【認真聽】怎麼辦,我覺得我不配 | 我就爛啊 | #其實我們都自卑 | 阿德勒觀點 // 李長潔 😥
繼上次的「#厭世作為一種態度」為自我療癒的一集後,今天,應該算是自我揭露與剖析的一集(羞恥 + 邊錄邊發抖),再次送給我們這些每天都有重重的打擊與滿滿的愧疚感的魯蛇。在「厭世」的討論中我們談到,厭世其實是一種「處世」,可以用自嘲來抵抗全世界的不公平。那這次我們就,再次追根究底,除了詩意的反諷主義外,到底我們的心靈怎麼了?為何常常覺得自己不夠好?做得不對?又該如何修身自持呢?
其實我自己也不是心理學領域專家,更非阿德勒(Alfred Adler)的粉絲,但本集透過阿德勒的「個體心理學」,從內心真實的人性面,一步步面對自己的「自卑」與「脆弱」,坦承「比較」帶來的「煩惱」。阿德勒的一句話:「#所有的問題都是人際關係的問題」,深深地打擊、打動、打中著我的內心,久久不能自己。而他提出的共融感(Gemeinschaftsgefuhl),與其衍伸出來的社會公平的理想,也讓我深思良久。所以,今天我們透過阿德勒的「自卑與超越」的概念,剖析自我,並思考在社群媒體的情感轉向下,個人情感如何被媒介化,又該如何貞定自我、安身立命。
📌 #本集的內容有
▶ 我就爛,我每天都爛到爆
▶ 你是哪一種冒牌者
▶ 阿德勒的個體心理學
▶ 幸與不幸:兩種過度的自卑情結
▶ 自卑做為人生的動力
▶ 社群媒體中的自我與扭曲之鏡
▶ 我就魯啊,甚麼是成功
▶ 脆弱就是勇氣
▶ 滿滿的一碗雞湯喝到飽
📢 #firstory 聽這裡:https://open.firstory.me/story/ckmlqfv8882zv0876q2j30cnh
📢 #kkbox 聽這裡:https://podcast.kkbox.com/episode/__8VGQ_ZC7lYCinyDv
📢 #spotify 聽這裡:https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zGaAufMlfHyY6sUXXMaZR?si=gH9uDnNxSVukMRWWwQCpgA&utm_source=copy-link
📢 #apple 聽這裡:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-42-%E6%80%8E%E9%BA%BC%E8%BE%A6-%E6%88%91%E8%A6%BA%E5%BE%97%E6%88%91%E4%B8%8D%E9%85%8D-%E6%88%91%E5%B0%B1%E7%88%9B%E5%95%8A-%E5%85%B6%E5%AF%A6%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E9%83%BD%E8%87%AA%E5%8D%91-%E6%9D%8E%E9%95%B7%E6%BD%94/id1516956557?i=1000514055714
///// 完整論述 /////
▓ #我就爛啊
▓ #5種冒牌者,你是哪一種?
1978年,Pauline Clance提出「#冒牌者症候群」(Impostor syndrome),用以指稱,無法將自己的成功歸因於自己的能力,並總是擔心有朝一日會被他人識破自己其實是騙子這件事。他們堅信自己的成功並非源於自己的努力或能力,而是憑藉著運氣、良好的時機,或別人誤以為他們能力很強、很聰明,才導致他們的成功。他們時常通過「#更加勤奮」、「#害怕造假」、「#運用魅力」、「#謙虛」來迴避假冒的懼怕。
Valerie Young(2008; 2011)分析了冒牌者症候群的5種常見的類型:完美主義者、專家、天資聰穎之人、強烈個人主義者、工作狂,他們有各自在害怕被認為不夠努力的原因。但事實上,70%的人都曾有冒牌者症候群的發生,我們每一個人都有可能存在的惱人情緒(Sakulku, 2011)。
▓ #佛洛伊德與阿德勒的決裂
這種對自卑情感的描繪,可見阿德勒個體心理學的詮釋。阿德勒是個體心理學、現代自我心理學的創始人,與佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)、榮格(Carl Gustav Jung)並列為二十世紀精神分析學派三大山頭。有趣的是,阿德勒與榮格都是弗洛伊德的得意弟子,對精神分析的發展起到了非常大的作用,但後來他們都因為在理論上與弗洛伊德意見不同,而先後與弗洛伊德決裂了。
榮格與佛洛伊德的決裂,大家在電影《危險療程》(A Most Dangerous Method, 2011)中可見其風雲。基本上就是,榮格不認為「性」就是人的全部,而有一種更普遍的生命經驗—集體無意識。而後發展出「榮格精神分析學派」。阿德勒則是因為否定了佛洛伊德的創傷假設,人格的決定並非在「過去所發生的事情」,而是在「#未來將要發生的事情」,強調自我生命的作用,並且認為「自卑」(inferiority)遠比「性」來的更具分析性。撰寫《自卑與超越》(What Life Should Mean to You),後來發展成「個體心理學派」。
▓ #朝向共同體關係
相較於佛洛伊德的生理取向、元素論的、客觀的驅力心理學,阿德勒發展出一種社會取向、主觀知覺、整體觀的個體心理學。阿德勒的個體心理學認為,我必須要將人放在一個實際的生活型態中,才可以獲得對人的理解與解釋。因此,所有的人生問題,包含驅力滿足,都是人際關係的問題,所有的價值問題,都是社會問題。然而,人要社會化的健全完滿,並非以壓抑作為代價(佛洛伊德的概念),而是慢慢透過「#社會感」(social feeling)、「#社會情懷」(social interest)的持修而建構起來。不過,阿德勒這裡用的原文是「Gemeinschaftsgefuhl」,在Ferdinand Tönnies對社會與共同體的區分當中,阿德勒說的應該是對共同體(community)的情感、聯繫以及歸屬。而這個對共同體所懷抱的目標,是一種虛構的、未來式的無限關懷,唯有這個目的性的關懷,才能讓個體獲得更美好、統合的人生。
▓ #被討厭的勇氣
▓ #社群媒體中的比較競爭
▓ #扭曲的鏡子
康庭瑜問到,這算是一種「賦權」嗎?其中提到兩種後女性主義的自我形象再現觀點,一種是自主的身體性感化,以反擊男性凝視;另一種則是透過形象塑造專家的介入,重新打造自己的身體。這都強調著「#女人可以」(the can-do woman)的態度。在社群媒體的自拍上,不同的平台表現出不同的人際關係,也有不一樣的自我展現。
▓ #華人的成功意識形態
▓ #回到自我的認同與肯定
▓ #我們該怎麼做
然後重建思考路徑,相信自己的力量,找到自卑的細微之處,並且試著懷抱勇氣(courage)。勇氣並非勇敢,社會學家Brené Brown(2012)在《脆弱的力量》中區分,勇敢是應付困境的能力,勇氣則是全心全意面對自己的恐懼,接納自卑脆弱的心境。她的脆弱研究裡發現,勇氣與脆弱總是共存的,那些自卑感反而就是讓我們可以成為我們的道路。
📂 #參考文獻:
