他人に迷惑をかけるな (不給別人帶來麻煩)
櫃子記得,很久以前,被派到日本公司幫台灣同事做技術轉移訓練的口譯,日本人對我們同事有些表現很不滿意(應該是沒有Shitsuke(躾)) ,他們當場對櫃子的同事兇了起來,櫃子因為在日本上過班,了解對方為什麼生氣,趕緊鞠躬道歉,馬上跟台灣的同事說明,可是另一位口譯的同事,雖然待過日本,但是可能太袒護我們自己同事,馬上擺臭臉給人家看,現場顯得有些尷尬~~
回到日本觀光客,不讓台灣客人訂位這件事,因為發生No show的機會很高,造成店家的擔心,給店家帶來了困擾,讓店家損失了機會成本。
開團之後,遇到了各式各樣的客人,覺得很有趣! 一開始開團,朋友說,當團媽會被跑單啊! 櫃子想,喜歡旅行的人,大多是比較open minded而且好相處的人,應該不會吧!
但是這幾個月,有兩位櫃子的朋友訂貨後以不同原因理由要求取消(但是櫃子請他們幫忙,因為櫃子貨都訂了,如果取消我得自己吸收,會有庫存,拜託她們不要取消) ,後來他們也了解,便沒取消。
因為櫃子想起自己經濟上很有困難的時候,一個便當都吃兩餐,我也應該同理心,或許她很開心到處+1的時候,沒有經濟困難的,但是等到要出貨的時候,家裡突然需要她幫忙,所以她就沒有錢可以買東西了! 因為也不是幾百萬的東西,一千多塊櫃子還可以處理!
有位粉絲頁的朋友是很熱情的朋友,有時會在文章下留言,櫃子烏克蘭的朋友託我幫忙販售她從烏克蘭帶回來的保養品,櫃子用過,覺得不錯,就幫她PO上來,這位粉絲朋友馬上+2,櫃子給了很好的價格~ 朋友把東西拿來給我,要出貨時給她時,她說這是寄賣的她不要,之後聯絡了兩三次,也是已讀不回,我猜想,她以為是櫃子自己出國帶回來的,所以很捧場的馬上+2,但是後來東西到了她說寄賣的她不要,可能是因為寄賣的朋友沒有粉絲頁她不熟不想買吧我也不知道。
一位是買了兩包洋芋片兩包芒果乾的粉絲頁朋友(這就是為什麼我不太開食物,因為有保存期限的問題) ,5/19, 6/9, 6/22, 6/30 一共聯絡了他4次(櫃子也真有耐心,老公說唉呀問那麼多次都已讀不回也不匯款就是不買了,洋芋片趕快拿來配啤酒. 兒子說,媽媽妳有多的芒果乾嗎我好想吃啊) ,想想也是,我最後給了他一個訊息說我會處理掉那些東西,就不交易了,因為他都沒有回覆!咦這時他突然想吃了,他馬上回櫃子說,叫我做生意要有彈性,他訊息很多沒有辦法每個都看,而且這種訊息他通常是不會回的,他說他會找時間匯款,問我是不是還要交易,但是我依稀記得芒果乾好像前一天被兒子吃掉了,洋芋片不知道還在不在,只能回覆他抱歉,因為他一直沒有回覆,我不知道要不要留很困擾,而且食物是有保存期限的,我們已經處理掉了就請他不要匯款了。
換成在日本,我相信這個機會會小一點~ 畢竟從小的Shitsuke(躾)教養就很落實!
「open minded意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於open minded意思 在 櫃子小姐愛旅行 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於open minded意思 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於open minded意思 在 曾德平 Tsang Tak Ping Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於open minded意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於open minded意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於open minded意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
- 關於open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
- 關於open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 萌寵公園 的評價
- 關於open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 萌寵公園 的評價
open minded意思 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True?
作者: Richard Dawkins
譯者: 黃煜文
繪者: 戴夫.麥金
// Back to those dinosaurs. How do we know that they once roamed the Earth? We have never seen them or heard them or had to run away from them. Alas, we don’t have a time machine to show them to us directly. But here we have a different kind of aid to our senses: we have fossils, and we can see them with the naked eye. Fossils don’t run and jump but, because we understand how fossils are formed, they can tell us something of what happened millions of years ago. We understand how water, with minerals dissolved in it, seeps into corpses buried in layers of mud and rock. We understand how the minerals crystallize out of the water and replace the 【materials】 of the corpse, 【atom by atom,】 leaving some trace of the original animal’s form imprinted on the stone. So, although we can’t see dinosaurs directly with our senses, we can work out that they must have existed, using indirect evidence that still ultimately reaches us through our senses: we see and touch the stony traces of ancient life.
1a. //We understand how the minerals crystallize out of the water and replace the materials of the corpse, atom by atom, leaving some trace of the original animal’s form imprinted on the stone.
