect pon tapi suka buat gaya macam perfect sangat kahkah. Aku sekarang more to bersangka baik. Cakap baik baik pasal orang. Contoh kalau colleague aku datang cakap ” ko tau tak si gayah tu hari hari mc..tapi tengok status fb elok plak pegi shopping” aku jawab ” mm maybe tu yang doktor suruh dia buat” kahkah. Atau ” si mail tu baru je tunang tapi dah putus. Ko rasa kenapa?” Nampak pancingan untuk mengumpat. Tapi aku jawab ” takpe la bukan jodoh dia” haha. Ofismate pon malas jadi malas nak mengumpat bila aku asyik cakap macam tu je. Ok sambung
2. Paksa diri tolong orang
Biasa aku la paling malas nak tolong orang. Aku buat hal sendiri je. Tapi aku ubah. Kalau nampak makcik makcik takut takut nak cross jalan, aku tolong pimpin kan. Nampak pakcik pakcik konfius tengok date roti, aku tolong tengokkan. Nampak budak budak takde duit beli tiket lrt, aku tolong bayar kan. Nampak kedai full tapi ada yang tercegat lama, aku laju laju habiskan makan dan bagi seat pada dorang. Nampak makcik beratur beli goreng pisang, aku bagi turn aku pada dia. Tolong buka kan pintu, tolong angkatkan barang orang. Simple je. Tapi rasa macam tenang jiwa.
3. Sedekah.
Sedekah tak banyak pon. Kadang lepas ambil duit di bank, tengok ada makcik cleaner, aku salam dan selit duit. Nampak pakcik makan dengan cucu, aku bayarkan. Selisih dengan budak sekolah, aku bagi seringgit dua. Kalau makan di kedai, ada balance dua tiga ringgit, aku halalkan. Hujung bulan kalaunada rezeki lebih, aku buat makan makan. Atau kalau ada birthday ofismate, celebrate je dengan kek paling kecil ikut kemampuan aku time tu. Atau bagi hadiah contoh tudung yang beli di muaz. Haha. Aku tak kaya. Tapi nak cuba gembirakan orsng. Atau kalau nampak ofismate yang makin kurus, hari hari tak makan, aku sekali sekala belanja dia makan. Tapi jangan tiap hari, nanti aku plak yang tak makan. Setiap kali pegi masjid, WAJIB bagi yang paling besar dalam purse. Paksa suami buat macam tu juga. Sampai hari tu kami ada 50 je tapi aku bagi juga. Tak niat pon dalam hati semoga Allah bagi rezeki lain berganda ganda. Tapi niat, ya allah aku sedekah ikhlas kerana mu dan aku yakin Engkau menjaga kami seperti mana semut yakin dengan Engkau akan menjaga mereka. Aku buat macam tu sebab ada ustaz bagitau, buat apa apa kena ikhlas dan bukan harapkan balasan dari Allah. Contoh macam ko tolong perempuan dengan harapan dia sudi jadi awek kau. Confirm perempuan tu menyampah. Anggap la macam tu. Korang faham ke? Haha. Kalau tak faham, pandai pandailah.
4. Doa
aku amalkan doa Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dzurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj-’alna lil-muttaqîna imama.
Artinya, “Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkan kepada kami, pasangan kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyejuk hati kami, dan jadikan kami pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa”. (QS. Al-Furqan: 74). cuba hayati doa ni sampai menangis nangis. Lain rasa dia. Lain. Korang cuba lah. Hari hari aku doa yang ini. Lepas solat dan kalau saja saja duduk, aku baca doa ni. Ustazah pesan, setiap kali doa, ko kena menangis. Paksa diri tu menangis. Lepas tu paksa mak ayah suami adik beradik dan siapa siapa je yang kau jumpa, untuk doakan kau. Doa orang pada kita antara doa mustajab. Betul dah aku rasa. Kalau silap, ampunkan daku. Kau doa pada Allah, kau nak zuriat kenapa? Niat elok elok. Nak ada zuriat sebab nak jadikan dia khalifah Allah. Pejuang agama. Yang mampu sumbang pahala pada kita dan keturunan. Nak zuriat sebab nak sama sama bina keluarga islami. Nak eratkan hubungan suami isteri. Nak peneman dan semangat untuk lebih dekat dengan Allah. Niat kena betul. Kalau ada terlintas dalam hati kau, nak zuriat sebab nak pakaikan baju lawa lawa, nak bertanding fengan orang, istighfar terus. Korang yang ttc macam aku ni kena set dalam kepala. Kita ni special kes, jadi kita kena buat betul betul.
