Assalamualaikum.. wishing everyone safety and peace in this very uncertain time. With what’s happening here at home in Malaysia with the many people are suffering and losing their livelihoods.. 😩….and in Palestine..many innocent people being killed…it feels hopeless and very very scary at the moment..😌🤲🏻
Hold on to the fact that nothing is permanent.. nothing .. not even the good times.. only Allah knows what’s going to happen tomorrow….🤲🏻 So this hardship will pass….❤️
So we do our best… and leave the rest to Him..❤️ If things get too much .. please reach out :
MIASA Malaysia at 03-7932 1409 we have a crisis hotline open everyday.. ❤️🩹.
Truly Wishing safety and some relief to be felt…and peace for everyone. 🤲🏻❤️ stay safe, stay healthy… #kitajagakita #hapuskancovid19 #insyaAllah #plaestinewillbefree #healthyagain #spreadhope