(後記:感謝讀者 @ Michelle Wen〔小說譯者兼資深校稿人〕指出materials的誤譯。)
1b. Atom by atom,從英文的寫法看,應當修飾前句的「取代」(replace),不是修飾後句的「leave some trace」。
// In a different sense, a telescope can work like a kind of time machine. What we see when we look at anything is actually light, and 【light takes time to travel.】 Even when you look at a friend’s face you are seeing them in the past, because the light from their face takes a tiny fraction of a second to travel to your eye. Sound travels much more slowly, which is why you see a firework burst in the sky noticeably earlier than you hear the bang. When you watch a man chopping down a tree in the distance, there is an odd delay in the sound of his axe hitting the tree.
2. 這個錯誤不必多解釋,很爆笑,但非提出來不可:
「光可以帶著時間旅行」,正確意思應該是「光的旅行(穿越空間)需要時間」。takes time (花時間)想像成擬人化的「攜帶時間」,真的很有趣。同一段下一兩句譯者卻又恢復神智,寫出「光從他們臉上到達我們的眼睛需要時間」。
「帶著X旅行」也是一本書名:Umberto Eco有本趣味散文集「帶著鮭魚去旅行」,張定綺譯,好像是從義大利文的英譯版再轉譯成中文。艾柯愛玩語言,那本書翻譯的挑戰很大。
// Are there really aliens in outer space? We’ve never seen or heard them. Are they a part of reality? Nobody knows; 【but we do know what kind of things could one day tell us if they are.】 If ever we got near to an alien, our sense organs 【could tell us about it.】 Perhaps somebody will one day invent a telescope powerful enough to detect life on other planets from here. Or perhaps our radio telescopes will pick up messages that could only have come from an alien intelligence. For reality doesn’t just consist of the things we already know about: it also includes things that exist but that we don’t know about yet - and won’t know about until some future time, perhaps when we have built better instruments to assist our five senses.
3. 真是鬼扯的翻譯!
// But we do know what kind of things could one day tell us if they are.
But we do know 但我們確知:
what kind of things could one day tell us 什麼東西可以在未來的某一天告訴我們
if they are. 外星人是否存在
(=if they are a part of reality.外星人是否是現實的一部分)
4. 下一句也一模一樣,完全未提外星人的長相,爲何譯者那麼執念於外星人的長相?
// If ever we got near to an alien, our sense organs could tell us about it.
這裡,got near 是與現實相反的虛擬語氣,表示作者認爲我們距離認識、看到外星人還很遙遠。單單譯成「如果」也不夠力,可以說「萬一、萬一真的」。
5. 更基本的英文理解失能,是這個:it 指的是「our getting near to an alien」即條件句的內容,翻譯怎麼會瞎扯為「外星人的長相」呢?
// Atoms have always existed, but it was only rather recently that we became sure of their existence, and it is likely that our descendants will know about 【many more things that, for now, we do not.】 That is the wonder and the joy of science: it goes on and on uncovering new things. This doesn’t mean we should believe just anything that anybody might dream up: there are a million things we can imagine but which are highly unlikely to be real - fairies and hobgoblins, leprechauns and hippogriffs. We should always be open-minded, but 【the only good reason to believe that something exists is if there is real evidence that it does.】
原子一直都存在著,但我們知道有原子這個東西卻是相當晚近的事。很可能到了我們子孫的時代,人類【對原子的了解會比現在更深入。】 而這正是科學奇特與令人雀躍之處:科學總是能不斷揭露新的事物。但這不表示任何人夢想的任何事物我們都應該深信不疑:我們可以想像出一百萬件事物,但這些事物卻有可能極不真實,例如仙女與妖精,矮精靈與駿鷹。我們的心胸應該保持開放,【但我們必須要有真憑實據才能相信事物真的存在。 】//
6. 才一下段,又是一個基本英文句的誤解:
// it is likely that our descendants will know about many more things that, for now, we do not.
很可能到了我們子孫的時代,人類對原子的了解會比現在更深入。 //
know about many more things that, for now, we do not 指的不再是原子了,前句的原子只是舉例,告訴我們:很多存在的事物,人類會需要一段時間才知道存在。
7. // the only good reason to believe that something exists is if there is real evidence that it does.
open minded意思 在 曾德平 Tsang Tak Ping Facebook 的最讚貼文
Basic Thangka Class Admissions:
Finally our school is open for admission again. To be honest, I became a little bit shrink back for new classes, which kept me delaying this post day after day until my captain repeatedly urging me to do so. The reason of my flinch is the hugh disappointment letting down by previous students that make me feel possibly thangka painting was a bit hard for city people, exspecially Hong Kong- a place mixtures of internation influrence, a place with not much tradtional or root passion, a place filled with working stress. Hong Kong people have no experience or habbits like tibetans, they do not born to have strong faith and patience. (nobody does) But I still believe Hong Kong people are itelligence, pure, and flexible of so much potentials, which I am hoping to see this time. (show me what you got, HK) I need to appologise to everybody who is interest, our school tradtionally required a interview, due to our inadequate space and time limit. Most importantly, I want to make sure who come to learn not coming for hobby classes. I am aiming “ONLY” to train future thangka artists that could pass the lineage or buddhists that are ready to benefit others.