5. Dekatkan diri dengan agama.
Tak perlu sampai jadi ustazah.. tapi hari hari kena paksa diri tu mengaji dan baca tafsir, paksa diri solat awal, paksa diri berdoa dan berzikir lepas solat. Paksa diri dan suami solat berjemaah. Jaga solat biar solat kita berkualiti. aku jenis mekap. Kalau nak solat, aku ambil je wudhuk tak basuh dulu mekap aku. Disitu air wudhuk bukan sah pon. solat aku? Lagi la tak sah. Aku terbayang solat yang tak berkualiti ni di campak ke muka macam kain buruk. Aku sekarang, pencuci muka sentiasa ada dalam beg. Senang. Lepas ni solat tanpa was was. Semoga Allah redha.
Rasa sampai sini je dulu. Point dia, nak sesuatu dari Allah, kena berbaik dengan Allah. Bergantung pada Allah 100%..kalau orang kata, bidan ni bagus, bidan ni hebat, jamu ni boleh bagi zuriat, jamu ni gitu gini. Istighfar dalam hati. Cakap pada diri, ya Allah aku hanya bergantung pada engkau bukan pada jamu dan bidan. Tapi dalam masa yang sama kita kena usaha juga. Berurut. Jumpa doktor. Jaga makan. Cuma kena sentiasa ingatkan diri, Allah yang berkuasa. Bila makan jamu, bila jumpa doktor bila jumpa bidan, betulkan dalam hati, ya Allah Engkau yang maha pemberi maha penyayang maha mengetahu maha berkuasa. Bukan mereka. Aku dok ulang ulang point sama. Supaya korang faham kebergantungan pada Allah itu penting. Ok gais. Semoga bermanfaat. Jangan sedih sedih. Perempuan selagi ada rahim, selagi itu ada chance untuk mengandung. Kalau takde rahim pon, kalau Allah nak bagi, kau siapa nak menafikan. Be positif, be kind, be sweet. Aku doakan korang yang tengah menunggu zuriat, diberikan rezeki zuriat. Aminnya rabbal.
– Maria
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Finally pregnant
Peace be upon you admin. Thank you if you are willing to do it. Please be useful for readers. A Little Introduction, I'm Maria (Bukannnamansebenar) age in 3 Series. Married for almost 5 years. Alhamdulillah finally this year Allah gives sustenance to get pregnant. Friends and family are all excited. Many people ask for tips. Eat what, what are you doing. So I'm sharing here. Hopefully it will be useful.
The time before we get children, we are husband and wife among humans who are traumatized to go back to hometown. Look at other people's faces already know what they want to ask. Mother-in-law also reaches blue face to answer. Because most people ask this is the relatives beside the husband. But Mother-in-law, from us getting married until now, always backup me. Thank you, mom. Love you mom. My Mom? My mom is just relaxed. Haha. I want to say anything. More mental when a sibling who just got married, cousins get married and get a baby. After that there are people who are proud to have something wrong. Proud to have a baby early from me, it's all wrong because I'm scared of it. Early in the beginning, always became hindustan. Ran away crying in the room. But now it's strong. Just relax. Below is some of the things I do. I think this is what makes me get this sustenance.
