剛過100歲生日紀念的美國第35任總統甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)與香港有甚麼關係?若想知道更多歷史知識,請支持由 香港眾志 Demosistō、本土研究社 Liber Research Community 和一眾年輕學人共同發起的 香港前途研究計劃 Decoding Hong Kong's History!
// 1962年5月23日,他在第34場新聞發佈會中,兩次被問及美國如何應對因中國大饑荒而引起的香港難民危機。根據解密檔案,白宮內部當天就香港最新的情況為甘迺迪準備了一份簡報,內容提到近月駐守邊境的解放軍,忽然放寬警戒(relaxed their vigilance),不但沒有阻止偷渡出境者,有時更替他們提供最佳路線(in some cases even showing the illegal border crossers the best route)進入香港。此舉使殖民地政府本來在資源缺乏的情況下,一下子還要面對更大壓力。
國民政府向英方提出可以收留任何數量的難民到台灣(offered to accept as many refugees as want to come to Taiwan),惟英方正直接向北京施壓應對,因此認為國民政府的建議正把情況複雜化(complicating its efforts to persuade Peiping to take action)。文件同時指出,美國由1954年開始經私立的志願機構已提供超過2,800萬美元的糧食資助,同時亦在遠東地區就緩和難民、醫療、房屋、教育等問題投放近800萬美元。
簡報建議,甘迺迪應向傳媒表示對香港的情況深切關注(sympathetic concern)、理解港府保障港人的責任(their primary responsibilities for the well-being of the residents of Hong Kong)、欣賞(admire)港府在過去15年收留了超過100萬名難民,並指出美方願意在港府要求的情況下提供協助。//
今天為美國第35任總統甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)的100歲生日。
在1917年5月29日生於波士頓市郊的他,其父親為民主黨政治家,被羅斯福委任於1938–40年擔任美國駐英大使。1939年9月,納粹德國攻打波蘭,揭開第二次世界大戰的序幕之際,甘迺迪剛好正在遊列歐洲。翌年他提交了一份分析英國在戰前對德國綏靖主義失敗因由的論文,從哈佛大學的國際政治系畢業,旋即加入美國海軍服役。戰後,他於1946年成功當選麻省眾議員,連任了兩次,再於1952年躍升成為參議員,又於1957年憑《Profiles in Courage》一書,贏得普立茲傳記文學獎。
他在1960年大選中以43歲之齡險勝時任副總統尼克遜(Richard Nixon),成為美國史上當選一刻為最年輕的總統。其不足三年的任期為冷戰的高峰,見證了豬灣事件、古巴導彈危機、阿波羅計劃誕生,以及越南戰爭急速蔓延等。他亦以善用新媒體著稱,前所未有地透過期時急速普及的電視,與家庭觀眾交流。他在1963年11月遇刺身亡前,於任內一共親身在白宮舉行了共64場直播的新聞發佈會,平均每16天一次,即時回應記者就種種國家和世界大事的發問。
1962年5月23日,他在第34場新聞發佈會中,兩次被問及美國如何應對因中國大饑荒而引起的香港難民危機。根據解密檔案,白宮內部當天就香港最新的情況為甘迺迪準備了一份簡報,內容提到近月駐守邊境的解放軍,忽然放寬警戒(relaxed their vigilance),不但沒有阻止偷渡出境者,有時更替他們提供最佳路線(in some cases even showing the illegal border crossers the best route)進入香港。此舉使殖民地政府本來在資源缺乏的情況下,一下子還要面對更大壓力。
國民政府向英方提出可以收留任何數量的難民到台灣(offered to accept as many refugees as want to come to Taiwan),惟英方正直接向北京施壓應對,因此認為國民政府的建議正把情況複雜化(complicating its efforts to persuade Peiping to take action)。文件同時指出,美國由1954年開始經私立的志願機構已提供超過2,800萬美元的糧食資助,同時亦在遠東地區就緩和難民、醫療、房屋、教育等問題投放近800萬美元。
簡報建議,甘迺迪應向傳媒表示對香港的情況深切關注(sympathetic concern)、理解港府保障港人的責任(their primary responsibilities for the well-being of the residents of Hong Kong)、欣賞(admire)港府在過去15年收留了超過100萬名難民,並指出美方願意在港府要求的情況下提供協助。
Mr. President, has the Administration any plans for dealing with the refugee problem in Hong Kong?
Well, I notice in the press this afternoon that some effort now seems to be, at least is reported to be made by the Chinese Communists to stop the flow of refugees. We are providing food for about half a million refugees in Hong Kong now, and have been for some years. The British have been doing an extraordinary job in finding employment and feeding the people who were there.
There are several thousand refugees in Hong Kong and surrounding areas who have been cleared by our consular people for admission to the United States, and under the authority of Congress which has been granted in similar cases, we are attempting to expedite their admission to the United States, under the power given to the Attorney General by the legislation, the same legislation which has permitted us to bring in Hungarian refugees and Cuban refugees.
It should be pointed out, however, that this does not get at the basic problem, which is that of a tremendous country, 650 million people, where the food supply is inadequate. It swamps and dwarfs, obviously, Hong Kong and any effort we could make in regard to admission--but at least we are helping to feed those who are there, although the primary responsibility has been very ably borne by the British, and we are attempting to bring in some refugees who have been cleared for admission to the United States.
Sir, do you feel there is anything besides hunger, besides this great flood of refugees, going into Hong Kong? There have been reports that some of these refugees have exit visas from China. Is there anything more here than meets the eye?
As I understand it, the British have accepted those who are political refugees. Those who are not they have been forced to turn back because Hong Kong is so crowded.
I read reports that they do not seem to be suffering from acute malnutrition, but there isn’t any doubt that there is a food crisis, the distribution of food, the structure of the economy in the state in some of these areas in China have broken down, and many people desire to leave. If they could leave, I think many more would.
“Briefing Paper for the President’s News Conference: Far East,” May 23, 1962, box 56, President’s Office Files (1961–63), Presidential Papers of John F. Kennedy.
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