【游牧於好萊塢的自由靈魂—— #趙婷】
她也是好萊塢最炙手可熱、獨樹一格的新導演。她在今年成為金球獎 78 年歷史上,首位入圍最佳導演的亞裔女性。
她是 38 歲的中國籍旅美導演——趙婷(Chloé Zhao)。
趙婷在北京出生並度過童年,父親為國內鋼鐵巨亨,母親為醫院職工。然而趙婷從小就覺得自己格格不入,整天沉迷於日本漫畫、MTV,和西方流行文化,並嚮往去西方世界闖蕩。她在 14 歲時,以幾乎不會說英語的狀態下前往英國就讀寄宿學校,並在 18 歲時獨自移居到美國洛杉磯完成高中學業,第一次親身體驗到美國夢與現實的差距。
後來,在因緣際會之下,她到了麻州的私立女子大學取得了政治學位(並發現她對政治學興趣缺缺)。畢業後,她度過了一陣子的摸索時期(做過活動統籌、不動產業、酒吧調酒師等零工),後來成功報取紐約大學著名的 Tisch 藝術學院修研電影製作,她的其中一位老師正是 #史派克李。
「我們遲早都會經歷自己私人的世界末日。我們會被迫奮力抵抗,有時也必須重新定義自己,因為過去所定義自己的東西已不復存在。這個堅毅的能耐、找尋新的生命和新的自我的過程,對我來說,就是所謂的『人類精神』(human spirit)。」
她的首部長片《#SongsMyBrothersTaughtMe》講述著 Lakota Sioux 美國原住民族的手足之情,第二部長片《#重生騎士》(#TheRider)則關切一名頭部受創而無法繼續追逐生命熱情的原住民牛仔,今年的《游牧人生》(Nomadland)則追逐著橫跨美國中西部七大州的打工游牧民族。她大量啟用素人演員,以幾乎紀錄片的樸實拍攝手法,訴說著社會底層邊緣人的故事。
《#神鬼獵人》的墨西哥導演 Alejandro G. Iñárritu 就曾如此誇獎她的作品:「身為外來者,有時候反而讓你有清晰的神智和足夠的距離,去客觀而清楚地觀察事物。當你觀看鏡中的倒映,就算再怎清晰,都會帶有反光。《重生騎士》和《游牧人生》之所以是強而有力且真實的美國電影,正是因為她可以以一個外來者的角度,不透過任何濾鏡或薄幕去觀察。」
而自從去年威尼斯影展首映後,《游牧人生》一路在獎季上勢如破竹,不僅影評盛讚,業界也普遍叫好。如今,她已成為近代影史上,#單一獎季獲獎數最高的影人。目前為止,她已經以《游牧人生》贏得了 57 座個人獎項 ―— 35 座最佳導演獎、13 座最佳改編劇本獎、9 座最佳剪輯獎。
若連同她身為製片之一的身份所拿下的 24 座最佳影片獎項,單單她一人在此獎季就已經拿下了 81 座獎項。而這還不包含尚未揭曉得獎名單的金球獎、影評人之選獎、英國影藝學院獎、導演工會獎、獨立精神電影獎,甚至奧斯卡獎等。
她目前與她的伴侶,同時也是她三部片的攝影指導 Joshua James Richards ,同住於洛杉磯郊外的山谷小鎮 Ojai(她嫌好萊塢市區太過喧囂擁擠),兩人育有兩隻狗、三隻雞。
2015《Songs My Brothers Taught Me》
2017《重生騎士》The Rider
《游牧人生》將於明日上架 Hulu 串流平台及美國特定影院。台灣則將於 3/19 上映院線,由迪士尼/二十世紀影業發行。
https://variety.com/feature/2020-2021-awards-circuit-winners-chart-1234878336/ ,另外計入今日才公佈的愛荷華影評人協會獎
#chloezhao #chloézhao
oscar winners 2017 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語
同學,你們有收看第89屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮嗎? 老師幫大家挑出一些經典片語,希望同學可以在學習英文片語的同時可以學習到背後隱含的意義,讓我們一起消弭歧視!