1. Change your attitude.
I'm kind of not very good. Lazy, husband told me to make water pon I'm lazy, mouth off, like to curse and curse people, pray for the end of time. So I read the article and I heard the lecture. What kind of ustazah is God for sustenance if we are not true. Prayer is not. The religion of latitude pukang. Lazy. House like barge broke. I will be a baby I can't afford that kind of mother. Again, if we do not reach the stage of tahajjud prayer or cry if we pray to Allah, it means we will not arrive at the right stage. So quiet I change myself. It's hard to change. Hold this mouth from cursing, if people are not good at parking, nak parking until 70 hours, I hold it in my heart don't curse that person. If the shop worker is slow for work, I hold my mouth and heart don't say anything. I look like a girl gedik gedik in front of me laughing like a langsuir, I can't say anything. I see a hensem man with a woman not lawa, I don't say anything. I hold it. I hold it. I hold it. Haha. the struggle is real for people like me. Please don't slams. I'm not perfect but I like to make a perfect style. I am now more to think good. Say good people's article. Example if my colleague came to say " why do you know that's the day of mc day.. but look at fb status nice plaque go shopping " I answer " mm maybe that's what the doctor told him to make " kahkah. Or " the mail is just tunang but already broke up. Why do you think?" Looks like fishing for cursing. But I replied "takpe la not her mate" haha. Ofismate pon lazy to be lazy to curse if I'm fun to say that. Ok connect
2. Self Force help people
It's normal that I'm the most lazy to help people. I only do my own things. But I changed. If you see aunt, I'm afraid to be afraid to cross the road, I'll help you to lead it. See Uncle Uncle Konfius looking at the bread date, I help watch it. See kids who don't have money to Buy LRT tickets, I'll help you pay. Looks like the shop is full but there are some old caught, I quickly finish eating and give them a seat. Saw Aunt line up buying banana fritters, I gave her my turn. Please open the door, please raised other people's things. It's simple. But the soul feels calm.
3. Charity.
There's not much charity. Sometimes after taking money at the bank, see if there's Aunt Cleaner, I'm greeting and putting in money. Saw Uncle eating with the grandson, I paid. Difference with the school boy, I'll give you a second dollar. If you eat in the shop, there will be a balance of two three ringgit, I will make it. At the end of the month, I have more provisions, I make a meal. Or if there's a birthday blemishes, just celebrate with the smallest cake according to my ability at that time. Or give an example of the hijab that bought at muaz. Haha. I'm not rich. But want to try to make the orsng happy. Or if you see a blemishes that is getting thinner, don't eat every day, I'll treat him to eat once in a while. But not everyday, I'll be the one who doesn't eat. Every time I go to the mosque, it is compulsory to give the biggest in the purse. Forced the husband to do that too. Until that day we only had 50 but I gave it too. No intention in my heart may Allah give other provisions double. But intention, oh god, I am a sincere charity because of you and I am sure that you take care of us as the ants are confident in you will take care of them. I do that because there is a ustaz telling me, do whatever you have to be sincere and not expect a reply from Allah. An example like you help a woman with hope she is willing to be your girl. Confirmed that the woman is fed up. Think of it like that. Do you guys understand? Haha. If you don't understand, you'll be good at it.
4. Prayers
May God help us from our parents and our children, we are the one who is the one who is the one.
It means, "our Lord, grant us, our partners and our offspring as the cooler of our hearts, and make us a leader for the righteous". (QS. Al-Furqan: 74). Try to appreciate this prayer until crying. He feels different. Different. You guys try it. Every day I pray for this. After praying and if i just sit down, I'll read this prayer. Ustazah orders, every time you pray, you have to cry. Force yourself to cry. Then force your parents and siblings and whoever you meet, to pray for you. People's prayers to us are among the bleaching prayers. I feel it right. If it's wrong, forgive me. You pray to Allah, why do you want your child? Good intentions. Want to have a child because he wants to make him the khalifah of Allah. Religious Fighter. Those who are able to donate reward to us and offspring. Want a child because you want to build an Islamic family together. Want to tighten the relationship of husband and wife. Want a companion and spirit to be closer to Allah. The intention is to be right. If it comes to your heart, you want a child because you want to wear beautiful clothes, you want to compete with other people, keep istighfar. Those of you who are ttc like me have to set in the head. We are a special case, so we have to do it right.
