大律師、事務律師都是法律系出品,性質卻不同;即使同屬「治療師」,也是專職醫療人員,但物理治療(Physiotherapy)、職業治療(Occupational Therpy)、足部治療(Podiatry)都是不同的專業,隸屬不同的部門。
又例如一般人認為「家庭醫生」即是「我家庭見開的那個醫生」,而且「樓下的那位也是專科醫生」。事實上,所有醫生一定要有專科學院頒授的院士名銜(Fellowship)才可以自稱專科醫生。我這類未夠資格的,只可以叫「醫生」(Doctor)、「駐院醫生」(Resident)。家庭醫學(Family Medicine)也有自己的學院,也是自己的專科。在外國,家庭醫學是其中一個最常見、最受歡迎的專科,只不過來到香港發育不良才導致誤會不斷,原因另文再述。亦因如此,如果門診醫生的皮膚科、兒科、家庭科銜頭是由某大學頒發的文憑(Diploma),也並不能是專科醫生。
在中古時代的英國,要成為內科醫生 (Physician),要先經歷大學,拿取 Doctor 的資歷和銜頭;要成為外科醫生(Surgeon)卻並不需要進大學,只需要找一位大師當其學徒,再去考一紙文憑。為了劃分兩者,當時的外科醫生也並非 Doctor,而自稱 Mister / Miss。即使現今的醫生們都要經過醫學院的歷練,英國的外科醫生依然保存這個稱謂的傳統。
脊醫並非醫生,這是無可否定的。外國的脊醫會叫自己做 Doctor,因為他們獲頒脊醫博士學位,所以是博士 Doctor,並非醫生 Doctor。這個博士學位並不為人公認,頒授的學校也是脊醫自己的,於是有人就認為他們自己開學校頒學位給自己。當然,有陰謀論會說是西方醫學打擊會給自己搶飯碗的人,但脊醫的而且確未有大型研究去證明自己的效用。幾年前,英國的脊醫組織向某作者提出誹謗指控,但澄清聲明內引述的都不是可信度高的大型研究,反被嘲弄,更導致過百名英國脊醫被提控作出失實聲明。那麼,究竟脊醫有無效?
外國如何處理?世衛承認脊醫對痛症可能可以幫得上忙,卻指出全世界對脊醫的訓練良莠不齊,對其規格提出建議,但依然未獲廣泛接納。英國 NHS 的網頁將脊醫納入另類醫療,並不提供官方服務,有需要便向家庭醫生提詢。香港嘛,有脊醫條例、有註冊,對實際上的規矩卻又沒有好好執行。而且,在香港自稱醫生的,又何止脊醫?
P.S. 圖為被英國脊醫組織告上衙門的 Simon Singh
同時也有37部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Hunter 物理治療師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【在家也能做的反應燈訓練動作─小空間也能練全身】 反應燈訓練雖然現在只需一支手機,加上藍芽音響大小的產品就能操作。但大多數人對此訓練的仍有點陌生,認為需要比較大的空間才能使用。今天的影片我從APP裡挑了幾個小坪數也能執行的訓練動作做體驗,讓大家瞭解反應燈可以如何融入到我們一般的徒手訓練裡,讓訓練方式...
physiotherapy 在 Goddess Yoga TW Facebook 的最佳解答
<< 9/30 週四中午 12:30-13:10 直播預告 >> ‼️
上次聊的不夠盡興,我們覺得還有太多好東西可以跟大家慢慢分享,所以本週四要又準備來跟小傅老師聊聊『 3D動態分析 』,學習如何用這樣的分析方式幫助評估自己、提升瑜伽或運動的練習效率 :
1. 什麼是3D動態分析 (3Dmaps)?
2. 應用於物理治療與傳統做法的差異?
3. 應用於瑜珈評估與動作練習的可能性?
關於 傅宥霖 物理治療師 PT TALK
前尼西健康小學堂 講師/店長
Gray institute國際課程亞洲區代表講師(2018_迄今)
決戰台北全馬訓練營合作物理治療師 (2017)
UA鬥陣跑團全馬訓練營 物理治療師 (2017)
Gray Institute GIFT Program (2017-18)
中華民國雪橇協會 隨隊治療師
台灣大學田徑隊 隨隊物治療師
Gray institute :3D Movement Analysis & Performance System 認證
Gray institute :Certification in Applied Functional Science認證
FMS功能性動作檢測 level 1&2 認證
赤足訓練 level 1 認證
NKT®神經動能療法level 1 認證
現服務於 👇👇👇
癒健物理治療所 Empower Physiotherapy Clinic
感謝視覺設計 IYoga 愛瑜伽
#beyourowngoddess #betheinspiration 🦋
#bethechangeyouwant #livethelifeyouwant
#Ibecomethelove #bemindful #befullyyou #soulspeak
physiotherapy 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文
{Giveaway} Children's Day is coming and thanks to Ergoworks Singapore, two of you will get to win these IMPACT Ergo-Comfort Casual Backpacks!
As mentioned in my previous post, we have been using IMPACT bags for many years as it is the only ergonomic brand internationally endorsed and recommended by Singapore Physiotherapy Association and The Chiropractic Association (Singapore).
So far, all the kids' school bags have lasted for a long time and we can bear testimony to not just the functional design, which promotes better spinal health, but the high quality and durability as well.
To spread love this Children's Day, here is your chance to win an IMPACT - IPEG-D01 - Ergo-Comfort Casual Backpack in your choice of colour (Aqua/Black/Peach).
This bag comes with a main front as well as multiple organiser compartments. It is the lightest of ergonomic bags in its category and weighs merely 450grams. The striking colours and casual yet useful design of this backpack get our thumbs up.
To join the giveaway,
🎒 Follow A Happy Mum and Ergoworks Singapore.
🎒 Like and share this post.
🎒 Leave a comment on why you would like to win this ergonomic bag.
🎒 Tag at least 3 friends with young kids, 1 in each comment. Each counts as an entry.
This giveaway ends on 8 Oct 2359hrs. Note that the winners will have to self-collect their prizes from Ergoworks. One winner will be chosen from FB and the other from IG. The IG winner will win a different bag design so hop over to join too. This giveaway is not endorsed by or affiliated with FB or IG. Good luck!
Ergoworks is located in Marina Square at #03-140/141. Do visit the store to check out the wide range of bags and see which one fits your child the best. See what my kids picked for themselves in the last shot. Have a great weekend, people!
#ahappymum #ergoworks
#ergonomic #schoolbags #childrensday #sgkids #igsg #sgig #sgcontest #sggiveaway #giveawaysg
physiotherapy 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Youtube 的最佳解答
Although reaction light training now can be operated with a phone and a portable speaker sized product, lots of people are still unfamiliar with this training system and think that a large space is needed. In today’s video, I chose several training programs which can be performed at home from BlaezPod APP, making people understand how reaction light training can be integrated into our daily training.
00:00 開頭
00:32 熱身 Around the world challenge
00:56 熱身 BlazePod triangle
01:26 熱身 One leg balance
01:46 核心 BlazePod kickthorughs
02:07 核心 Plank challenge
02:24 核心 Plank focus
02:45 核心 Plank step
03:14 核心 Core clock
03:35 核心 Reach over rotation crunches
03:55 核心 Russian twist with reach
04:16 上肢 Power push up
04:39 上肢 Step over power press ups
05:01 上肢 Step over press up
05:22 下肢 Resistance band cathc
05:44 下肢 Squat rotation
06:13 下肢 Squat touch press
06:35 下肢 Squat touch
07:04 反應燈訓練變化方式
Happy Life by FREDJI
#Lightbasedreactivesystem #Blazepod #agility #balance #reactiontime #training #athlete #physiotherapy #hunterptworkout #燈光反應訓練 #敏捷度 #平衡 #反應速度 #訓練 #運動員 #物理治療