Students requirements:
1) Buddhist/future Buddhist. (interested/ faith/right idea on dharma) A lot of people came and declare they are not buddhists, why leaning buddhism art? What is that suppose to mean?
2) Age 27-45 (for best concentration, patience, stability)
3) Humble to learn, open-minded; obedience.
4) Decent looking with sense of modern anc chic. (in order to nurture the new generation of Buddhists, to have outstanding qualities are benefits for good impression).
5) Good motivations.
6) Kind heart, open-minded, lovely personality, humor and willing to help others, gentles.
7) Have faith, willing to believe and love your teacher. (me). This is a very important point, in Tibetan Buddhism, we believe the trust on teacher can always bring success in studies. (you might search more information by my Chinese name or read all the previous posts in timeline to understand more about me)
I do not like students who are superstitious, super natural imagination, narrow minded, judgmental, proud, princess sickness, sarcastic, love gossips, and talks in big voices. (I think everybody don’t like too). If you think you fits all the qualities or few qualities in the above lists; or feeling positive to become like that; or simply love to visit our school and ask questions, don’t hesitate or shy to send me a private message inbox to make an appointment.
P.S: please don’t just visit without appointment due to our school unpredictable opening time, we are very happy to fullfil your curiosity on thangka painting cultures
Due to my health problems this time I authorizated Captain Mr Tim Tim to do all the main interviews, I will only meet the potential students in the second interview or people with special requirement)
終於我們學校又再次開放新班招生.老實說對招生感到有點退縮,一日推一日地延遲刊登這篇文章,直到班長一再敦促。我退縮的原因是以往一些學生們讓我感到太失望,令我覺得唐卡對於城市人來說可能有點困難,特別是香港- 一個國際化混合的城市; 一個沒有太多傳統或熱情根本的地方; 一個充滿工作壓力的地方。香港人沒有像藏人那樣的生活經歷,天生沒有堅強的信心和耐性的習慣。(相信也沒有人天生有的)但我仍然相信香港人是非常聰明敏感,純真,和充滿多樣的可塑性,希望這次能看到. (show me what you got, Hong Kong) .我需要向所有感興趣的人說聲抱歉,歷年來學校需要面試原因是,我們不足的空間和時間, 最重要是,想確保來學習的人不是學興趣班心態。我的目標是培育能承接傳承的未來唐卡畫師或者準備好利益眾生的佛教徒。
1)必須是佛教徒/想成為佛教徒.(有興趣學習佛法, 對佛法有信心有正確思維等) 很多人來到這宣稱不是佛教徒,但想好玩地學學佛教藝術, 什麼意思呀?
3)謙卑好學, 虛心; 思想開明, 願意聽從。
4)相貌莊嚴, 帶有時代感和氣質. (為了培育新一代的佛教徒, 希望優秀的素質給佛教帶來新鮮正面的好印象.
6)慈悲, 可愛, 善良, 幽默和樂於助人。
7)願意相信, 生起信心, 愛你的老師 (我). 這是一個非常重要的一點, 在藏傳佛教中認為'如果對老師信任是可以帶來學習上成就. (可通過我的中文名字-張櫻琴搜索多一點資料您可以通過我的中文名稱搜索更多信息或閱讀過往我寫過的帖子了解我多一點)
我不喜歡學生迷信,疑神疑鬼, 狹隘,武斷,驕傲,挖苦批評,愛八卦, 和粗聲粗氣(我想大家亦不可能喜歡)如果你認為你符合所有以上要求;或符合某些要求;或者乾脆喜歡到我們學校參觀參觀, 解答一些唐卡疑問, 不要猶豫害羞,給我發私信收件箱進行預約.
注: (請不要在沒有預約下突然拜訪因為學校開放的時間每天不定,我們很高興能夠滿足您對唐卡繪畫文化的好奇心. 由於我的健康問題,這次全權交給班長甜甜先生作主要面試,我只會在第二次面試接見有潛質的學生或特殊要求的人)
open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的美食出口停車場
提供open minded中文相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多Broad-minded、open minded中文、心胸廣闊意思有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您 ... ... <看更多>
open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 萌寵公園 的美食出口停車場
提供open minded中文相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多mindedness中文、Narrow ... be open-minded中文, be open-minded是什麼意思:思想開闊…tw.ichacha.net › be ... ... <看更多>
open minded意思 在 open minded中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的美食出口停車場
提供open minded中文相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多Broad-minded、open minded中文、心胸廣闊意思有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您 ... ... <看更多>