【#富豪金殿 Regal Palace, Regal Hotel, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong】This shop used to be like a 名人飯堂 before the 2000 period within the CWB & Happy Valley crowd, just as people would visit The Chairman 大班樓 nowadays.
In comparison, I would say this was rated slightly around or above:
•富瑤酒家 High end but more for supper
•西苑酒家 (Related to above)
•Fu Sing 富聲魚翅酒家
, etc in that sorta pecking order back in the days when it mattered. I noticed & ate, but didn't care back then. Only cared about the ultimate taste ☹️🤔
In fact from the inaugural HK & Macau Michelin 2008 Guide for a few years, this place still received a 1 🌟, they got the Hierachy of this place right actually! But since then it's been.. *The food is still amazing luckily, but the service was pretty non-existent or abruptly rude 尤其以前嚟開嘅都係非富則貴, oh I meant aloof.. Coming from a person who never complains about service. It was not doing their still very fine Kitchen team justice in balance to me..
🌟 脆皮牛坑腩, 咖哩汁. Crispy Beef Brisket aka Short Ribs deboned. With Curry sauce HKD $168. Still rather decent!
Direct comparison of this dish from within the same epoch, would be the still holding Michelin 1 🌟 #阿翁鮑魚 (Fu Ho Restaurant #富豪酒家, TST location). These can be traced back in history, not just when it suddenly appears as a trendy movement in Hong Kong 🇭🇰.
pecking order 在 Food of Hong Kong by Epicurushongkong Facebook 的最佳解答
"🎥 Chicken Tonight & Tomorrow Series ~ Episode 3" : 乾巴菌鹽焗雞 Ganba Mushrooms "Twice" Salt Baked Chicken, with fresh chicken offals. When in Season, Reserve 1 Day in Advance HKD $800, the elusive Ganba Mushrooms which are priced higher than Yunnan Truffles 雲南黑松露 & Matsutake 松茸. Note: *New Yunnan Truffle DNA discoverings recently might change pricing pecking order.
The other more 'exclusive' Chicken offering at this Fish, Seafood & Chicken Specialist restaurant, apart from their established 留家煙燻雞 Rose wine & Soy Sauce Smoked Local Chicken. It's a bit of a shocker sometimes to see them losing their Michelin 🌟 a while ago but not receiving it back... Definitely one of the best Cantonese restaurants in Hong Kong & Macau, and if you plan the Menu carefully. @ 留家廚房 Kin's Kitchen
pecking order 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 真係媽媽咪亞,昨日最爆新聞。澄碧邨都賣4000蚊尺!(OK,$3529,但四捨五入咪4000!)
2. 唔知咩係澄碧邨嘅,請睇01舊文(https://bit.ly/3iGmdRf)。
3. 咁,就話有銀主盤拍賣,一大班退休或準退休人士(嗯嗯)到場,50人,迫爆現場,排到出大堂。仲要4分鐘搞掂,唔知又有冇人去塞住部電梯(明嘅自然明)。
4. 點解咁多人仆到去?因為個開價太吸引,120萬,「真係買個車位都唔得」,但澄碧邨呢個銀主盤,實尺666尺(睇數字就知有鬼啦!)。結果?一個double 賣出,235萬,3500蚊一尺(實用啦)。「都仲係買個車位都唔得」。
5. 不過啦喎,知道澄碧邨係乜嘅,應該會嘩一聲,或者屌一聲。唔知係乜嘅,就睇頭先01篇文,咁你就明。
6. 好啦,買家嘅友人,係而家住澄碧邨嘅。「咁梗係話你知正啦,唔通話自己中伏咩」。但又不過唔好咁cynic,買家自己都去過,況且錢係人地嘅,邊個傻都未知。
7. 不過呀友人話,澄碧邨方便過天水圍,就真係唔少人黑人問號。我懷疑呀友人有冇去過天水圍。係咪以為天水圍在西涼甘蕭?馬騰(唔係馬化騰)馬超姜維啲friend?天水人嘛。
8. 咁OK,佢聲稱話自己中環經長洲,轉兩次船,八點上船九點十分就返到屋企。「不過我估天水圍都差不多」。
9. 當然呀友人就冇話你知,如果中途急屎走咗班船點算,或者走咗尾班船點算,或者趕時間點算,之類。話一日18班去長洲,好方便。
10. 係咯,用晒condom去買過個,都係等船去長洲之嘛,夜咗仲可以大條道理唔用套添,女友堅持嘅你咪叫佢去長洲買(*)。唏,啲鬼佬都係咁,一次買定幾個月嘢返屋企架啦,係你啲都市人先唔儲住一百幾十個。
11. 又之但係,信市場嘅,喂,天水圍,唔止3500蚊一尺下話?即係買嘅住嘅全部傻仔?
12. 咁但,價值嘅嘢,又唔同人可以唔同。退休人士,唔使返工,有嘅係時間,同你計條數又唔同。急乜呢?第朝先扑咪第朝先扑,唔扑都冇所謂。點同你啲都市人咁在的士都要做深喉測試
13. 況且,我之前都睇過個盤(就梗係網上睇資料啦!入長洲貪賓客人數多咩)。當時仲話係冇寬頻上網,咁就話知你幾平我都唔會諗。但而家好似話有呀下。
14. 但又之但係,其實唔夠半年前先有單成交(https://bit.ly/2O6fjXB)。都係澄碧邨,但做緊1400蚊尺喎。仲要一樣係666尺實尺,作價係95萬。咁你可以話坐向唔同呀乜乜唔同嘅,我冇深究。或者你可以話,2月時聯儲局都未無限QE,而家樓價應該一個開唔止,好似係(咁我應該可以退休)。
15. 但,即係2月嗰單,個賣家1400蚊尺做咗傻仔(**)?但今次聽講係銀主盤喎。開120萬有人嚟我唔覺得奇,但可以搶到235萬,真係只能講我係窮人。
16. BTW,介紹返,管理費都2000蚊個月。證明我真係窮人,我交700管理費已經媽媽聲。個個月都準時去拎垃圾袋。但人地包埋個免費船,又唔同嘅。
17. 最後講下,其實呢單銀主盤,之前蘋果都有報(https://bit.ly/2VYZg1P)。然後你又見到個市場幾咁有效率,50人仆嚟買。所以,點會有咁多筍嘢畀你執到?得罪講句,有筍嘢,地產經紀首先就自己買,第二就同其他經紀夾份買,第三就益啲買一億幾千萬樓嘅人搭件豬骨細價樓,第四就益啲熟客。你估下個pecking order排幾時先排到你?
pecking order 在 The Pecking Order Fried Chicken - Sanibel - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Comfort & Soul Food. Fresh, Home-Style Fried Chicken & all the fixins. Cold beer, crisp wine.... 2496 Palm Ridge Rd, Sanibel, FL 33957. ... <看更多>