5. Get close to religion.
You don't have to be ustazah.. but every day you have to force yourself to read and read the interpretation, force yourself to pray early, force yourself to pray and pray after praying. Force yourself and husband to pray together. Take care of your prayers so that our prayers are quality. I'm the type of makeup. If you want to pray, I'll just take it and don't wash my makeup first. There is no legal water there. My prayers? It's not valid anymore. I imagine this non-quality prayer was thrown into the face like a bad cloth. Me now, the face wash is always in the bag. Happy. After this praying without being. May Allah accept it.
I feel like I've been here before. The point is, if you want something from Allah, you must be kind to Allah. Depends on God 100 %.. If people say, this midwife is good, this midwife is great, this jamu can be given a child, this jamu is like this. Istighfar in the heart. Talk to yourself, oh god i only depend on you not on jamu and midwife. But at the same time we have to work too. Tandem. See the doctor. Take care of your food. Just have to remind yourself, God is powerful. When you eat jamu, when you see a doctor when you meet a midwife, correct it in your heart, oh god, you are the Almighty, the most merciful, the most powerful. Not them. I repeat the same point. So that you can understand what is important to Allah is important. Ok guys. Hopefully it will be useful. Don't be sad sad. Women as long as there is a womb, as long as there is a chance to get pregnant. If there is no uterus, if Allah wants to give it, who will deny it. Be positive, be kind, be sweet. I pray for those of you who are waiting for their children, given the sustenance of their children. Aminnya of the Lord.
- Maria
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Our daughter, Alicia, was born in the early morning of May 29, 2011, three months before her due date. Because she was born at 25 +1 week gestational age, she was only 654 grams at birth, extremely small and extremely weak. I’ll never forget the first moment I saw my daughter splayed out like a science experiment. She was all skin and bones and I dare not touch her for fear of breaking her. After my first visit with my daughter, the doctor pulled me aside and spoke to me earnestly. She told me that our daughter was in an extremely precarious position, and there were no guarantees that she would even survive past the week. That was a big blow to us, as we had eagerly anticipated the arrival of our precious baby girl for six months by this time. But there was little we could do but pray, and entrust the life of our baby girl into the hands of the doctors and nurses at China Medical University Hospital’s NICU. We will forever be grateful to these health professionals who poured their heart and their energy into the care and wellbeing of our little one. Over the next four and a half months, our daughter who should have been growing inside of my wife’s womb, grew up instead inside an incubator under the careful watch of these dedicated uncles and aunties. We are absolutely grateful that our daughter was born at a time as this where modern medicine and technology is so well-developed. If it weren’t for devices such as ventilators, incubators and monitors, I don’t know if our daughter would be with us today. It was also so vital for us at that point in our lives, being young parents, that we had the assistance of Taiwan’s incredible Health Insurance. By the time our daughter was finally discharged from the hospital, we had an incredible medical bill of over NT$1,000,000,000. If it hadn’t been for Health Insurance, there is no way that we would have been able to afford the level of care that our daughter received. I can’t even imagine needing to make a choice of either going into debt, or allowing my daughter to live. Thankfully, we didn’t have to make that choice. And today our daughter is a bright, healthy four-year-old who is incredibly smart and brings immense amounts of joy and happiness to everyone she comes in contact with. It is our sincerest hope and prayer that future parents would also be able to enjoy the support and assistance of Health Insurance to support them when they need it. When a child is born in such a critical nature, there are many, many decisions and plans that parents need to make. It is absolutely stressful enough for parents to try to understand all that is happening with the child, also the different medicines and procedures they need to go through, without needing to worry about whether or not they can afford the care needed to keep the child alive. These premature infants are precious lives. They are incredible valuable, and a treasure. They are not statistics, or specimens. They are human lives. Human lives that deserve to have the best chance at survival. One day these babies, these humans, will for sure grow up to give incredible contributions to our nation and our society. It is absolutely worth the investment to support these children at the most crucial and critical moments of their lives.