1. Clance, P. R., & Imes, S. A. (1978). The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: Dynamics and therapeutic intervention. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 15(3), 241.
2. Young, V. (2008). The Impostor Syndrome. Finding a Name for the Feelings. Overcoming the Impostor Syndrome.
3. Young, V. (2011). The secret thoughts of successful women: Why capable people suffer from the impostor syndrome and how to thrive in spite of it. Currency.
4. Sakulku, J. (2011). The impostor phenomenon. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 6(1), 75-97.
5. Brown, B. (2012). The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection and.
6. Stein, H. T. (2013). Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy. Theory & Practice: A Socratic approach to democratic living, 1-297.
7. 陳美姿, & 周麗端. (2020). 望子成龍女成鳳? 教養信念在社經地位與家庭學習環境間的中介效果. 教育心理學報, 52(2), 365-388.
8. 韓貴香. (2010). 華人對成就的入際歸因方式與動機之分析研究. 人文及社會科學集刊, 22(1), 41-76.
9. 康庭瑜. (2019). 賦權及其極限? 後女性主義, 社群媒體與自拍. 新聞學研究, (141), 1-38.
10. 張瑋庭. (2018). 用阿德勒心理學觀點談人際關係-以網路社群軟體 [Instagram] 為例. 諮商與輔導, (391), 49-52.
#結果新麥超容易噴 😅
power of thoughts science 在 Rosanne Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
Our children have had their CNY holidays. Due to the coronavirus, all schools in HK are closed till Mar (maybe) to prevent community spread. School has sent out virtual learning on Monday and parents, we have to take up the role of facilitator, not teacher, no matter if we are working or non working parents, this role has been thrown upon us. Thanks God, I have my family’s support to help me through this uncertain time.
Well, the reality is that temporary homeschooling is a whole other animal entirely. Let me share the light of it first, it can take the very best elements of childhood, the love of learning for learning’s sake, combined with the comfort of a loving home and create a transformative experience for parent and child.
I would like to encourage you if you’ve become frustrated because I feel you. I can’t go about my day without getting this ‘task’ done. Here are my top 9 tips I’ve gather for home learning. Food for thoughts.
1. Just forget trying to duplicate a classroom environment, school schedule, and curriculum in your home. There’s nothing sacred about sitting at desks, having set amounts of time per subject, or using only textbooks.
2. Teaching empathy, self-control, patience, generosity, and other desirable traits. Our kids will learn how to treat others and how to respect themselves by watching and modeling our words and behavior. We are always our children role models. This is powerful.
3. Our role will be as a facilitator to our child’s learning. There’s no need to lecture, and very often we’ll find ourselves learning something new right alongside our child.
4. Use technology but don’t become dependent on it. Paper, pencils and colour pencils will do fine.
5. If something, anything, isn’t working, give it one more try and then move on. There’s no use being a stubborn idiot about it.