physiotherapy 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Reaction light training is an effective way to robust agility, balance and reaction time. The concepts is simple, we place training devices at some specific points, and focus on those devices that flash randomly. Once the light is on, we need to tap the device as quickly as possible to make the light out. In the past, it’s mostly used for professional athletes. It’s hard for general public to approach this kind of training devices due to the inaccessibility of the devices. However, with the advances in technology, we can connect our smartphone to the reaction light and use it in our home now. In today’s video, I will unbox Blazepod flash light training devices and show you how it works in our training.
限時優惠活動時間7/31-8/15,在蝦皮輸入優惠碼「 CHUNPOD88」就可折500元!!
#Lightbasedreactivesystem #Blazepod #agility #balance #reactiontime #training #athlete #physiotherapy #hunterptworkout #燈光反應訓練 #敏捷度 #平衡 #反應速度 #訓練 #運動員 #物理治療

physiotherapy 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Youtube 的最讚貼文
有在運動或看運動賽事的人,應該對於十字韌帶斷裂這樣的運動傷害不陌生。雖然現今的醫療可以將斷掉的十字韌帶做重建,但並不是每一位運動員都能在手術後順利重返運動賽事,或是恢復到和過去一樣的運動表現。根據統計,如果不計運動賽事等級的話,在十字韌帶重建後能回到運動場上的比例大約落在56%-100% (不同研究有不同結果)。但如果要恢復到受傷前的運動表現的話,則只有13%-69%的人有機會能做到。即使回去運動後,也有20%-25%的機會再一次受傷。在面對韌帶重建的個案時,我們是否有甚麼方法可以評估個案是否具備回到運動場上的能力,或是個案達到甚麼標準之後,未來受傷機率可以比較低呢?這次的影片將跟大家分享四個用來評估十字韌帶重建後,何時可以重返運動場上的測試動作。
People who like to play sports or watch sport events might be familiar with ACL rupture. Although we can reconstruct the ruptured ACL with modern medical technology, not every athlete can return to sports after the reconstruction, not to say regain his previous performance level. It has been indicated that the rate of return to sport at any level ranged from 56%-100% (Different research has different result.). However, only 13%-69% athletes can regain their pre-injury level of performance. After back to sport, up to 20%-25% athletes will experience contralateral tear or re-rupture. When faced with those ACL reconstruction clients, do we have any method to evaluate whether client is ready to return to sport? Is there any standard client can achieve, which indicate the risk of injury could be relatively low? Today’s video will show you 4 single-leg hop tests commonly used to assess functional performance and predict when to return to sport for ACL reconstruction clients.
#教練我想打球 #十字韌帶斷裂 #重建 #運動員 #受傷機率 #物理治療 #跳躍測試 #ACLrupture #reconstruction #athlete #physiotherapy #hoptest #backtosport #riskofinjury

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