1. victims of violence 暴力的受害者
2. racially motivated violence 種族歧視導致的暴力
3. police brutality 警察暴力
4. criminal injustice 司法不公正
“Ron Goldman, Nicole Brown, this is for them and their families. It is also for others, the victims of police violence, police brutality, racially motivated violence and criminal injustice. I am honored to accept this award on all of their behalf.”
--Ezra Edelman, O.J.: Made in America
Documentary Feature Winner (最佳紀錄片)
5. immigrant* (外來) 移民,僑民
“I’m an immigrant from Italy, this is for the immigrants.”
--Alessandro Bertolazzi, Suicide Squad
Best Makeup and Hairstyling (最佳化妝及髮型)
*emigration, immigration, migration 的區別 http://wp.me/p44l9b-16X
6. embrace the film 熱烈接受電影
7. story of tolerance 關於寬容的故事
“We are so grateful to the audiences all over the world who embraced this film, with this story, of tolerance, being more powerful than fear of the other.”
-- Rich Moore , Zootopia
Best Animated Feature Film (最佳動畫片)
7. be in love with the process, not the results 愛上(做事的)過程,而不是結果
8. bajillion/bazillion (幽默的用語) 許許多多,數不清
9. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 美國公民自由聯盟
10. I got your back. 我在後面掩護你 ; 我會照料一切
“I told my students that I teach sometimes be in love with the process, not the result but I really wanted this result because a bajillion people are watching. And all you people out there who feel like there’s no mirror for you, that your life is not reflected, the Academy has your back, the ACLU has your back, we have your back and over the next four years we will not leave you alone. We will not forget you.”
--Tarell Alvin McCraney, Moonlight Oscar
Best Adapted Screenplay (最佳改編劇本)
11. flesh and blood 有血有肉; 人類 ; 血肉之軀
12. migrant workers 外來勞工;移工. 以外來勞工;移工
13. any form of… 以任何形式的…
"Flesh and blood actors are migrant workers. We travel all over the world. We construct families, we build life but we cannot be divided. As a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being I'm against any form of wall that wants to separate us."
--Gael García Bernal, Presenter of an Award (頒獎人)
14. out of respect for… 出於對…尊重
15. inhumane law 不人道的法律
16. ban entry 禁止進入
17. deceitful justification 虛假的理由
18. regression and war 退化和戰爭
19. prevent democracy and human rights 妨礙民主和人權
20. human qualities 人類的本質
23. break stereotypes 打破刻板印象
24. create empathy 創造同理心
“I will be reading a statement by Mr. Farhadi. It’s a great honor to be receiving this valuable award for the second time…I’m sorry I’m not with you tonight. My absence is out of respect for people of my country and those of other six nations whom have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans entry of immigrants to the US…A deceitful justification for regression and war. These wars prevent democracy and human rights in countries in which have themselves have been victims of aggression. Filmmakers can turn their cameras to capture shared human qualities and break stereotypes of various nationalities and religions. They create empathy between us and others. An empathy we need today more than ever. And break stereotypes and religions. They create empathy between us and others. An empathy we need today more than ever.”
--Anousheh Ansari, The Salesman
Best Foreign Language Film (最佳外語片)
25. highlight our work 突顯我們的工作
26. stop the bloodshed 停止流血事件
“We are so grateful that this film has highlighted our work to the world…To save one life is to save all of humanity. We have saved more than 82,000 civilian lives. I invite anyone here who hears me to work on the side of life to stop the bloodshed in Syria and around the world,” von Einsiedel said. “
Orlando von Einsiedel, The White Helmets
Documentary Short Subject (最佳紀錄短片)
Videos of all acceptance speeches: http://oscar.go.com/video/oscar-winners-2017/colleen-atwood-oscar-2017-acceptance-speech-for-costume-design
Source: http://people.com/awards/oscars-2017-political-moments/
Image source: http://oscar.go.com/photos/2017/oscar-winners-2017-2/89th-annual-academy-awards-show-18
李奧納多狄卡皮歐2016奧斯卡獲獎感言: https://goo.gl/bnmurB
奧斯卡相關的單字與片語: https://goo.gl/zlFsNI
電影種類: https://goo.gl/sGxQNG
電視詞彙: https://goo.gl/gbaM6T
時事英文新聞: http://goo.gl/3EnOO6
Full list of awards: http://www.vogue.com.tw/feature/entertainment/content-31717.html