6. Get your feet wet gently. Begin with just one subject for the first day. Take a 15 minutes break or snack time and continue to complete one subject. The next day, go on to the second subject for an hour then take a break and continue. Do the same for the first 3 days or more, depending how your child feels. Add another subject or two on the fourth day by taking breaks after 60 minutes. Breaks may include art, music or even cooking and baking fun.
7. This may go against our nature, but there’s no need to do every subject every day! Keep in mind that schools offer music and art once a week. Science is taught only two or three days a week, and the same goes for history, geography, social studies and more. You’ll kill yourself trying to fit in six subjects every day.
8. You’ll be surprised by how few materials you need to teach. I taught my son to read using the book, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. The lessons were ghastly boring, but my elder son is an astonishing reader now! I can’t over-emphasize the importance of reading and math. They’re the keys to everything else your kids will learn. Do everything in your power to develop strong readers and little mathematicians. I would read aloud Chinese stories to my boys through their entire life and they would read after me if they feel like it. Daddy is in charge of English. This is a fabulous and often an overlooked method to help them to develop strong vocabularies and the love of reading.
9. This is YOUR school. If you want to spend an entire day playing math games and going for a nature walk, do it! The flexibility and spontaneity are part of the adventure.
I’m not promising that your homeschooling month/s will be filled only with sunshine and unicorns. You’ll have days where you sit and cry from fatigue and frustration which I have already experienced. It’s not EASY but it’s beyond rewarding and will create a lifestyle you will love for its flexibility, fun, and everyday discoveries. Remember, you are not alone, we are in this together 🤗
#homelearning #homeschool #sharingtips #hongkong #noschool #conronavirus #stayhygienic #fightcoronavirus #rozybaby #rosannewong Central Smile #drderekbaram
power of thoughts science 在 無待堂 Facebook 的精選貼文
【《砥鋒挺鍔 傲雪欺霜》- 大專學界就民主牆爭議之聲明 | “Arming Ourselves in Our Darkest Hour” - Declaration of Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions on the Controversy Surrounding Democracy Wall】
(Please scroll down for English version.)
In the past few days, controversy surrounding students’ use of their democracy wall has broken out and received widespread attention. Communist puppet Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor took the chance and implied that freedom of speech should be limited, and fallacies have been told under the veil of academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Universities are where thoughts and opinions are exchanged, and democracy walls are platforms for students to speak our mind. The regime is now making an explicit effort to limit our freedom of expression through exerting pressure on university authorities to punish those whose speech may have intimidated the people in power. Students’ Unions across the higher institutions condemn such atrocities.
In the Chinese University of Hong Kong, students hanged banner advocating Hong Kong independence at a site managed by Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Related leaflets were also posted to the democracy wall. Staggeringly, while the students by no means breached the law, the university authorities claimed that such advocacies as illegal and overrode CUSU by sending securities to remove the banner, revealing their complete ignorance to the autonomy of CUSU. Students’ Unions now reiterate that the nature of the Basic Law is similar to that of a constitution, which defines the power of the government and the liberty enjoyed by the citizenry. In other words, while the government is bound by the constitution, the government can never restrict the liberty of the people through the constitution. Thus, neither the government nor the university authorities can restrict the freedom of students to discuss Hong Kong independence under the name of the Basic Law.
Due to the controversy, the Executive Committee of CUSU has been suffering excessive nuisance. Yet, neither has there been any response from nor actions taken by the university authorities to protect the students. The authorities, as educators, should feel shameful for not ensuring the safety of students due to differences in opinions.
Apart from this, there were also two persons posting slogans to ‘congratulate’ Education Undersecretary Choi Yuk Lin’s loss of her son on the democracy wall at the Education University of Hong Kong. The President of EdUHK severely condemned the students as ‘vicious’, and claimed that the university would expose those persons on the internet if they were not students of EdUHK. Related shots of CCTV were then released to the media in the following day. Indeed, students’ unions believe the slogans are inappropriate. Yet, it is also important to acknowledge that the Education Bureau has been introducing malicious policies against students, ranging from TSA to national education, and Choi has been an explicitly pro-government person. With no effective channels to express their discontent, young people may have chosen such emotional and even irrational expression. Thus, while such slogans are inappropriate, we also find them excusable. Albeit their discontent, the university authorities should not have released the shots of CCTV to the media. Such action not only stirs up public emotions and ignites mass criticism against the two persons which would be completely out of proportion, but may also constitute violation of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Student may also be aware of similar vengeful acts when they criticise the university authorities again in the future. Students’ unions condemn the authorities of EdUHK for creating white terror and request the authorities to give a proper response regarding the leak of CCTV footage.
Under Article 27 of the Basic Law, we as Hong Kong citizens are entitled to the freedom of speech. Our rights must be protected and respected, while academic freedom and institutional autonomy are values that must not be stripped away. Students’ unions stress that everyone enjoys the freedom of speech, and this is the line that we shall never compromise. We are now paying attention to situation across the higher institutions and we are ready to defend our rights and liberty.
10 September 2017
City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Hang Seng Management College Students' Union
Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union
Lingnan University Students’ Union
Student Union of Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Students' Union
The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong