[#英語人生] [#中中英語] I have finished watching #GirlBoss, a serial drama made by Netflix about the story of Sophia Amoruso, a self-made businesswoman who founded a vintage selling business on E-Bay and, along the way, made herself one of the youngest self-made millionaires out there. As an aspiring teacher-preneur, I can relate to a lot of her struggles. I've also finished her memoir published by Penguin. It’s a fun and easy-to-read story narrated in an authentic and bold voice. A read I recommend to those who’re interested in entrepreneurship!
我也剛看完了一套 Netflix 製作的劇叫 #Girlboss,講述一個叫 Sophia 的女生,如何利用 E-Bay 創立自己的古著品牌,拼手抵足,靠著自己的膽色和眼光,成為美國其中一個最成功的年輕商人。作為一個 “Teacher-preneur”(努力成為 Entrepreneur 的 Teacher),她的故事很吸引我。我也看了她寫的自傳。她的敘述幽默、風趣、大膽,如果你對和做生意有關的 non-fiction(非小說類)有興趣,這一本書可能會適合你!
Buy this book on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2w0HpIW